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Social Sonic Says: Ultimate


Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2015
Town of a wind and ruins
While I liked 06, themach speed sections were atrotious. I never had a PS3 or a 360 around the time 06 came out, so I didn't get to play it until years later. I was in eighth grade when I played it and I just played through the game like I would a normal game and I never encountered a lot of notable glitches. Unfortunately I never finished the game because I was playing it on my brother's 360 and he had to take his back to his college in San Diego, so I couldn't play it until I got the PS3 version, which I still have yet to get. I honestly liked Silver's gameplay over Sonic's gameplay. Silver is my second favorite Sonic character, but he was pretty meh in 06. He's been treated better in other Sonic games, especially in Generations with his amazing boss fight, which is my second favorite boss in the entire franchise (right behind Lancelot Returns from Black Knight). I never really figured out why I liked Silver so much character wise, but I think he's a cool recolor with awesome powers. While he was mediocre in 06 minus gameplay, he was treated better than most other characters in that game.

The Merc

Hyrule's "Light"
Nov 10, 2014
Um, I dunno. I did what I had to do with Sonic 06. You mean a complete remake of the original? Maybe. Patch up the story a little bit and fix the gameplay with say the modern stuff with the hedgehog engine? Sure. I wouldn't mind picking it up again. From what I remember, to be honest, when I first played Sonic 06 back 2006 I don't remember being as angry with the game as most were. I had VERY high expectations. I remember watching the Tokyo Gameshow trailer to the game over and over when it was on G4(You know, back when G4 was good? And XPlay was amazing? Good times), I was about 11 back then and I remember
when I finally had the game my heart was racing so fast and when I got home the opening cutscene got me even hyper. I was expecting Sonic to move as he did in the mach speed sections regularly, that's what I got from watching the trailer but what I got was less than that. I remember being very disappointed we couldn't go any faster than what we got by default.

I also remember nearly passing out from seeing Elise kiss Sonic. I don't know what I was feeling back then. I do remember on the edge of my bed going "No....no freaking way....what's happening? ....What's- OH MY GOD!" and then my face hit the bed and I laid there not moving lol. I don't think I hated Sonic 06. I didn't go around looking for glitches so I played the game by just going through and doing what I need to. I ran into a few glitches here and there, not too jarring but when they got in the way they got in the way. I remember loathing Silver though, to this day I still don't like Silver. I don't get how anybody could like him, he's just not likable. I also had an issue with jumping during the mach speed sections, not being able to control where I'm going as I jump? Are you serious? It caused me to die a few times and I got annoyed with that, especially when I lost all my lives and I had to start entire stages all over again.

It wasn't until after I finished 06 that I went around discovering much bigger glitches. Such as avoiding large chunks of stages using the throw gem Sonic has, don't remember the name, or that one where Sonic can infinitely jump and because Sonic wasn't programmed to lose meter(Oops!) you can just do everything for however long you wanted. I was more entertained than upset with playing around with the glitches, so maybe the innocence of youth has softened the blow of the game's infamous reputation? I even played around the multiplayer with my cousin whenever he came over.

I always jokingly said "When's the Sonic remake?" to some of my friends on Skype and some twitch streams, they just look at me like I'm crazy whenever I bring it up but maybe in my subconscious I'm being dead serious XD

Not sure how I feel about Sonic 06 as a whole at this point. If they did it they'd probably retcon it into canon if they make it good. "Oh, actually, now that we got out sh*t together, yeah, 06 is now canon."

I dunno. I haven't checked into the reason why FOW placed some characters where they are, that's all on twitter. There were a few people on reddit who agreed, in the post, that Sonic is top 4-5 (lol) so he may have given reasons somewhere on twitter. I'm not sure why Link is so low, I feel he's slept on. One of my worst match-ups personally, but I'm not good against anyone who is projectile based. I hate having to waste time and find away around their walls. Mega Man and Link(Tink and all) in particular gets me rolling my eyes and sighing before a fight starts, luckily I play teams mainly but they still make me sigh.

You magnificent speed demon, you. I thought I would have to go out and hunt the comics down in store, I didn't know there were so many scans online. This has saved me a lot of time and I thank you for giving this up. Props to you.
Yeah, I mean remake Sonic 06. Seriously, looking at the game, it has some serious potential and looks like fun, it just how they had the gameplay and all it's other serious faults (that kiss, erk!). If they actually took the time to look at time and fix the problems, then it would be a good game. Seriously, I reckon they could even keep the story but change a few major things about it (i.e replace Elise with say Sally Acorn) then it could be pretty good.

Yeah, I kind of really want to get Sonic 06 just for the glitches. I mean, they look pretty funny to do.

Honestly, so long as it doesn't become Sonic 06 2, then I am perfectly fine if the did it.

Edit: Oh, and regards to the Mach segments, it kind of makes sense that you can't change directions when you jump, seriously, have you tried running then jumping then change your direction. You can't, it's simply physics.Tough maybe they could make it so that you can slight change your direction, since it is a video game.

Well, like I said, I for one think they're pretty awesome. If you or Spitfire16 Spitfire16 decide you want to check them out, they can all be found here http://en.sonicscanf.org/comics/sonic-the-hedgehog/ just in case this link got missed a while back.
Cool, I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks!

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Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Cam please get this thread back in order. The last few pages were pain to my eyes. :applejack:


Smash Apprentice
Jan 11, 2016
Long Beach
I'd like to see 06 remastered with updated everything. It could be a great game with no glitches and smooth gameplay


Smash Journeyman
Sep 11, 2014
Philadelphia, PA
Order up, Squidward!!!!
Oh my goodness. The fact that I read that in his voice only made it that much funnier XD

I'm just trying to make sure I wasn't breaking any rules or something, like we're not supposed to talk about certain things or whatever. Don't wanna annoy anybody or give any headaches for whoever is in charge.
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May 12, 2008
Switch FC

Why would they ever remaster Sonic 06 lmfao



Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2015
Town of a wind and ruins
Yeah, what starts off bad doesn't stay bad if a successor is happening. Just look at Metal Gear: the first game on the NES was considered garbage, but then MGS came out and it's one of the best Konami franchises ever. You could also use that same reasoning with Castlevania or Konami in general depending on the person.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Same reason why they think allowing a sequel to Sonic Boom is a good idea.
Fire & Ice is not a sequel to Rise of Lyric :V

Granted Shattered Crystal is just a pretty average game. And no doubt Fire & Ice will probably be at the same level. With maybe a few more improvements but otherwise not anything spectacular. Still, it's not quite as questionable decision then trying to make Sonic 06 good. Most would rather want a new game that's good, rather then try to polish a turd.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 11, 2014
Philadelphia, PA
Still, it's not quite as questionable decision then trying to make Sonic 06 good. Most would rather want a new game that's good, rather then try to polish a turd.
I think I can see that but making a sequel to the poorest selling game in the franchise? Seems questionable as well and Boom, period, has a bad enough reputation as it is, people enjoy the show but the games are another story but whatever floats their boat I guess.

And you're right, I would prefer a new game than a remake, but the question was just a "what if" kind of thing. It just gets me wondering because I like exploring a little bit in my Sonic games, I doubt Sonic Team are going to make a Sonic Adventure 3 to make that happen and the hub worlds in Sonic Unleashed weren't exactly my idea. The large open forest area in Soleana being remade into a more lively section (rather than just a empty green box of nothing) with Sonic's Unleashed/Colors/Generations speed to get through it is a interesting thought for me. But its just a complete "What if" thing so humoring the question doesn't hurt too much. We know they aren't going to ever go back to Sonic 06, they retconned it out of canon BUT "What if"? You feel me? XD

Maybe it is best we drop the Sonic 06 thing. I hate having people remember repressed memories. I think its still in my 360. In its box. In my closet. Which I haven't seen in over 5+ years. RIP. SO, how 'bout dat Sonic Adventure 3? Eh?
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Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Yeah, what starts off bad doesn't stay bad if a successor is happening. Just look at Metal Gear: the first game on the NES was considered garbage, but then MGS came out and it's one of the best Konami franchises ever. You could also use that same reasoning with Castlevania or Konami in general depending on the person.
There's a difference between an old NES game though then a game that failed in more recent years. Alot of NES games arguably had some things that definitely wouldn't stick these days (Well games in the style of the NES aren't as common anymore but you get the idea). But still started off well-known franchises and/or got huge improvement upon the game getting greenlighted for a sequel. (Alot of NES games were hard as ****, and it was a time where a game that had saving was a novelty. So getting a Game Over meant restarting the whole entire game. You'd get panned if you pulled that off these days unless it's a small game that's meant to capture that arcade feel)

But Sonic 06, came out in a year where 3D Platformers by then have been around for a decade. Enough so that by now Sega should of known what worked and what didn't. While the Adventure games have some similar problems (And I'm not bad mouthing them. The Adventure games are still my favorite Sonic games period) they had the excuse of being at around a time Gaming was still trying to understand what makes a good 3D Platformer. Sonic 06 had alot of the negatives about the Adventure games and cranked it up to 11 (Oh, did you not like how Adventure 2 took away the ability to sense all three emeralds at once? How about absolutely no radar whatsoever?! [Granted I think they made it so the Keys were in the same spot no matter how many times you play to compensate. Still that comes off as very awkward to those who played the Adventure games before. There's also the infamous tough to get off walls stuff too]) When you make your first attempts in 3D Platforming in an age that was still experimental in a time where they should have gotten it right look far superior then that's a huge mess up. And that's not even counting all the other screw-ups the game had with the story, loading times, and heck... going back to the NES thing. If you aren't warned before hand about saving using the pause screen there are many points where if you get a game over you have to start over, often including parts of the game that take at least a half an hour of gameplay to complete. If you lose all your lives on "Totally-not-Emerald-Coast-from-SA1-inspired" beach level you DO have to start from the very beginning with the long cutscenes and the perhaps all too fitting accidental "homage" to Superman 64 with the very first mission to go through rings all over again.

Maybe it is best we drop the Sonic 06 thing. I hate having people remember repressed memories. I think its still in my 360. In its box. In my closet. Which I haven't seen in over 5+ years. RIP. SO, how 'bout dat Sonic Adventure 3? Eh?
Those who don't learn history, are doomed to repeat it. As much as it sucks to have to acknowledge it happened. We can't just forget about it, otherwise Sega doesn't learn their lesson and we get another disaster that really could kill the franchise. We are quite lucky Sonic managed to survive. Right now despite the inconsistency of game quality Sonic is in a better spot currently then the likes of Crash Bandicoot, Banjo Kazooie, and several other well-loved franchises who have not had a true new game for a while now. We just have to make sure we don't reach that lowpoint ever, ever, again.

(And before anyone asks, no I don't count Rise of Lyric as a lowpoint as huge as Sonic 06 was for several reasons)


Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2015
Town of a wind and ruins
Yeah, I guess Metal Gear wasn't the best example to use, but I still stand that just because something is currently bad doesn't it can't ever be improven or even remade. Also, just because we stop talking about 06 doesn't mean we just ignore it. Of course we're not going to forget history, but shortly after Boom was released Sega themselves said that they admit that they've betrayed their fans (even though Boom wasn't made by Sega or Sonic Team, but I digress). So I think that they've learned their lesson or at least have an idea of what tey did wrong.


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2014
Looking for those who like Mighty No 9
I like the early Ken Penders before he went bat s*** crazy. Issue 75 is still one of my favorites. I don't exactly remember when he went looney (I think it was during his Knuckles run) but I wouldn't count all his older stuff out.

He started ranting about how he invented Sonic and tried to sue Archie for stealing his characters blah blah blah, she he did create some great echidna characters, but he tried to claim the whole things as his creation. I say read them. I have collected most of the Sonic Archieves in my comic book collection, I've been reading these things since I was a kid and I don't want to see someone write off early work because I personally feel a lot of it is great.

But if you want to read current issues, start with Countdown to Chaos, it's essentially the New 52 and Marvel Now for Sonic comics
Pretty sure Penders went to CoCo Puffs following issue 50 because Sonic and his friends were hit with an enormous case of "...now what?" after Robotnik was removed from the equation allowing him to put full focus on Knux. I'd say for him it's a case of "too much of a good thing" (adding new characters, putting more focus of fan favorite rival Knuckles, making the story more serious, ...then going into overdrive on all of these points) along with his arrogance (constantly sabotaged the plot lines of fellow head writer Karl Bollers, who in all fairness was not much better so I hear, and Penders saying that in the comic only events he wrote and characters he created were canon). Kind of like the direct opposite of what SEGA is doing with Knux now. And then there's the copyright issue that ended up killing 3/4 of the cast, including fan favorites like Scourge, Fiona, and Shard, but that's as far as I'll go on that front.

Didn't Blaze say she was familiar with Crisis City or something? Lol. I remember seeing that as I was spamming up on the analog stick by her. Possibly just a reference to the game in general since Generations is practically fan service. They couldn't give us any handheld stages on console? I know that sounds weird but we got music from handhelds so why not stages? Sure we got the 3DS for that but I don't see any harm in that, any stage over anything from Sonic 06 would be cool. Just having the music from 06 is enough. I'm also kinda confused as to why Silver knows Sonic, unless that's Silver from Rivals and the Rivals series is canon. Most people brush the handhelds as non canon for some reason. I often face palm when people say "Wait, Sonic Rush was canon?"

The more we repress the more we remember.
Yay theory time!! The way I think of Sonic '06 in Generations is that Modern Sonic is exactly 11 years older than Classic Sonic, where 1 year prior Modern spent his birthday at the Soleana Festival. I then assume that Time Eater works by literally removing time periods from existence, the Green Hill Time Period overlaps with when the Duke's experiment would have taken place. As such, the retconned time was temporarily inserted to fill the holes to prevent Time from collapsing entirely, and as such, Crisis City exists. As for Blaze, she was thrown into another dimension at the end of Silver's story and thus was spared of the retcon (she is not in the future anymore). She got partial amnesia and was taken in by the Sol Royal Family, but had a vague recollection of once living in Crisis City before.

Edit: Speaking of the comics, I found this thing.

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Smash Journeyman
Sep 11, 2014
Philadelphia, PA
They daired me to do it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edit: Speaking of the comics, I found this thing.

I remember seeing the cover of Sonic vs Tails on the Sonic wiki. I've been interested in reading it and now I can because I got that link to the scans. Hype for that.
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The Merc

Hyrule's "Light"
Nov 10, 2014
I just want a good new Sonic game. That is also available on Nintendo.


Why would they ever remaster Sonic 06 lmfao


Just thought of the idea and wanted to se what you guys thought.

And looks like it didn't end well



Smash Journeyman
Feb 26, 2015
Lakeland, Tennessee
Remastering Sonic 06 is like painting a **** gold. It's still ****. Glitches are just a reason that game sucks ass, even without them that game is terrible.

Not sure about the Ken Penders drama myself, but i do enjoy the comics so


May 12, 2008
Switch FC
On a common sense level, there is literally zero reason to do it.

It's by far the most panned Sonic game, and one of the most panned video games in general. It's basically a meme.

So why on God's green Earth would they ever be motivated to remake an atrocity? It's a waste of money, bad PR, a slap in the face to the fans, etc. The Adventure series is well liked and generally well reviewed, so remastering those for wider audiences makes sense. Sonic 06 will be left to die a painful death. Patches and new features are not nearly enough to save the mess that it was, and theoretically, even if they could somehow fix the game in a remaster, people wouldn't buy it simply on the principle and name alone. It's terrible marketing.

Say what you want about Sonic Boom, and yes the Wii U game was bad, but that's basically a separate franchise. They're not just going to drop the game series, especially with a well received show and toy line.

Asking why they're continuing to make Sonic Boom when the Wii U game was bad is like asking why they're continuing to make Sonic games in general when Sonic 06, Secret Rings, Black Knight...


Deleted member

The Storybook games were games that got everything right except the gameplay, it's really frustrating. If they had actual good controls and weren't limited to on-rails, they wouldn't have been so arduous to actually play. The stories and writing were pretty decent by Sonic game standards for both, save for the dumb "I wish for a mountain of handkerchief" moment in Secret Ring's ending. That was lelworthy.
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Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Secret Rings was a meh experience for me overall until you go Darkspine Sonic.
That segment during the final battle where you just beat the crap out of Alf Layla wa Layla's weak spots was just so damn cool. :applejack:

EDIT: I was looking at footage to link to this thread for the spot I mentioned, and god I forgot how much Griffith sucked as Sonic's VA. The segment right before the boss fight, he sounds just like Jet from Riders. Good lord.


GOOD LORD ITS SO BAD. Everything about it is just so bad.
Whhyyyy Whyyyyyyyy :applejack:

Deleted member

Secret Rings was a meh experience for me overall until you go Darkspine Sonic.
That segment during the final battle where you just beat the crap out of Alf Layla wa Layla's weak spots was just so damn cool. :applejack:

EDIT: I was looking at footage to link to this thread for the spot I mentioned, and god I forgot how much Griffith sucked as Sonic's VA. The segment right before the boss fight, he sounds just like Jet from Riders. Good lord.


GOOD LORD ITS SO BAD. Everything about it is just so bad.
Whhyyyy Whyyyyyyyy :applejack:
Griffith only started really only getting good in Unleashed, and he was at his best in Black Knight by far.

Then he got replaced by Roger. RIP in pieces. I still kinda like him more than I do Roger, but it's probably because I grew up with Griffith's voice as Sonic.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Even at his best, Griffith was mediocre.

I'm still mad that Sega couldn't just give Drummond incentive to come back. Such a damn shame. His voice was perfect. :applejack:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 25, 2015
Speaking of rushed out 06 and Sonic Boom -
Despite the fact that the Sonic Boom games have been rather poor in gameplay and reception, there seems to be one upside to this. Fire and Ice's release date was pulled recently. When asked why, part of the development team stated that they wanted more time to polish the game and make it better after considering the recent entries's mistakes.
Now if only Sega would do this more often.

In truth, if we're doing ANY remakes here, I'd love to see either an actual HD updated SA2B, or HD updated Sonic 3 and Knuckles. Not just the original games brought up to HD, but remade in HD from the ground up. Ooh, I'd throw so much money at that.
I feel like the recent Lost World actually wasn't too far off from being a great game. What brought it down was the over-reliance on wisps and the level design. The run button worked for the level design, but I still wasn't a huge fan of it.

Also, Ryan Drummond all the way!

Deleted member

If there were a Sonic game to ever get a remake, I'd want it to be Sonic Adventure and nothing else. That game has so many good ideas in it worth revisiting and the story is my favorite out of any game in the series (tied with Unleashed), plus it'd be nice to play as characters other than Sonic for once in a main game.

Also, Drummond definitely was an awesome Sonic.
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Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Yeah, like Big the Cat. And Amy levels. And treasure hunting. And shump gameplay.

Still, a SA1 HD Remake would be dope. If I had to choose, I want S3&K to get a remake. :applejack:
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Deleted member

Yeah, like Big the Cat. And Amy levels. And treasure hunting. And shump gameplay.

Still, a SA1 HD Remake would be dope. If I had to choose, I want S3&K to get a remake. :applejack:
Heyyyy, Knuckles' treasure hunting levels were pretty enjoyable. They at least didn't drag on forever as much as the ones in Adventure 2. They could probably make it a mix of treasure hunting (but not to the point where it's centralized around it, more of a nice bonus) and melee combat instead, it'd fit Knux more.

Amy and Big levels were indeed pants though. I'd rather they'd have completely different levels, especially for Big.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
The Storybook games were games that got everything right except the gameplay, it's really frustrating. If they had actual good controls and weren't limited to on-rails, they wouldn't have been so arduous to actually play. The stories and writing were pretty decent by Sonic game standards for both, save for the dumb "I wish for a mountain of handkerchief" moment in Secret Ring's ending. That was lelworthy.
On the contrary, I find that line to exemplify why Sonic is such a great character and why that game nailed him so hard.

I think a lot of people misinterpret the line and what it represented.


Came here to post this.

For those interested, the Freedom Planet Indiebox-made Collector's Edition is on sale in limited quantities right now. I already ordered mine, it comes with some fantastic stuff.




Smash Journeyman
Sep 11, 2014
Philadelphia, PA
I did that same move on FG against a Falco, he was kicking my *** and then boom. Won the game lol
I was just hype I got a double meteor lol.

Came here to post this.

For those interested, the Freedom Planet Indiebox-made Collector's Edition is on sale in limited quantities right now. I already ordered mine, it comes with some fantastic stuff.


I want this so bad and have been waiting to hear word when it'll be up for purchase but once I buy this PS4, a few games and new HD TV I'm gonna be broke as ever :'(

EDIT: Didn't mean to double post, gonna wait for Cam to delete so I can fix where it was supposed to go.
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