I thought that the Werehog sections of Sonic Unleashed were just fine. This is gonna sound a little harsh coming from me, but I think people were just butthurt that the game wasn't all about SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED or something, which is why the daytime portions of Sonic Unleashed were so highly praised.
Some parts of the night levels were challenging, and if you died it wasn't because of some glitch or something, it's because you weren't paying close enough attention as you walked across a narrow beam or something. If people were so turned off by the differing gameplay, then I don't know how the hell Sonic Adventure 2 survived and got the praise it did, because it was diverse in its stylings as well. Honestly, is it being bashed in the same way that Duke Nukem Forever is?
"It's GOOD, but....it's just not Duke Nukem."
"It's GOOD, but....it's just not Sonic." Say that about ten years ago to Sonic Adventure 2, hypocrits. lol