You know what's hilarious? Nearly every Sonic game that comes out the huge unpleaseable, idiotic Fan Dumb (yes, I'm a troper) comes out with complaint after complaint, ranting about how Sonic is RUINED FOREVER and dedicating themselves not to let themselves or others enjoy the game. The fandom is famous for it.
This time, though, when they did it the
other part of the fanbase - the part that's actually enjoys games on their own merits and isn't hung up on petty ridiculousness - got fed up and revolted full force. Sure, you see a lot of people praising Sonic Unleashed for being a good game despite the changes (myself included), but they're usually just silently keeping out of the flamewars and rants- the more sensible but silent majority,
This time there's just waves and waves of it. Go to youtube, or a message board, and it's getting more and more likely that you'll see fans ranting about how stupid the fanwankery is getting rather than ranting about some petty "issue" in the game itself.
It's friggin beautiful. It's good to know that not all Sonic fans are like that, and that, when they've had enough, they'll let themselves be known.
This one in particular cracked me up for a long time.