-Indeed she tries to be-
Fate: "Well... I... May have seen a few videos of how they live..."
-Ah, well, she could just have said her friends tred to but failed despite all their efforts-
Kazumi: "Oh, sorry..."
Ratbat: "Look, we'd rather not have any trouble with the locals either"
Tankor: "Then get lost!"
Ravage: "But we need Scorponok to concrete our plan"
Woops, my b.
Iroha: "T-Thousands!"
Atalanta: "Some terrible experiments were done on them, unfortunately. Thankfully we managed to solve that, but finding them homes has been difficult"
Jack: "...Hmmm, maybe twice..."
Girafarig: "(You mean like our environments?)"
Vulpix: "(Or the yummy foods we eat?)"
Squirtle: "(None of it's probably as good as the food the chefs make here.)"
-I also think I left Steven's dialogue unfinished, so that probably didn't help. Sorry about that...-
Steven: "I can't believe even the Incubators themselves didn't just...try to find a better solution..."
Penny: "Based on everything we know about them, their empire as a whole cared very little about anything but themselves...."
Peridot: "It's not that different from how the highest ranking members and caste systems of Homeworld operate, Steven..."
-Tankor and the other two don't care about whatever the Decepticons' latest plan is?-
(Some either require medical aid or the help of Trainers, others miss their old homes and natural environments and wish to return to the wild. The problem is, most of them hail from several different planets, few of which they can identify the names of...)
)I think we saw glimpses of them when that spam guy show up...)
Spam guy?
-Tasque Manager follows suit!-
Ruby: "Yeah, so don't ever let some moments like that bring you down. You'll do great things. I just know it."

Weiss: "Absolutely not."
D.D.: "Guess they never met something as strong as I am then."

-and then he tries to rushin and punch Rhombulus's gut... albeit massively holding back; only with the crystals will he go all out since it's a friendly spar-

"Th-Thanks, you two."
(Based on everyone's stories from Beacon, I'm not surprised...)
-Hop Pop is utterly impressed and humbled just standing in front of the entrance to Newtopia Universty, and expresses a desire for his grand kids to eventually attend this very same college, remarking, "I can't believe we're actually here. No Plantar has ever gone to Newtopia University. And it's my dream that one day, far, far from now, one of you two will attend." Sprig and Polly are both surprised to hear that, btu then Polly chuckles before mocking and dismissing the idea, saying "Sorry, Hop Pop. I don't think that either of us is cut out for this.
Especially Sprig." Sprig is offended and questions what his sister, who's currently sitting atop his head, means. Polly confidently argues that he doesn't have the attention span for it. Sprig is like "Ha! That's ridiculou-" but can't finish his sentence before Anne shouts "Sprig, go long!" while holding the Firsbeetle, at which point he shouts "Okay!" and excitedly dart off backwards into the campus in preparation to catch it, complete with a gunshot sound effect-
-Rhombulus tries to counter this by having one of his snake hands bite Daisuke's arm-
-There's no indication in the show that either snake hands have venom, so it's just a fairly strong bite ala Pokemon-
Link: "And I'm Link. Pleasure to meet you."
-Wolf was sitting, waiting-
Kanna: -tail manifests and waggles- "Yep, that would be me~" -giggling-
Link: "I killed those jerks either way, so it should be fine."
Phosphy: "Oh, I don't think you've really met Ingrid before, little guy."
Palutena: "How fortunate of him."

He's about as much of a showoff as the beast...
Kazumi: "Oh, sorry for scaring you, Mister! But I don't mean to harm you!" -pulls out some candies- "Here! Do you want some?"

-also she might be the best to explain all that's going on-
Illya: "That really is the case..."
Suzune: "In any case, we need information"
Iroha: "W-Wait, let's not pressure her too much"
Oriko: "This is her modus operandi, brainwashing the minds of others by altering their memories to make them think she's always been there..."
-Many in the flock of owl Rumors are hit by the magic, as Tart leaped to also destroy some with powerful magical slash beams-
Kiyohime: "Good, else I would have taken care of them myself" -she said in the most graceful tone possible-
Ophanimon: "I'd say that's quite the introduction"

Spadamon: -Respawns and tries to jab!-
Corbeau: "...The...Lich...?"
Lapin: "...Well, my mother and younger sister seem to trust you, so I might as well!"
Minou: "A smart choice"
McGucket: "Link? Eh? Candy...? This ain't some kinda trap to poison my gut or try to mess with my memories and brain, is it?"
Ford: "I havent' fallen for brainwsshing tricks in years, and even if I almost did, it'd still fail thanks to that metal plate in my head. You can trust her, Fiddleford."
McGucket: "...Well, thank you then, youngster'." -Accepts som candy and eats it-
Pacifica: "...I don't think she mentioned anyone who look like either of you two. How do I know that
you're not the ones brainwashing them and their friends?"
Soos: "Haha! Good one! ...You're...you're totally just making jokes, right?"
Dipper: "Unfortunately, she's not."
Mabel: "They weren't here during Weirdmageddon, Soos. They aren't even in anyone's pictures from back then!" -Showing both cellphone photos and her scrapbook photos-
-Marco, meanwhile, drew a sword, and using some skills he's learned from both the Sabers and having to fight many of his and his friends' past opponents pragmatically, dives underneath a few of the owls to dodge some of their attacks before swiping the sword at either their guts or one of their wings to try and destroy them-
-Phew- N-No more Phantom Ganons or the real Ganondorf...
-How does Yunobo respond to what Kiyohime said?-
Sparky: "(It is? Whoa!)" -Confused by Palutena's statement, but was able to dodge Spadamon's jab in time despite being startled by it-
-It's clear The Lichhas been around for a long time, and despite having apparently lost more than a few battles, remains ever confident and arrogant...-
I was the one who summoned your Souls back to physical vessels and called you back from your graves, but it was your sister Minou who provided the necessary resources for the spells to succeed and requested you two and your mother to be resurected n the first place.