Vulpix: "(Can we read it? Pretty pretty please?)"
HEh, I think we can take a break for story time
But first, we gotta put these bookshelves back up and reorganize these books. -Turns to the Aces- Sorry for startling you three and interrupting any books you were reading, by the way. -Doesn't blame the Vulpix since she's still very young and isn't used to man-made environments like libraries-
Peridot: "Oh...Wait, if there really aren't any of those "Witch" creatures nearby, how did your hair move on it's own in the first place?
-Will they speak to them or try to get their attention before revealing their presence?-
(Is there any way we can cheer her up...?) 
-Rapidash also tries one-
-Her eyes instantly lit upon taking a bite of one of the cookies-
Tasque Managers: "under most and ordinary circumstances, that is true. However, the Alliance seems to have discovered a way to siphon pure darkness from the original Dark World into the Light World using the Grid. I currently lack a complete understanding of the exact science behind it, but what's for certain is that they were using the Morphin Grid to accomplish it..."
Nanoha: "It's alright, it's more important to help others"
Kazumi: "Hmmm, I have no clue..." -now her cowlick is question mark-shaped-
-The latter right now, since they seem focused on other things-
Iroha: "Ah, I'm very sorry to have soured things..."
Atalanta: "I'm sure you had your reasons"
-Seems they all will enjoy the baking-

Charlotte: "I don't either, but that sounds really convenient and good!"
-how to feel indeed...-
Alear: "Speaking of, did you have lunch?"
Celica: "I wasn't burned..."
Byleth: I hope she'll be alright...
-All over just a game, funnily enough-
-Then again, Mario Party-
Zelestia: "...No?"
Jalter: "Well those two were, and why would you want to become a monster then?"
Tart: "Why would I want to?"
-They keep buying things for Homira afterwards-
-Wolf would manage to pick up a few different scents, none of which are recognizable from anyone else in the group or any items they're carrying-
Pacifica: "I don't
care what you think is better! I don't know who you four are, and judging by how confused everyone else looks, no one else here does, either! I'm not telling you where my friends are!" -Then what Iroha said- "Oh, you
BETTER not be spreading false rumors about them!"
Wendy: "...Okay, I'm sorry, this is taking a minute to process...I know you two aren't liars, but this is seriously freaking me out. None of this adds up with anything I remember from the last three years..."
Dipper: "It's alright, Wendy, we totally get it. We'd be weirded out, too..."
Mabel: "They used a bunch of memory-altering spells to make you and the rest of the town
THINK they've been around for three years when they haven't been!"
(I've got plenty of cash to spare, so don't worry about it! Wait, does anyone else here that?)
(Someone's talking, and it sounds like it's coming from over there...) -Glances at the general direction the talking can be heard from-
Oh, I'm curious! I-I don't think we spoke to the new Goron Champion much when we were last here...
I would say now is an ideal time to amend that. 
-Spadamon can't believe that Ophanimon is seriously trying to get him to take this less seriously as well?-
-I read the first few accomplishments listed from Three Houses and Three Hopes, but not the rest of the post as to avoid at least a few spoilers. I'll probably buy both of those games sooner than I'll buy Engage, but that it'll still be a while from now because of my backlog and schedule lmao-
-The Lich hasn't faced Sothis before and as The Lich from Basel has been destroyed, he likely has no knowledge of her...But if he does learn who and what Sothis is as well as the extent of her power, he'd consider her a major threat...-
All I require of you now is retrieve any of Chaldea's artifacts that can open gateways to other worlds. The remainder of your groups' plans as well as the extinction of all life can be carried out with the vast resources of other dimensions.
-so naturally, Wolf would go towards these different scents-
Link: "Found something already?"
-and so they venture into the city when-
???: "Link! Princess Zelda!"
Ingrid: "Well, what are you waiting for?"
-that's fair, though the point is if Sothis had all her memories and a host that could use the full extent of her power, the Lich would be a mere bug to her-
-but most of it actually doesn't matter to any route and is actually some worldbuilding on the side you have to actively look for so it's probably fine to look at everything that isn't "shown feats"-
-Epimenides would want to talk with Minou after witnessing Isabeau-
Kazumi: "Hm? Has he?"
Iroha: "...Um, I..."
Suzune: "Nevermind. Figures that Kagari would use her magic to earn the people's favor"
Oriko: "I know we just met right now, but I'm saying it for your safety that you must stay away from those five if possible" -does she notice Oriko wears a ring with a jewel that looks just like the malign quintet own?-
Lady Iroha did say that we should be wary of any gossiping, since they're the clue to get to the Witch-like creatures called 'Rumors'
-They hear a rumor that the bad luck some people have been causing lately has been caused by an owl-like cryptid, which given this is Gravity Falls, it's quite easy to believe-
da Vinci: "Oh, is that the one~?"
-A part of him is really doubtful of this... But orders are orders...-
-Isabeau took a look at the Lich. Being part Witch, she has an inherent cravibg to also end life, and recognising him as both the one that brought him back and sharing the same goal... She bowed in respect-
Minou: "You have out gratitude, Monsieur Lich"
Kagari: "So we'll make sure to keep it with the end of our bargain~"
Sasa: "Well, those idiots might arrive at any date... Good we have prepared this town as a playground"

Alina: "Indeed, from entrapping the cryptids, to the field to become Doppels, to the Rumors~! This will be an exciting opera d'arte!"
Kanna: "And we have the powerful witches with us"
Well, most of them, but no need to get that pink-haired girl back.
-Unknown to them, Kriemhild Gretchen is in reality only the second most powerful Incubator-made Witch in the multiverse. Fortunately for the Chaldeans, it seems that at least thet won't be facing against tthe multiversal and time-distorting threat of the Witch of Mirrors-