(Okay, that's a 180 from his earlier attitude...)
-While they still don't have a clear picture of how poorly Burrito was treated yet, to them, they're still just making another friend as normal. They see no reason to judge Burrito or see her any differently from any other Pokemon-
(...Perhaps I should've done that, myself. Or at least struck him before leaving. As harsh as that sounds, the...last straw for me was something I wish I could've prevented......)
Neo: -waving at her-
-Roman also joined on the waving-
-indeed he is; he was not made for thus quite yet-
I see. So "Pokémon" are a different kind of creature....
-puts hand under chin in thoughtful motion-
-and for now that's probably for the best-
-worry about her past later and focus on playing now-
-waves back, still with an aura of upperclass-
-Artoria was now starting to analyze how should that be corrected-
KoDokugumon: "...What do you want me to say even?!"
Taiga: "Are you workingfor the Alliance?"
KoDokugumon: "...Maybe" -trying to not let them know of Lilithmon-
Sakura: "They're still quite varied! Though I don't think any look downright human like some Digimon do"
-Let Burrito be normal for now... And what happened to Heshima's trainer that was the last straw?-
Frankenstein: "Ah, getting along..."
Dipper: "We've defeated way worse than you before!"
Mabel: "You underestimated us a LOT more than that if you thought you could beat our friends so easily! "
Jevil's a contender for just about the most insane person we've ever met, so i doubt he'd be fazed by any threat. hell, he didn't even react to Euryale shooting him in the eye once.
Star: "Lucario? Can hear or see any of us...?"
Moon: "Star!" -Worried-
-That same lizard man who put him here in the first place and was threatening to wipe out all magic, an effect that would've eventually indirectly killed his Trainer by default...-
Alear: "You are nothing compared to Sombron."
Nel: "You really think you have a chance against a Fell Dragon like me?"
Veyle: -dagger in hand- "If you want to live, you should give up on your evil ways."
Palutena: "...How about me? Can I threathen him?"
Translation: "Indeed you have. Though powerful you are, I have encountered stronger."
What, like somethin' is livin' inside there?!
-he's still essentially fighting at something only he can see, which makes his movements unpredictable-
Zedd: "I don't think you fully understand my power, but I'll let you entertain me for a little longer" -he said before pulling out what looked like a chemical bomb that he threw at some Putty Patrollers, making them grow in size-
Martha: "...What's the obssession of evil-doers to become gigantic?"
Kama: "...Well, why not?"
Lindy: "Might be fun to see"
Kazemon: "Yeah... What if it's kinda like Lucemon's last form?"
Medea: "Aprroaching this soon could be risky..." -even if she wants to-
-Undyne it is!-
And this here is the library! There's more books here than I can count! Well, not literally, but taking inventory here isn't part of my official job.
-This time, the Pichu, Girafarig, Vulpix and Squirtle are in this group-
Peridot: "Oh, if you think you've seen a lot already, you've barely learned a fraction of insanely cool interdimensional knowledge!"
-Which Cassettes will sign up/be recommended by Soundwave for this mission?-
-What is Iroha currently thinking about the matter?-
-Semiramis wonders if the cookies are chocolate or contain chocolate chips?-
Tasque Manager: "Your legend?"
-Indeed it'd quite big, though nowehere near as big as TSAB's, which even gets named 'Infinite Library' because it's ginormous-
-Still a cozy place in Lilith's castle-
Kazumi: "It really excites me to learn more then~!" -the cowlick she had as part of her hair did cartoonishly move along her emotions-
-In this occassion it will be Ravage and Ratbat-
Ah, I'm again thinking of Ui... I don't understand how come I lost her three times...
Pit: "Well played, you two."
Dark Pit: They won because I threw.
Camilla: "I make sure to come by often for that reason~"
-but right now, Byleth is with Homura-
Celica: "There is blood on my hands. And my own blood is on other people's hands as well..."
-Byleth enjoying hers too-
Elizabeth: "Awwww, but you lost..."
Zelestia: "Maybe I'll do too when I visit again"

Tart: "But even so, we had to still fight until the very end"
-The others could see that they looked quite happy sharing this moment-
Stan: "And the our nicknames are just short for two otherwise different names." -Sigh- "I guess there's just enough differences in most the same names to make things at least
slightly less confusing..."
Ford: "Well, the location of your Soul may be different, but I would argue you still qualify as a human. It doesn't take not having magical powers or even being born through natural means to be a human, Kazumi."
Wendy: "Okay, okay, slow down. I know you two aren't ones to lie or crack jokes like this, but things aren't adding up. Are you two sure you're okay?"
Dipper: "I know how weird and out of the blue everything we're saying sounds, but just hear us out."
Mabel: "Have you looked at any pictures from the last few Summers? Have Alina or any of the others being in any of them?"
(Whatever it is, that explains why they're mistaking you for Minou!)
(I hate to say this, but if you don't keep acting like her, the real Minou might find out that you're here...)
A g-giant magma rock golem...I-I remember seeing some more weaker variants of these th-the last time we were here...
-sounds like Ophanimon and at least a few other high-ranking Digimon have made a lot of allies...-
-The only one who didn't seem to meet with Epimenides was The Lich, which, given what he told a few of them, only makes sense...-
-The Lich is still speaking incantations, but the corpses' eyes are notably starting to glow green...-
Wolf: "Yeah, being human isn't something physical. Link and I met plenty of people who have just as much sentience as any normal human, and to us, they are still people. I think you're the same."
Link: "Would've been good to have your girlfriend here, Alphys... But it's fine. We can take this thing on our own."

Ingrid: "It's good to see you truly take your duties seriously... unlike this game."

-Epimenides still took time to observe him from the void he resides him, seeing him as a threat but not wanting to make the girls act on stopping him for as long as he's useful-
Kazumi: "Thanks, you are all so kind! I'm so glad that there's some people here that even relate to my situation! But I'd try to make friends regardless of that"
Oriko: "If they haven't altered them, then it's more than likely that they're not present in any of those" -she can see Oriko also has a ring with a jewel similar to those five-
Suzune, Iroha and the others's fight against the Rumor wasn't replied Uni.
I really hate it, but you're also right about that! -so she keeps to have a Luiva-like attitude-
-Iroha was already shooting various arrows at it-
Ophanimon: "Oh I'm going to destroy the competition"

-And Minou and Alina were both intrigued-
What we'll do about him given that he and the Lich might not get along?
For now we just go along the flow, and see how we are benefitted from both.
I am quite curious about what he can do~