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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Lily: "You're so gracious too" :)
Cú: "That's the sort of thing I meant"
Knock-Out: "I've been hearing some over the radio, quality depends"
Atalanta: "I'm sure you can still grow into good combatants" :)
-The doe even licks her face once as a show of gratitude before walking off to tend to her own deer children, checking on them as other guests feed them as well-

Linebeck: "Link did more fighting than anyone else on that journey...That said, Goddesses help you if you make Ciela angry. Be it on purpose or by pure accident."

Hmm...Perhaps these humans will be of some value to our cultures after all.

Squirtle: "(Ha! I'm totally confident we will!)"

Pichu: "(You really think so?)"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-The doe even licks her face once as a show of gratitude before walking off to tend to her own deer children, checking on them as other guests feed them as well-

Linebeck: "Link did more fighting than anyone else on that journey...That said, Goddesses help you if you make Ciela angry. Be it on purpose or by pure accident."

Hmm...Perhaps these humans will be of some value to our cultures after all.

Squirtle: "(Ha! I'm totally confident we will!)"

Pichu: "(You really think so?)"
-Lily giggled because of that-
Medea: This is what I hoped for :)
Cú: "Are you sure fairies in your world aren't more like mine?"
Mixmaster: "They do have a few uses, like as lab rats"
Atalanta: "You're still little, right?"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-While Dedede devoured his two skewers and Bandana Dee and Meta Knight ate their meals more steadily and respectfully-



-Again, context clues definitely help, and most of the Pokemon look at the locations they're curious about when asking what they are-
-Meta Knight is the last one with food left to eat-
Ephraim: "I get it. You seem alright, for a monster."
-so yeah, the two riders can answer them~-

Inigo: "Ah..."
Olivia: "Straight-forward as always... Then again, it used to inspire me plenty" :)
Merlin: "And be a little more observant?" :p
Draco: "................Hmph!"
Sieg: "But your wielder could?"
Azura: "Still to this day? My influence truly shook you this much?"
Palutena: "Perhaps." :p
Shez: "That's what I thought." :p
Emblem Corrin: "...Only partially. You know how she can transform her hands into giant mouths? That's the most I can do."

-Mayhaps Alphys contacting the Autobots?-
Sitonai: "She did have them released later though, and they were also in good health"
Shiki: "...That's so weird"
Kaito: "Maybe she just loves animals"
Shiki: "But why keep them around at this scale?"
-What does Viridi think?-
Sayori: "Awwww, Natsuki..."
Natsuki: "...Sorryfor that outburst"
Monika: "It's, fine..."
Yuri: "...Maybe we should just end the day"
Atalanta: "Uh, okay...?"
Artemis: "What about you~?"
Tiki: "And then become a family for real" :)
Nanoha: "I hope for it..."
Takeru: "If you need help I could go"

Sakura: "...Let's be careful when pulling that lever"
Rin: "We will?!"
Sakura: "What else can we do?"
-If the coast is clear, she'll do just that!-

D-Do we an overview of the what the battleground surrounding the fortress currently looks like?


-What Digi asked?-

-It results in several of both of their punches clashing, but XJ-6, XJ-4, XJ-7 and XJ-8 soon rush towards the Hedlok as well-

-But this isn't Pikmin- :V

-Blake and Ata answer or is that statement too unusual to now inquire further about?-

TLink: "That'd be pretty cool!" :b:

Penny: "Let us see if we can spot the bottom of this trap door's passage first." -This time, she uses flashlights in her eyes to both easily look down and light up the trap door-

-...It clears tons of the darkness and they still can't see how deep it goes. It must be at least a mile or two deep-

-Garnet casually pulls the lever-

-All it does is turn the furnace on and off-
Palu: "Let me get a good view on things." -will do so from a perfect angle because goddess-
Viridi: -warps in- "Alright, glad I sent some scouts before dropping in... Whoa, look at all these animals! But... why is she keeping them?"
-she doesn't know :V-

Coyle: "I don't need the Grid to dismantle you!"

Max: "Whatever you say... old friend." -charging an explosive punch-
-days ending isn't a Pikmin reference :V-
Blake: "I'm still getting over how you talked as if you were a robot..."
Azura: "I suppose it's a possibility... but I don't know if I should count on it..."
Weiss: "That... is a big drop... Maybe you and I should scout first, Penny."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Lily giggled because of that-
Medea: This is what I hoped for :)
Cú: "Are you sure fairies in your world aren't more like mine?"
Mixmaster: "They do have a few uses, like as lab rats"
Atalanta: "You're still little, right?"
-Just a wholesome and pleasant day in the kingdom...-

Linebeck: "Define what fairies are like where you're from."

-Not to mention that several of them along with some monsters were employed as workers in their mines when they invaded Basel-

Pichu: "(I'm not a baby, but I'll admit that I'm still really young...)"

Pikachu: "(Pichu are the youngest stage of a Raichu, and my litte sis here was born only a few years ago.)"

-Meta Knight is the last one with food left to eat-
Ephraim: "I get it. You seem alright, for a monster."
-so yeah, the two riders can answer them~-
-Which is a soup he slowly eats, both because he's trying to be considerate and have good table manners, and because he only temporarily and slightly lifts his mask up in order to eat-

-Undyne rolled her eye at that, but Papyrus didn't take offense from it-



Girafarig: "(What's that building?)" -Your call as to what location or building this Pokemon is looking at-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-If the coast is clear, she'll do just that!-

D-Do we an overview of the what the battleground surrounding the fortress currently looks like?


-What Digi asked?-

-It results in several of both of their punches clashing, but XJ-6, XJ-4, XJ-7 and XJ-8 soon rush towards the Hedlok as well-

-But this isn't Pikmin- :V

-Blake and Ata answer or is that statement too unusual to now inquire further about?-

TLink: "That'd be pretty cool!" :b:

Penny: "Let us see if we can spot the bottom of this trap door's passage first." -This time, she uses flashlights in her eyes to both easily look down and light up the trap door-

-...It clears tons of the darkness and they still can't see how deep it goes. It must be at least a mile or two deep-

-Garnet casually pulls the lever-

-All it does is turn the furnace on and off-
Palu: "Let me get a good view on things." -will do so from a perfect angle because goddess-
Viridi: -warps in- "Alright, glad I sent some scouts before dropping in... Whoa, look at all these animals! But... why is she keeping them?"
-she doesn't know :V-

Coyle: "I don't need the Grid to dismantle you!"

Max: "Whatever you say... old friend." -charging an explosive punch-
-days ending isn't a Pikmin reference :V-
Blake: "I'm still getting over how you talked as if you were a robot..."
Azura: "I suppose it's a possibility... but I don't know if I should count on it..."
Weiss: "That... is a big drop... Maybe you and I should scout first, Penny."
-She can see verious Megazords battling Chaldea's giants all over arounfd, including Kimberly in her Gravezord-
Sitonai: "...Who is this gremlin?" -hypocrite-
Shiki: "Just an annoying Goddess of Nature"
-They would all return home at least, after... Quite the Christmas they just went through-
Artemis: "Aw is that so?"
Alice: "I'm sure it will lead to that and all will be fine~!"
Mary: "Same~!"
-Would Penny accept that?-

Sakura: "...Okay, that's thankfully mundane"
Azura: "Still to this day? My influence truly shook you this much?"
Palutena: "Perhaps." :p
Shez: "That's what I thought." :p
Emblem Corrin: "...Only partially. You know how she can transform her hands into giant mouths? That's the most I can do."
Olivia: "W-Well... You and another friend's..." -Maribelle-
Morrigan: "Can I go?" :p
Lilith: "Yeaaaaaaaah, maybe hold it back a little?"
Morrigan: "No" :V
-She just walks off, not stomping like a brat, but still bitter-
Sieg: "Well, that's still incredible. And could deal with many enemies"
-Just a wholesome and pleasant day in the kingdom...-

Linebeck: "Define what fairies are like where you're from."

-Not to mention that several of them along with some monsters were employed as workers in their mines when they invaded Basel-

Pichu: "(I'm not a baby, but I'll admit that I'm still really young...)"

Pikachu: "(Pichu are the youngest stage of a Raichu, and my litte sis here was born only a few years ago.)"
-They see some other animals!-
Cú: "Said they were murderous and socipathic, right?"
-Indeed, so that puts more of them in the mindset of, well, not killing all of them-
Ataanta: "Oh, I thought she was... A few months old..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-They see some other animals!-
Cú: "Said they were murderous and socipathic, right?"
-Indeed, so that puts more of them in the mindset of, well, not killing all of them-
Ataanta: "Oh, I thought she was... A few months old..."
-Including some giant bald eagles, similar to the one Ludo trained-

Linebeck: "I think part of me almost wanted to forget you mentioned that detail..."

-Which further benefits the Aquamarine's overdue mission, in-turn increasing the chances of the Decepticons forming an alliance with Gem Homeworld...-

-She might be only a year old, but even then she and most other Pokemon that age still have a higher vocabulary than most human toddlers do- :V

Pichu: "(-I'm not a baby!)" >_< -Ironic despite being among the Pokemon literally called a Baby Pokemon-

Palu: "Let me get a good view on things." -will do so from a perfect angle because goddess-
Viridi: -warps in- "Alright, glad I sent some scouts before dropping in... Whoa, look at all these animals! But... why is she keeping them?"
-she doesn't know :V-

Coyle: "I don't need the Grid to dismantle you!"

Max: "Whatever you say... old friend." -charging an explosive punch-
-days ending isn't a Pikmin reference :V-
Blake: "I'm still getting over how you talked as if you were a robot..."
Azura: "I suppose it's a possibility... but I don't know if I should count on it..."
Weiss: "That... is a big drop... Maybe you and I should scout first, Penny."
-She can see verious Megazords battling Chaldea's giants all over arounfd, including Kimberly in her Gravezord-
Sitonai: "...Who is this gremlin?" -hypocrite-
Shiki: "Just an annoying Goddess of Nature"
-They would all return home at least, after... Quite the Christmas they just went through-
Artemis: "Aw is that so?"
Alice: "I'm sure it will lead to that and all will be fine~!"
Mary: "Same~!"
-Would Penny accept that?-

Sakura: "...Okay, that's thankfully mundane"
...I-It's still not clear... But that might be e-exactly why we need some backup...

(Who also hates most humans.) :glare:

But also has cool powers according to the Chaldeadex!

Do you ever stop gloating?!

-Yes, but instantly skipping to the end of the day is a mechanic in Pikmin- :V

-Even if it wasn't the most dangerous Christmas they've ever had...It was certainly an eventful one. And it's really made Natsuki rethink her perspective...-

-It's certainly an odd analogy for getting some rest...But it almost sounded like Artemis meant it literally-

Medli: "It would certainly be a meaningful ending to the story...But I could see the show ending with them splitting up as well..."

Penny: "I concur...Takeru, you can still go as well if you are capable of flight. We'll report back as soon we can."

...Hang on a minute, I have an idea!

Pearl: "What is it?"

What if we tried just burning the melted Doll hands? If there's something shiny and metal in there, it won't burn up like the plastic doll hands will!


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
Sorry for not responding; was kinda taking a mental break day and wasn't in the mood to rp.

They didn't stand a chance! Ufufufufufufufufu~!

-What Golden asked?-

-She'll do just that, going to see Undyne while gladly carrying the BIdoof-
Azura: "Well, that sure happened..."

-what Golden and KoP asked-
Martha: "Seems they won't cause trouble for a while~" -smiling-

Ratbat: Maybe I should tell others...

Shirou: "Thank you for coming to see him"

Mirei: "Depending on how things go then" :p
LadyDevimon: I can't believe Alphamon would like such concoction...
-snoring while breeping-

-wait until Mash hears~-

-the two Fire types nod-
-but what of their Trainers?-

Something I just remembered. You said they defeated the Seven Demon Lords from one of the universes?


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Sorry for not responding; was kinda taking a mental break day and wasn't in the mood to rp.
Perfectly understandable. We've all taken breaks from the thread and time off the site before for similar reasons, here.

Azura: "Well, that sure happened..."

-what Golden and KoP asked-
Martha: "Seems they won't cause trouble for a while~" -smiling-

Ratbat: Maybe I should tell others...
-snoring while breeping-

-wait until Mash hears~-
Nope, I'm pretty sure they won't. :p

-She'll likely be glad to hear that a Pokemon in need got taken in by a Trainer who actually cares about her...Not to mention that a friend of hers happened to be said Trainer-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Which is a soup he slowly eats, both because he's trying to be considerate and have good table manners, and because he only temporarily and slightly lifts his mask up in order to eat-

-Undyne rolled her eye at that, but Papyrus didn't take offense from it-



Girafarig: "(What's that building?)" -Your call as to what location or building this Pokemon is looking at-
Byleth: "Why do you eat with your mask on?"
Ephraim: "I suppose either would work..."
Camilla: "That would be the kitchen. Are you people hungry?"

Olivia: "W-Well... You and another friend's..." -Maribelle-
Morrigan: "Can I go?" :p
Lilith: "Yeaaaaaaaah, maybe hold it back a little?"
Morrigan: "No" :V
-She just walks off, not stomping like a brat, but still bitter-
Sieg: "Well, that's still incredible. And could deal with many enemies"
Azura: "Oh, that's wonderful~" :b:
Dark Pit: "Hold back when people are in danger? Are you stupid?!"
Shez: "...I really hope we'll get along one day... I don't mind the whole "kill all humans" vibe, honestly, but the fact that she sees it as a reason to be a total jerk is just annoying..."

-Sothis's spirit may follow Draco-
Emblem Corrin: "That's a good way to see it." :)

-She can see verious Megazords battling Chaldea's giants all over arounfd, including Kimberly in her Gravezord-
Sitonai: "...Who is this gremlin?" -hypocrite-
Shiki: "Just an annoying Goddess of Nature"
-They would all return home at least, after... Quite the Christmas they just went through-
Artemis: "Aw is that so?"
Alice: "I'm sure it will lead to that and all will be fine~!"
Mary: "Same~!"
-Would Penny accept that?-

Sakura: "...Okay, that's thankfully mundane"
...I-It's still not clear... But that might be e-exactly why we need some backup...

(Who also hates most humans.) :glare:

But also has cool powers according to the Chaldeadex!

Do you ever stop gloating?!

-Yes, but instantly skipping to the end of the day is a mechanic in Pikmin- :V

-Even if it wasn't the most dangerous Christmas they've ever had...It was certainly an eventful one. And it's really made Natsuki rethink her perspective...-

-It's certainly an odd analogy for getting some rest...But it almost sounded like Artemis meant it literally-

Medli: "It would certainly be a meaningful ending to the story...But I could see the show ending with them splitting up as well..."

Penny: "I concur...Takeru, you can still go as well if you are capable of flight. We'll report back as soon we can."

...Hang on a minute, I have an idea!

Pearl: "What is it?"

What if we tried just burning the melted Doll hands? If there's something shiny and metal in there, it won't burn up like the plastic doll hands will!
Palutena: "I'll leave you to make the call then."
Viridi: "...I'll ignore the 'gremlin' comment for now. We have a bigger issue at hand, and it's the fact that some beast thinks she can do MY job!" :glare:

Sothis: "Oh my, are the two of us going to fight side by side?"

Viridi: "Sothis? You're using your vessel... did that fool take a bad hit again?"

Sothis: "No, this is merely a choice we both agreed on."

Viridi: "To quench your lust for battle, is it? That's understandable."

Sothis: "Because of what's at stake, Viridi. Not everything is about me." ...With that said, she's not wrong either.
-Natsuki would likely not instantly forgive Monika, even with this selfless act-

-....but perhaps she could give her the chance to earn that forgiveness?-
Blake: "Yeah, it is."
Kanna: "But that would break Anya!"

Azura: "Anything could happen..."
-Weiss summons her Lancer and rides it down-

Martha: "Seems they won't cause trouble for a while~" -smiling-
-snoring while breeping-
Nope, I'm pretty sure they won't. :p
Azura: "You know, as problematic as these two can sometimes be, I feel like this was uncalled for this time... Are you still upset about Juri calling you out for your anger issues?"
Last edited:


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
Nope, I'm pretty sure they won't. :p

-She'll likely be glad to hear that a Pokemon in need got taken in by a Trainer who actually cares about her...Not to mention that a friend of hers happened to be said Trainer-
Azura: "You know, as problematic as these two can sometimes be, I feel like this was uncalled for this time... Are you still upset about Juri calling you out for your anger issues?"
-gets up later, having slept off the drunkenness and is just looking around in confusion-
-but now they saw some of his power-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Sorry for not responding; was kinda taking a mental break day and wasn't in the mood to rp.

-snoring while breeping-

-wait until Mash hears~-

-the two Fire types nod-
-but what of their Trainers?-

Something I just remembered. You said they defeated the Seven Demon Lords from one of the universes?
Nope, I'm pretty sure they won't. :p

-She'll likely be glad to hear that a Pokemon in need got taken in by a Trainer who actually cares about her...Not to mention that a friend of hers happened to be said Trainer-
Azura: "You know, as problematic as these two can sometimes be, I feel like this was uncalled for this time... Are you still upset about Juri calling you out for your anger issues?"
It's alright, mental health is more important in the end.

Martha: "I was not upset by that!" -lying-
Luvia: "Though this was an interesting show of skill..."

-Indeed, so to inform her Ratbat went tooooo-

-What Goldie asked, Uni-

Mirei: "That's correct, quite a while back"
-Including some giant bald eagles, similar to the one Ludo trained-

Linebeck: "I think part of me almost wanted to forget you mentioned that detail..."

-Which further benefits the Aquamarine's overdue mission, in-turn increasing the chances of the Decepticons forming an alliance with Gem Homeworld...-

-She might be only a year old, but even then she and most other Pokemon that age still have a higher vocabulary than most human toddlers do- :V

Pichu: "(-I'm not a baby!)" >_< -Ironic despite being among the Pokemon literally called a Baby Pokemon-
Medea: "That brings memories of someone..."
Lily: "Makes me wonder about thespiders here"
Cú: "I get it, but that's the case"
-Indeed, she knows her Diamond will be throughly pleased-
-I mean, that's not wrong-
Atalanta: "I'm really sorry for the confusion"
Azura: "Oh, that's wonderful~" :b:
Dark Pit: "Hold back when people are in danger? Are you stupid?!"
Shez: "...I really hope we'll get along one day... I don't mind the whole "kill all humans" vibe, honestly, but the fact that she sees it as a reason to be a total jerk is just annoying..."

-Sothis's spirit may follow Draco-
Emblem Corrin: "That's a good way to see it." :)
Olivia: "Thanks for that motivation! I hope we can dance together again some day after this" :)
Lilith: "I mean, I don't want her to explode"
Morrigan: "Aw come on, you're separated from me now" :p
Arcueid: "Awwwww, just give her a bit of time"
Tiamat: "Sothis?"
Sieg: "What have you lived that has been different?"
...I-It's still not clear... But that might be e-exactly why we need some backup...

(Who also hates most humans.) :glare:

But also has cool powers according to the Chaldeadex!

Do you ever stop gloating?!

-Yes, but instantly skipping to the end of the day is a mechanic in Pikmin- :V

-Even if it wasn't the most dangerous Christmas they've ever had...It was certainly an eventful one. And it's really made Natsuki rethink her perspective...-

-It's certainly an odd analogy for getting some rest...But it almost sounded like Artemis meant it literally-

Medli: "It would certainly be a meaningful ending to the story...But I could see the show ending with them splitting up as well..."

Penny: "I concur...Takeru, you can still go as well if you are capable of flight. We'll report back as soon we can."

...Hang on a minute, I have an idea!

Pearl: "What is it?"

What if we tried just burning the melted Doll hands? If there's something shiny and metal in there, it won't burn up like the plastic doll hands will!
Palutena: "I'll leave you to make the call then."
Viridi: "...I'll ignore the 'gremlin' comment for now. We have a bigger issue at hand, and it's the fact that some beast thinks she can do MY job!" :glare:

Sothis: "Oh my, are the two of us going to fight side by side?"

Viridi: "Sothis? You're using your vessel... did that fool take a bad hit again?"

Sothis: "No, this is merely a choice we both agreed on."

Viridi: "To quench your lust for battle, is it? That's understandable."

Sothis: "Because of what's at stake, Viridi. Not everything is about me." ...With that said, she's not wrong either.
-Natsuki would likely not instantly forgive Monika, even with this selfless act-

-....but perhaps she could give her the chance to earn that forgiveness?-
Blake: "Yeah, it is."
Kanna: "But that would break Anya!"

Azura: "Anything could happen..."
-Weiss summons her Lancer and rides it down-
Luvia: "Hm, do as you may then"
Charlotte: "Uuuuuh, lust for battle?"
Shiki: "Can relate"
-Perhaps... She could try to give her an opportunity eventually...-
Atalanta: "I didn't notice..."
Artemis: "Oh well, are you hungry?"
Hayate: "I doubt it with the tone so far and in future chapters"
Takeru: "I can, don't worry!" -once again using the Mugen Damashii for flight-

Rin: "That's a very specific idea..."
Sakura: "But it could work for all we know"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Medea: "That brings memories of someone..."
Lily: "Makes me wonder about thespiders here"
Cú: "I get it, but that's the case"
-Indeed, she knows her Diamond will be throughly pleased-
-I mean, that's not wrong-
Atalanta: "I'm really sorry for the confusion"
-Will they look or ask if they have any here?-

Linebeck: "No, fairies where I come from are like

-But they've got to bring those results and prove the strength of the Cybertronians, her gem's on the line otherwise...-

Pikachu: "(You're still really young, sis.)" :p

-The Pichu is pouty-

Byleth: "Why do you eat with your mask on?"
Ephraim: "I suppose either would work..."
Camilla: "That would be the kitchen. Are you people hungry?"
Meta Knight: "How my face looks is a secret I prefer to keep."


Vulpix: "(Oh, food sounds great!)" :b:

Azura: "You know, as problematic as these two can sometimes be, I feel like this was uncalled for this time... Are you still upset about Juri calling you out for your anger issues?"
-gets up later, having slept off the drunkenness and is just looking around in confusion-
-but now they saw some of his power-
It's alright, mental health is more important in the end.

Martha: "I was not upset by that!" -lying-
Luvia: "Though this was an interesting show of skill..."

-Indeed, so to inform her Ratbat went tooooo-
And it certainly proves that Fishbunjin's capability as a fighter...

-While Alphys goes to see Undyne-

Palutena: "I'll leave you to make the call then."
Viridi: "...I'll ignore the 'gremlin' comment for now. We have a bigger issue at hand, and it's the fact that some beast thinks she can do MY job!" :glare:

Sothis: "Oh my, are the two of us going to fight side by side?"

Viridi: "Sothis? You're using your vessel... did that fool take a bad hit again?"

Sothis: "No, this is merely a choice we both agreed on."

Viridi: "To quench your lust for battle, is it? That's understandable."

Sothis: "Because of what's at stake, Viridi. Not everything is about me." ...With that said, she's not wrong either.
-Natsuki would likely not instantly forgive Monika, even with this selfless act-

-....but perhaps she could give her the chance to earn that forgiveness?-
Blake: "Yeah, it is."
Kanna: "But that would break Anya!"

Azura: "Anything could happen..."
-Weiss summons her Lancer and rides it down-
Luvia: "Hm, do as you may then"
Charlotte: "Uuuuuh, lust for battle?"
Shiki: "Can relate"
-Perhaps... She could try to give her an opportunity eventually...-
Atalanta: "I didn't notice..."
Artemis: "Oh well, are you hungry?"
Hayate: "I doubt it with the tone so far and in future chapters"
Takeru: "I can, don't worry!" -once again using the Mugen Damashii for flight-

Rin: "That's a very specific idea..."
Sakura: "But it could work for all we know"
-Calling a certain unit of robotic allies?-

O-Optimis Prime? Do you copy?


(But none of this answers where she is...)

ARMS stuff unreplied, Uni.

-But will she be willing to give Monika that chance right away?-

-They still don't let the issue go or do they figure Artemis will obliviously not answer it either way?-

Tetra: "Future chapters?"


-While Penny slowly hovers down, using her rocket.boots to maintain flight-

-After about five minutes of hovering down, they still don't find anything or see any signs of where the passage leads-

Pearl: "But there is clearly something shining through these melted doll components..."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-Will they look or ask if they have any here?-

Linebeck: "No, fairies where I come from are like

-But they've got to bring those results and prove the strength of the Cybertronians, her gem's on the line otherwise...-

Pikachu: "(You're still really young, sis.)" :p

-The Pichu is pouty-
-They will looooooook-
Cú: "Luckily so, I've heard terrible stories of the ones where I love"
-Right, or else, her position would be compromised!-
Fate: "Uh, I still have a lot to learn too!" -says the prodigy-


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
It's alright, mental health is more important in the end.

Martha: "I was not upset by that!" -lying-
Luvia: "Though this was an interesting show of skill..."

-Indeed, so to inform her Ratbat went tooooo-

-What Goldie asked, Uni-

Mirei: "That's correct, quite a while back"
And it certainly proves that Fishbunjin's capability as a fighter...

-While Alphys goes to see Undyne-
-and they haven't even seen the Ruination Impulse mode-

-following Alphys-

Think there's any correlation with the fact the ones in our world were already long gone?

Man Nicknamed "Fergie": "Probably a coincidence. There'd be some kind of records of this organization if it were our world's incarnations."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-They will looooooook-
Cú: "Luckily so, I've heard terrible stories of the ones where I love"
-Right, or else, her position would be compromised!-
Fate: "Uh, I still have a lot to learn too!" -says the prodigy-
-They do have a few spiders that are smaller than Ludo's, but much larger than Earth's-

Linebeck: "Luckily it sounds like there aren't any here..."

-Or worse, shattered for treason...-

Pichu: "(You do?)" :surprised:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-the two Fire types nod-
-but what of their Trainers?-
-What Goldie asked, Uni-
-Kamui lost attention because she saw food- :V

-gets up later, having slept off the drunkenness and is just looking around in confusion-
-but now they saw some of his power-
-and they haven't even seen the Ruination Impulse mode-
Martha: "I was not upset by that!" -lying-
Luvia: "Though this was an interesting show of skill..."
And it certainly proves that Fishbunjin's capability as a fighter...
Azura: "That cannot be denied... but still, if this is how you want to handle anyone calling you out, it's no wonder you have the reputation you have." -isn't trying to be mean, she's just brutally blunt-

Olivia: "Thanks for that motivation! I hope we can dance together again some day after this" :)
Lilith: "I mean, I don't want her to explode"
Morrigan: "Aw come on, you're separated from me now" :p
Arcueid: "Awwwww, just give her a bit of time"
Tiamat: "Sothis?"
Sieg: "What have you lived that has been different?"
Azura: "Why wait? We could dance now." :)
Palutena: "Explode?! This is a joke, right?"
Shez: "I'm trying..."

-Draco would sense that Sothis followed her?-
Emblem Corrin: "Well... I was actually victorious in my war."

Meta Knight: "How my face looks is a secret I prefer to keep."


Vulpix: "(Oh, food sounds great!)" :b:
Byleth: "....That is an extreme case of shyness..."
Eirika: "Just go with whatever seems right for you."
Weiss: I suppose we could try what this place offers... -while it has the same chefs, it might have different ingredients-

Luvia: "Hm, do as you may then"
Charlotte: "Uuuuuh, lust for battle?"
Shiki: "Can relate"
-Perhaps... She could try to give her an opportunity eventually...-
Atalanta: "I didn't notice..."
Artemis: "Oh well, are you hungry?"
Hayate: "I doubt it with the tone so far and in future chapters"
Takeru: "I can, don't worry!" -once again using the Mugen Damashii for flight-

Rin: "That's a very specific idea..."
Sakura: "But it could work for all we know"
-Calling a certain unit of robotic allies?-

O-Optimis Prime? Do you copy?


(But none of this answers where she is...)

ARMS stuff unreplied, Uni.

-But will she be willing to give Monika that chance right away?-

-They still don't let the issue go or do they figure Artemis will obliviously not answer it either way?-

Tetra: "Future chapters?"


-While Penny slowly hovers down, using her rocket.boots to maintain flight-

-After about five minutes of hovering down, they still don't find anything or see any signs of where the passage leads-

Pearl: "But there is clearly something shining through these melted doll components..."
-does he copy?-
Coyle: "It's hard not to when ARMS are so great!"

Sothis: "You go scout ahead, Shez. You're fast enough that she won't have time to land a hit."

Shez: "Aye aye!" -gone in a flash-
-...maybe wait until Yuri also sees it?-
Blake: "..." Maybe she's just weird... "I could go for breakfast."
Kanna: "Spoilers, Hayate!"
Weiss: "I see nothing... it's so weird..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "....That is an extreme case of shyness..."
Eirika: "Just go with whatever seems right for you."
Weiss: I suppose we could try what this place offers... -while it has the same chefs, it might have different ingredients-
Meta Knight: "In some cases, keeping an identity secret can simply be important." -Maintaining his composure-

In that case, either probably works. :p

-Weiss is among those acting as a tour guide for the Pokemon as well?-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Meta Knight: "In some cases, keeping an identity secret can simply be important." -Maintaining his composure-

In that case, either probably works. :p

-Weiss is among those acting as a tour guide for the Pokemon as well?-
Byleth: "And eating is one of them?"
Eirika: "Probably, yeah."
-she doesn't know the place...-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "And eating is one of them?"
Eirika: "Probably, yeah."
-she doesn't know the place...-
Mets Knight: "I wouldn't be able to keep my identity and face much of a secret if I removed the mask entirely, would I?


Mabel: "Either way, that was a seriously cool fight, you two!"

-Well, she and the other Trainers could still be introducing them to other people as well the locations they do know so far-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
And it certainly proves that Fishbunjin's capability as a fighter...

-While Alphys goes to see Undyne-
-and they haven't even seen the Ruination Impulse mode-

-following Alphys-

Think there's any correlation with the fact the ones in our world were already long gone?

Man Nicknamed "Fergie": "Probably a coincidence. There'd be some kind of records of this organization if it were our world's incarnations."
Azura: "That cannot be denied... but still, if this is how you want to handle anyone calling you out, it's no wonder you have the reputation you have." -isn't trying to be mean, she's just brutally blunt-

-Kamui lost attention because she saw food- :V
-Indeed, and the Rulers would approach to congratulate!-
Martha: "...You know how violent she tends to be..."
Luvia: "We can lecture her later, right now we must prioritize our newcomer"

-Would they see Undyne?-

-And Viridi?- :V

Angewomon: "Unless they were very elusive" :p
LadyDevimon: "Knowing them? Not at all-
-They do have a few spiders that are smaller than Ludo's, but much larger than Earth's-

Linebeck: "Luckily it sounds like there aren't any here..."

-Or worse, shattered for treason...-

Pichu: "(You do?)" :surprised:
Lily: "Woah"
Medea: "Some would be really scared by that..."
Cú: "Not really, no"
-They're lucky I stopped adding literally every FGO character pre-2021-
-That would be the worst case scenario, and the Decepticons executed-
Fate: "Yes, I'm still at a young age after all"
Azura: "Why wait? We could dance now." :)
Palutena: "Explode?! This is a joke, right?"
Shez: "I'm trying..."

-Draco would sense that Sothis followed her?-
Emblem Corrin: "Well... I was actually victorious in my war."
Olivia: "...I'd ñpve that" :)
Lilith: "Long story is that I exist because her full power could be too dangerous even to herself"
Morrigan: "I can handle it now though"
Lilith: "I don't wanna die if you're careless!"
Draco: "...What are you going to do? Lecture me? Try all the blabbery you want, it won't change me"
Sieg: "Oh..."
-Calling a certain unit of robotic allies?-

O-Optimis Prime? Do you copy?


(But none of this answers where she is...)

ARMS stuff unreplied, Uni.

-But will she be willing to give Monika that chance right away?-

-They still don't let the issue go or do they figure Artemis will obliviously not answer it either way?-

Tetra: "Future chapters?"


-While Penny slowly hovers down, using her rocket.boots to maintain flight-

-After about five minutes of hovering down, they still don't find anything or see any signs of where the passage leads-

Pearl: "But there is clearly something shining through these melted doll components..."
-does he copy?-
Coyle: "It's hard not to when ARMS are so great!"

Sothis: "You go scout ahead, Shez. You're fast enough that she won't have time to land a hit."

Shez: "Aye aye!" -gone in a flash-
-...maybe wait until Yuri also sees it?-
Blake: "..." Maybe she's just weird... "I could go for breakfast."
Kanna: "Spoilers, Hayate!"
Weiss: "I see nothing... it's so weird..."
Optimus: "Roger that, I am listening"
-She doesn't sees that animal woman around... She just sees more ans more animals, none of them in an unfair environment for them-
-That... Might make some sense-
Artemis: "Roger that~"
Hayate: "What? It's something so general, why would that be a spoiler?"
Takeru: "Maybe a little bit deeper?"

Rin: "Fair enough... I can set them to burn then, hold up"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Lily: "Woah"
Medea: "Some would be really scared by that..."
Cú: "Not really, no"
-They're lucky I stopped adding literally every FGO character pre-2021-
-That would be the worst case scenario, and the Decepticons executed-
Fate: "Yes, I'm still at a young age after all"
-Mostly those with arachnophobia- :V

Linebeck: "Ciela probably wouldn't tolerate them."

-And whild true, Oberon is still around-:V

-She may need to make a strong and clear cut case in order to make this intergalactic alliamce happen...-

Pikachu: "(You still seem really tough!)"

Squirtle: "(And skilled!)"

-and they haven't even seen the Ruination Impulse mode-

-following Alphys-
Azura: "That cannot be denied... but still, if this is how you want to handle anyone calling you out, it's no wonder you have the reputation you have." -isn't trying to be mean, she's just brutally blunt-
-Indeed, and the Rulers would approach to congratulate!-
Martha: "...You know how violent she tends to be..."
Luvia: "We can lecture her later, right now we must prioritize our newcomer"

-Would they see Undyne?-
I kinda agree with both Luvia and Azura, here...

-That they would!-

-does he copy?-
Coyle: "It's hard not to when ARMS are so great!"

Sothis: "You go scout ahead, Shez. You're fast enough that she won't have time to land a hit."

Shez: "Aye aye!" -gone in a flash-
-...maybe wait until Yuri also sees it?-
Blake: "..." Maybe she's just weird... "I could go for breakfast."
Kanna: "Spoilers, Hayate!"
Weiss: "I see nothing... it's so weird..."
Optimus: "Roger that, I am listening"
-She doesn't sees that animal woman around... She just sees more ans more animals, none of them in an unfair environment for them-
-That... Might make some sense-
Artemis: "Roger that~"
Hayate: "What? It's something so general, why would that be a spoiler?"
Takeru: "Maybe a little bit deeper?"

Rin: "Fair enough... I can set them to burn then, hold up"
Th-This is Dr. Alphys speaking! W-We might need some help out here...

I can't tell if you're more obsessed with ARMS or just being the universe's strongest warrior...

(Are they being abused?) :urg:

-That's reasonable, right?-

-At least she didn't further imply her robotic origins by saying "Roger roger"- :V

Tetra: "I was more confused by why you referred to them as chapters..."


Penny: "It is almost like a bottomless pit from a video game..."

-A few seconds later, however, the three of them would hear something emit a bellowing growl...-

-Jenny thus opens the unlit furnace and tosses the melded together plastic doll hands into it-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Mets Knight: "I wouldn't be able to keep my identity and face much of a secret if I removed the mask entirely, would I?


Mabel: "Either way, that was a seriously cool fight, you two!"

-Well, she and the other Trainers could still be introducing them to other people as well the locations they do know so far-
Byleth: "I suppose... but I still don't see the point of the mask..."
Ephraim: "Thanks." :)

Olivia: "...I'd ñpve that" :)
Lilith: "Long story is that I exist because her full power could be too dangerous even to herself"
Morrigan: "I can handle it now though"
Lilith: "I don't wanna die if you're careless!"
Draco: "...What are you going to do? Lecture me? Try all the blabbery you want, it won't change me"
Sieg: "Oh..."
Azura: "Then let's get ready."
Dark Pit: "Now that sounds familiar..."
Sothis: "I am simply going to ask you a question. If you kill all of humanity, what happens next?"
Emblem Corrin: "Yeah..."

Optimus: "Roger that, I am listening"
-She doesn't sees that animal woman around... She just sees more ans more animals, none of them in an unfair environment for them-
-That... Might make some sense-
Artemis: "Roger that~"
Hayate: "What? It's something so general, why would that be a spoiler?"
Takeru: "Maybe a little bit deeper?"

Rin: "Fair enough... I can set them to burn then, hold up"
Th-This is Dr. Alphys speaking! W-We might need some help out here...

I can't tell if you're more obsessed with ARMS or just being the universe's strongest warrior...

(Are they being abused?) :urg:

-That's reasonable, right?-

-At least she didn't further imply her robotic origins by saying "Roger roger"- :V

Tetra: "I was more confused by why you referred to them as chapters..."


Penny: "It is almost like a bottomless pit from a video game..."

-A few seconds later, however, the three of them would hear something emit a bellowing growl...-

-Jenny thus opens the unlit furnace and tosses the melded together plastic doll hands into it-
-will he agree to help?-
Max Brass: "...She's both, at this point."

Dr. Coyle: "Shut up, Max! You know nothing!"

Viridi: -pets one- "They seem fine..."

-would Shez find anything while scouting?-
-probably, yeah-
Kanna: "Oh, that's because it was a manga before being a show!"
Weiss: "I was just about to say... is there an end to this...?"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kirby: "Do you know anyone else who usually wears a mask?"

Mabel: "Now there's a smile!"

-Actually, did you mean to type Weiss' name in that post or was that meant to be Hinoka or Canilla?-
Byleth: "....Well, there's someone I can think of..."
Eirika: "It look good on you, Ephraim."
-I forgot what I meant to do so... assume Hinoka-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "....Well, there's someone I can think of..."
Eirika: "It look good on you, Ephraim."
-I forgot what I meant to do so... assume Hinoka-
Bandana: "...Is it...okay if we ask who?"

-What's Ephraim's response?-

-I wasn't sure since none of the other Trainers were mentioned, but Hinoka and Camilla also probably know what the food's like here lol-

Girafarig: "(You said that your name is Hinoka, right?)"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-Mostly those with arachnophobia- :V

Linebeck: "Ciela probably wouldn't tolerate them."

-And whild true, Oberon is still around-:V

-She may need to make a strong and clear cut case in order to make this intergalactic alliamce happen...-

Pikachu: "(You still seem really tough!)"

Squirtle: "(And skilled!)"
-Yeah, though I can't think of anyone by my side with such fear lol-
Cú: "Glad to hear not all are little sociopaths"

-True, the Fae Knights tho would cause such a mayhem lol-
-True, what she thinks?-
Fate: "W-Well... I just attempt to perform as best as I can and improve..."
Azura: "Then let's get ready."
Dark Pit: "Now that sounds familiar..."
Sothis: "I am simply going to ask you a question. If you kill all of humanity, what happens next?"
Emblem Corrin: "Yeah..."
Olivia: "As you say, I hope you can keep your pace with mine" :)
Morrigan/Lilith: "It does?"
Draco: "Hmph, you ask like if I didn't foresee that. The moment humanity collapses, the taste would be such a wonderfully delicious meal of sins, that I'd see myself going down along all of them, seeing my goal accomplished while being satisfied to know such race is gone"
Sieg: "So yours didn't... Almost all die"
Th-This is Dr. Alphys speaking! W-We might need some help out here...

I can't tell if you're more obsessed with ARMS or just being the universe's strongest warrior...

(Are they being abused?) :urg:

-That's reasonable, right?-

-At least she didn't further imply her robotic origins by saying "Roger roger"- :V

Tetra: "I was more confused by why you referred to them as chapters..."


Penny: "It is almost like a bottomless pit from a video game..."

-A few seconds later, however, the three of them would hear something emit a bellowing growl...-

-Jenny thus opens the unlit furnace and tosses the melded together plastic doll hands into it-
-will he agree to help?-
Max Brass: "...She's both, at this point."

Dr. Coyle: "Shut up, Max! You know nothing!"

Viridi: -pets one- "They seem fine..."

-would Shez find anything while scouting?-
-probably, yeah-
Kanna: "Oh, that's because it was a manga before being a show!"
Weiss: "I was just about to say... is there an end to this...?"
Optimus: "I shall offer my help. Just please remind me, the soldiers are all just energy constructs, correct?"
Charlotte: "Yeah... I don't get it, I get she would want to absorb some animal characteristics, but why to preserve them?"
Sitonai: "Do we even know her motivation? She wants to exterminate humanity, but for what reason?"
Shiki: "She is a Beast, that we know of, but which anyway?"
Sitonai: "Hmmmm, how much do you all know on them?"
Shiki: "Hmmm, we have met I, we have II, III and IV with us, we have killed V, and recently VI has been around, so the VII?"
Sitonai: "Aren't some of those split though?"
Shiki: "Drats... Fine, so we have both halves of Beast III with us and killed both of V"
Sitonai: "Okay... But the halves of who the VI one are are also too obvious, so we can eliminate that"
Charlotte: "Sooooo I, II, IV, VI or VII?"
Shiki: "...No, let's take the last one out. The Beast of the End would be such a grand threat that all Grands would be summoned"

-She would find traces of energy from the Grid...-
-Indeed, on the least the Santas also delivered all their gifts-
Artemis: "Soooo, what's for breakfast~?"
Atalanta: "We should shower first"
Artemis: "Obviously,doesn't means I can't be excited for breakfast"
-Man-ga? What's that?-
Takeru: "Hmmm, maybe we should go back..."

-And Rin used a spell to make a small fire-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Yeah, though I can't think of anyone by my side with such fear lol-
Cú: "Glad to hear not all are little sociopaths"

-True, the Fae Knights tho would cause such a mayhem lol-
-True, what she thinks?-
Fate: "W-Well... I just attempt to perform as best as I can and improve..."
-Neither can I off the top of my head, admittedly- :p

Linebeck: "I've known more psychotic pirates and ghosts."

-Based on everything you've said about the fairies in FGO so far, that sounds accurate lmao-

(Once I finally return to Homeeorld, I'll need to explain why I was overdue on my mission to collect human specimens...And why I'm co-leading a large battalion of Cybertronians.)

Pichu:"(You did awesome there!)"

-will he agree to help?-
Max Brass: "...She's both, at this point."

Dr. Coyle: "Shut up, Max! You know nothing!"

Viridi: -pets one- "They seem fine..."

-would Shez find anything while scouting?-
-probably, yeah-
Kanna: "Oh, that's because it was a manga before being a show!"
Weiss: "I was just about to say... is there an end to this...?"
Optimus: "I shall offer my help. Just please remind me, the soldiers are all just energy constructs, correct?"
Charlotte: "Yeah... I don't get it, I get she would want to absorb some animal characteristics, but why to preserve them?"
Sitonai: "Do we even know her motivation? She wants to exterminate humanity, but for what reason?"
Shiki: "She is a Beast, that we know of, but which anyway?"
Sitonai: "Hmmmm, how much do you all know on them?"
Shiki: "Hmmm, we have met I, we have II, III and IV with us, we have killed V, and recently VI has been around, so the VII?"
Sitonai: "Aren't some of those split though?"
Shiki: "Drats... Fine, so we have both halves of Beast III with us and killed both of V"
Sitonai: "Okay... But the halves of who the VI one are are also too obvious, so we can eliminate that"
Charlotte: "Sooooo I, II, IV, VI or VII?"
Shiki: "...No, let's take the last one out. The Beast of the End would be such a grand threat that all Grands would be summoned"

-She would find traces of energy from the Grid...-
-Indeed, on the least the Santas also delivered all their gifts-
Artemis: "Soooo, what's for breakfast~?"
Atalanta: "We should shower first"
Artemis: "Obviously,doesn't means I can't be excited for breakfast"
-Man-ga? What's that?-
Takeru: "Hmmm, maybe we should go back..."

-And Rin used a spell to make a small fire-
At this point, all b-but their leaders are...

Sounds accurate to me...

(Then...Which Beast is she?)

-So it's been a good Chtistmas for Chaldea and the town, at the very least-

-Even they can agree with that point?-

Tetra: "Mang-what now?"

Penny: "And did anyone else hear that..?"

-The bellowing growling is getting louder...And they three of them can also start to hear something climbing up the seemingly bottomless passage-

-Once it burns for a few seconds, the plastic doll hands melt down, and once the fire is put out, a key can be seen sitting in their place-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Indeed, and the Rulers would approach to congratulate!-
Martha: "...You know how violent she tends to be..."
Luvia: "We can lecture her later, right now we must prioritize our newcomer"
I kinda agree with both Luvia and Azura, here...
Azura: "Agreed..." Hopefully she won't send someone after me for calling her out.

-And Viridi?- :V
-I forgot Viridi lmao-

-she's sitting on Whisker's shoulder-

Bandana: "...Is it...okay if we ask who?"

-What's Ephraim's response?-

-I wasn't sure since none of the other Trainers were mentioned, but Hinoka and Camilla also probably know what the food's like here lol-

Girafarig: "(You said that your name is Hinoka, right?)"
Byleth: "His name was Jeritza. He bore two masks. One was a white one that covered his eyes and the other had him clad in completely dark armor, with a skull on his hemlet. The last one even changed his voice to sound more unsettling..."
Ephraim: "I wonder who else is strong like that..."

Eirika: "Oh, Ephraim... Already thinking of the next spar..."
-the context for this one was a little harder for her to get so she looks a bit confused...-

Olivia: "As you say, I hope you can keep your pace with mine" :)
Morrigan/Lilith: "It does?"
Draco: "Hmph, you ask like if I didn't foresee that. The moment humanity collapses, the taste would be such a wonderfully delicious meal of sins, that I'd see myself going down along all of them, seeing my goal accomplished while being satisfied to know such race is gone"
Sieg: "So yours didn't... Almost all die"
Azura: "I was about to say the same for you." :p
Dark Pit: "Well, not the whole "too powerful to handle" thing. But having to look over the other me because if they die, I'm gone too? Yeah, that's me too."
Sothis: "So all you see yourself as is a tool to end humanity... You don't seek to enjoy the wonders of life. You probably don't even care about them... But... who gave you this goal and why? I am merely curious of it."
Emblem Corrin: "Well, there are a few lives I couldn't save but otherwise yeah, my army was relatively untouched. What surprises me is how we've both taken the same path." -no explicit confirmation that this is Revelation Corrin, I'm just going over an implication from the final chapter-

Optimus: "I shall offer my help. Just please remind me, the soldiers are all just energy constructs, correct?"
Charlotte: "Yeah... I don't get it, I get she would want to absorb some animal characteristics, but why to preserve them?"
Sitonai: "Do we even know her motivation? She wants to exterminate humanity, but for what reason?"
Shiki: "She is a Beast, that we know of, but which anyway?"
Sitonai: "Hmmmm, how much do you all know on them?"
Shiki: "Hmmm, we have met I, we have II, III and IV with us, we have killed V, and recently VI has been around, so the VII?"
Sitonai: "Aren't some of those split though?"
Shiki: "Drats... Fine, so we have both halves of Beast III with us and killed both of V"
Sitonai: "Okay... But the halves of who the VI one are are also too obvious, so we can eliminate that"
Charlotte: "Sooooo I, II, IV, VI or VII?"
Shiki: "...No, let's take the last one out. The Beast of the End would be such a grand threat that all Grands would be summoned"

-She would find traces of energy from the Grid...-
-Indeed, on the least the Santas also delivered all their gifts-
Artemis: "Soooo, what's for breakfast~?"
Atalanta: "We should shower first"
Artemis: "Obviously,doesn't means I can't be excited for breakfast"
-Man-ga? What's that?-
Takeru: "Hmmm, maybe we should go back..."

-And Rin used a spell to make a small fire-
At this point, all b-but their leaders are...

Sounds accurate to me...

(Then...Which Beast is she?)

-So it's been a good Chtistmas for Chaldea and the town, at the very least-

-Even they can agree with that point?-

Tetra: "Mang-what now?"

Penny: "And did anyone else hear that..?"

-The bellowing growling is getting louder...And they three of them can also start to hear something climbing up the seemingly bottomless passage-

-Once it burns for a few seconds, the plastic doll hands melt down, and once the fire is put out, a key can be seen sitting in their place-
-so that means the Autobots don't have to feel bad for killing them-
Max Brass: "Which is why she must be stopped!"

Dr. Coyle: There are still traces of the Grid... could I use them...?

Viridi: "My money is on her being a new Beast IV. The one on our side is a fluffy, adorable animal while this woman can absorb the power of other animals. There's a theme going on here, much like how the two Beast IIIs we have are revolving around lust."
-and afterwards, Byleth did give Suzuka a chance to let loose her earlier desire to get stabby with a friendly spar-

-except, well, there was no stabbing lmao-
Blake: "She's not wrong, Atalanta."
Azura: "Oh right, that is probably new to you. If you know what books are, then imagine them being almost entirely drawings rather than written text, with speech bubbles whenever anyone speaks."
Weiss: "...We're not alone... and should probably get the hell out."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
I won't be around for the day
-Neither can I off the top of my head, admittedly- :p

Linebeck: "I've known more psychotic pirates and ghosts."

-Based on everything you've said about the fairies in FGO so far, that sounds accurate lmao-

(Once I finally return to Homeeorld, I'll need to explain why I was overdue on my mission to collect human specimens...And why I'm co-leading a large battalion of Cybertronians.)

Pichu:"(You did awesome there!)"
-Oh well, clearly the witches ain't-
Cú: "Kinda to be expected"
-Yeah... Hopefully being non-organic helps them gain the Diamond's favor-
Fate: "...T-Thank you..." -still a bit embarrassed-
Azura: "I was about to say the same for you." :p
Dark Pit: "Well, not the whole "too powerful to handle" thing. But having to look over the other me because if they die, I'm gone too? Yeah, that's me too."
Sothis: "So all you see yourself as is a tool to end humanity... You don't seek to enjoy the wonders of life. You probably don't even care about them... But... who gave you this goal and why? I am merely curious of it."
Emblem Corrin: "Well, there are a few lives I couldn't save but otherwise yeah, my army was relatively untouched. What surprises me is how we've both taken the same path." -no explicit confirmation that this is Revelation Corrin, I'm just going over an implication from the final chapter-
Olivia: -Giggle- "I'll be sure to put it my all!"
-Olivia the Bold is currently speaking, more confident after talking a bit to her old friend-
Lilith: "...Woah, I didn't expect to ever meet someone in similar circumstances...It's refreshing, not gonna lie"
Draco: "Give me a reason why should I tell you"
Sieg: "Of trying to unite both nations against an enemy?"
At this point, all b-but their leaders are...

Sounds accurate to me...

(Then...Which Beast is she?)

-So it's been a good Chtistmas for Chaldea and the town, at the very least-

-Even they can agree with that point?-

Tetra: "Mang-what now?"

Penny: "And did anyone else hear that..?"

-The bellowing growling is getting louder...And they three of them can also start to hear something climbing up the seemingly bottomless passage-

-Once it burns for a few seconds, the plastic doll hands melt down, and once the fire is put out, a key can be seen sitting in their place-
-so that means the Autobots don't have to feel bad for killing them-
Max Brass: "Which is why she must be stopped!"

Dr. Coyle: There are still traces of the Grid... could I use them...?

Viridi: "My money is on her being a new Beast IV. The one on our side is a fluffy, adorable animal while this woman can absorb the power of other animals. There's a theme going on here, much like how the two Beast IIIs we have are revolving around lust."
-and afterwards, Byleth did give Suzuka a chance to let loose her earlier desire to get stabby with a friendly spar-

-except, well, there was no stabbing lmao-
Blake: "She's not wrong, Atalanta."
Azura: "Oh right, that is probably new to you. If you know what books are, then imagine them being almost entirely drawings rather than written text, with speech bubbles whenever anyone speaks."
Weiss: "...We're not alone... and should probably get the hell out."
Optimus: "I understand" It's rare for there to be a battle where I can feel no guilt...
Shiki: "You know what? That sounds reasonable"
Sitonai: "So she might be an eco-terrorist..."
-Indeed they would-
-And oooh, good for the Saber-
Atalanta: "Well, you're not wrong..."
Artemis: "Right~?"
Hayate: "Yeah! She summed it well!"
Takeru: "And fast!"

Rin: "Huh, so you were right after all" -picks it up-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
I won't be around for the day

-Oh well, clearly the witches ain't-
Cú: "Kinda to be expected"
-Yeah... Hopefully being non-organic helps them gain the Diamond's favor-
Fate: "...T-Thank you..." -still a bit embarrassed-
Understood. Thank you for the heads-up.

-If anything, the giant spiders seem cool since they're not hostile unlike the one Ludo caught and trained?-


Linebeck: "Oh well, at least that means less people to worry about here."

(Cú! Cú! I just learned two new moves!) -Running up to his Trainer-

Linebeck: "Aye, you have a dog?"

-The Diamonds might think of Gems as being superior to other races, but even they would admit it's difficult to argue that they have common ground by virtue of both being inorganic races...-

Pichu: "(Are you okay?)" :confused:

Byleth: "His name was Jeritza. He bore two masks. One was a white one that covered his eyes and the other had him clad in completely dark armor, with a skull on his hemlet. The last one even changed his voice to sound more unsettling..."
Ephraim: "I wonder who else is strong like that..."

Eirika: "Oh, Ephraim... Already thinking of the next spar..."
-the context for this one was a little harder for her to get so she looks a bit confused...-
Kirby: "Was he a mean person or was it part of an act...?"

-Not saying that Meta Knights' own behavior is an act, but his motives can be shrouded in mystery at first from time to time, too, with him secretly training Kirby to become strong enough to fight Nightmare and trying to discretely get rid of the chest containing Dark Nebula being among the best examples of this-


Want to find out? :p -Stomps on the ground, causing a small quake that somehow makes her metal spear fall from the ceiling-

-She effortlessly catches the spear with one hand without even looking at it before it hits the ground-


Vulpix: "(I don't think she understood that...)"

Girafarig: "(Right, sorry...)" -Hinoka would at least understand that the Girafarig was apologetic for the confusion?-

-so that means the Autobots don't have to feel bad for killing them-
Max Brass: "Which is why she must be stopped!"

Dr. Coyle: There are still traces of the Grid... could I use them...?

Viridi: "My money is on her being a new Beast IV. The one on our side is a fluffy, adorable animal while this woman can absorb the power of other animals. There's a theme going on here, much like how the two Beast IIIs we have are revolving around lust."
-and afterwards, Byleth did give Suzuka a chance to let loose her earlier desire to get stabby with a friendly spar-

-except, well, there was no stabbing lmao-
Blake: "She's not wrong, Atalanta."
Azura: "Oh right, that is probably new to you. If you know what books are, then imagine them being almost entirely drawings rather than written text, with speech bubbles whenever anyone speaks."
Weiss: "...We're not alone... and should probably get the hell out."
Optimus: "I understand" It's rare for there to be a battle where I can feel no guilt...
Shiki: "You know what? That sounds reasonable"
Sitonai: "So she might be an eco-terrorist..."
-Indeed they would-
-And oooh, good for the Saber-
Atalanta: "Well, you're not wrong..."
Artemis: "Right~?"
Hayate: "Yeah! She summed it well!"
Takeru: "And fast!"

Rin: "Huh, so you were right after all" -picks it up-
-But unlike the Decepticons or the bounty hunters and assassins they hire, these soldiers are just mindless shells with no Souls or even identities of their own...-

-I thought Shez was the one who found the remnants of the Grid since she was the one searching the fortress? Then again, it could be possible that Coyle would b e able to trace part of it as well-

XJ-6: "And here I thought Vexus, Smytus and the Mad Hammer Brothers were crazy..."

Tell me about it...

(She can absorb their powers?)

(So that's why she's captured all these animals...)

(If she's really another Beast III...Does that mean she has any possible specific weaknesses?)

-All Suzuka wanted for Christmas was a badass fight- :V

-Still leaves the question of what she meant with the computer terms like updating her systems was...But at least her point about being excited for breakfast ahead of time is a legitimately valid one- :V

Medli: "So they're like paintings or illustrations with dialogue portrayed more directly?"

Tetra: "So this show puts that story into motion..."

Penny: "You two fly back up first, I will keep whatever it is at bay!"

-The creature can audibly be heard climbing up the tunnel faster-

I knew there had to be something up with that shiny object! :p
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Olivia: -Giggle- "I'll be sure to put it my all!"
-Olivia the Bold is currently speaking, more confident after talking a bit to her old friend-
Lilith: "...Woah, I didn't expect to ever meet someone in similar circumstances...It's refreshing, not gonna lie"
Draco: "Give me a reason why should I tell you"
Sieg: "Of trying to unite both nations against an enemy?"
Azura: "I wouldn't expect anything less." :)
Dark Pit: "Same here. I really thought I was the only one with that curse." -because Kuro is retconned:V-
Sothis: -bluntly- "Because I succeeded at what you seek to do."
Emblem Corrin: "Precisely!"

Kirby: "Was he a mean person or was it part of an act...?"

-Not saying that Meta Knights' own behavior is an act, but his motives can be shrouded in mystery at first from time to time, too, with him secretly training Kirby to become strong enough to fight Nightmare and trying to discretely get rid of the chest containing Dark Nebula being among the best examples of this-


Want to find out? :p -Stomps on the ground, causing a small quake that somehow makes her metal spear fall from the ceiling-

-She effortlessly catches the spear with one hand without even looking at it before it hits the ground-


Vulpix: "(I don't think she understood that...)"

Girafarig: "(Right, sorry...)" -Hinoka would at least understand that the Girafarig was apologetic for the confusion?-
Byleth: "The answer's a bit more... complicated than that. He had a dark and troubled soul, which led to actions he likely wouldn't have taken if his past was less tragic."
Ephraim: 🤔

Eirika: :rolleyes:

Optimus: "I understand" It's rare for there to be a battle where I can feel no guilt...
Shiki: "You know what? That sounds reasonable"
Sitonai: "So she might be an eco-terrorist..."
-Indeed they would-
-And oooh, good for the Saber-
Atalanta: "Well, you're not wrong..."
Artemis: "Right~?"
Hayate: "Yeah! She summed it well!"
Takeru: "And fast!"

Rin: "Huh, so you were right after all" -picks it up-
-But unlike the Decepticons or the bounty hunters and assassins they hire, these soldiers are just mindless shells with no Souls or even identities of their own...-

-I thought Shez was the one who found the remnants of the Grid since she was the one searching the fortress? Then again, it could be possible that Coyle would b e able to trace part of it as well-

XJ-6: "And here I thought Vexus, Smytus and the Mad Hammer Brothers were crazy..."

Tell me about it...

(She can absorb their powers?)

(So that's why she's captured all these animals...)

(If she's really another Beast III...Does that mean she has any possible specific weaknesses?)

-All Suzuka wanted for Christmas was a badass fight- :V

-Still leaves the question of what she meant with the computer terms like updating her systems was...But at least her point about being excited for breakfast ahead of time is a legitimately valid one- :V

Medli: "So they're like paintings or illustrations with dialogue portrayed more directly?"

Tetra: "So this show puts that story into motion..."

Penny: "You two fly back up first, I will keep whatever it is at bay!"

-The creature can audibly be heard climbing up the tunnel faster-

I knew there had to be something up with that shiny object! :p
-so yeah, they can go ALL OUT-
-actually yeah, Shez finding Grid stuff makes sense lol-

Viridi: "It's theorized that any non-human could work against her. It's the main reason Sothis thought of bringing Alear along."

Alear: "...Not a bad plan, honestly."

Shez: ...Man, I'm sensing some crazy energy around here.

-the XJs were blasted by Coyle while they talked-
-which is why Byleth offered the spar; in a way, this too was doing her job as a Santa... and she also wanted to try this new form of her to gauge its combat properties anyway-
Blake: "We should go get some then." :)
Azura: "Exactly. You've really adapted well here." :)
Weiss: "...Are you sure, Penny?" :urg:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "The answer's a bit more... complicated than that. He had a dark and troubled soul, which led to actions he likely wouldn't have taken if his past was less tragic."
Ephraim: 🤔

Eirika: :rolleyes:
Kirby: "Oh..." :urg:

Meta Knight: "I see...A Soul who's unfortunate past impacted their future behavior for the worse..."


Dipper: "Isn't one spar enough for the time being...?"


The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kirby: "Oh..." :urg:

Meta Knight: "I see...A Soul who's unfortunate past impacted their future behavior for the worse..."


Dipper: "Isn't one spar enough for the time being...?"

Byleth: "Pretty much..."
Eirika: "I think it is... Come on, Ephraim."

Ephraim: ".....Fine... but only because I don't want to keep breaking training weapons."
Hinoka: "Whatever you're sorry for, it's fine." :) We should've looked for Lilith...


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "Pretty much..."
Eirika: "I think it is... Come on, Ephraim."

Ephraim: ".....Fine... but only because I don't want to keep breaking training weapons."
Hinoka: "Whatever you're sorry for, it's fine." :) We should've looked for Lilith...
Kirby: "We've met a few people like that...Some of them changed for the better, but not all of them could, or at least wanted to..."

You were using a training weapon? I don't unless I'm teaching someone combat!


-Who they then see across the castle grounds squeeing over all the cute Pokemon?- :V

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kirby: "We've met a few people like that...Some of them changed for the better, but not all of them could, or at least wanted to..."

You were using a training weapon? I don't unless I'm teaching someone combat!


-Who they then see across the castle grounds squeeing over all the cute Pokemon?- :V
Byleth: "Everyone is different when it comes to that..."
Eirika: "His weapon of choice has a blade that's fatal against monsters. Had he used it, your student would not have walked out of this fight alive..."

-Undyne concedes that this is a fair point?-
Hinoka: Oh, there she is!


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "Everyone is different when it comes to that..."
Eirika: "His weapon of choice has a blade that's fatal against monsters. Had he used it, your student would not have walked out of this fight alive..."

-Undyne concedes that this is a fair point?-
Hinoka: Oh, there she is!
Kirby: "But Meta Knight isn't like that..."

...That's a fair point. And also kinda messed up. But I guess there are a lot of weapons out there designed to be super effective on certain species or types of species...

-Will she and Camilla go ask her for help in translating?-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kirby: "But Meta Knight isn't like that..."

...That's a fair point. And also kinda messed up. But I guess there are a lot of weapons out there designed to be super effective on certain species or types of species...

-Will she and Camilla go ask her for help in translating?-
Byleth: "I could tell. He seems very honorable. The kind of person who would toss a sword at you for a fairer fight."
Eirika: "When monsters are mindless harbingers of destruction in my world, weapons like that are very helpful. My strongest sword is the same, though I have other options too."
Hinoka: "Hey. Lilith!"

Lilith: "Oh? Lady Hinoka? What is it?"

Hinoka: "Mind trying to help with the tour? Camilla and I... can't exactly understand these creatures..."

Lilith: "Oh, that would be lovely~" :b:


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-Kamui lost attention because she saw food- :V

Azura: "That cannot be denied... but still, if this is how you want to handle anyone calling you out, it's no wonder you have the reputation you have." -isn't trying to be mean, she's just brutally blunt-
-Indeed, and the Rulers would approach to congratulate!-
Martha: "...You know how violent she tends to be..."
Luvia: "We can lecture her later, right now we must prioritize our newcomer"

-Would they see Undyne?-

-And Viridi?- :V

Angewomon: "Unless they were very elusive" :p
LadyDevimon: "Knowing them? Not at all-
I kinda agree with both Luvia and Azura, here...

-That they would!-
Azura: "Agreed..." Hopefully she won't send someone after me for calling her out.

-I forgot Viridi lmao-

-she's sitting on Whisker's shoulder-
-seeing all the people and goes breeep-

-that is a legitimate concern....Juri is one thing since Juri is a legit menace among them, but this shows Martha is willing to go to extremes just over a disagreement....-

-seeing Undyne again, with a more upbeat demeanor-

-it makes Viridi feel taller :V-

Almost makes me want to see how they'd react if I Digivolved in front of them. :p

Tsukaimon's Tamer: "Would be better for us to stay out of their affairs unless absolutely necessary."

Oh, why's that? Too shy to meet new people?

Tamer: "Feels like too much to keep track of."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "I could tell. He seems very honorable. The kind of person who would toss a sword at you for a fairer fight."
Eirika: "When monsters are mindless harbingers of destruction in my world, weapons like that are very helpful. My strongest sword is the same, though I have other options too."
Hinoka: "Hey. Lilith!"

Lilith: "Oh? Lady Hinoka? What is it?"

Hinoka: "Mind trying to help with the tour? Camilla and I... can't exactly understand these creatures..."

Lilith: "Oh, that would be lovely~" :b:
Kirby: "How did you know?!" :surprised:

I get it. We've fought monsters who were created by evil warlocks before, and they were mindlessly loyal to him and hostile to everyone else.

Vulpix: "(Oh, someone who speaks Pokemon?)"

Girafarig: "(Who is she?)"
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