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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kirby: "How did you know?!" :surprised:

I get it. We've fought monsters who were created by evil warlocks before, and they were mindlessly loyal to him and hostile to everyone else.

Vulpix: "(Oh, someone who speaks Pokemon?)"

Girafarig: "(Who is she?)"
Byleth: "When you've fought as many battles as I did, you grow a good sense of intuition and a keen eye."
Eirika: "I'm glad you understand..."
Lilith: "My name is Lilith, and this is my domain." :)

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
I kinda agree with both Luvia and Azura, here...

-That they would!-
Azura: "Agreed..." Hopefully she won't send someone after me for calling her out.

-I forgot Viridi lmao-

-she's sitting on Whisker's shoulder-
-seeing all the people and goes breeep-

-that is a legitimate concern....Juri is one thing since Juri is a legit menace among them, but this shows Martha is willing to go to extremes just over a disagreement....-

-seeing Undyne again, with a more upbeat demeanor-

-it makes Viridi feel taller :V-

Almost makes me want to see how they'd react if I Digivolved in front of them. :p

Tsukaimon's Tamer: "Would be better for us to stay out of their affairs unless absolutely necessary."

Oh, why's that? Too shy to meet new people?

Tamer: "Feels like too much to keep track of."
-True, it shows Martha may have too much mre of a temper than she's willing to admit....-
Jeanne: "Congratulations on your win!"

-And Undyne would be glad about the development?-

Shirou: She's really enjoying that, isn't she?

Angewomon: "Why? Would you become a handsome angel like me or a devil like my sis~?" :p
Mirei: "May be the smart option"
Understood. Thank you for the heads-up.

-If anything, the giant spiders seem cool since they're not hostile unlike the one Ludo caught and trained?-


Linebeck: "Oh well, at least that means less people to worry about here."

(Cú! Cú! I just learned two new moves!) -Running up to his Trainer-

Linebeck: "Aye, you have a dog?"

-The Diamonds might think of Gems as being superior to other races, but even they would admit it's difficult to argue that they have common ground by virtue of both being inorganic races...-

Pichu: "(Are you okay?)" :confused:
Lily: "Still, I don't mind them!"
Medea: "I can see that" :)
Cú: "Hey, little buddy!" -would pat the Rock-type- "And you could say I do"
-Ones that would very much give a hand when dealing with organics-
Fate: "I'm alright" -just thinks she's getting overpraised-
Azura: "I wouldn't expect anything less." :)
Dark Pit: "Same here. I really thought I was the only one with that curse." -because Kuro is retconned:V-
Sothis: -bluntly- "Because I succeeded at what you seek to do."
Emblem Corrin: "Precisely!"
-And so, it's time for both to daaaance-
Lilith: "Interesting, maybe we could chat a bit more about it!" -and not in a flirty tone-
Draco: "And yet you still made a second set of humanity..."
Sieg: "Hm, she might even look up to you..."
-But unlike the Decepticons or the bounty hunters and assassins they hire, these soldiers are just mindless shells with no Souls or even identities of their own...-

-I thought Shez was the one who found the remnants of the Grid since she was the one searching the fortress? Then again, it could be possible that Coyle would b e able to trace part of it as well-

XJ-6: "And here I thought Vexus, Smytus and the Mad Hammer Brothers were crazy..."

Tell me about it...

(She can absorb their powers?)

(So that's why she's captured all these animals...)

(If she's really another Beast III...Does that mean she has any possible specific weaknesses?)

-All Suzuka wanted for Christmas was a badass fight- :V

-Still leaves the question of what she meant with the computer terms like updating her systems was...But at least her point about being excited for breakfast ahead of time is a legitimately valid one- :V

Medli: "So they're like paintings or illustrations with dialogue portrayed more directly?"

Tetra: "So this show puts that story into motion..."

Penny: "You two fly back up first, I will keep whatever it is at bay!"

-The creature can audibly be heard climbing up the tunnel faster-

I knew there had to be something up with that shiny object! :p
-so yeah, they can go ALL OUT-
-actually yeah, Shez finding Grid stuff makes sense lol-

Viridi: "It's theorized that any non-human could work against her. It's the main reason Sothis thought of bringing Alear along."

Alear: "...Not a bad plan, honestly."

Shez: ...Man, I'm sensing some crazy energy around here.

-the XJs were blasted by Coyle while they talked-
-which is why Byleth offered the spar; in a way, this too was doing her job as a Santa... and she also wanted to try this new form of her to gauge its combat properties anyway-
Blake: "We should go get some then." :)
Azura: "Exactly. You've really adapted well here." :)
Weiss: "...Are you sure, Penny?" :urg:
-Soon, the Ark would come down the surface-
Rita: -Observing- "...What's that?"
Sitonai: "That should be a good thing, but we still need to find her to destroy her..."
-Having to deal with rains of divine blades- :V
-Maybe they'll question it more later-
Atalanta: -Nods- "Let's get to it"
Hayate: "It happens a lot with popular manga!"
Takeru: "Wait, I will stay with you then"

Rin: "Very observant!"
Mordred: "So let's just use it"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-And so, it's time for both to daaaance-
Lilith: "Interesting, maybe we could chat a bit more about it!" -and not in a flirty tone-
Draco: "And yet you still made a second set of humanity..."
Sieg: "Hm, she might even look up to you..."
Dark Pit: -noticed- "Sure, why not?"
Sothis: "Because I love to create things..."
Emblem Corrin: "You think so?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Lily: "Still, I don't mind them!"
Medea: "I can see that" :)
Cú: "Hey, little buddy!" -would pat the Rock-type- "And you could say I do"
-Ones that would very much give a hand when dealing with organics-
Fate: "I'm alright" -just thinks she's getting overpraised-
-So far, all the native Mewnian animal life here seems cool and fascinating-

-Rockruff waggled his tail in response to that-

Linebeck: "Erm, what's with the rocks lining it's neck? Wait, it's one of those Pokemon things, isn't it?"

(Who's the sailor guy?)

-They all hate organic life, after all...-

Pichu: "(You just sounded worried...)"

Byleth: "When you've fought as many battles as I did, you grow a good sense of intuition and a keen eye."
Eirika: "I'm glad you understand..."
Lilith: "My name is Lilith, and this is my domain." :)
Meta Knight: "Now that, I am not surprised by."

Kirby: "You're totally right on the nose! Meta Knight always offers me a sword before we battle!"

Just keep in mind, we aren't like those monsters, aight? We're all our own species, and we certainly WEREN'T made by some tyrannical nutcase of a wizard nor have we ever followed one.

Girafarig: "(You own this place?)" :surprised:

Vulpix: "(I-I'm sorry, we had no idea!)"

Azura: "Agreed..." Hopefully she won't send someone after me for calling her out.
-seeing all the people and goes breeep-

-that is a legitimate concern....Juri is one thing since Juri is a legit menace among them, but this shows Martha is willing to go to extremes just over a disagreement....-

-seeing Undyne again, with a more upbeat demeanor-
-True, it shows Martha may have too much mre of a temper than she's willing to admit....-
Jeanne: "Congratulations on your win!"

-And Undyne would be glad about the development?-
-Which is exactly one of the reasons why Juri keeps offering to spar with her?-

What'd I tell ya, Alphy love? :p

Y-You were right, I should've been more confident about myself. I-I'm really glad I get to take this cute Pokemon in... :) -Smiling at the Bidoof-

-so yeah, they can go ALL OUT-
-actually yeah, Shez finding Grid stuff makes sense lol-

Viridi: "It's theorized that any non-human could work against her. It's the main reason Sothis thought of bringing Alear along."

Alear: "...Not a bad plan, honestly."

Shez: ...Man, I'm sensing some crazy energy around here.

-the XJs were blasted by Coyle while they talked-
-which is why Byleth offered the spar; in a way, this too was doing her job as a Santa... and she also wanted to try this new form of her to gauge its combat properties anyway-
Blake: "We should go get some then." :)
Azura: "Exactly. You've really adapted well here." :)
Weiss: "...Are you sure, Penny?" :urg:
-Soon, the Ark would come down the surface-
Rita: -Observing- "...What's that?"
Sitonai: "That should be a good thing, but we still need to find her to destroy her..."
-Having to deal with rains of divine blades- :V
-Maybe they'll question it more later-
Atalanta: -Nods- "Let's get to it"
Hayate: "It happens a lot with popular manga!"
Takeru: "Wait, I will stay with you then"

Rin: "Very observant!"
Mordred: "So let's just use it"
-Currently undergoing repairs- SOMETHING [bad news] I TAKE IT??

(Sounds good enough to me!)

(I just hope that theory is right...)

-Both XJs were launched back by it and XJ-6's screen is covered with smoke-

XJ-6: "OH, YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!" -Flies towards Coyle at high speed-

-So the battle is chaos- :V

-First each of them take quick showers, then they meet back up for breakfast?-

Tetra: "There are more television shows like this one?"

Penny: "Either we risk confronting it here...Or you two try to escape. Please, there is no reason for more than one of us to put ourselves at risk if we do not know if we can defeat it here..."

-The creature's growls and climbing sounds are getting louder by the second...-

Garnet: "We just need to figure out what door it unlocks."

-The Servants group walks back out of the furnace room, Atalanta likely picking the doll back up on the way-

-...Notably, however, the melted piles of plastic and blood, AKA the remains of dead Husks that were littered throughout this hall and the one on the opposite wing, are suddenly gone from the hallway entirely, now-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-seeing all the people and goes breeep-

-that is a legitimate concern....Juri is one thing since Juri is a legit menace among them, but this shows Martha is willing to go to extremes just over a disagreement....-
-True, it shows Martha may have too much mre of a temper than she's willing to admit....-
Jeanne: "Congratulations on your win!"
-Which is exactly one of the reasons why Juri keeps offering to spar with her?-
-which was the exact thing Juri had called her out for, so in a twisted way, Martha's actions just proved to the South Korean that she was right :V-

Azura: "...Is there anything else you want?"

-it makes Viridi feel taller :V-
Shirou: She's really enjoying that, isn't she?
-with how happily she's giggling, absolutely-

Meta Knight: "Now that, I am not surprised by."

Kirby: "You're totally right on the nose! Meta Knight always offers me a sword before we battle!"

Just keep in mind, we aren't like those monsters, aight? We're all our own species, and we certainly WEREN'T made by some tyrannical nutcase of a wizard nor have we ever followed one.

Girafarig: "(You own this place?)" :surprised:

Vulpix: "(I-I'm sorry, we had no idea!)"
Byleth: "What a fair fighter."
Eirika: "Don't worry, I noticed it." :)
Lilith: "I don't exactly look the part, to be fair. I look more like some maid." :lol:

-Soon, the Ark would come down the surface-
Rita: -Observing- "...What's that?"
Sitonai: "That should be a good thing, but we still need to find her to destroy her..."
-Having to deal with rains of divine blades- :V
-Maybe they'll question it more later-
Atalanta: -Nods- "Let's get to it"
Hayate: "It happens a lot with popular manga!"
Takeru: "Wait, I will stay with you then"

Rin: "Very observant!"
Mordred: "So let's just use it"
-Currently undergoing repairs- SOMETHING [bad news] I TAKE IT??

(Sounds good enough to me!)

(I just hope that theory is right...)

-Both XJs were launched back by it and XJ-6's screen is covered with smoke-

XJ-6: "OH, YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!" -Flies towards Coyle at high speed-

-So the battle is chaos- :V

-First each of them take quick showers, then they meet back up for breakfast?-

Tetra: "There are more television shows like this one?"

Penny: "Either we risk confronting it here...Or you two try to escape. Please, there is no reason for more than one of us to put ourselves at risk if we do not know if we can defeat it here..."

-The creature's growls and climbing sounds are getting louder by the second...-

Garnet: "We just need to figure out what door it unlocks."

-The Servants group walks back out of the furnace room, Atalanta likely picking the doll back up on the way-

-...Notably, however, the melted piles of plastic and blood, AKA the remains of dead Husks that were littered throughout this hall and the one on the opposite wing, are suddenly gone from the hallway entirely, now-
-most likely, yes-
Sothis: "Only one way to find out..."

-Coyle vanished and tried to sneak attack XJ-6 with a punch at the back-
Byleth: She fights just like Shez... I have to be careful.
Kanna: "Countless~!"
Weiss: "....If you don't come back, I'll be very mad..."
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "What a fair fighter."
Eirika: "Don't worry, I noticed it." :)
Lilith: "I don't exactly look the part, to be fair. I look more like some maid." :lol:
Meta Knight: "One cannot prove their own strength if you are not on even ground with your opponent."

I'm glad to hear it. :p

Girafarig: "(...What's a maid, exactly?)" :confused: -Wild Pokemon, so they're not as familiar with a lot of concepts more familiar to humanoid societies-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Meta Knight: "One cannot prove their own strength if you are not on even ground with your opponent."

I'm glad to hear it. :p

Girafarig: "(...What's a maid, exactly?)" :confused: -Wild Pokemon, so they're not as familiar with a lot of concepts more familiar to humanoid societies-
Byleth: "Unfortunately, people aren't always this honest. In such cases, the fairest way to fight is to be just as unfair as they are."
-and now... I dunno...-
Lilith: "Oh, you must be unfamiliar with the concept. Let's just say I actually work in the name of someone else for now."

Hinoka: "...Do you really have to hide that you're Kamui's retainer?"

Lilith: "I'm easing them to the idea of a worker, Lady Hinoka."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "Unfortunately, people aren't always this honest. In such cases, the fairest way to fight is to be just as unfair as they are."
-and now... I dunno...-
Lilith: "Oh, you must be unfamiliar with the concept. Let's just say I actually work in the name of someone else for now."

Hinoka: "...Do you really have to hide that you're Kamui's retainer?"

Lilith: "I'm easing them to the idea of a worker, Lady Hinoka."
Meta Knight: "Hmm, that is true. We have often had to use outside the box tactics and attacks in order to defeat our more powerful foes."

Mabel: "I'd say peace and understanding has been achieved!"

Dipper: "We really should've just mentioned that friendly and non-mindless monsters were here in the first place..."

Girafarig: "(A worker? Oh, every Pokemon has tasks to do to help their families or packs!)"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Meta Knight: "Hmm, that is true. We have often had to use outside the box tactics and attacks in order to defeat our more powerful foes."

Mabel: "I'd say peace and understanding has been achieved!"

Dipper: "We really should've just mentioned that friendly and non-mindless monsters were here in the first place..."

Girafarig: "(A worker? Oh, every Pokemon has tasks to do to help their families or packs!)"
Byleth: "It's how it tends to be in war as well. If an enemy lacks the power, they'll likely have the numbers to make up for it."
Eirika: "It's alright. It's not like you knew how our world worked."
Lilith: "Now you get it." :)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "It's how it tends to be in war as well. If an enemy lacks the power, they'll likely have the numbers to make up for it."
Eirika: "It's alright. It's not like you knew how our world worked."
Lilith: "Now you get it." :)
Meta Knight: "As is often the case with Chaldea's foes as well."

And it's not like you guys knew anything about ours or Mewni...

Girafarig: "(Wait, so are you the leader here or a worker?)"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Dark Pit: -noticed- "Sure, why not?"
Sothis: "Because I love to create things..."
Emblem Corrin: "You think so?"
Lilith: "Sweet then~"
Kiara: "That's nice... But we have another matter at hand"
Draco: "Well I don't... Is that all then?"
Sieg "I mean, probably, I don't know if you've interacted..."
-So far, all the native Mewnian animal life here seems cool and fascinating-

-Rockruff waggled his tail in response to that-

Linebeck: "Erm, what's with the rocks lining it's neck? Wait, it's one of those Pokemon things, isn't it?"

(Who's the sailor guy?)

-They all hate organic life, after all...-

Pichu: "(You just sounded worried...)"
-Indeed, Lily finds them to be either cool or cute, and Medea enjoys her reactions-
Cu: "Yep, and he's a newcomer" -finishes patting- "So, what about those two new moves?"
-Indeed. haven't had any good experiences with them-
Fate: "Me? Worried? Apologies..."
Atalanta: "Are you okay?"
-Currently undergoing repairs- SOMETHING [bad news] I TAKE IT??

(Sounds good enough to me!)

(I just hope that theory is right...)

-Both XJs were launched back by it and XJ-6's screen is covered with smoke-

XJ-6: "OH, YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!" -Flies towards Coyle at high speed-

-So the battle is chaos- :V

-First each of them take quick showers, then they meet back up for breakfast?-

Tetra: "There are more television shows like this one?"

Penny: "Either we risk confronting it here...Or you two try to escape. Please, there is no reason for more than one of us to put ourselves at risk if we do not know if we can defeat it here..."

-The creature's growls and climbing sounds are getting louder by the second...-

Garnet: "We just need to figure out what door it unlocks."

-The Servants group walks back out of the furnace room, Atalanta likely picking the doll back up on the way-

-...Notably, however, the melted piles of plastic and blood, AKA the remains of dead Husks that were littered throughout this hall and the one on the opposite wing, are suddenly gone from the hallway entirely, now-
-most likely, yes-
Sothis: "Only one way to find out..."

-Coyle vanished and tried to sneak attack XJ-6 with a punch at the back-
Byleth: She fights just like Shez... I have to be careful.
Kanna: "Countless~!"
Weiss: "....If you don't come back, I'll be very mad..."
Rita: "That's not one on our side..."
-Then the bridge of the spacecraft opened... AND A BUNCH OF CARS, PLANES AND ROBOTIC ANIMALS COME OUT FROM IT-
Shiki: "Has the merc found her yet even? She's taking a while"
Suzuka: "Seems you're having a bit of trouble moving, hmmm~?" -and unlike Gilgamesh, tyhey're not thrown haphazardly, she actually makes them trace her-
Hayate: "What she said!"
Takeru: "I'd still like to to make sure you're safe..."

-That she did-
Mordred: "Dang, almost like in a game"
Rin: "...D-Did someone take them?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Indeed, Lily finds them to be either cool or cute, and Medea enjoys her reactions-
Cu: "Yep, and he's a newcomer" -finishes patting- "So, what about those two new moves?"
-Indeed. haven't had any good experiences with them-
Fate: "Me? Worried? Apologies..."
Atalanta: "Are you okay?"
-It seems like the same can be said about her reactions to all of the animal and creatures here so far- :p

(I learned Iron Defense and Iron Head!)

-And unlike the Autobots or Crystal Gems, they've been almost completely unwilling to see any of the good in organic life or it's importance-

-Fate responds more honestly to Ata given her usual concern for the kids?-

-most likely, yes-
Sothis: "Only one way to find out..."

-Coyle vanished and tried to sneak attack XJ-6 with a punch at the back-
Byleth: She fights just like Shez... I have to be careful.
Kanna: "Countless~!"
Weiss: "....If you don't come back, I'll be very mad..."
Rita: "That's not one on our side..."
-Then the bridge of the spacecraft opened... AND A BUNCH OF CARS, PLANES AND ROBOTIC ANIMALS COME OUT FROM IT-
Shiki: "Has the merc found her yet even? She's taking a while"
Suzuka: "Seems you're having a bit of trouble moving, hmmm~?" -and unlike Gilgamesh, tyhey're not thrown haphazardly, she actually makes them trace her-
Hayate: "What she said!"
Takeru: "I'd still like to to make sure you're safe..."

-That she did-
Mordred: "Dang, almost like in a game"
Rin: "...D-Did someone take them?"
WHAT IS THIS? BOB'S [[used car sale]] NOW [[10 percent off]]?

-If Coyle remains invisible while she throws that punch, it lands-

)Yeah, no matter which Beast she is, we still don't even know here she is right now!)

-And if she fights like Shez and on a similar level of skill to her...Byleth might actually have some trouble with this spar?-

-Said showers to turn out to be made of gold and are probably fanciest they've ever seen...Mostly because said showers are also a bit overly extravagant- :V

Medli: "Goodness, entertainment has come a long way from written books and stage plays..."

Penny: "I will be alrigh-" -Before Penny could finish that sentence, whatever the creature was managed to jump high enough up the passage to grab onto one of Penny's legs, pulling her down a short distance before she managed to regain her balance and start fly back up-

-Before she could, however, she first had to use all her strength to shake the creature off, sending it falling back into the tunnel, but they could tell it managed to dig it's claws into another wall before it fell very far-

...If they did, we might be in trouble.

Pearl: "At least we don't have to step around them, now..." -Shudders- :urg:

-Once the Servants group returns to the room that leads to both the wing with the furnace and the wing with the Clown, Rin would quickly be proven right as all of they see that all of the Husk remains are now piled up in front of the room's main entrance, the same side of the room that leads back to the Garden with the inactive electric fence, thereby clearing the hallways of obstacles...but also blocking their way back to the rest of the facility-

-A few seconds later, guess who shows up to explain why she moved them?-

Spooky: "Oh hey...Uh...So, I was thinking, you guys might actually want some help. So I moved all of those dolls, out of the way!" :b:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Meta Knight: "As is often the case with Chaldea's foes as well."

And it's not like you guys knew anything about ours or Mewni...

Girafarig: "(Wait, so are you the leader here or a worker?)"
Byleth: "Seems like it, yes."
Eirika: "Exactly. Seeing a friendly monster is still a bit off, but I could get used to it."
Lilith: "Oh, I am but a servant to my liege. All I'm doing is provide my home to you." :)

Lilith: "Sweet then~"
Kiara: "That's nice... But we have another matter at hand"
Draco: "Well I don't... Is that all then?"
Sieg "I mean, probably, I don't know if you've interacted..."
Dark Pit: "Yeah, let's kick some ghost butt!"
Sothis: "I want to know why you seek to destroy mankind."
Emblem Corrin: "I suppose we haven't done much of it..."

Rita: "That's not one on our side..."
-Then the bridge of the spacecraft opened... AND A BUNCH OF CARS, PLANES AND ROBOTIC ANIMALS COME OUT FROM IT-
Shiki: "Has the merc found her yet even? She's taking a while"
Suzuka: "Seems you're having a bit of trouble moving, hmmm~?" -and unlike Gilgamesh, tyhey're not thrown haphazardly, she actually makes them trace her-
Hayate: "What she said!"
Takeru: "I'd still like to to make sure you're safe..."

-That she did-
Mordred: "Dang, almost like in a game"
Rin: "...D-Did someone take them?"
WHAT IS THIS? BOB'S [[used car sale]] NOW [[10 percent off]]?

-If Coyle remains invisible while she throws that punch, it lands-

)Yeah, no matter which Beast she is, we still don't even know here she is right now!)

-And if she fights like Shez and on a similar level of skill to her...Byleth might actually have some trouble with this spar?-

-Said showers to turn out to be made of gold and are probably fanciest they've ever seen...Mostly because said showers are also a bit overly extravagant- :V

Medli: "Goodness, entertainment has come a long way from written books and stage plays..."

Penny: "I will be alrigh-" -Before Penny could finish that sentence, whatever the creature was managed to jump high enough up the passage to grab onto one of Penny's legs, pulling her down a short distance before she managed to regain her balance and start fly back up-

-Before she could, however, she first had to use all her strength to shake the creature off, sending it falling back into the tunnel, but they could tell it managed to dig it's claws into another wall before it fell very far-

...If they did, we might be in trouble.

Pearl: "At least we don't have to step around them, now..." -Shudders- :urg:

-Once the Servants group returns to the room that leads to both the wing with the furnace and the wing with the Clown, Rin would quickly be proven right as all of they see that all of the Husk remains are now piled up in front of the room's main entrance, the same side of the room that leads back to the Garden with the inactive electric fence, thereby clearing the hallways of obstacles...but also blocking their way back to the rest of the facility-

-A few seconds later, guess who shows up to explain why she moved them?-

Spooky: "Oh hey...Uh...So, I was thinking, you guys might actually want some help. So I moved all of those dolls, out of the way!" :b:
-and the punch did hit-

Shez: -wandering to find Koyanskaya-

Viridi: "Precisely..."
Byleth: -smacks the weapons with her own rather large blade- "I don't need to move to end this fight."
Blake: "....That's unnecessarily fancy..."
Kanna: "Yeah, it blew my mind too."


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-True, it shows Martha may have too much mre of a temper than she's willing to admit....-
Jeanne: "Congratulations on your win!"

-And Undyne would be glad about the development?-

Shirou: She's really enjoying that, isn't she?

Angewomon: "Why? Would you become a handsome angel like me or a devil like my sis~?" :p
Mirei: "May be the smart option"
-Which is exactly one of the reasons why Juri keeps offering to spar with her?-

What'd I tell ya, Alphy love? :p

Y-You were right, I should've been more confident about myself. I-I'm really glad I get to take this cute Pokemon in... :) -Smiling at the Bidoof-
-which was the exact thing Juri had called her out for, so in a twisted way, Martha's actions just proved to the South Korean that she was right :V-

Azura: "...Is there anything else you want?"
-Juri may have lost the fight, but she got a personal victory out of it-

-he ponders-

Translation: "Those two were really causing trouble? They seemed like mere punks. Where are true threats?"

-hopping around happily-

-Viridi may be centuries old, but she is still rather childlike in many ways-
-who knows if she'll mentally mature though-

Well, I'm more of a cat when the same level as you two, but in the form above~....

Tamer: "Let's just say while the Demon Lords are just legends in our world, they've left behind artifacts that grant usage of their power."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "Seems like it, yes."
Eirika: "Exactly. Seeing a friendly monster is still a bit off, but I could get used to it."
Lilith: "Oh, I am but a servant to my liege. All I'm doing is provide my home to you." :)
Kirby: "But you've only been part of Chaldea long enough to deal with Toffee and that whole alliance he brought with him..."

Mabel: "Well, you probably should. There's a ton of normal monsters around here.!"

Girafarig: "(So this is your home...But someone else is the leader here?)"

Vulpix: "(Aren't there actually a bunch of leaders here? We talked to one of them back on that metal ship.)" -Referring to Jeanne-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kirby: "But you've only been part of Chaldea long enough to deal with Toffee and that whole alliance he brought with him..."

Mabel: "Well, you probably should. There's a ton of normal monsters around here.!"

Girafarig: "(So this is your home...But someone else is the leader here?)"

Vulpix: "(Aren't there actually a bunch of leaders here? We talked to one of them back on that metal ship.)" -Referring to Jeanne-
Byleth: "I wasn't there for Toffee." -technically correct-
Eirika: "...A "normal" monster is a different thing between this world and mine. But I get what you're trying to say."
Lilith: "Well, yeah, you might be thinking of the Rulers. But I specifically serve Kamui." :)

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-Which is exactly one of the reasons why Juri keeps offering to spar with her?-

What'd I tell ya, Alphy love? :p

Y-You were right, I should've been more confident about myself. I-I'm really glad I get to take this cute Pokemon in... :) -Smiling at the Bidoof-
-which was the exact thing Juri had called her out for, so in a twisted way, Martha's actions just proved to the South Korean that she was right :V-

Azura: "...Is there anything else you want?"
-Juri may have lost the fight, but she got a personal victory out of it-

-he ponders-

Translation: "Those two were really causing trouble? They seemed like mere punks. Where are true threats?"

-hopping around happily-

-Viridi may be centuries old, but she is still rather childlike in many ways-
-who knows if she'll mentally mature though-

Well, I'm more of a cat when the same level as you two, but in the form above~....

Tamer: "Let's just say while the Demon Lords are just legends in our world, they've left behind artifacts that grant usage of their power."
-Indeed she was, Martha really needs to get that in check- :V
Martha: "W-Well, they are troublemakers... But the real threats are ones we're still fighting now"

-They're both really happy about the beaver Pokémon-

-Probably some day, right? .....................................Right?-

Angewomon: "I'm interested in the latter" :p
LadyDevimon: "Are those kept safe?"
Dark Pit: "Yeah, let's kick some ghost butt!"
Sothis: "I want to know why you seek to destroy mankind."
Emblem Corrin: "I suppose we haven't done much of it..."
-Inigo spectating, fully awed-
Lilith: "Aw you said it there!"
Draco: "Why? To get me out of it? You'll think mere sympathy will convince me otherwise?"
Sieg: "I guessed so..."
-It seems like the same can be said about her reactions to all of the animal and creatures here so far- :p

(I learned Iron Defense and Iron Head!)

-And unlike the Autobots or Crystal Gems, they've been almost completely unwilling to see any of the good in organic life or it's importance-

-Fate responds more honestly to Ata given her usual concern for the kids?-
-Indeeeeeeeed, so they had a good tiiiiime-
Cú: "What does the first one do?"
-At least there's none sympathizers within their current ranks-
Fate: "I'm just... Adjusting to this level of praise"
WHAT IS THIS? BOB'S [[used car sale]] NOW [[10 percent off]]?

-If Coyle remains invisible while she throws that punch, it lands-

)Yeah, no matter which Beast she is, we still don't even know here she is right now!)

-And if she fights like Shez and on a similar level of skill to her...Byleth might actually have some trouble with this spar?-

-Said showers to turn out to be made of gold and are probably fanciest they've ever seen...Mostly because said showers are also a bit overly extravagant- :V

Medli: "Goodness, entertainment has come a long way from written books and stage plays..."

Penny: "I will be alrigh-" -Before Penny could finish that sentence, whatever the creature was managed to jump high enough up the passage to grab onto one of Penny's legs, pulling her down a short distance before she managed to regain her balance and start fly back up-

-Before she could, however, she first had to use all her strength to shake the creature off, sending it falling back into the tunnel, but they could tell it managed to dig it's claws into another wall before it fell very far-

...If they did, we might be in trouble.

Pearl: "At least we don't have to step around them, now..." -Shudders- :urg:

-Once the Servants group returns to the room that leads to both the wing with the furnace and the wing with the Clown, Rin would quickly be proven right as all of they see that all of the Husk remains are now piled up in front of the room's main entrance, the same side of the room that leads back to the Garden with the inactive electric fence, thereby clearing the hallways of obstacles...but also blocking their way back to the rest of the facility-

-A few seconds later, guess who shows up to explain why she moved them?-

Spooky: "Oh hey...Uh...So, I was thinking, you guys might actually want some help. So I moved all of those dolls, out of the way!" :b:
-and the punch did hit-

Shez: -wandering to find Koyanskaya-

Viridi: "Precisely..."
Byleth: -smacks the weapons with her own rather large blade- "I don't need to move to end this fight."
Blake: "....That's unnecessarily fancy..."
Kanna: "Yeah, it blew my mind too."
Rita: "It has to be some of that dinosaurs race..."
-And some are running over copies!-
Sitonai: "What if she's not even here?"
Suzuka: "Is that the case~?" :p -SOME STRIKE FROM BEHIND-
Atalanta: "I was about to say that..."
Artemis: "Sparkly~!"
-Takeru tried to reach Penny's arm to try to get her out of there, wether he manages to or not is up to you-

Makoto: "YOU!"
Sieg: "Are you trying to stop us on your own now?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Indeeeeeeeed, so they had a good tiiiiime-
Cú: "What does the first one do?"
-At least there's none sympathizers within their current ranks-
Fate: "I'm just... Adjusting to this level of praise"
-Also probably getting some popcorn while they were there- :p

(It builds a layer of iron to raise my defense up!)

-Aside from possibly Blitzwing, and even then, that's only due to Phosphora treating him like a friend-

Pichu: "(...Do other people not think you're cool?)" :confused:

-Not so much that so much as the young Pokemon are especially awed- :V

Byleth: "I wasn't there for Toffee." -technically correct-
Eirika: "...A "normal" monster is a different thing between this world and mine. But I get what you're trying to say."
Lilith: "Well, yeah, you might be thinking of the Rulers. But I specifically serve Kamui." :)
Kirby: "...Well, not the first time he showed up..."

Dedede: "I still have a score to settle with Rita for her help in putting me under mind control!"

Mabel: "Don't worry, it was confusing for us at first, too."

Dipper: "But even back in Gravity Falls, not all supernatural creatures turned out to be bad. Some turned out to just be totally normal people or more like common animals."

Girafarig: "(The dragon lady?)"

Vulpix: "(Oh, her sisters have been showing us around here!)"

-which was the exact thing Juri had called her out for, so in a twisted way, Martha's actions just proved to the South Korean that she was right :V-

Azura: "...Is there anything else you want?"
-Juri may have lost the fight, but she got a personal victory out of it-

-he ponders-

Translation: "Those two were really causing trouble? They seemed like mere punks. Where are true threats?"

-hopping around happily-
-Indeed she was, Martha really needs to get that in check- :V
Martha: "W-Well, they are troublemakers... But the real threats are ones we're still fighting now"

-They're both really happy about the beaver Pokémon-
I believe this was intended to be a sort of test run for your capabilities, but yes, they have caused trouble on more than one occasion.

-Speaking of, Mash then hears about this from Ratbat?-

Let me guess, ya just need a Pokeball now? :p

H-How did you guess?! :surprised:

Those might be lying around at random, but they don't just magically spawn out of thin air whenever someone wants to be a Trainer!

-and the punch did hit-

Shez: -wandering to find Koyanskaya-

Viridi: "Precisely..."
Byleth: -smacks the weapons with her own rather large blade- "I don't need to move to end this fight."
Blake: "....That's unnecessarily fancy..."
Kanna: "Yeah, it blew my mind too."
Rita: "It has to be some of that dinosaurs race..."
-And some are running over copies!-
Sitonai: "What if she's not even here?"
Suzuka: "Is that the case~?" :p -SOME STRIKE FROM BEHIND-
Atalanta: "I was about to say that..."
Artemis: "Sparkly~!"
-Takeru tried to reach Penny's arm to try to get her out of there, wether he manages to or not is up to you-

Makoto: "YOU!"
Sieg: "Are you trying to stop us on your own now?"
Sh-Should I say their battle call? :lol:

Maybe this really IS a trap!

-XJ-3 tries to grab hold of the cloaked Coyle's arm where it looked like the punch was thrown from-

-Dipper and Mabel are watching the fight while the latter is eating popcorn-

-Stan is still stuck on Mall Santa duty- :V

-A lot of the rooms in the castle are overly fancy, but a few of them like this stand out for being just way fancier versions of otherwise ordinary every day household appliances-

Unreplied, Digi.

-Takeru is able to reach her arm and help her fly out, and while the creature is no longer holding onto her leg and she can still fly perfectly fine on her own, it nonetheless helps her gain a boost to put some distance between herself and the creature-

-The creature itself was only briefly illuminated by the lights they're using, so didn't even get a good glimpse of the creature, other than it was tall and had a seemingly lamprey-like mouth-

Spooky: "What? I was trying to help by move those dolls out of your way so the halls would be clean again..."

You moved the dolls to the entrance and blocked our only exit!

Spooky: "Oh...Sorry!" :lol: "I'll move those out of the way here, too!" -Surprisingly starts moving a few of the Husk remains out of the way-

...Is this some kind of trick?

Pearl: "And if it's not, then why in the world are you helping us?"

Spooky: "Well, if you're gonna get careless and risk getting yourselves lost down here, the least I can do is try to make sure you aren't trapped down here, too. There's nothing else important down here, anyway."
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Juri may have lost the fight, but she got a personal victory out of it-

-he ponders-

Translation: "Those two were really causing trouble? They seemed like mere punks. Where are true threats?"
-Indeed she was, Martha really needs to get that in check- :V
Martha: "W-Well, they are troublemakers... But the real threats are ones we're still fighting now"
I believe this was intended to be a sort of test run for your capabilities, but yes, they have caused trouble on more than one occasion.
Azura: "I can safely say you are quite the fighter. You'd be a great one to have around if you wish so." :)

-Viridi may be centuries old, but she is still rather childlike in many ways-
-who knows if she'll mentally mature though-
-Probably some day, right? .....................................Right?-
-but not today- :V

-Inigo spectating, fully awed-
Lilith: "Aw you said it there!"
Draco: "Why? To get me out of it? You'll think mere sympathy will convince me otherwise?"
Sieg: "I guessed so..."
-his mother and her friend are so skilled...-
-Pittoo and Lilith would end up tag teaming on the meanies?-
Sothis: "From one humanity destroyer to the next, I am merely curious on how that purpose manifested in you."
Emblem Corrin: "Are you on good terms with her?"

Kirby: "...Well, not the first time he showed up..."

Dedede: "I still have a score to settle with Rita for her help in putting me under mind control!"

Mabel: "Don't worry, it was confusing for us at first, too."

Dipper: "But even back in Gravity Falls, not all supernatural creatures turned out to be bad. Some turned out to just be totally normal people or more like common animals."

Girafarig: "(The dragon lady?)"

Vulpix: "(Oh, her sisters have been showing us around here!)"
Byleth: "I wasn't there when he was killed either." -also technically correct but this one confuses Kirby?-
Eirika: "That's so intriguing!"
Lilith: "But they have trouble understanding you, do they not?"

Rita: "It has to be some of that dinosaurs race..."
-And some are running over copies!-
Sitonai: "What if she's not even here?"
Suzuka: "Is that the case~?" :p -SOME STRIKE FROM BEHIND-
Atalanta: "I was about to say that..."
Artemis: "Sparkly~!"
-Takeru tried to reach Penny's arm to try to get her out of there, wether he manages to or not is up to you-

Makoto: "YOU!"
Sieg: "Are you trying to stop us on your own now?"
Sh-Should I say their battle call? :lol:

Maybe this really IS a trap!

-XJ-3 tries to grab hold of the cloaked Coyle's arm where it looked like the punch was thrown from-

-Dipper and Mabel are watching the fight while the latter is eating popcorn-

-Stan is still stuck on Mall Santa duty- :V

-A lot of the rooms in the castle are overly fancy, but a few of them like this stand out for being just way fancier versions of otherwise ordinary every day household appliances-

Unreplied, Digi.

-Takeru is able to reach her arm and help her fly out, and while the creature is no longer holding onto her leg and she can still fly perfectly fine on her own, it nonetheless helps her gain a boost to put some distance between herself and the creature-

-The creature itself was only briefly illuminated by the lights they're using, so didn't even get a good glimpse of the creature, other than it was tall and had a seemingly lamprey-like mouth-

Spooky: "What? I was trying to help by move those dolls out of your way so the halls would be clean again..."

You moved the dolls to the entrance and blocked our only exit!

Spooky: "Oh...Sorry!" :lol: "I'll move those out of the way here, too!" -Surprisingly starts moving a few of the Husk remains out of the way-

...Is this some kind of trick?

Pearl: "And if it's not, then why in the world are you helping us?"

Spooky: "Well, if you're gonna get careless and risk getting yourselves lost down here, the least I can do is try to make sure you aren't trapped down here, too. There's nothing else important down here, anyway."
Palutena: "Autobots, roll out!" :b:
Sothis: "It would've sprung by now..."

-would Shez find anything beyond some Grid energy?-

-the Lokjaw ARM tried to bite XJ-3's arm-
Byleth: -managed to block it, holding the large sword with a single hand- "You speak too loudly. It makes you predictable."
Blake: -unsurprised by Artemis's comment-
-what KoP said-
Weiss: -getting out first- "The moment the other two come out, we are BLOCKING this path!"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "I wasn't there when he was killed either." -also technically correct but this one confuses Kirby?-
Eirika: "That's so intriguing!"
Lilith: "But they have trouble understanding you, do they not?"
Kirby: "Oh...Wait, I thought you were!"

Turns out the universe has a lot more to it once you start to explore more of it! Heck, there's still stuff we don't know about the Earth's own ocean.

Girafarig: "(Oh, they've been super friendly and good guides!)"

Vulpix: "(It's true that they don't speak Pokemon, though...)" -Feels bad that they can't communicate with the humans better-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kirby: "Oh...Wait, I thought you were!"

Turns out the universe has a lot more to it once you start to explore more of it! Heck, there's still stuff we don't know about the Earth's own ocean.

Girafarig: "(Oh, they've been super friendly and good guides!)"

Vulpix: "(It's true that they don't speak Pokemon, though...)" -Feels bad that they can't communicate with the humans better-
Byleth: "I have no recollection..."
Eirika: "Life is incredible..."
Lilith: "That's totally fine. I for one appreciate their attempt." :)

-the two royals smiled at that-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "I have no recollection..."
Eirika: "Life is incredible..."
Lilith: "That's totally fine. I for one appreciate their attempt." :)

-the two royals smiled at that-
Bandana: "Wait, for real? We've heard plenty of other people say that you were there."

I bet you that there's even still plenty of unsolved mysterious in your guys' own world. Maybe about nature, maybe the pasts of the kingdoms, maybe about magic and divine stuff. Whatever the case, there's definitely a lot left for ya'll to discover there. :p

Girafraig: "(We're thankful, too!)" :)

Vulpix: "(Yeah, thanks for giving us some tour, you two!)" :b:

Girafarig: "(...You can tell them we said thanks, right?)" :lol:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Bandana: "Wait, for real? We've heard plenty of other people say that you were there."

I bet you that there's even still plenty of unsolved mysterious in your guys' own world. Maybe about nature, maybe the pasts of the kingdoms, maybe about magic and divine stuff. Whatever the case, there's definitely a lot left for ya'll to discover there. :p

Girafraig: "(We're thankful, too!)" :)

Vulpix: "(Yeah, thanks for giving us some tour, you two!)" :b:

Girafarig: "(...You can tell them we said thanks, right?)" :lol:
Byleth: "Really?" ....Sothis?

Sothis: Yeah, that was me. Remember how you lost your soul?
Eirika: "That sounds so exciting!"
Lilith: "They thank you for your efforts." :)

Both: "Awwwww~"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "Really?" ....Sothis?

Sothis: Yeah, that was me. Remember how you lost your soul?
Eirika: "That sounds so exciting!"
Lilith: "They thank you for your efforts." :)

Both: "Awwwww~"
-And then she regained consciousness on Mewni and spotted a bunch of other Chaldea members there,, by which point the fritz was over...-

Dipper: "I know, right?!"

-Ephraim still only interested in fighting more opponents?-

-The three Pokemon smiled cheerfully at that-

-Hinoka and Camilla may not be able to understand them, but they can't deny that the majority of these creatures are adorable-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-Also probably getting some popcorn while they were there- :p

(It builds a layer of iron to raise my defense up!)

-Aside from possibly Blitzwing, and even then, that's only due to Phosphora treating him like a friend-

Pichu: "(...Do other people not think you're cool?)" :confused:

-Not so much that so much as the young Pokemon are especially awed- :V
-I can totally see that, yeah- :p
Cú: "Awesome! Always good to keep the defenses up" -pats again-
-Yeah, so he may be a liiiiiittle softer with them-
Fate: "I suppose that some others do..."
-his mother and her friend are so skilled...-
-Pittoo and Lilith would end up tag teaming on the meanies?-
Sothis: "From one humanity destroyer to the next, I am merely curious on how that purpose manifested in you."
Emblem Corrin: "Are you on good terms with her?"
-Indeed, much more than he is, he thinks-
-You bet that they would be doing that-
Morrigan: Awwwww~ She's making a friend~
Draco: "Will you keep being insistent on that? Hmph, actually why do I even ask, of course you will"
Sieg: "Well, we haven't been on conflict..."
Sh-Should I say their battle call? :lol:

Maybe this really IS a trap!

-XJ-3 tries to grab hold of the cloaked Coyle's arm where it looked like the punch was thrown from-

-Dipper and Mabel are watching the fight while the latter is eating popcorn-

-Stan is still stuck on Mall Santa duty- :V

-A lot of the rooms in the castle are overly fancy, but a few of them like this stand out for being just way fancier versions of otherwise ordinary every day household appliances-

Unreplied, Digi.

-Takeru is able to reach her arm and help her fly out, and while the creature is no longer holding onto her leg and she can still fly perfectly fine on her own, it nonetheless helps her gain a boost to put some distance between herself and the creature-

-The creature itself was only briefly illuminated by the lights they're using, so didn't even get a good glimpse of the creature, other than it was tall and had a seemingly lamprey-like mouth-

Spooky: "What? I was trying to help by move those dolls out of your way so the halls would be clean again..."

You moved the dolls to the entrance and blocked our only exit!

Spooky: "Oh...Sorry!" :lol: "I'll move those out of the way here, too!" -Surprisingly starts moving a few of the Husk remains out of the way-

...Is this some kind of trick?

Pearl: "And if it's not, then why in the world are you helping us?"

Spooky: "Well, if you're gonna get careless and risk getting yourselves lost down here, the least I can do is try to make sure you aren't trapped down here, too. There's nothing else important down here, anyway."
Palutena: "Autobots, roll out!" :b:
Sothis: "It would've sprung by now..."

-would Shez find anything beyond some Grid energy?-

-the Lokjaw ARM tried to bite XJ-3's arm-
Byleth: -managed to block it, holding the large sword with a single hand- "You speak too loudly. It makes you predictable."
Blake: -unsurprised by Artemis's comment-
-what KoP said-
Weiss: -getting out first- "The moment the other two come out, we are BLOCKING this path!"
-This starts to sound on the background as some of them transform to shoot at hordes-

-She would find a secret door hidden behind some lushes-
Suzuka: "Aw come on, it's better than just booooooringly say nothing"
-Artemis already went to shower liking the sparkliness-
Hayate: "That is how it's done! In America a lot of super heroes get that!"
Takeru: "And hope it doesn't harms anyone!"

Makoto: "I'm sure this is a trap..."
Sakura: "Spooky-san, we need to talk..."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-And then she regained consciousness on Mewni and spotted a bunch of other Chaldea members there,, by which point the fritz was over...-

Dipper: "I know, right?!"

-Ephraim still only interested in fighting more opponents?-

-The three Pokemon smiled cheerfully at that-

-Hinoka and Camilla may not be able to understand them, but they can't deny that the majority of these creatures are adorable-
Byleth: "... I think I get it ."
-he sure is!-

Ephraim: Why think of what's out there when you can just spar?
-oh, they wouldnt't even try to deny-

-Indeed, much more than he is, he thinks-
-You bet that they would be doing that-
Morrigan: Awwwww~ She's making a friend~
Draco: "Will you keep being insistent on that? Hmph, actually why do I even ask, of course you will"
Sieg: "Well, we haven't been on conflict..."
-he can't know if he doesn't try-
-even managing to come up with duo attacks on the fly (pun intended)-
Sothis: "Then why not answer it so I can stop asking?"
Emblem Corrin: "That's a good thing." :)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-I can totally see that, yeah- :p
Cú: "Awesome! Always good to keep the defenses up" -pats again-
-Yeah, so he may be a liiiiiittle softer with them-
Fate: "I suppose that some others do..."
-Popcorn or not, though, the zoo visit went well!-

-He couldn't help but waggle his tail from the comfort it, and returned the affection by nuzzling Cú-

Linebeck: (At least this dog seems well-behaved...)

-But only very slightly!-

-Like her friends, for one?-

Byleth: "... I think I get it ."
-he sure is!-

Ephraim: Why think of what's out there when you can just spar?
-oh, they wouldnt't even try to deny-
Kirby: "Huh?" :confused:

-Because there's more to life than combat?- :V

-And evidently to them by her reaction upon seeing them, neither can Lilith- :V

Palutena: "Autobots, roll out!" :b:
Sothis: "It would've sprung by now..."

-would Shez find anything beyond some Grid energy?-

-the Lokjaw ARM tried to bite XJ-3's arm-
Byleth: -managed to block it, holding the large sword with a single hand- "You speak too loudly. It makes you predictable."
Blake: -unsurprised by Artemis's comment-
-what KoP said-
Weiss: -getting out first- "The moment the other two come out, we are BLOCKING this path!"
-This starts to sound on the background as some of them transform to shoot at hordes-

-She would find a secret door hidden behind some lushes-
Suzuka: "Aw come on, it's better than just booooooringly say nothing"
-Artemis already went to shower liking the sparkliness-
Hayate: "That is how it's done! In America a lot of super heroes get that!"
Takeru: "And hope it doesn't harms anyone!"

Makoto: "I'm sure this is a trap..."
Sakura: "Spooky-san, we need to talk..."
Awwwww, I wanted to say it... :urg:

-Then the music started-



(Then we just gotta track her down before she can make any further progress on her plan!)

-It makes XJ-3's arm fall apart, but XJ-4 picks her back up and easily fixes it-

Mabel: "Yeah, Star calls her attacks out all the time!"

Dipper: "Sometimes it alerts enemies a little too early..."

-At least she's not causing mayhem this morning...-

Tetra: "I'm still not exactly sure what a "super hero" is beyond being some do-gooder that has unnatural strength or magic powers, either..."

Steven: "Uhh, there's a trap door to it's over there! We can try to close it back up with that!"

-Amethyst tries to pull the heavy trap door back into place, moving quickly due to her sheer strength-

Spooky: "There's nothing here but lost and tortured Souls. And bad memories. Erm, only of all the dolls, I mean.

...Look, just go back home. I'll even have the GL Labs scientists free your friend, or whoever. Does that sweeten the deal enough for you people to go back?"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-he can't know if he doesn't try-
-even managing to come up with duo attacks on the fly (pun intended)-
Sothis: "Then why not answer it so I can stop asking?"
Emblem Corrin: "That's a good thing." :)
-He is too shy at the moment, but next time, Olivia will make it so he do!-
-Throwing opponents at each other and slicing them up!-
Draco: "Because it's not of your business"
Sieg: "Though it's a bit of a wonder now..." -he kinda resembles them physically by coincidence and is a dragon after all-
-Popcorn or not, though, the zoo visit went well!-

-He couldn't help but waggle his tail from the comfort it, and returned the affection by nuzzling Cú-

Linebeck: (At least this dog seems well-behaved...)

-But only very slightly!-

-Like her friends, for one?-
-Indeed, no complains from either!-
Cú: "His name is Rockruff, by the way"
-Yeah, he has an image to maintain!-
-Or her mother...-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-This starts to sound on the background as some of them transform to shoot at hordes-

-She would find a secret door hidden behind some lushes-
Suzuka: "Aw come on, it's better than just booooooringly say nothing"
-Artemis already went to shower liking the sparkliness-
Hayate: "That is how it's done! In America a lot of super heroes get that!"
Takeru: "And hope it doesn't harms anyone!"

Makoto: "I'm sure this is a trap..."
Sakura: "Spooky-san, we need to talk..."
Awwwww, I wanted to say it... :urg:

-Then the music started-



(Then we just gotta track her down before she can make any further progress on her plan!)

-It makes XJ-3's arm fall apart, but XJ-4 picks her back up and easily fixes it-

Mabel: "Yeah, Star calls her attacks out all the time!"

Dipper: "Sometimes it alerts enemies a little too early..."

-At least she's not causing mayhem this morning...-

Tetra: "I'm still not exactly sure what a "super hero" is beyond being some do-gooder that has unnatural strength or magic powers, either..."

Steven: "Uhh, there's a trap door to it's over there! We can try to close it back up with that!"

-Amethyst tries to pull the heavy trap door back into place, moving quickly due to her sheer strength-

Spooky: "There's nothing here but lost and tortured Souls. And bad memories. Erm, only of all the dolls, I mean.

...Look, just go back home. I'll even have the GL Labs scientists free your friend, or whoever. Does that sweeten the deal enough for you people to go back?"
Palutena: "Don't most of us?" :p
Shez: Bingo! -only opens slightly to peek into things-

-giving Coyle time to summon some of the Cell... alongside a more unique one that's green instead of gray... and wearing a regular Hedlok helmet-
Byleth: -attempts to kick Suzuka- "I would have died long ago if I wasted time screaming my attacks." -definitely more of a pragmatist-
-yet- :V
Kanna: "That sounds about right, actually."

Kirby: "Huh?" :confused:

-Because there's more to life than combat?- :V

-And evidently to them by her reaction upon seeing them, neither can Lilith- :V
Byleth: "Don't worry about it."
-there is? :V-
-she loves animals so much- :3

-He is too shy at the moment, but next time, Olivia will make it so he do!-
-Throwing opponents at each other and slicing them up!-
Draco: "Because it's not of your business"
Sieg: "Though it's a bit of a wonder now..." -he kinda resembles them physically by coincidence and is a dragon after all-
-good for the Bold-
Dark Pit: "We make a good team already."
Sothis: "I could always ask Shez for any strange dreams, you know." :p
Emblem Corrin: "We do look a lot alike... I almost thought things here were like with Byleth, actually." :p


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Indeed, no complains from either!-
Cú: "His name is Rockruff, by the way"
-Yeah, he has an image to maintain!-
-Or her mother...-
-Thoughts of the Medeaa?-

Linebeck: "...The breed or his actual name?"

-And a Decepticon unit yo eventually return to!-

-So it's not as unusual as she thought...-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Bandana: "I'm still kinda confused..."


-Everyone besides Ephraun here sure seems to think so- :p

-And she can see several other Trainers showing many other Pokemon around the castle-
Byleth: "It's a little complicated... but I was technically dead."
-pretty much, yeah :V-
Lilith: What a wonderful day. :)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "It's a little complicated... but I was technically dead."
-pretty much, yeah :V-
Lilith: What a wonderful day. :)
Kirby: "Wait, what?!" :crazy:

-Even Meta Knight seemed surprised by that statement-

-And this is part of why Mabel is trying to show him more stuff around the Bureau's ship and the modern era- :V

-It totally is...And it again makes Lilith wonder if she could adopt one of these Pokemon, herself?-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kirby: "Wait, what?!" :crazy:

-Even Meta Knight seemed surprised by that statement-

-And this is part of why Mabel is trying to show him more stuff around the Bureau's ship and the modern era- :V

-It totally is...And it again makes Lilith wonder if she could adopt one of these Pokemon, herself?-
Byleth: "To put it simply, I took a blow that absorbed my soul... but my soul is not the only one in this body."
-that's fair enough :V-
-it definitely does-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Awwwww, I wanted to say it... :urg:

-Then the music started-



(Then we just gotta track her down before she can make any further progress on her plan!)

-It makes XJ-3's arm fall apart, but XJ-4 picks her back up and easily fixes it-

Mabel: "Yeah, Star calls her attacks out all the time!"

Dipper: "Sometimes it alerts enemies a little too early..."

-At least she's not causing mayhem this morning...-

Tetra: "I'm still not exactly sure what a "super hero" is beyond being some do-gooder that has unnatural strength or magic powers, either..."

Steven: "Uhh, there's a trap door to it's over there! We can try to close it back up with that!"

-Amethyst tries to pull the heavy trap door back into place, moving quickly due to her sheer strength-

Spooky: "There's nothing here but lost and tortured Souls. And bad memories. Erm, only of all the dolls, I mean.

...Look, just go back home. I'll even have the GL Labs scientists free your friend, or whoever. Does that sweeten the deal enough for you people to go back?"
Palutena: "Don't most of us?" :p
Shez: Bingo! -only opens slightly to peek into things-

-giving Coyle time to summon some of the Cell... alongside a more unique one that's green instead of gray... and wearing a regular Hedlok helmet-
Byleth: -attempts to kick Suzuka- "I would have died long ago if I wasted time screaming my attacks." -definitely more of a pragmatist-
-yet- :V
Kanna: "That sounds about right, actually."
-Of course, the ones that fly also do with more precision than any of the enemy fighter jets, taking them down in shots-
Rita: "Send Megazords to them!"
-She saw what seemed to be... Space itself?!-
Suzuka: -Blocks- "Oi, cheer a little up, will ya?" :p
Artemis: -Came out clean- "Heeeeere we go~!"
Arisa: "Yeah, they're quite the popular story type"

Makoto: "Wait, you'd really free Alain?" -though he'd still go against her either way-
-good for the Bold-
Dark Pit: "We make a good team already."
Sothis: "I could always ask Shez for any strange dreams, you know." :p
Emblem Corrin: "We do look a lot alike... I almost thought things here were like with Byleth, actually." :p
-Finishing while both dancers smiles and were recovering their breaths!-
Lilith: "Hm, I kinda like it" :p
-Draco ignores that comment, continuing her walk-
Sieg: "Huh? Me like a male you?"
-Thoughts of the Medeaa?-

Linebeck: "...The breed or his actual name?"

-And a Decepticon unit yo eventually return to!-

-So it's not as unusual as she thought...-
Medea: After this, where to go...?
Lily: I wanna see more cute ones around here~!
Cú: "...I guess you could say both"
-And all get their Energon rations by now!-
-It's just that in comparison to years ago...-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Medea: After this, where to go...?
Lily: I wanna see more cute ones around here~!
Cú: "...I guess you could say both"
-And all get their Energon rations by now!-
-It's just that in comparison to years ago...-
-To more zoo exhibits? Or back home for the day?-

Linebeck: "It's named after it's species? Then again, I've heard that's the case with a few of these "Pokemon" around here."

Shockwave, have all Energon rations been distributed?

-When she was treated horribly by her would-be mother and only had Alph around to care for her...-

Byleth: "To put it simply, I took a blow that absorbed my soul... but my soul is not the only one in this body."
-that's fair enough :V-
-it definitely does-
-I forget, did Sothis introduce herself to any of them before?-

Mabel: "Speaking of new discoveries, there's still more on this ship we have to show you guys!"

-Lilith's thoughts?-

Palutena: "Don't most of us?" :p
Shez: Bingo! -only opens slightly to peek into things-

-giving Coyle time to summon some of the Cell... alongside a more unique one that's green instead of gray... and wearing a regular Hedlok helmet-
Byleth: -attempts to kick Suzuka- "I would have died long ago if I wasted time screaming my attacks." -definitely more of a pragmatist-
-yet- :V
Kanna: "That sounds about right, actually."
-Of course, the ones that fly also do with more precision than any of the enemy fighter jets, taking them down in shots-
Rita: "Send Megazords to them!"
-She saw what seemed to be... Space itself?!-
Suzuka: -Blocks- "Oi, cheer a little up, will ya?" :p
Artemis: -Came out clean- "Heeeeere we go~!"
Arisa: "Yeah, they're quite the popular story type"

Makoto: "Wait, you'd really free Alain?" -though he'd still go against her either way-
Not all of us get to play epic battle themes while literally charging into battle! :b:

-That's shocking even for Shez?-

// ****, she got Helix, too?

...Okay, I don't recognize that one...I'd say it's probably just an Elite Cell, but the fact that it's got a Hedlok isn't a good sign...

Mabel: "Yeah, lighten up! Battles don't have to be super serious all the time!" :grin:

-Yeah, it remains to be seen if she'll cause additional chaos at or after breakfast- :V

-At least it seems like they're free to take their turns in the showers now?-

Tetra: "Huh...I guess I'm adapting to this world even better than I thought." :p

-They would get the trap door moved over to it in a matter of two seconds...But just before they can close it, the creature manages to reach a claw through a crack between the passage and the trap door and try to pry the door back open-

-Their already high strength combined, however, keeps it from succeeding, and it's claw is forced back into the passage-

Spooky: "Yeah, yeah, I'll free Alan or whoever. Just all of you go back home or wherever already!"

Unless you're calling off your whole army, that's not happening.

Spooky: "Then how are people supposed to fear me?!" :glare:
Last edited:


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-Indeed she was, Martha really needs to get that in check- :V
Martha: "W-Well, they are troublemakers... But the real threats are ones we're still fighting now"

-They're both really happy about the beaver Pokémon-

-Probably some day, right? .....................................Right?-

Angewomon: "I'm interested in the latter" :p
LadyDevimon: "Are those kept safe?"
I believe this was intended to be a sort of test run for your capabilities, but yes, they have caused trouble on more than one occasion.

-Speaking of, Mash then hears about this from Ratbat?-

Let me guess, ya just need a Pokeball now? :p

H-How did you guess?! :surprised:

Those might be lying around at random, but they don't just magically spawn out of thin air whenever someone wants to be a Trainer!
Azura: "I can safely say you are quite the fighter. You'd be a great one to have around if you wish so." :)

-but not today- :V
-he looks up to the sky above-

Translation: "I am ready to face the threats of this world."

[So how do these Poké Balls end up here like you say?]

-perhaps something or someone needs to put her in her place about her attitude towards humanity....-
-after all that Chaldea has had to deal with over the years, she really has no excuse now to be hostile over problems she's had with humanity in her home world-

Tamer: "Well, only two were discovered so far. And one of them is in our possession. The other we had to face an enemy that used it against us, but it has been since removed from them and we have hidden away."

Yep~. That hairpin is what I used to unlock an alternate Mega level for myself.
We....don't talk about the other Mega level....

-hairpin....? Like the one Mirei had for LadyDevimon?-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Finishing while both dancers smiles and were recovering their breaths!-
Lilith: "Hm, I kinda like it" :p
-Draco ignores that comment, continuing her walk-
Sieg: "Huh? Me like a male you?"
Azura: "That was a good session." :)
Dark Pit: "I don't mind it either."
-and Sothis would follow her-
Emblem Corrin: "It's silly, I know..." :lol:

-I forget, did Sothis introduce herself to any of them before?-

Mabel: "Speaking of new discoveries, there's still more on this ship we have to show you guys!"

-Lilith's thoughts?-
-whether she did or not, it's probably public enough knowledge for at least one Star Warrior to piece things together-
Eirika: "How many wonders does it have?"
Lilith: Such adorable critters!

-Of course, the ones that fly also do with more precision than any of the enemy fighter jets, taking them down in shots-
Rita: "Send Megazords to them!"
-She saw what seemed to be... Space itself?!-
Suzuka: -Blocks- "Oi, cheer a little up, will ya?" :p
Artemis: -Came out clean- "Heeeeere we go~!"
Arisa: "Yeah, they're quite the popular story type"

Makoto: "Wait, you'd really free Alain?" -though he'd still go against her either way-
Not all of us get to play epic battle themes while literally charging into battle! :b:

-That's shocking even for Shez?-

// ****, she got Helix, too?

...Okay, I don't recognize that one...I'd say it's probably just an Elite Cell, but the fact that it's got a Hedlok isn't a good sign...

Mabel: "Yeah, lighten up! Battles don't have to be super serious all the time!" :grin:

-Yeah, it remains to be seen if she'll cause additional chaos at or after breakfast- :V

-At least it seems like they're free to take their turns in the showers now?-

Tetra: "Huh...I guess I'm adapting to this world even better than I thought." :p

-They would get the trap door moved over to it in a matter of two seconds...But just before they can close it, the creature manages to reach a claw through a crack between the passage and the trap door and try to pry the door back open-

-Their already high strength combined, however, keeps it from succeeding, and it's claw is forced back into the passage-

Spooky: "Yeah, yeah, I'll free Alan or whoever. Just all of you go back home or wherever already!"

Unless you're calling off your whole army, that's not happening.

Spooky: "Then how are people supposed to fear me?!" :glare:
Palu: "I really should think of a good theme for Pit, come to think of it..."
Shez: ...That reminds me a lot of... -tries to look for anyone inside that room-

Max Brass: "A single strike won't work on this one. It's a tough guy."
Byleth: "Once I feel I got a good idea of how beneficial this form of mine is, I promise I'll 'cut loose', so to speak. But for now..." -blasts Suzuka with green energy (while will be my interpretation of how it's Distant Counter works :V)- "You'll have to contend with a demon."
-Blake would go in next-
Kanna: "I'm so glad you are~!" :b:
Jaune: "That was a REALLY close call..." :urg:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-whether she did or not, it's probably public enough knowledge for at least one Star Warrior to piece things together-
Eirika: "How many wonders does it have?"
Lilith: Such adorable critters!
Meta Knight: "Hmm, that explains it..."

Bandana: "Oh, it was her who was there instead!"

Mabel: "More than seven, that's for sure!"

Dipper: "The Seven Wonders of the World are a pretty things entirely, Mabel. It's... kinda tough to to compare historical landmarks to stuff like computers, flight systems and magic."

-And she might be able to train one herself...-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Meta Knight: "Hmm, that explains it..."

Bandana: "Oh, it was her who was there instead!"

Mabel: "More than seven, that's for sure!"

Dipper: "The Seven Wonders of the World are a pretty things entirely, Mabel. It's... kinda tough to to compare historical landmarks to stuff like computers, flight systems and magic."

-And she might be able to train one herself...-
Byleth: "Exactly..."
Eirika: "But they are wonders nonetheless."
-but which one...-
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