-opens up the frill and starts to hop away laughing-
-they realize she knew the whole time....-
-sure on Discord; I won't reveal everything, but I just want to see where your mind is going :V-
Medea Lily: "Huh? Wait a moment!" -followed-
Nightingale: "...Wait, you knew!"
-In a bit then- :V
-Including furniture, clothes, and magic items for spells-
I just don't know enough about his character to know what trouble he would cause besides running away and not helping anyone- :V
Linebeck: "I wasn't in the best shape to go exploring it, unfortunately, so once I heard the kid was trying to save his friend and that there were answers to her whereabouts in that same temple, I gave him a key I found so he could explore the temple.
Once he found some clues and we all got out of the cursed place, I let them use my ship for travel across the Great Sea. Turned out the kid got separated from his captain's ship and crew trying to save her once already, and that's how he ended upon the isle and being found by Ciela to begin with."
-Likely going to a more fancy restaurant than just Mezmer's diner this time-
-Would she be able to find and pick an outfit of that type that she best prefers?-
-Well, I'm not sure how many of these Pokemon might remain relevant to Chaldea, but I suppose I could still have Pikachu and Pichu talk to both Phosphora and Fate?-
Lily: "Can't believe we're really moving out~!"
Medea: "Excited, huh?"

Fair enough, he's a mischievious one :V
Cú: "With the captain you mean the pirate girl he crushes on, right? Also sounds you had quite the tumultous venture"
-Indeed they woooould-
-Perhaps, or maybe order it-
-Mayhaps, your choice with that-
Azura: "I'm glad it did."

Dark Pit: "Gotta admit though, you sure can fight."
Sothis: "Nothing! Let us move on!"
Mash: "Yes, I am very grateful for that"

Lilith: "You have some cute tricks yourse-" -was cut in half by a mook... then casually puts herself back together- "Hey! That did hurt a lot!"
Musashi: "...If you don't want to talk yet, sure!"
Tiamat: -Nods in understanding-
-There's a reason the Snatcher was afraid of Medb for a long time, and still fears incurring her wrath even though he managed to escape being her butler- :V
Sounds like a fair trade to me. 
-While Alphys enjoys a crumpet-
Marco: "Wait, did she go back to her original time?"
...I know. And I'm sorry...
-...Surprisingly enough despite Springtron being one of her and Chaldea's enemies, her emorse sounded fully sincere-
(You all head for the lab. I'll distract this lot!)
(Even as tough you are, none of us should be fighting any of these villains alone!)
(I can run fast enough to catch up, just go!)
...Are you serious?! Ugh, just when I thought we were going to have peace on Earth this Christmas...Guys, my sisters just told me they spotted one of Lockdown's old minions. One of them survived the ordeal from last year and is attacking Monika and the others!
River: "Ah yes, survival and protecting your kin is always what's most important in a dangerous land, but it's important to take pride in your skills and achivements as a hunter as well!"
Tetra: "Something tells me he's never faked a relationship with a woman like Yor before."

-It at least makes the air less polluted so that everyone can breath it without difficulty or contracting any illnesses...but the presence of molds still makes the place less safe than the other rooms by default. The ability for anyone who requires oxygen to heal from injuries is hampered here-
Byleth: "I'm curious to see that fighting potential, actually."
Lilith: -a bit excited-
Emblem Robin: "We also don't know that..."
Emblem Celica: "Interesting... It must have been quite the adventure."
Alear: -looks at Kaito- "I hate to say this, but teaming up might help."
Dr. Coyle: "You'll regret it once I return the favor!"
-do they manage to get to the lab?-
Byleth: -summons her sword- "Back to work I go."
Blake: "I've always been the more humble kind..."
Kanna: "Oh, I'm sure he never did."
Ruby: "That's a little better..."
Medb: "So, will you do some of the things I like~?"
Scáthach: "Hm. Also, you will be my assistant in ruling duties"
Medb: "Sure, su- Assistant?!"
-She wonders a bit more on how Marie's life went on tho?-
Lily: "It all sounds really complicates, honestly..."
Jeanne: "Indeed, though where I come from, at least at the time, women were seen as lesser than men, so I had to disguise myself in order to enter the army"
Kaito: "For the while, it'd be convenient for all of us"
Charlotte: "Come with me!"
Suzuka: "That guy?! Screw him! I'll go get that thing sliced too!"
Frankenstein: "Ah, okay..."
-And so Jenny, Byleth and Suzuka would go-
Monika: "Natsuki, are you okay?"
Natsuki: "........................................."
W-Was she willing to take that shot for me?
Poppy: "Hey you, put that thing down, those girls are going through some very emotional stuff!"
-The Shadow Raider now instead pointed its weapon at her-
Poppy: "...Fine then" -in a lower-toned voice- "I'll give you a penalty"
-That's when from who knows where, she pulled out a gamepad-like device, which wrapped around her waist like a belt as in an eerie voice it yelled out
-And she pulled out a second gashat cartridge, a copy of Toki Meki Crisis, a highly popular visual novel Natsuki would question her about was she not mentally blocked from being saved by Monika-
-Activating it, the cartridge yells out in Poppy's voice
Poppy: "Transform"
-And thus, after Poppy inserts the cartridge in the device, the former still in Poppy's voice yelled
"GASHATTO" and the latter
"BUGLE UP", and thus, this happens-
Poppy: "Kamen Rider Poppy~! At your service~!"
Sayori/Mary: "Wooooaaaah..."
Atalanta: "I think he's right though, you're a highly skilled warrior"
Alice: "She is something new entirely!"
Jack: "And an assassin too!"
-Yor, however, seemsto have something in mind, but before she can spell it out, GUNS FROM OUTSIDE-
Makoto: "But-" -cough- "Let's get ot of here rather!"