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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-I mean, it's different for everyone- :p -Things got packed tho!-

Cú: "Anyhow, back to you, so you helped him in that place?"
-The sisters do a "let's goooooo!"-
-She wants one that would be cute, but not too fancy-
-Yeah, I do kinda figured that part too- :p
-Including furniture, clothes, and magic items for spells-

I just don't know enough about his character to know what trouble he would cause besides running away and not helping anyone- :V

Linebeck: "I wasn't in the best shape to go exploring it, unfortunately, so once I heard the kid was trying to save his friend and that there were answers to her whereabouts in that same temple, I gave him a key I found so he could explore the temple.

Once he found some clues and we all got out of the cursed place, I let them use my ship for travel across the Great Sea. Turned out the kid got separated from his captain's ship and crew trying to save her once already, and that's how he ended upon the isle and being found by Ciela to begin with."

-Likely going to a more fancy restaurant than just Mezmer's diner this time-

-Would she be able to find and pick an outfit of that type that she best prefers?-

-Well, I'm not sure how many of these Pokemon might remain relevant to Chaldea, but I suppose I could still have Pikachu and Pichu talk to both Phosphora and Fate?-

[Yes, but nobody wanted me....]
(Then I assure you those Trainers were either oblivious and didn't yet know much about Pokemon, or weren't good Trainers to begin with. Every Pokemon deserves a chance, and all Pokemon can be loved. You are no exception, and neither is any other that more "elitist" trainers consider outcasts.)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Meta Knight makes various evasive maneuvers in the air to avoid them, avoid some with swift dodges and others with moves like loops and barrel rolls, actually firing sword beams or fireballs (like in the escape sequence in Superstar/Superstar Ultra) at Byleth-

-He dodges the last arrow using Dimensional Cape, which he also tries to use to draw closer to Byleth and land a strong sword strike-


(Alright, I know the board game was all in good fun. Just like the food fight!)
-when he reappeared, Byleth had seemingly teleported and he felt several attacks at the same time-
Emblem Ephraim: "You sure do..."
Weiss: "Exactly!"

Mash: "I suppose... But this has really helped me!"
Lilith: -Winks while cutting two in half with her wings casually-
-He gotta admit this girl has tons of tricks-
Musashi: "Er, what was that?"
Azura: "I'm glad it did." :)
Dark Pit: "Gotta admit though, you sure can fight."
Sothis: "Nothing! Let us move on!"

-intense clashing....but by the end, Corrin appears to be the winner!-
Kamui: "You did it, Corrin!" :b:

Scáthach: "...Right, I suppose I should..."
Medb: "Ha, well said~"
Scáthach: "In exchange, you will do the same though"
Medb: "Oh, you want me to train? Hmph, you better not understimate my fighting capabilities" -for as much of a spoiled brat as she may behave as, it's undeniable Medb has a varied arsenal that knows how to use it-
-Like she even has Caladbolg, but she only used that once against the Snatcher because she doesn't likes to behave barbaric-
Marie: "Of course! I'm sure that in a bit~!"
Lily: "I guess it depends on a world-to-world basis... We've seen cases of both"

Jeanne: "It was the voice of the Lord, that's what we call the creator of my world, who guided me to step into a war that was ocurring in my country"
Charlotte: "Follow m-! WOAH!" -narrowly dodged a hit, while Kaito shot at Coyle! While the Dark Kabuto and Poppy copies attempted to punch her in conjunction!-
-While they did that, the badly-functioning Shadow Raider aimed at them and was ready to shoot, when Monika then noticed the glowing weapon!-
Monika: "Look out!"
Natsuki: "Huh-?!" -she's tackled down by Monika, making the shot miss!-
Poppy: "Huh?! What was that?!"
Yuri: "Eeeeep!" -they all saw the functioning drone, which was aiming at the four-
Sayori: "What is that?!"
Poppy: "...Whatever it is, I won't let it bother us longer, stay safe here!"
Yuri: "Huh?! What?!"
-And the XJs saw that Poppy was walking towards the Shadow Raider-
Atalanta: "I do understand it more though, I happened to partake in a number of hunts along others"
Hayate: "That's the magic of the series, you will see eventually~"
-So, with the proof Yor is in a relationship, they go off in Twilight's car-
-What Uni aaaaasked-
-There's a reason the Snatcher was afraid of Medb for a long time, and still fears incurring her wrath even though he managed to escape being her butler- :V

Sounds like a fair trade to me. :p

-While Alphys enjoys a crumpet-

Marco: "Wait, did she go back to her original time?"


...I know. And I'm sorry...

-...Surprisingly enough despite Springtron being one of her and Chaldea's enemies, her emorse sounded fully sincere-

(You all head for the lab. I'll distract this lot!)


(Even as tough you are, none of us should be fighting any of these villains alone!)

(I can run fast enough to catch up, just go!)

...Are you serious?! Ugh, just when I thought we were going to have peace on Earth this Christmas...Guys, my sisters just told me they spotted one of Lockdown's old minions. One of them survived the ordeal from last year and is attacking Monika and the others!

River: "Ah yes, survival and protecting your kin is always what's most important in a dangerous land, but it's important to take pride in your skills and achivements as a hunter as well!"

Tetra: "Something tells me he's never faked a relationship with a woman like Yor before." :p

-It at least makes the air less polluted so that everyone can breath it without difficulty or contracting any illnesses...but the presence of molds still makes the place less safe than the other rooms by default. The ability for anyone who requires oxygen to heal from injuries is hampered here-
Byleth: "I'm curious to see that fighting potential, actually."
Lilith: -a bit excited-
Emblem Robin: "We also don't know that..."

Emblem Celica: "Interesting... It must have been quite the adventure."
Alear: -looks at Kaito- "I hate to say this, but teaming up might help."

Dr. Coyle: "You'll regret it once I return the favor!"

-do they manage to get to the lab?-
Byleth: -summons her sword- "Back to work I go."
Blake: "I've always been the more humble kind..."
Kanna: "Oh, I'm sure he never did."
Ruby: "That's a little better..."
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-when he reappeared, Byleth had seemingly teleported and he felt several attacks at the same time-
Emblem Ephraim: "You sure do..."
Weiss: "Exactly!"
-That caught him off guard and the combo damage and force of the attacks launched him a good distance...but he quickly recovered with a Mach Tornado-




(Everyone seemed to be having a good day even before that food fight. My friends definitely though the board game looked fun, and Patxi certainly thought the food fight was just cool...Which was because it totally was.) :p

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-That caught him off guard and the combo damage and force of the attacks launched him a good distance...but he quickly recovered with a Mach Tornado-




(Everyone seemed to be having a good day even before that food fight. My friends definitely though the board game looked fun, and Patxi certainly thought the food fight was just cool...Which was because it totally was.) :p
-Byleth tried casting lighting at him-
Emblem Ephraim: "I'm just getting started!"
Weiss: "That wouldn't be wrong..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Byleth tried casting lighting at him-
Emblem Ephraim: "I'm just getting started!"
Weiss: "That wouldn't be wrong..."
-Meta Knight merely spins around it, still using Mach Tornado-


-Faster waves and more complicated patterns of bones are sent next-

-The whole team including JNPR seemed quite proud of how they fought, not to the mention the nostalgia factor of it-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-opens up the frill and starts to hop away laughing-

-they realize she knew the whole time....-

-sure on Discord; I won't reveal everything, but I just want to see where your mind is going :V-
Medea Lily: "Huh? Wait a moment!" -followed-

Nightingale: "...Wait, you knew!"
BB: 😜

-In a bit then- :V
-Including furniture, clothes, and magic items for spells-

I just don't know enough about his character to know what trouble he would cause besides running away and not helping anyone- :V

Linebeck: "I wasn't in the best shape to go exploring it, unfortunately, so once I heard the kid was trying to save his friend and that there were answers to her whereabouts in that same temple, I gave him a key I found so he could explore the temple.

Once he found some clues and we all got out of the cursed place, I let them use my ship for travel across the Great Sea. Turned out the kid got separated from his captain's ship and crew trying to save her once already, and that's how he ended upon the isle and being found by Ciela to begin with."

-Likely going to a more fancy restaurant than just Mezmer's diner this time-

-Would she be able to find and pick an outfit of that type that she best prefers?-

-Well, I'm not sure how many of these Pokemon might remain relevant to Chaldea, but I suppose I could still have Pikachu and Pichu talk to both Phosphora and Fate?-
Lily: "Can't believe we're really moving out~!"
Medea: "Excited, huh?" :)
Fair enough, he's a mischievious one :V

Cú: "With the captain you mean the pirate girl he crushes on, right? Also sounds you had quite the tumultous venture"
-Indeed they woooould-
-Perhaps, or maybe order it-
-Mayhaps, your choice with that-
Azura: "I'm glad it did." :)
Dark Pit: "Gotta admit though, you sure can fight."
Sothis: "Nothing! Let us move on!"
Mash: "Yes, I am very grateful for that" :)
Lilith: "You have some cute tricks yourse-" -was cut in half by a mook... then casually puts herself back together- "Hey! That did hurt a lot!"
Musashi: "...If you don't want to talk yet, sure!"
Tiamat: -Nods in understanding-
-There's a reason the Snatcher was afraid of Medb for a long time, and still fears incurring her wrath even though he managed to escape being her butler- :V

Sounds like a fair trade to me. :p

-While Alphys enjoys a crumpet-

Marco: "Wait, did she go back to her original time?"


...I know. And I'm sorry...

-...Surprisingly enough despite Springtron being one of her and Chaldea's enemies, her emorse sounded fully sincere-

(You all head for the lab. I'll distract this lot!)


(Even as tough you are, none of us should be fighting any of these villains alone!)

(I can run fast enough to catch up, just go!)

...Are you serious?! Ugh, just when I thought we were going to have peace on Earth this Christmas...Guys, my sisters just told me they spotted one of Lockdown's old minions. One of them survived the ordeal from last year and is attacking Monika and the others!

River: "Ah yes, survival and protecting your kin is always what's most important in a dangerous land, but it's important to take pride in your skills and achivements as a hunter as well!"

Tetra: "Something tells me he's never faked a relationship with a woman like Yor before." :p

-It at least makes the air less polluted so that everyone can breath it without difficulty or contracting any illnesses...but the presence of molds still makes the place less safe than the other rooms by default. The ability for anyone who requires oxygen to heal from injuries is hampered here-
Byleth: "I'm curious to see that fighting potential, actually."
Lilith: -a bit excited-
Emblem Robin: "We also don't know that..."

Emblem Celica: "Interesting... It must have been quite the adventure."
Alear: -looks at Kaito- "I hate to say this, but teaming up might help."

Dr. Coyle: "You'll regret it once I return the favor!"

-do they manage to get to the lab?-
Byleth: -summons her sword- "Back to work I go."
Blake: "I've always been the more humble kind..."
Kanna: "Oh, I'm sure he never did."
Ruby: "That's a little better..."
Medb: "So, will you do some of the things I like~?"
Scáthach: "Hm. Also, you will be my assistant in ruling duties"
Medb: "Sure, su- Assistant?!"
-She wonders a bit more on how Marie's life went on tho?-
Lily: "It all sounds really complicates, honestly..."

Jeanne: "Indeed, though where I come from, at least at the time, women were seen as lesser than men, so I had to disguise myself in order to enter the army"
Kaito: "For the while, it'd be convenient for all of us"
Charlotte: "Come with me!"
Suzuka: "That guy?! Screw him! I'll go get that thing sliced too!"
Frankenstein: "Ah, okay..."
-And so Jenny, Byleth and Suzuka would go-

Monika: "Natsuki, are you okay?"
Natsuki: "........................................." W-Was she willing to take that shot for me?
Poppy: "Hey you, put that thing down, those girls are going through some very emotional stuff!"
-The Shadow Raider now instead pointed its weapon at her-
Poppy: "...Fine then" -in a lower-toned voice- "I'll give you a penalty"
-That's when from who knows where, she pulled out a gamepad-like device, which wrapped around her waist like a belt as in an eerie voice it yelled out "GACCHON"-

-And she pulled out a second gashat cartridge, a copy of Toki Meki Crisis, a highly popular visual novel Natsuki would question her about was she not mentally blocked from being saved by Monika-

-Activating it, the cartridge yells out in Poppy's voice "TOKI MEKI CRISIS!"-

Poppy: "Transform"

-And thus, after Poppy inserts the cartridge in the device, the former still in Poppy's voice yelled "GASHATTO" and the latter "BUGLE UP", and thus, this happens-



Poppy: "Kamen Rider Poppy~! At your service~!"
Sayori/Mary: "Wooooaaaah..."
Atalanta: "I think he's right though, you're a highly skilled warrior"
Alice: "She is something new entirely!"
Jack: "And an assassin too!"
-Yor, however, seemsto have something in mind, but before she can spell it out, GUNS FROM OUTSIDE-
Makoto: "But-" -cough- "Let's get ot of here rather!"
Last edited:


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
(Then I assure you those Trainers were either oblivious and didn't yet know much about Pokemon, or weren't good Trainers to begin with. Every Pokemon deserves a chance, and all Pokemon can be loved. You are no exception, and neither is any other that more "elitist" trainers consider outcasts.)
-she looks like she's about to cry now from these words-

Kamui: "You did it, Corrin!" :b:

-getting up and staring at Corrin.....-

Medea Lily: "Huh? Wait a moment!" -followed-

Nightingale: "...Wait, you knew!"
BB: 😜

-In a bit then- :V
-must chase!-

-they aren't amused-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Lily: "Can't believe we're really moving out~!"
Medea: "Excited, huh?" :)
Fair enough, he's a mischievious one :V

Cú: "With the captain you mean the pirate girl he crushes on, right? Also sounds you had quite the tumultous venture"
-Indeed they woooould-
-Perhaps, or maybe order it-
-Mayhaps, your choice with that-
-This is the first time they've moved since being summoned in Basel!-

Linebeck: "That's the other kid, alright. And I knew his crush on her was obvious!"

-Menu has a lot of dinner and appetizer options-

-Anything canon or something from fanart?-

-Hmm, maybe the other Pokemon would go along with see other members first, at least out of curiosity even if they don't find a Trainer-

-she looks like she's about to cry now from these words-
(...You need not have shame in crying if need be.)

Byleth: "I'm curious to see that fighting potential, actually."
Lilith: -a bit excited-
Emblem Robin: "We also don't know that..."

Emblem Celica: "Interesting... It must have been quite the adventure."
Alear: -looks at Kaito- "I hate to say this, but teaming up might help."

Dr. Coyle: "You'll regret it once I return the favor!"

-do they manage to get to the lab?-
Byleth: -summons her sword- "Back to work I go."
Blake: "I've always been the more humble kind..."
Kanna: "Oh, I'm sure he never did."
Ruby: "That's a little better..."
Medb: "So, will you do some of the things I like~?"
Scáthach: "Hm. Also, you will be my assistant in ruling duties"
Medb: "Sure, su- Assistant?!"
-She wonders a bit more on how Marie's life went on tho?-
Lily: "It all sounds really complicates, honestly..."

Jeanne: "Indeed, though where I come from, at least at the time, women were seen as lesser than men, so I had to disguise myself in order to enter the army"
Kaito: "For the while, it'd be convenient for all of us"
Charlotte: "Come with me!"
Suzuka: "That guy?! Screw him! I'll go get that thing sliced too!"
Frankenstein: "Ah, okay..."
-And so Jenny, Byleth and Suzuka would go-

Monika: "Natsuki, are you okay?"
Natsuki: "........................................." W-Was she willing to take that shot for me?
Poppy: "Hey you, put that thing down, those girls are going through some very emotional stuff!"
-The Shadow Raider now instead pointed its weapon at her-
Poppy: "...Fine then" -in a lower-toned voice- "I'll give you a penalty"
-That's when from who knows where, she pulled out a gamepad-like device, which wrapped around her waist like a belt as in an eerie voice it yelled out "GACCHON"-
View attachment 383565
-And she pulled out a second gashat cartridge, a copy of Toki Meki Crisis, a highly popular visual novel Natsuki would question her about was she not mentally blocked from being saved by Monika-
View attachment 383566
-Activating it, the cartridge yells out in Poppy's voice "TOKI MEKI CRISIS!"-

Poppy: "Transform"

-And thus, after Poppy inserts the cartridge in the device, the former yelled still in Poppy's voiced yelled "GASHATTO" and the latter "BUGLE UP", and thus, this happens-


View attachment 383567

Poppy: "Kamen Rider Poppy~! At your service~!"
Sayori/Mary: "Wooooaaaah..."
Atalanta: "I think he's right though, you're a highly skilled warrior"
Alice: "She is something new entirely!"
Jack: "And an assassin too!"
-Yor, however, seemsto have something in mind, but before she can spell it out, GUNS FROM OUTSIDE-
Makoto: "But-" -cough- "Let's get ot of here rather!"
Have you helped with ruling duties here before?

-What Digi asked?-

Star: "Understatement..."

I already regret it! I never wanted to destroy Springtron, he just kept attacking no matter what and I was trying to defend myself!

...But it doesn't change the fact that he's been destroyed. Regardless of how insane with power you are, Springtron didn't deserve to be put offline...

-The others follow Charlotte!-

XJ-6: "...Okay, maybe we don't have to jump into action for once."

XJ-7: "That power-up is really cool." :)

XJ-5: "She still might need backup!"

River: "Both of you are to defeat a Johamsen at a hunt, and Lady Artemis here is proof you learned from the best!"

TLink: "Eh?!"

Medli: "They're under attack!"

-That they do, fleeing into the only unlocked hallway while Steven takes a map from the dinner table-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-must chase!-

-they aren't amused-
-Medea Lily risigns herself to while Taiga obseeeerved-

Martha: "Somehow, I'm not surprised of this from you..."
Jeanne: "Regardless, that still means it could grow into a very powerful creature"
-This is the first time they've moved since being summoned in Basel!-

Linebeck: "That's the other kid, alright. And I knew his crush on her was obvious!"

-Menu has a lot of dinner and appetizer options-

-Anything canon or something from fanart?-

-Hmm, maybe the other Pokemon would go along with see other members first, at least out of curiosity even if they don't find a Trainer-
-Indeed, and to such important place no less!-
Cú: "It's cute though, any time she's brought up, he blushes" :p
-An appetizer does sound nice...-
Mash: I could also put my hair in a ponytail... Or add a flower!
-Mayhaps then...-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Indeed, and to such important place no less!-
Cú: "It's cute though, any time she's brought up, he blushes" :p
-An appetizer does sound nice...-
Mash: I could also put my hair in a ponytail... Or add a flower!
-Mayhaps then...-
-Which is even the home of Lily's best friend, no less-

-The move's important for Chaldea and especially the Caster's alliance with Mewni, but also just for Lily in general as well-

Linebeck: "I don't understand how the kid keeps denying it when his face turns redder than a red rupee whenever she's mentioned."

-Appetizer of some kind it is then-

-You can decide what appetizers are even available that they decide to order since this is a generic unnamed fancy restaurant- :p

-Either would probably work-

(Well, some of the wild Pokemon here still aren't sure about having Trainers or trusting most of the people here, and I get that...But I'm glad some of them are more open to the idea. And even better, they're all in good health again!)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Meta Knight merely spins around it, still using Mach Tornado-


-Faster waves and more complicated patterns of bones are sent next-

-The whole team including JNPR seemed quite proud of how they fought, not to the mention the nostalgia factor of it-
Byleth: "Impressive..."
Emblem Ephraim: -starting to be overwhelmed-
-it made all of them satisfied-

Mash: "Yes, I am very grateful for that" :)
Lilith: "You have some cute tricks yourse-" -was cut in half by a mook... then casually puts herself back together- "Hey! That did hurt a lot!"
Musashi: "...If you don't want to talk yet, sure!"
Tiamat: -Nods in understanding-
Azura: "I did the best I could to make people happy."
Palu: "...Impressive..."
Sothis: -phew...-


-getting up and staring at Corrin.....-
Kamui: "You did well too, Whiskers."

Medb: "So, will you do some of the things I like~?"
Scáthach: "Hm. Also, you will be my assistant in ruling duties"
Medb: "Sure, su- Assistant?!"
-She wonders a bit more on how Marie's life went on tho?-
Lily: "It all sounds really complicates, honestly..."

Jeanne: "Indeed, though where I come from, at least at the time, women were seen as lesser than men, so I had to disguise myself in order to enter the army"
Kaito: "For the while, it'd be convenient for all of us"
Charlotte: "Come with me!"
Suzuka: "That guy?! Screw him! I'll go get that thing sliced too!"
Frankenstein: "Ah, okay..."
-And so Jenny, Byleth and Suzuka would go-

Monika: "Natsuki, are you okay?"
Natsuki: "........................................." W-Was she willing to take that shot for me?
Poppy: "Hey you, put that thing down, those girls are going through some very emotional stuff!"
-The Shadow Raider now instead pointed its weapon at her-
Poppy: "...Fine then" -in a lower-toned voice- "I'll give you a penalty"
-That's when from who knows where, she pulled out a gamepad-like device, which wrapped around her waist like a belt as in an eerie voice it yelled out "GACCHON"-

-And she pulled out a second gashat cartridge, a copy of Toki Meki Crisis, a highly popular visual novel Natsuki would question her about was she not mentally blocked from being saved by Monika-

-Activating it, the cartridge yells out in Poppy's voice "TOKI MEKI CRISIS!"-

Poppy: "Transform"

-And thus, after Poppy inserts the cartridge in the device, the former still in Poppy's voice yelled "GASHATTO" and the latter "BUGLE UP", and thus, this happens-


Poppy: "Kamen Rider Poppy~! At your service~!"
Sayori/Mary: "Wooooaaaah..."
Atalanta: "I think he's right though, you're a highly skilled warrior"
Alice: "She is something new entirely!"
Jack: "And an assassin too!"
-Yor, however, seemsto have something in mind, but before she can spell it out, GUNS FROM OUTSIDE-
Makoto: "But-" -cough- "Let's get ot of here rather!"
Have you helped with ruling duties here before?

-What Digi asked?-

Star: "Understatement..."

I already regret it! I never wanted to destroy Springtron, he just kept attacking no matter what and I was trying to defend myself!

...But it doesn't change the fact that he's been destroyed. Regardless of how insane with power you are, Springtron didn't deserve to be put offline...

-The others follow Charlotte!-

XJ-6: "...Okay, maybe we don't have to jump into action for once."

XJ-7: "That power-up is really cool." :)

XJ-5: "She still might need backup!"

River: "Both of you are to defeat a Johamsen at a hunt, and Lady Artemis here is proof you learned from the best!"

TLink: "Eh?!"

Medli: "They're under attack!"

-That they do, fleeing into the only unlocked hallway while Steven takes a map from the dinner table-
Byleth: "I've been offered to help as a trade-off to knowing the full extent of my powers."
Lilith: "...How was your life?"
Emblem Robin: "It very much is."

Emblem Celica: "That's awful..."
-Dr. Coyle doesn't care, blasting Jenny more-

-do they get to the lab?-
Byleth: "Huh...."
Blake: "Well... thanks." :lol:
Kanna: "Oh no!"
-getting into the next room? what does it look like?-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "Impressive..."
Emblem Ephraim: -starting to be overwhelmed-
-it made all of them satisfied-
Meta Knight: "Likewise. En garde!" -Launched another sword beam before flying towards Byleth-

-Will any of the attacks hit him?-

-It truly seems to have brought back a lot of positive memories for them~-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Meta Knight: "Likewise. En garde!" -Launched another sword beam before flying towards Byleth-

-Will any of the attacks hit him?-

-It truly seems to have brought back a lot of positive memories for them~-
-he's trying to hit them but it's overwhelming-
-it sure has...~-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-he's trying to hit them but it's overwhelming-
-it sure has...~-
-Meta Knight tries to fly around it-

-Whether he avoids it or is hit is your call-

-Would he be able to launch any projectile attacks at Papyrus?-

(Seriously, you guys are all the coolest!) -Referring to all eight members of the team-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Meta Knight tries to fly around it-

-Whether he avoids it or is hit is your call-

-Would he be able to launch any projectile attacks at Papyrus?-

(Seriously, you guys are all the coolest!) -Referring to all eight members of the team-
-it was a VERY fast whip so maybe it stratches his shoulder pad?-
-he's got one as an Emblem that's basically Cloud neutral special but with a lance so he tries that-
Weiss: "...That's very sweet of you." :)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-it was a VERY fast whip so maybe it stratches his shoulder pad?-
-he's got one as an Emblem that's basically Cloud neutral special but with a lance so he tries that-
Weiss: "...That's very sweet of you." :)
-That's fair, so it does, leaving a visible scratch on it-

Meta Knight: (Swift attack. Not unlike several attacks we know...)

-Papyrus didn't expect that, but he's still able to dodge it-

(Well, it's true!)


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
(...You need not have shame in crying if need be.)
-the Bidoof promptly sobs, remembering every sort of rejection it went through-

Kamui: "You did well too, Whiskers."
-the cat approaches Corrin in a manner that seems like he's going to do a cheap shot out of spite.....-

-but then that cheap shot never does-
-the two Fire types look at each other with mutual respect as if they are communicating without words as warriors-

-Medea Lily risigns herself to while Taiga obseeeerved-

Martha: "Somehow, I'm not surprised of this from you..."
Jeanne: "Regardless, that still means it could grow into a very powerful creature"
-BB won't deny that at least; though even she doesn't know exactly what it will become-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-BB won't deny that at least; though even she doesn't know exactly what it will become-
BB: "It miiiiight~ Depending on how it's raaaaiiiised~"
Martha: "Meaning it could become potentially dangerous if it fell into the hands of an abuser..."
BB: "Or useless if neglected" :p
Jeanne: "Poor thing, it must also be confused over its surroundings with how it just came to be..."
-Which is even the home of Lily's best friend, no less-

-The move's important for Chaldea and especially the Caster's alliance with Mewni, but also just for Lily in general as well-

Linebeck: "I don't understand how the kid keeps denying it when his face turns redder than a red rupee whenever she's mentioned."

-Appetizer of some kind it is then-

-You can decide what appetizers are even available that they decide to order since this is a generic unnamed fancy restaurant- :p

-Either would probably work-

(Well, some of the wild Pokemon here still aren't sure about having Trainers or trusting most of the people here, and I get that...But I'm glad some of them are more open to the idea. And even better, they're all in good health again!)
-Indeed, though well, also Medea's best friend lives there, making it also a personal matter for her beyond Lily's happiness-
Cú: "I'll take it it's mostly because of his age"
-Garlic bread is always a 10/10- :p
-Maybe she'll go for the ponytail...-
Marie: "And I'm sure we'll all be able to find adequate places for them to live on~"
Azura: "I did the best I could to make people happy."
Palu: "...Impressive..."
Sothis: -phew...-
Mash: "I think you accomplished it! Now I can't wait to sing during the concert!"
Lilith: "Oh, that part?"
Morrigan: "We're a little tougher than we look, as you just witnessed~" :p -casually threw her hand like a rocket to grab a mook before bringing it to her and KICKING IT-
Tiamat: "Either way, I don't tend to have many hobbies..."
Have you helped with ruling duties here before?

-What Digi asked?-

Star: "Understatement..."

I already regret it! I never wanted to destroy Springtron, he just kept attacking no matter what and I was trying to defend myself!

...But it doesn't change the fact that he's been destroyed. Regardless of how insane with power you are, Springtron didn't deserve to be put offline...

-The others follow Charlotte!-

XJ-6: "...Okay, maybe we don't have to jump into action for once."

XJ-7: "That power-up is really cool." :)

XJ-5: "She still might need backup!"

River: "Both of you are to defeat a Johamsen at a hunt, and Lady Artemis here is proof you learned from the best!"

TLink: "Eh?!"

Medli: "They're under attack!"

-That they do, fleeing into the only unlocked hallway while Steven takes a map from the dinner table-
Byleth: "I've been offered to help as a trade-off to knowing the full extent of my powers."
Lilith: "...How was your life?"
Emblem Robin: "It very much is."

Emblem Celica: "That's awful..."
-Dr. Coyle doesn't care, blasting Jenny more-

-do they get to the lab?-
Byleth: "Huh...."
Blake: "Well... thanks." :lol:
Kanna: "Oh no!"
-getting into the next room? what does it look like?-
Medb: "Not really... They have never asked me, come to think of!"
Scáthach: "I'll admit you'd do a better job than some"
Marie: "Oh, quite tumultous after I became queen!"
Lily: "Maybe we shouldn't think too hard about it..."

Jeanne: "It was, nevertheless I managed to adapt to my environment and became someone of a high rank as things progressed"
-They do get to the lab, thankfully with no interference, seemingly-
-The Shadow Raider shot at Poppy, who jumped out the way and then PUNCHED IT-
-Byleth could see that created the same sort of video game 'Hit!' effects that Cronus used to do whenever it landed a hit-
Atalanta: "And don't take any doubt on it" :)
-Twilight realizes they're remaining criminals from the trade he stopped, but Yor of course doesn't knows that, so he says they're patients that got a little violent-
Nanoha: "Uuuuh, nice safe?"
-What Uni did aaaaaaaask-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-That's fair, so it does, leaving a visible scratch on it-

Meta Knight: (Swift attack. Not unlike several attacks we know...)

-Papyrus didn't expect that, but he's still able to dodge it-

(Well, it's true!)
-does he do a swift attack of his own?-
-Emblem Ephriam trying to rush to him-

-the cat approaches Corrin in a manner that seems like he's going to do a cheap shot out of spite.....-

-but then that cheap shot never does-
-the two Fire types look at each other with mutual respect as if they are communicating without words as warriors-
Kamui: "Awwwwww~" :b:

Viridi: "A sign of mutual respect." :)

Mash: "I think you accomplished it! Now I can't wait to sing during the concert!"
Lilith: "Oh, that part?"
Morrigan: "We're a little tougher than we look, as you just witnessed~" :p -casually threw her hand like a rocket to grab a mook before bringing it to her and KICKING IT-
Tiamat: "Either way, I don't tend to have many hobbies..."
Azura: "That's very good to hear." :)
Palutena: "Quite the incredible potential..."
Sothis: "But do you have at least one?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Indeed, though well, also Medea's best friend lives there, making it also a personal matter for her beyond Lily's happiness-
Cú: "I'll take it it's mostly because of his age"
-Garlic bread is always a 10/10- :p
-Maybe she'll go for the ponytail...-
Marie: "And I'm sure we'll all be able to find adequate places for them to live on~"
-Meaning they might be able to casually hang out more often as well, something they haven't been able to do in a while due to all the ordeals with the fritz and the Alliance-

Linebeck: "I don't get young love. It's obvious that she has a thing for him, too, yet they both constantly deny it."

-I agree- :p

-That's a style she hasn't tried often!-

(I think all these Pokemon are gonna be alright!) -Hopeful and confident-

-does he do a swift attack of his own?-
-Emblem Ephriam trying to rush to him-
-If he's within range, he first uses an upward slash similar to his f-tilt, then then follows it up with those long-range, rapid-fire sword stabs that both he and Kirby with his sword ability can use in the Kirby games-

-Papyrus raises a wall of bones as a shield-


Byleth: "I've been offered to help as a trade-off to knowing the full extent of my powers."
Lilith: "...How was your life?"
Emblem Robin: "It very much is."

Emblem Celica: "That's awful..."
-Dr. Coyle doesn't care, blasting Jenny more-

-do they get to the lab?-
Byleth: "Huh...."
Blake: "Well... thanks." :lol:
Kanna: "Oh no!"
-getting into the next room? what does it look like?-
Medb: "Not really... They have never asked me, come to think of!"
Scáthach: "I'll admit you'd do a better job than some"
Marie: "Oh, quite tumultous after I became queen!"
Lily: "Maybe we shouldn't think too hard about it..."

Jeanne: "It was, nevertheless I managed to adapt to my environment and became someone of a high rank as things progressed"
-They do get to the lab, thankfully with no interference, seemingly-
-The Shadow Raider shot at Poppy, who jumped out the way and then PUNCHED IT-
-Byleth could see that created the same sort of video game 'Hit!' effects that Cronus used to do whenever it landed a hit-
Atalanta: "And don't take any doubt on it" :)
-Twilight realizes they're remaining criminals from the trade he stopped, but Yor of course doesn't knows that, so he says they're patients that got a little violent-
Nanoha: "Uuuuh, nice safe?"
-What Uni did aaaaaaaask-
You were a ruling queen at one point...

-Lilith inquires more about that?-

Star: "Yeah, this is starting to make my head spin..."

Marco: "I'm just glad she was able to make a difference. It sounds like her actions and efforts went a long way in helping save your guys' world." :)

-Who dodges each of them, but only narrowly with the later shots-

Sounds like you've about completely lost it!

We're here. This is Dr. Coyle's lab...

(Any signs of trouble?)

(Not that I can see so far. Keep your guards up, everyone...)

XJ-6: "...Yeah, I think we can sit this one out." :p

XJ-5: "We still shouldn't just let someone fight on their own when we're here and can fight!"

River: "You did a good job raising and leading some skilled hunters, Lady Artemis. Be proud!" -It's evident that for as prideful and silly as King River can be, he takes his own role as a father seriously and has a good heart-

Tetra: "...She's not seriously going to buy that..."

-It's a smaller room with the same wallpaper, taxidermy of the head of a deer, an antelope and a polar bear mounted on the upper part of the wall, and a painting on a generic forest in the center of the wall-

-Two more doors can be seen on the opposite side of the room-

Steven: "W-Well, the air's a little clearer here, at least...But this room is creepy." :urg:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-If he's within range, he first uses an upward slash similar to his f-tilt, then then follows it up with those long-range, rapid-fire sword stabs that both he and Kirby with his sword ability can use in the Kirby games-

-Papyrus raises a wall of bones as a shield-

Byleth: -was struck by all of that- "You're... faster than I gave you credit for."
-Emblem Ephraim tries to stab through it-

Emblem Eirika: He always had just one thing in mind.
Weiss: "Still, thank you." :)

Medb: "Not really... They have never asked me, come to think of!"
Scáthach: "I'll admit you'd do a better job than some"
Marie: "Oh, quite tumultous after I became queen!"
Lily: "Maybe we shouldn't think too hard about it..."

Jeanne: "It was, nevertheless I managed to adapt to my environment and became someone of a high rank as things progressed"
-They do get to the lab, thankfully with no interference, seemingly-
-The Shadow Raider shot at Poppy, who jumped out the way and then PUNCHED IT-
-Byleth could see that created the same sort of video game 'Hit!' effects that Cronus used to do whenever it landed a hit-
Atalanta: "And don't take any doubt on it" :)
-Twilight realizes they're remaining criminals from the trade he stopped, but Yor of course doesn't knows that, so he says they're patients that got a little violent-
Nanoha: "Uuuuh, nice safe?"
-What Uni did aaaaaaaask-
You were a ruling queen at one point...

-Lilith inquires more about that?-

Star: "Yeah, this is starting to make my head spin..."

Marco: "I'm just glad she was able to make a difference. It sounds like her actions and efforts went a long way in helping save your guys' world." :)

-Who dodges each of them, but only narrowly with the later shots-

Sounds like you've about completely lost it!

We're here. This is Dr. Coyle's lab...

(Any signs of trouble?)

(Not that I can see so far. Keep your guards up, everyone...)

XJ-6: "...Yeah, I think we can sit this one out." :p

XJ-5: "We still shouldn't just let someone fight on their own when we're here and can fight!"

River: "You did a good job raising and leading some skilled hunters, Lady Artemis. Be proud!" -It's evident that for as prideful and silly as King River can be, he takes his own role as a father seriously and has a good heart-

Tetra: "...She's not seriously going to buy that..."

-It's a smaller room with the same wallpaper, taxidermy of the head of a deer, an antelope and a polar bear mounted on the upper part of the wall, and a painting on a generic forest in the center of the wall-

-Two more doors can be seen on the opposite side of the room-

Steven: "W-Well, the air's a little clearer here, at least...But this room is creepy." :urg:
Byleth: "There is someone that immediately comes to mind right now..." -Caren-
Lilith: "How bad could it be?"
Emblem Chrom: "Agreed. We might have never prevailed were it not for her knowledge."

Celica: "That's incredible." :)
Max Brass: "It really does..." -ready to punch Coyle with a Grenade fist-

-they saw a supercomputer processing some unknown source of energy-
Byleth: "That's incredible work..."
Blake: "You're a goddess of the hunt for a reason, yes." :)
Azura: "Unless they want to establish she's not the brightest person."
Nora: "And the rest of the mansion wasn't?"

Ruby: "Let's just move on..."


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
(There, there...) -Gently pats the Bidoof on her head with her tail fin-

-Alphys also pets the Bidoof in hopes that it would comfort her-
-this does more than they could know-
-it's already showing her she's capable of being accepted-

BB: "It miiiiight~ Depending on how it's raaaaiiiised~"
Martha: "Meaning it could become potentially dangerous if it fell into the hands of an abuser..."
BB: "Or useless if neglected" :p
Jeanne: "Poor thing, it must also be confused over its surroundings with how it just came to be..."
-though with the likes of Taiga....they think it will grow alright?-

Kamui: "Awwwwww~" :b:

Viridi: "A sign of mutual respect." :)
-Whiskers does have a goal now in winning a rematch-
-but it's taken in a healthy rivalry way as opposed to a more hostile outlook-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: -was struck by all of that- "You're... faster than I gave you credit for."
-Emblem Ephraim tries to stab through it-

Emblem Eirika: He always had just one thing in mind.
Weiss: "Still, thank you." :)
Dedede: "You weren't around during the Brawl era of tournaments!"

-It might shatter some of the bones depending on the strength of the attack-

(Are you kidding? Along with Rin and Sakura, I couldn't have asked for a more awesome family.) :)

-this does more than they could know-
-it's already showing her she's capable of being accepted-
-If need be, Moana will activate a wave of calming aura to help the BIdoof as well-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-Meaning they might be able to casually hang out more often as well, something they haven't been able to do in a while due to all the ordeals with the fritz and the Alliance-

Linebeck: "I don't get young love. It's obvious that she has a thing for him, too, yet they both constantly deny it."

-I agree- :p

-That's a style she hasn't tried often!-

(I think all these Pokemon are gonna be alright!) -Hopeful and confident-
-Yeah, and also Medea can be with Moon more often to hang out and plan stuff... And there's also Eclipsa...-
Cú: "So long they grow well, who knows? They might having an actual thing when they're adults"
-So that is ordeeeeeeeered-
-Indeed, so it might be a good chance to do soooo-
Jeanne: "We'll be sure to, they've been fed and cared for ever since we managed to get them out of the Phazon planet"
Azura: "That's very good to hear." :)
Palutena: "Quite the incredible potential..."
Sothis: "But do you have at least one?"
Mash: "I still need to choose my outfit though..."
Morrigan: "Yeah, I was born as a really special one~" -Shadow Blades another!-
Tiamat: "...I like to sit down and think of matters at hand"
Arcueid: "Sooo two Beasts that need to learn fun"
-though with the likes of Taiga....they think it will grow alright?-
-On the very least, they know that Taiga would never raise the little one to be a force of evil and would give it lots of care in her own Taiga way-
Luvia: "Mayhaps we shall allow Ms.Fujimura to keep the Digimon"
Irisviel: "Sweet~!"
You were a ruling queen at one point...

-Lilith inquires more about that?-

Star: "Yeah, this is starting to make my head spin..."

Marco: "I'm just glad she was able to make a difference. It sounds like her actions and efforts went a long way in helping save your guys' world." :)

-Who dodges each of them, but only narrowly with the later shots-

Sounds like you've about completely lost it!

We're here. This is Dr. Coyle's lab...

(Any signs of trouble?)

(Not that I can see so far. Keep your guards up, everyone...)

XJ-6: "...Yeah, I think we can sit this one out." :p

XJ-5: "We still shouldn't just let someone fight on their own when we're here and can fight!"

River: "You did a good job raising and leading some skilled hunters, Lady Artemis. Be proud!" -It's evident that for as prideful and silly as King River can be, he takes his own role as a father seriously and has a good heart-

Tetra: "...She's not seriously going to buy that..."

-It's a smaller room with the same wallpaper, taxidermy of the head of a deer, an antelope and a polar bear mounted on the upper part of the wall, and a painting on a generic forest in the center of the wall-

-Two more doors can be seen on the opposite side of the room-

Steven: "W-Well, the air's a little clearer here, at least...But this room is creepy." :urg:
Byleth: "There is someone that immediately comes to mind right now..." -Caren-
Lilith: "How bad could it be?"
Emblem Chrom: "Agreed. We might have never prevailed were it not for her knowledge."

Celica: "That's incredible." :)
Max Brass: "It really does..." -ready to punch Coyle with a Grenade fist-

-they saw a supercomputer processing some unknown source of energy-
Byleth: "That's incredible work..."
Blake: "You're a goddess of the hunt for a reason, yes." :)
Azura: "Unless they want to establish she's not the brightest person."
Nora: "And the rest of the mansion wasn't?"

Ruby: "Let's just move on..."
Medb: "Fine, it's not like a little hand will ruin my schedule"
Scáthach: "Good, I'll be waiting tomorrow"
Marie: "Oh they used to boo me and throw me things"
Lily: "I hope to meet her in little! She has a wielder too, right?"

Jeanne: "Eventually my gender was uncovered..."
Shiki: "Well, well, seems that one's it"
-Poppy's fighting style is a little silly, punching cartoonishly and twirling like a Beyblade against the drone-
-Yet it's working-
Artemis: "You're not so bad either, River" :p
-She buys it and 'Loid' is surprised she did-
Rin: "I concur with Ruby..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Yeah, and also Medea can be with Moon more often to hang out and plan stuff... And there's also Eclipsa...-
Cú: "So long they grow well, who knows? They might having an actual thing when they're adults"
-So that is ordeeeeeeeered-
-Indeed, so it might be a good chance to do soooo-
Jeanne: "We'll be sure to, they've been fed and cared for ever since we managed to get them out of the Phazon planet"
-So they might be able to investigate her background and the truth of her disappeared daughter...-

Linebeck: "Oh, no one doubts that. Just don't tell that to them or they'll both angrily deny it with the most obvious lies possible."

-While not quite any of the kitchen staff's work, it's s till remarkably good garlic bread!-

-Tying it into a ponytail with Monika and Ratbat's help?-

(I still can't believe Dark Samus managed to capture so many of them...or that she went as far to capture so many to begin with...) :urg:

Byleth: "There is someone that immediately comes to mind right now..." -Caren-
Lilith: "How bad could it be?"
Emblem Chrom: "Agreed. We might have never prevailed were it not for her knowledge."

Celica: "That's incredible." :)
Max Brass: "It really does..." -ready to punch Coyle with a Grenade fist-

-they saw a supercomputer processing some unknown source of energy-
Byleth: "That's incredible work..."
Blake: "You're a goddess of the hunt for a reason, yes." :)
Azura: "Unless they want to establish she's not the brightest person."
Nora: "And the rest of the mansion wasn't?"

Ruby: "Let's just move on..."
Medb: "Fine, it's not like a little hand will ruin my schedule"
Scáthach: "Good, I'll be waiting tomorrow"
Marie: "Oh they used to boo me and throw me things"
Lily: "I hope to meet her in little! She has a wielder too, right?"

Jeanne: "Eventually my gender was uncovered..."
Shiki: "Well, well, seems that one's it"
-Poppy's fighting style is a little silly, punching cartoonishly and twirling like a Beyblade against the drone-
-Yet it's working-
Artemis: "You're not so bad either, River" :p
-She buys it and 'Loid' is surprised she did-
Rin: "I concur with Ruby..."
I'd help out some times, too, but I'm more of a military leader than a ruler.

S-So they were

-Chrom and/or Robin answers that?-

-Jenny notices and tries to distract Coyle by arming, but not actually firing a plasma cannon, so that Max can land the grenade punch-

(So what do we do? Destroy the computer?)

(Or do we need to find the Grid itself?)

Huh, that strange fighting style and silly powers are working...oddly well?

River: "haha, all Johansens are raised to be skilled and proud hunters!"

Tetra: "..." :facepalm:

Steven: "...Fair point." :ohwell:

Amethyst: "This whole building is like somebody's nightmare..."

Steven: "On the bright side, I managed to snag a map of the first floor! It's on some kind of advanced tablet, so I'm surprised it still works if this place has been abandoned for a while..."

-The map in question looks like this:


Pearl: "It appears we're in the North wing of the facility..."

// For reference, they're currently in the first room to the right of the foyer (which itself is the large, connected room with the yellow square in it).

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Dedede: "You weren't around during the Brawl era of tournaments!"

-It might shatter some of the bones depending on the strength of the attack-

(Are you kidding? Along with Rin and Sakura, I couldn't have asked for a more awesome family.) :)
Byleth: -ditches the sword in favor of a lance but NOT the one Meta Knight knows-

-he's pretty strong so it might do that-
Weiss: "Awwwwwww~ That's adorable~" :b:

Mash: "I still need to choose my outfit though..."
Morrigan: "Yeah, I was born as a really special one~" -Shadow Blades another!-
Tiamat: "...I like to sit down and think of matters at hand"
Arcueid: "Sooo two Beasts that need to learn fun"
Byleth: "I'm sure at least one of the other girls knows enough about fashion..."
Palu: "I was speaking about Lilith." -uses Celestial Firework solely to combo into back air (yes, I'm using Smash 4 customs)-
Shez: "I didn't want to say it that way but... yeah." :p

Medb: "Fine, it's not like a little hand will ruin my schedule"
Scáthach: "Good, I'll be waiting tomorrow"
Marie: "Oh they used to boo me and throw me things"
Lily: "I hope to meet her in little! She has a wielder too, right?"

Jeanne: "Eventually my gender was uncovered..."
Shiki: "Well, well, seems that one's it"
-Poppy's fighting style is a little silly, punching cartoonishly and twirling like a Beyblade against the drone-
-Yet it's working-
Artemis: "You're not so bad either, River" :p
-She buys it and 'Loid' is surprised she did-
Rin: "I concur with Ruby..."
I'd help out some times, too, but I'm more of a military leader than a ruler.

S-So they were

-Chrom and/or Robin answers that?-

-Jenny notices and tries to distract Coyle by arming, but not actually firing a plasma cannon, so that Max can land the grenade punch-

(So what do we do? Destroy the computer?)

(Or do we need to find the Grid itself?)

Huh, that strange fighting style and silly powers are working...oddly well?

River: "haha, all Johansens are raised to be skilled and proud hunters!"

Tetra: "..." :facepalm:

Steven: "...Fair point." :ohwell:

Amethyst: "This whole building is like somebody's nightmare..."

Steven: "On the bright side, I managed to snag a map of the first floor! It's on some kind of advanced tablet, so I'm surprised it still works if this place has been abandoned for a while..."

Pearl: "It appears we're in the North wing of the facility..."
Byleth: "A military leader, huh? I wouldn't mind seeing your talents."
Lilith: "That's awful..."
Emblem Robin: "Some guy with a red trenchcoat, if I recall. I don't get good vibes from him."

Emblem Celica: "...And what happened?" :urg:
Coyle: :laugh: "That fancy cannon will do NOTHING!" -it's then that she gets punched- "Huh?!" -and the grenade explodes, sending her flying to a wall-

Max Brass: "You're too far gone, Coyle."

Sothis: "Should we call Ingrid, actually? She knows this stuff better than we do..."
Byleth: "If it works, it works."
Blake: "And a bit reckless too, apparently."
Kanna: ".....She's not the brightest outside her job, is she?"
Ruby: "...Should we split up? There are enough groups for us to do that without worrying too much..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: -ditches the sword in favor of a lance but NOT the one Meta Knight knows-

-he's pretty strong so it might do that-
Weiss: "Awwwwwww~ That's adorable~" :b:
Meta knight: "Hmm, another new weapon..."

-Papyrus is surprised, but quickly tries to block any follow-up attack with the bone katana-

(It is?) -Still doesn't totally get why so many people consider her and other Pokemon cute-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Meta knight: "Hmm, another new weapon..."

-Papyrus is surprised, but quickly tries to block any follow-up attack with the bone katana-

(It is?) -Still doesn't totally get why so many people consider her and other Pokemon cute-
-she swings it once Meta Knight gets near... and it somehow creates a burst of flames-

-this immediately tips off Meta Knight that even Relics of a similar weapons type such as lances can act differently-
-leading to a clash of blades-
Weiss: "It absolutely is~" :b:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-she swings it once Meta Knight gets near... and it somehow creates a burst of flames-

-this immediately tips off Meta Knight that even Relics of a similar weapons type such as lances can act differently-
-leading to a clash of blades-
Weiss: "It absolutely is~" :b:
Meta Knight: (Considering the abilities of the Relics we're already seen her use and their apparent significance to her home world, I'm not surprised that even Relics of hers that share a common weapon type have different effects and purposes...)

-Does said burst of flames hit Meta Knight even if the lance itself doesn't?-


-Epic sword fight!-

(Well, thank you. More than anything I'm grateful to have a family as awesome as you guys.) :)

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
I'd help out some times, too, but I'm more of a military leader than a ruler.

S-So they were

-Chrom and/or Robin answers that?-

-Jenny notices and tries to distract Coyle by arming, but not actually firing a plasma cannon, so that Max can land the grenade punch-

(So what do we do? Destroy the computer?)

(Or do we need to find the Grid itself?)

Huh, that strange fighting style and silly powers are working...oddly well?

River: "haha, all Johansens are raised to be skilled and proud hunters!"

Tetra: "..." :facepalm:

Steven: "...Fair point." :ohwell:

Amethyst: "This whole building is like somebody's nightmare..."

Steven: "On the bright side, I managed to snag a map of the first floor! It's on some kind of advanced tablet, so I'm surprised it still works if this place has been abandoned for a while..."

-The map in question looks like this:

View attachment 383593

Pearl: "It appears we're in the North wing of the facility..."

// For reference, they're currently in the first room to the right of the foyer (which itself is the large, connected room with the yellow square in it).
Byleth: "A military leader, huh? I wouldn't mind seeing your talents."
Lilith: "That's awful..."
Emblem Robin: "Some guy with a red trenchcoat, if I recall. I don't get good vibes from him."

Emblem Celica: "...And what happened?" :urg:
Coyle: :laugh: "That fancy cannon will do NOTHING!" -it's then that she gets punched- "Huh?!" -and the grenade explodes, sending her flying to a wall-

Max Brass: "You're too far gone, Coyle."

Sothis: "Should we call Ingrid, actually? She knows this stuff better than we do..."
Byleth: "If it works, it works."
Blake: "And a bit reckless too, apparently."
Kanna: ".....She's not the brightest outside her job, is she?"
Ruby: "...Should we split up? There are enough groups for us to do that without worrying too much..."
Medb: "Well I managed to be both~"
Marie: "It's not like I can blame them, many tensions and bad decisions made by royalty earned their ire, though I was oblivious of many matters by then"
Lily: "That sounds a bit like Mr. EMIYA... Well, there's two named that here"

Jeanne: "Begrudgingly, they did admit my importance to the army, and allowed me to keep my position"
Shiki: "Can't we just... Cut it?"
Kaito: "Much as I'd like to, it could explode for all we know"
-Taking out the device from her belt, Poppy would use one end of it as a dagger and uses it to further damage the mech!-
Artemis: "Still, you should feel pride~!"
Hayate: "Not really" :p
-This forces them to having to get out of the car and to beat up the criminals as they run!-
Sakura: "Split up?! Are you crazy?!"
Byleth: "I'm sure at least one of the other girls knows enough about fashion..."
Palu: "I was speaking about Lilith." -uses Celestial Firework solely to combo into back air (yes, I'm using Smash 4 customs)-
Shez: "I didn't want to say it that way but... yeah." :p
-Wasn't that Azura?- :p
Morrigan: "Hey! That happened to me earlier this night!"
Lilith: "Is it really something you should want to presume?" :p
Tiamat: "Do not worry, I do not take offense"
-Draco rolled her eyes-
-So they might be able to investigate her background and the truth of her disappeared daughter...-

Linebeck: "Oh, no one doubts that. Just don't tell that to them or they'll both angrily deny it with the most obvious lies possible."

-While not quite any of the kitchen staff's work, it's s till remarkably good garlic bread!-

-Tying it into a ponytail with Monika and Ratbat's help?-

(I still can't believe Dark Samus managed to capture so many of them...or that she went as far to capture so many to begin with...) :urg:
-Indeed, she'll have more time to do that, no question...-
Cú: "One probably more than the other, from what I've seen"
Sakura: "You can never fail ordering this~"
Rin: "You tell me~!"
-Yeah, and Sayori's too because she and Monika are friends!-
Jeanne: "That cruel parasite was well aware of what it was doing..."


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2024
Questioning my existence while asleep
-one that Corrin likely reciprocates-
-very much so-

-If need be, Moana will activate a wave of calming aura to help the BIdoof as well-
-excellent idea-

-On the very least, they know that Taiga would never raise the little one to be a force of evil and would give it lots of care in her own Taiga way-
Luvia: "Mayhaps we shall allow Ms.Fujimura to keep the Digimon"
Irisviel: "Sweet~!"
-she might overfeed it and turn it to Burpmon :V-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Meta Knight: (Considering the abilities of the Relics we're already seen her use and their apparent significance to her home world, I'm not surprised that even Relics of hers that share a common weapon type have different effects and purposes...)

-Does said burst of flames hit Meta Knight even if the lance itself doesn't?-


-Epic sword fight!-

(Well, thank you. More than anything I'm grateful to have a family as awesome as you guys.) :)
-I don't think he'd have expected it so he got hit-
-except Ephraim has a lance but whatever lol-
Weiss: "And I'm grateful to have you." :)

-Wasn't that Azura?- :p
Morrigan: "Hey! That happened to me earlier this night!"
Lilith: "Is it really something you should want to presume?" :p
Tiamat: "Do not worry, I do not take offense"
-Draco rolled her eyes-
-I'm too lazy to change it but yes-
Palu: "It's not like you two are the same person. right?"
Shez: "So... wanna learn fun things? Maybe cooking?"

-very much so-
Viridi: "Such a sweet friendship." :)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Indeed, she'll have more time to do that, no question...-
Cú: "One probably more than the other, from what I've seen"
Sakura: "You can never fail ordering this~"
Rin: "You tell me~!"
-Yeah, and Sayori's too because she and Monika are friends!-
Jeanne: "That cruel parasite was well aware of what it was doing..."
-They'll have to be subtle with the investigation, it's clear there's still a lot to both of those mysteries...-

Linebeck: "Not inaccurate. Not like it matters to me, but their frequent panicking gets annoying sometimes."

I'll admit, I am curious about what food tastes like...

-Unlike what can be said for Monika and the other Dokis, but Sayori has likely become friends with Mash since then, too, as a result of the Shielder being Monika's girlfriend-

(The Pokemon are lucky they got out alive...) -Not so much downplaying the XJ sisters' skills and efforts so much as he is noting how the odds of their survival in that extremely dangerous situation were low to begin with-

-I don't think he'd have expected it so he got hit-
-except Ephraim has a lance but whatever lol-
Weiss: "And I'm grateful to have you." :)
-As such, Meta Knight is struck and his cape is set on fire!-

-Still a clash of blades, and Papyrus isn't taking any hits-


(...Thanks.) :)

-Winter nuzzles Weiss affectionately-

-excellent idea-
-Then that's exactly what she does, the wave of calming energy helping ease the Bidoofs' nerves and sadness-

Byleth: "A military leader, huh? I wouldn't mind seeing your talents."
Lilith: "That's awful..."
Emblem Robin: "Some guy with a red trenchcoat, if I recall. I don't get good vibes from him."

Emblem Celica: "...And what happened?" :urg:
Coyle: :laugh: "That fancy cannon will do NOTHING!" -it's then that she gets punched- "Huh?!" -and the grenade explodes, sending her flying to a wall-

Max Brass: "You're too far gone, Coyle."

Sothis: "Should we call Ingrid, actually? She knows this stuff better than we do..."
Byleth: "If it works, it works."
Blake: "And a bit reckless too, apparently."
Kanna: ".....She's not the brightest outside her job, is she?"
Ruby: "...Should we split up? There are enough groups for us to do that without worrying too much..."
Medb: "Well I managed to be both~"
Marie: "It's not like I can blame them, many tensions and bad decisions made by royalty earned their ire, though I was oblivious of many matters by then"
Lily: "That sounds a bit like Mr. EMIYA... Well, there's two named that here"

Jeanne: "Begrudgingly, they did admit my importance to the army, and allowed me to keep my position"
Shiki: "Can't we just... Cut it?"
Kaito: "Much as I'd like to, it could explode for all we know"
-Taking out the device from her belt, Poppy would use one end of it as a dagger and uses it to further damage the mech!-
Artemis: "Still, you should feel pride~!"
Hayate: "Not really" :p
-This forces them to having to get out of the car and to beat up the criminals as they run!-
Sakura: "Split up?! Are you crazy?!"
Like I said before, I'm always looking to spar new challenging opponents! And some people can be both a ruler and a military leader! I just think I'm more suited to be the latter. Hell, with how little I actually knew and understood about humans at the time, I probably would've led the Underground into a war against humanity had I been in charge...

//I forgot to finish Alphys' dialogue last time, so fixing that now!

S-So they were still judging you just for being a foreign Queen... :urg:

-Then what Marie said about the issues with royalty at the time-

B-But...doesn't that mean they were blaming the wrong person?

Marco: "Okay, yeah, that's definitely EMIYA."

Star: "I wonder why she partnered with him in specific..."

We've tried to see if you could still listen to any reason or morals, but it seems like all you want to hear is how much power you can take for yourself...

(I hate to say this, but calling Ingrid might be our best option...)

...We should probably still go help her instead of just standing here and watching.

River: "You can't hunt or survive without taking some risks! And I certainly am proud! You three should be too!" :grin:

Tetra: "Hopefully she'll learn more as this show goes on...Then again, Twilight has yet to figure out that she's an assassin, too."

Specimen 14: "Oaky, that usually only works in-"

Amethyst: "Horror movies and cartoons with talking dogs. We get it..."

Steven: "I get why Sakura's worried, but I get Ruby's idea, too. This mansion looks totally huge so far, and with the town under attack, we don't even know how much time we can afford to be here!" :urg:

Garnet: "Splitting up might be dangerous...but only the safer the option for the town..."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-As such, Meta Knight is struck and his cape is set on fire!-

-Still a clash of blades, and Papyrus isn't taking any hits-


(...Thanks.) :)

-Winter nuzzles Weiss affectionately-
Byleth: "I've got you." -switches to a rather large pair of gauntlets while rushing in-
-neither was Ephriam, at least against Papyrus himself-

-the bones are a different thing-

Medb: "Well I managed to be both~"
Marie: "It's not like I can blame them, many tensions and bad decisions made by royalty earned their ire, though I was oblivious of many matters by then"
Lily: "That sounds a bit like Mr. EMIYA... Well, there's two named that here"

Jeanne: "Begrudgingly, they did admit my importance to the army, and allowed me to keep my position"
Shiki: "Can't we just... Cut it?"
Kaito: "Much as I'd like to, it could explode for all we know"
-Taking out the device from her belt, Poppy would use one end of it as a dagger and uses it to further damage the mech!-
Artemis: "Still, you should feel pride~!"
Hayate: "Not really" :p
-This forces them to having to get out of the car and to beat up the criminals as they run!-
Sakura: "Split up?! Are you crazy?!"
Like I said before, I'm always looking to spar new challenging opponents! And some people can be both a ruler and a military leader! I just think I'm more suited to be the latter. Hell, with how little I actually knew and understood about humans at the time, I probably would've led the Underground into a war against humanity had I been in charge...

//I forgot to finish Alphys' dialogue last time, so fixing that now!

S-So they were still judging you just for being a foreign Queen... :urg:

-Then what Marie said about the issues with royalty at the time-

B-But...doesn't that mean they were blaming the wrong person?

Marco: "Okay, yeah, that's definitely EMIYA."

Star: "I wonder why she partnered with him in specific..."

We've tried to see if you could still listen to any reason or morals, but it seems like all you want to hear is how much power you can take for yourself...

(I hate to say this, but calling Ingrid might be our best option...)

...We should probably still go help her instead of just standing here and watching.

River: "You can't hunt or survive without taking some risks! And I certainly am proud! You three should be too!" :grin:

Tetra: "Hopefully she'll learn more as this show goes on...Then again, Twilight has yet to figure out that she's an assassin, too."

Specimen 14: "Oaky, that usually only works in-"

Amethyst: "Horror movies and cartoons with talking dogs. We get it..."

Steven: "I get why Sakura's worried, but I get Ruby's idea, too. This mansion looks totally huge so far, and with the town under attack, we don't even know how much time we can afford to be here!" :urg:

Garnet: "Splitting up might be dangerous...but only the safer the option for the town..."
Byleth: "Your tendency of looking for a strong sparring partner really does remind me of Shez... Hopefully, you could keep up with her."
Lilith: "It matters not. The moment Marie became Queen, she has a duty when it comes to shouldering the problems of her people, regardless of whether she caused them or not. But by the sound of it, she was not even aware of any issues..."
Emblem Robin: "What's so special about him?" -the moment any of them realize EMIYA's also from the future is when it all makes sense?-

Emblem Celica: "Oh, that's very good, actually." :)
Dr. Coyle: "...That really took you so long to realize? What a fool you are!"

Max Brass: "The real fool is you. You've lost yourself and have gone mad with power... this isn't the Coyle I know. To me, that Coyle is gone, so I'll have no regrets showing who's the REAL champ here!"

Sothis: "Then we'll have to do just that, I suppose..."

Ingrid: -had already detected the intrusion and is investigating it-
Byleth: "I'll step in if things go wrong. For now, she is doing really well."
-and eventually the food is served?-
Azura: "Will they ever?"
Ruby: "We could have our Servants in one group while the other goes another way. That way, we always have a way to communicate."

Jaune: "....That's actually smart."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "I've got you." -switches to a rather large pair of gauntlets while rushing in-
-neither was Ephriam, at least against Papyrus himself-

-the bones are a different thing-
-Meta Knight uses his Up Special just as she approaches, hoping to counter her attack as well as quickly extinguish the fire-

-It's evident that, for as goofy as Papyrus is, as Undyne omce said, he's actually pretty freaking tough- :V


The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Meta Knight uses his Up Special just as she approaches, hoping to counter her attack as well as quickly extinguish the fire-

-It's evident that, for as goofy as Papyrus is, as Undyne omce said, he's actually pretty freaking tough- :V

-unfortunately, she saw it coming and blocked the attack-

-she's been in Smash, she knows how good up specials are :V-
Emblem Ephraim: "This is pretty fun."

Weiss: "Anytime, Winter." :)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-unfortunately, she saw it coming and blocked the attack-

-she's been in Smash, she knows how good up specials are :V-
Emblem Ephraim: "This is pretty fun."

Weiss: "Anytime, Winter." :)
-I should've guessed lmao-

-That being said, however, the swift travel through the air still put the fire on Meta Knight's cape out-

Fights aren't fun without a good challenge! :p


Maybe due to it being the bottom segment? All of us seem to miss replies to the lower segments more often than the others.

(I guess I should probably get some rest, now. Even though I'm not-) -Yawns- (-...Well, totally tired yet.) 😅

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-she might overfeed it and turn it to Burpmon :V-
Irisviel: "I know she's quite eccentric, but she's a very caring girl who will show some strictness over his training!"
-Speaking of, Medea Lily would find Frimon while Taiga kept watching again!-
-They'll have to be subtle with the investigation, it's clear there's still a lot to both of those mysteries...-

Linebeck: "Not inaccurate. Not like it matters to me, but their frequent panicking gets annoying sometimes."

I'll admit, I am curious about what food tastes like...

-Unlike what can be said for Monika and the other Dokis, but Sayori has likely become friends with Mash since then, too, as a result of the Shielder being Monika's girlfriend-

(The Pokemon are lucky they got out alive...) -Not so much downplaying the XJ sisters' skills and efforts so much as he is noting how the odds of their survival in that extremely dangerous situation were low to begin with-
-Indeed... And the Magic Commission might try to interfere-
Cú: "Oh well, kids be kids, they'll still have plenty of time to figure things out"
Rin: "Eh? Well... Putting it into words really is not enough"
-True, it just had to happen off-screen- :p -But yeah, Mash now has some ideas to do-
Jeanne: "And who knows what else it experimented with...."
Like I said before, I'm always looking to spar new challenging opponents! And some people can be both a ruler and a military leader! I just think I'm more suited to be the latter. Hell, with how little I actually knew and understood about humans at the time, I probably would've led the Underground into a war against humanity had I been in charge...

//I forgot to finish Alphys' dialogue last time, so fixing that now!

S-So they were still judging you just for being a foreign Queen... :urg:

-Then what Marie said about the issues with royalty at the time-

B-But...doesn't that mean they were blaming the wrong person?

Marco: "Okay, yeah, that's definitely EMIYA."

Star: "I wonder why she partnered with him in specific..."

We've tried to see if you could still listen to any reason or morals, but it seems like all you want to hear is how much power you can take for yourself...

(I hate to say this, but calling Ingrid might be our best option...)

...We should probably still go help her instead of just standing here and watching.

River: "You can't hunt or survive without taking some risks! And I certainly am proud! You three should be too!" :grin:

Tetra: "Hopefully she'll learn more as this show goes on...Then again, Twilight has yet to figure out that she's an assassin, too."

Specimen 14: "Oaky, that usually only works in-"

Amethyst: "Horror movies and cartoons with talking dogs. We get it..."

Steven: "I get why Sakura's worried, but I get Ruby's idea, too. This mansion looks totally huge so far, and with the town under attack, we don't even know how much time we can afford to be here!" :urg:

Garnet: "Splitting up might be dangerous...but only the safer the option for the town..."
Byleth: "Your tendency of looking for a strong sparring partner really does remind me of Shez... Hopefully, you could keep up with her."
Lilith: "It matters not. The moment Marie became Queen, she has a duty when it comes to shouldering the problems of her people, regardless of whether she caused them or not. But by the sound of it, she was not even aware of any issues..."
Emblem Robin: "What's so special about him?" -the moment any of them realize EMIYA's also from the future is when it all makes sense?-

Emblem Celica: "Oh, that's very good, actually." :)
Dr. Coyle: "...That really took you so long to realize? What a fool you are!"

Max Brass: "The real fool is you. You've lost yourself and have gone mad with power... this isn't the Coyle I know. To me, that Coyle is gone, so I'll have no regrets showing who's the REAL champ here!"

Sothis: "Then we'll have to do just that, I suppose..."

Ingrid: -had already detected the intrusion and is investigating it-
Byleth: "I'll step in if things go wrong. For now, she is doing really well."
-and eventually the food is served?-
Azura: "Will they ever?"
Ruby: "We could have our Servants in one group while the other goes another way. That way, we always have a way to communicate."

Jaune: "....That's actually smart."
Scáthach: "At least you now know better" -sips tea-
Medb: "You are one of the most effective soldoers around, it can't be denied~"
Marie: "Until it was too late, and my children and I were executed"
Lily: "...I guess he's also a time traveler?"

Jeanne: "Thank you! While it didn't stop the enemy from calling me a witch, it didn't matter to me so long I'd be there"
Shiki: "On the least she'd be less annoying than the other hacker..." -BB sneezes-
-Indeed, it helps it's not the strongest mook-
Poppy: "Enough yet?"
-It still points at her!-
Poppy: "Sorry, you asked for this!" -SHE'S PREPARING A FINISHER-
Atalanta: -Nods- "My thanks, King River. I agree you have quite the strength and attitude"
Hayate: "It's part of the intrigue" :p
-The criminals try to killTwilight with knives, he of course, easily sweeped the floor with them using his fists-
-Yor is like "are you not being too violent with the patients?" and 'Loid' is like 'well you see! sometimes I must apply punching as a method of therapy in cases like this'-
-A caption appears saying 'This is a work of fiction'-
Mordred: "Soooo, would it be two groups then?"
-I'm too lazy to change it but yes-
Palu: "It's not like you two are the same person. right?"
Shez: "So... wanna learn fun things? Maybe cooking?"
Medb: "Are you talking about me~?"
Mash: "Uuuuh..."

Tiamat: ".....Alright then!"
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