-but what will happen once it gets bigger....?-
Medea Lily: "I found you!"
Martha: "But they become larger and more powerful, right?"
BB: "It's called Digivolution"
-...Maybe yeah, in private, unless you really wanna keep it secret-
-Packing items for moving montage!-
Linebeck: "...No, they mostly just yell at and insult you for supposed mistakes."
Well, they would be an interesting threat, and you do already have Oberon around
-Sakura has similar thoughts on the matter or nah?-
-Mash'[s thoughts?-
-If you're still up to the idea, I wouldn't mind giving the control of the Pikachu and Pichu over to you since that was your idea for characters of your own-
-With 90s training music-
Yeah, I haven't had time to do much with him.
Cú: "Still better than where I'm from then"
Sakura: "Well, if my sis insists! I could maybe try some dishes to bring Rider some other time!"
I wonder if could add a hat....
-Eh, don't worry about that, after all I already have a handful of characters around-
Azura: "How come?"
Dark Pit: "Because I'm not cute!"
Sothis: "....Why does that sound familiar...?"
Mash: "I frankly was really nervous when I signed up to this"
Lilith: "You're not doing a good job at proving otherwise~ Teehee~" :3
Tiamat: "But I could not accpet that back then, and it brought me to do some... Terrible things"
I guess the rest of us can do a karaoke night, then. We should invite our friends, too! 
Based on what I've seen, Patxi's always happy to meet new people. 
Marco: "But did going back in time alter her future or was she just trying to prevent the damage from happening in another timeline...?"
Star: "We've kinda seen
both of those outcomes with time travel stuff before..."
(Please lead the way, then!)
If anyone can bring us there without the Alliance knowing, Charlotte can!
XJ-6: "Are you kidding me?! One of that jerk's lackeys is still around?!"
XJ-5: "I'll pass the message to Jenny!" -Does so using radio communications-
Huh? Hold on, everyone, I'm getting a message from XJ-5...
River: "So you were both raised to hunt and survive in the wilderness and outside of the confines or royal towns as well? No wonder you have such the skills, you grew up learning survival skills and the glory of the hunt just as my family and I did!"
TLink: "...I'm really glad Aryll's not here. She's smart for her age, but that comparison would've gone over her head..."
Tetra: "Oh, Twilight and Yor are going to fall for each other at some point. I can already tell."
Penny: "Then I will try my very best..."
-With that suggestion, Penny doesn't further hesitate to uses her Winter Maiden powers to conjure up some strong gusts of a wind, virtually all of the dust out of the room and into the nearest hallways of the rest of the mansion, outside the Doll House facility-
-Meanwhile, Jenny is using her vacuum tool to clean up most of the dust that's stuck to furniture-
Byleth: "If you are to spend more time with Medb due to your contract, it would be in your best interest to try some of her interests... well, outside of the obvious one, I mean."
Lilith: "I am looking forward to meet him then."
Emblem Chrom: "...I don't think even she knows."
Emblem Celica: "A voice?"
Alear: "Alright. I trust you."
Dr. Coyle: "I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU LOT!" -blasting!-
Byleth: "What's going on?"
Blake: "There wasn't much glory in survival... but the rest rings true."
Azura: "Yor definitely will, but I think Twilight is too used to doing this sort of thing to feel anything..."
-is it enough to make the air better?-
Scáthach: "...Right, I suppose I should..."
Medb: "Ha, well said~"
Scáthach: "In exchange, you will do the same though"
Medb: "Oh, you want me to train? Hmph, you better not understimate my fighting capabilities" -for as much of a spoiled brat as she may behave as, it's undeniable Medb has a varied arsenal that knows how to use it-
-Like she even has Caladbolg, but she only used that once against the Snatcher because she doesn't likes to behave barbaric-
Marie: "Of course! I'm sure that in a bit~!"
Lily: "I guess it depends on a world-to-world basis... We've seen cases of both"
Jeanne: "It was the voice of the Lord, that's what we call the creator of my world, who guided me to step into a war that was ocurring in my country"
Charlotte: "Follow m-! WOAH!" -narrowly dodged a hit, while Kaito shot at Coyle! While the Dark Kabuto and Poppy copies attempted to punch her in conjunction!-
-While they did that, the badly-functioning Shadow Raider aimed at them and was ready to shoot, when Monika then noticed the glowing weapon!-
Monika: "Look out!"
Natsuki: "Huh-?!" -she's tackled down by Monika, making the shot miss!-
Poppy: "Huh?! What was that?!"
Yuri: "Eeeeep!" -they all saw the functioning drone, which was aiming at the four-
Sayori: "What is that?!"
Poppy: "...Whatever it is, I won't let it bother us longer, stay safe here!"
Yuri: "Huh?! What?!"
-And the XJs saw that Poppy was walking towards the Shadow Raider-
Atalanta: "I do understand it more though, I happened to partake in a number of hunts along others"
Hayate: "That's the magic of the series, you will see eventually~"
-So, with the proof Yor is in a relationship, they go off in Twilight's car-
-What Uni aaaaasked-