I think perhaps we should give her some space...
I-If anyone should still be here for her right now, it should just be her family...
Marco: "Which admittedly happens more often that I'd like to admit..."
Star: "Interdimensional adventures and fighting bad guys is dangerous work."

(Well, since you're here, care to at least help us out,)
-Dedede simply bashes the copy in the face with the electrically-charged hammer, and if that doesn't destroy it, the hammer's "face" opens up, revealing it to be also be a hatch that hides a missile launcher-
You don't have to be an official Santa to help spread Christmas cheer. 
-Not exactly what they were expecting to tune into when they went to watch a gameshow...-
-And soon enough...METTATON EX APPEARS-
This form's built for a star, but it's also built to take down heels like you! And it looks like I'm not the only one who transformed into a superhero form!
Tetra: "How can you believe in that "love at first sight" fairy tale nonsense?"
Pearl: "I-I guess
several of us were..."
Amethyst: "Nice shot, Atalanta!"
Steven: "That only leaves these slime guys for now!" -Blocks an attack from a Lub-Glub-
Hinoka: "Yeah, we'll stay with her. Maybe bring her elsewhere."
Kamui: -was crying right now-
Lilith: "I really regret saying that now... It gave her so much pain..."

Emblem Robin: "Then you're a lot like Chrom."
Emblem Chrom: "Not funny, Robin."
-but that history is hazy due to being effectively a replica rather than the real Falchion-
Emblem Ike: "Is it alright if I just call you Mash?"
Emblem Edelgard: -appears- "You didn't steal the Divine Dragon's possessions this time. Perhaps you
did learn from her threat."
-so he's stopped from his gravity trick before even doing it-
Byleth: -to the Santas- "If I recall, Sothis was one of such guests, whom you've ended up welcoming in your little community. Or at least enough that you've accepted her idea of selecting me."
-one of them points out how Byleth's hair isn't green anymore?-
Blake: "This will become the tenth question if Mettaton is adaptable enough of a host."
Kanna: "Still, if it escalates, we should do something..."
Azura: "And how can you think it's nonsense?"
Blake: "You really saved us out there, Atalanta..." -kitty smile-
Jeanne: "Let's not pick any blames now. Let's do what's needed and... Give her enough time to take this"
-Sisters, mother-in-law and husband be with Kamui now-
-Jeanne and Martha would love to help her... But they have responsibilities-
Lily: "But we always hace fun together"

-Indeed... It's basically a construction of a Divine Construct with the same effectiveness-
Mash: "It's whqt de veryone does"
Kaito: "If you want to believe that"

"For the moment, I guess it'd be convenient for you guys and I to destroy this place's leaders" -loads two cards in his gun as he sees some more copies approach- "So here, have a bit of back up" -then he shoots with his device to make two summons!-
-The copy of Kamen Rider Poppy did a cute pose while striking a peace sign as it appeared, while the copy of Kamen Rider Zero-Two bowed politely-
Shiki: "Ugh, Zero Two?" -sigh- "At least she's not a white blob thing" -has knife ready to pass through-
-Stacey was admittedly impressed by that. In a way, it reminds him of his friends and how big goofs they tend to be while remaining a competent Super Sentai-
Artoria: "That's right, so I vow for allowing this"
Martha: "Wait, wasn't your hair and eyes green?"
Atalanta: "From the few times I've seen him around, I believe he will"
-Ember tells Kitty if she's ready to amp things uo and she's like "Totally!" as she blew a kiss, which Ember shot a soundwave at in order to amplify the effects of the kiss in order to make a few guys in the audience disappear, with Mettaton as an intended target while others try to evade it-
-Ben on the least tried to repel it with ice from from Big Chill, while Rook under protocol was readying weapons to deal with spectral beings-
-Meanwhile, Meteor slams the door open, and using a pole as his weapon, was quick toattack Penelope!-
Illya: "...Maybe"
Hayate: "Well, I don't see what's wrong with all that. He's such a sweetheart!"
Atalanta: "You're welcome, but I don't think that will be enough to stop her from trying to kill us"
Tom: "...Cant' be any worse than mine..."

-It's clear he doesn't look back on his schemes and anger issues positively, or even with indifference anymore-
Linebeck: "I assure you, I can learn how the technology works here just fine once I get a basic understanding of it."
-Well, not everything in town is tech related-
-They've still gotten to go shopping, swimming, dining, and to an ordinary skate park once, after all-
-The movie theater would also still be mostly tech-free...aside from the new touchscreen machines they used to dispense drinks- :V
-If what Monika said about her singing for her on some of their dates is anything to go by!-
(Really?) -Do her lessons usually last longer and Scáthach: is calling it for today because of the Pokemon battle, or did she train for the regular amount of time as usual?-
Lily: "...Your mistakes didn't end with the death of a relative, from what I know"
Atalanta: "Well, hmmm... Maybe a more basic phone could be a good start..."
-Indeed, so Sakura sees it as the best option-
Sakura: "Let's go see a movie~!"
-Indeed... It just amos her confidence!-
-I was thinking the latter-
Scáthach: "Have you seen the time? It has already passed"
Emblem Lucina: "Indeed. Not much time for idle chatter since we met."
Qrow: "She must be jealous."
Palutena: "So who are you?"
Alear: "They must be like family to you."

Shez: "Hey, gimme a chance. I'm new to all this stuff!"
EMIYA: "And I see you're in kind of a meeting for that..."
Kiritsugu: "...Right"
Illya: "She also looks cool!"
Lilith: "Every single day for the last three decades~"
Morrigan: "Isn't that the million dollar question~?"

Natsuki: "Yeah. They really are"

Yuri: "Aw"

And I hope someday, Monika is accepted by the two of you.
Draco: "Hmmm, how long have you been here?"