The Spook Factor
Tom: "Then we can change the subject. For what it's worth, I don't think you're worse of a person after hearing that..." -Still believes she wasn't entirely at fault, or that for however much fault she did have in it, it wouldn't have happened and she wouldn't have done it without outside influence, whoever that influence was-Lily: "I guess that's fair, even when we get to know each other better, there's still some more personal matters"
Atalanta: "We were housing so many already, I guess one more doesn't hurts"
Sakura: "How is that planet now, by the way?"
Rin: "You told me the ruler of it is your friend"
Mash: "Hmmm, I'll just go now then"
Irisviel: "And Scotland too~!"
Linebeck: "I'm surprised the Rulers allowed him to stay when he's constantly claiming to be the one in charge..."
It's a booming planet-wide robot metropolis! To be honest, it already was before Vexus got overthrown, but she was holding every 'bot there back by hiding their golden chips that allowed them to use weapons and tools and using her army to take down anyone who questioned her and invade other planets.
And yeah, Vega and I are still really good friends. She just can't visit very often due to being, well, the ruler of the whole planet.

(She's really cool!)
Kamui: "You... really think you can help me?"
Emblem Robin: "I can tell this partnership will yield fruitful results."
-poor Shirou lmao-
Yang: "I might need to get hit a few times myself then."
Alear: Am I glad Yunaka isn't nearly as bad and only stole to survive...
// If the Alear backstory is what gets you interested, they don't really show much with it. It only really gets explored once on one of the final chapters... but even that little exposure is enough to get an idea of just how horrible it was.
-when Cronus restarted time, he would see that Shez somehow was in a blocking stance-
Shez: "Too slow."
Sothis: "My my, what is this?" -picks up the card-
Byleth: "Then let's start spreading cheers."
-ghosts not realizing Mettaton's attacks can hit souls?-
Azura: "Just wanted to be sure you wouldn't tease these two again."
-oh, Blake was definitely shooting Specimen 13-
Ruby: "Yeah, I don't think it's just some guy, Steven..."
KIARA HAS HELPED MANY BEFORE YOU, WE AM CERTAIN SHE CAN HELP YOU THROUGH THIS.Kiara: "I am a psychiatrist, and people around here love you so much, I can't let you be taken from them"
Lily: "Hm! It will be a pleasure to work with you two!" -bows-
-Indeed, so he'd get SEIBAH-
Mash: "Oh, right, I forgot that part.... I suppose I can do it with this too"
Kaito: "And miss on more treasures?" -destroyed two Kamen Rider copies that were going towards him, picking up the cards they left behind-
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(Still fanmade, but finally ones with a white background)
Kaito: "Only a few left, heh"
-Managing to block the slash, though Cronus was pushing itself more and about to kick her gut-
-The card seemingly holds the power of the puppet she just destroyed, it's weird to describe it, but it feels like it forms part of a greater story linked to another card-
-As it was expected, the giant robots would be deployed. Well, those that weren't sabotaged-
-And thus, they get to multiple sleds to go on!-
-I mean, they're ghosts, they're basically souls themselves-
-Penelope was gonna retort a comeback, before Meteor from behind struck her with his pole to shove her right into one of the white beams, which causes her pain-
Hayate: "Awwww, but it was fun"
-Oh Atalanta definitely does-
Drake: "Let's see how abnormal this guy is then" -shot from her gun!-
Marco: "And an honor to fight alongside royalty and a military tactician!" -Bows as well-
Star: -Also bows- "We won't let you guys down!"
On the bridge side, your thievery is keeping the Alliance from making more mindless copies to serve their evil plans!
//That and the gameplay mechanics with summoning Emblems just sounds fun, but I get it if what's shared about her storyline and lore are limited. I'm curious regardless, so after finishing Awakening and maybe getting Three Houses, I'll most likely g et Engage as well. When that will be, however, I'm not sure right now.
//I don't see any issue with some of the Rider/Sentai cards being fanmade, personally.
Meta Knight: "Be alert, everyone..."
Mabel: "Wait, do these sleds FLY?!"
-Still, they might not be aware that the attacks can hit them due to being ghosts...not realizing his and the other Underground monsters' attacks are basically specialized in damaging Souls, and therefore being just as effective against ghosts themselves-
Tetra: "But who is it?..."
-Specimen 13 impaled with more arrows and struck by several bullets courtesy of Atalanta and Blake, but while the siren is not quite killed by these projectiles, she does more weakly just fall back into the water-
-The old man is struck by the bullet in the shoulder and bleeds...but shrugs it off, then lets out a far deeper, far louder, inhuman-sounding scream with an echo while bolting at them at high speeds, faster than most ordinary humans should be able to run, holding the scythe with both hands and attempting to slash the nearest people with it-
-While visibly frightened, Steven nonetheless immediately summoned his shield again, protecting everyone at the front of the group from the attack in case not everyone could dodge it on time-