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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Blake: "I'm glad to hear. I'm curious to see that progress now."
Azura: "The amount of funding we've gotten from Weiss sponsoring this actually does cover security, she even said as much. So it would be dishonest if I didn't pay you for this... even though I am glad you would do this for free."
Weiss: "Also, when was your last bath? And I don't mean just licking yourself."
-When did Blake get here?- :V

Marco: "I could give a demonstration at the training grounds later!"


...Well, I guess that's only fair, then. I can't complain about good pay! :p But honestly, I wouldn't have even cared if being the Captain of the Royal Guard back in the Underground didn't pay. Learning to fight, defending my people...that would've been worth it for free. You can't put a price on that.

(Umm...) -Trying to think back to when her last proper bath was-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-When did Blake get here?- :V

Marco: "I could give a demonstration at the training grounds later!"


...Well, I guess that's only fair, then. I can't complain about good pay! :p But honestly, I wouldn't have even cared if being the Captain of the Royal Guard back in the Underground didn't pay. Learning to fight, defending my people...that would've been worth it for free. You can't put a price on that.

(Umm...) -Trying to think back to when her last proper bath was-

Byleth: "That would be nice."
Azura: "That's veyr honorable of you... but I doubt honor could've put food on your plate."
-the fact that she has to think about it probably means now's a good time to take one :V-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California

Byleth: "That would be nice."
Azura: "That's veyr honorable of you... but I doubt honor could've put food on your plate."
-the fact that she has to think about it probably means now's a good time to take one :V-
-Skip to that or nah?-

I get that. But in cases like this, at least, it's just extra pay that isn't necessary. I can already put food on my plate from working for Chaldea.

-She actually goes to check a calendar (that Weiss has probably written notes in) for it-

(Well, according to the calendar, my last bath was...TWO WHOLE WEEKS AGO?! Oh crud, I really do need a bath!) -Running to the tub-
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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Skip to that or nah?-

I get that. But in cases like this, at least, it's just extra pay that isn't necessary. I can already put food on my plate from working for Chaldea.

-She actually goes to check a calendar (that Weiss has probably written notes in) for it-

(Well, according to the calendar, my last bath was...TWO WHOLE WEEKS AGO?! Oh crud, I really do need a bath!) -Running to the tub-
Azura: "You can always choose to give that extra money to a good cause, if you want. No one's controlling what you do with it."
Weiss: :laugh:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Azura: "You can always choose to give that extra money to a good cause, if you want. No one's controlling what you do with it."
Weiss: :laugh:
-In that case, they're now at the training grounds-

-Marco faces a training dummy holding up a training staff-

Hmm...A good paycheck could certainly be used to help out less fortunate people...

(Ugh, I can't believe I've forgotten to take any bathsI I have to keep my fur clean! It'll get stains and lose it's style if I don't!)

-Is the tub already full of water and soap?-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
I think that's Kiara at the door...

Stat: "Aw come on, I haven't asked you to do that since before finals!"

-Shuriken and Hurricane worry about what this means about her upbringing...-

-That's actually shocking...-

-They copy always use more help. after all...-


TLink: -Sigh of relief- "Thank you..."

-Then Specimen 13 breaks through a roof window and tries to bite Atalanta!-

(ATA!) -Thunderbolt!-
Kamui: "Is this the truth... I have to be held back at all times so is it truly how I think...?"

Azura "....Let her in."
-Emblem Chrom couldn't help but chuckle at that, Emblem Robin was also amused-

-but unlike Rin, EMIYA can't "fly", that's another Emblem's gimmick :V-

-truly, this Emblem's abilities can fully synergize with Mash's role in combat-
Alear: "That should be all of them... right?"

-with Sothis effectively keeping Heart in check, Shez was handling Cronus with dark magic-
Byleth: "May we spread joy in this most giving time." :)
Blake: "That's true..."
Azura: "Perhaps we could talk about YOUR crushes, Hayate. And I mean real ones, not the joke you pulled on Link."
-Blake also tried to push Atalanta out of the way to take the hit for her-
Shirou: "I don't think that is..."
-Then Kiara comes in, bowing-
Lily: "I'm sure you've been tempted to do it again though" :p
EMIYA: Though there's still a limit to it, hmm...
-Indeed, it's time to test them against opponents!-
Kaito: "For now, nice"
Shiki: "You did quite well there"
Charlotte: Scarily so.
-Cronus was blocking spells with his shield, though some like Dark Spikes did pass trough it-

-Indeed, though as they are now, they can't merit to question stuff much-
Jeanne Lily: "Then let's prepare to depart~!"
Atalanta: "As much in the outside now is the inside"
-She shot beams at Mettaton!-
Hayate: "Oh, what would you like to know?"
-And Atalanta is thus pushed before she could stop Blake!-
Tom: "Hey, after everything I did and the mistakes I made with Star, you still tried to be my friend. It's the least I can do." :)

Linebeck: "Well, no matter. Thank you for time and advice, Atalanta. I'm sure I''ll adapt to this "high-tech" location in no time!"

-And any and all health downsides aren't a concern since they're made of mana- :p

with what? how to make good puns?


-Realizing that she wasn't as a good a fighter as she thought and that being overly eager and prideful to those she sought help from may have helped-

-As did did the fact that she's training under a strict but ultimately well-meaning instructor like Scáthach, for that matter-
Lily: "Heheh, just one day, but I can tell we will get along fine"
Atalanta: "Though don't hesitate to ask for assistance"
-True, so they can eat to their hearts content- :p
Monika: "Well, it is a service" :p
-Indeed, all in all, she's gonna become a better fighter under great titelage and her own will-
Emblem Sigurd: "So you two are lovers... and yet he's still silent with you."

Emblem Micaiah: "I like to imagine she knows him well enough to see through his cold and silent demeanor."

Kamui: "That actually sounds about right, Micaiah."
-only because you happen to have a curvy bottom half, else nothing would have worked :V-

Palutena: "It's been a few years, and I've found a new home since. Though I never thought a demon queen would show concern over this..."
Shez: "I guess she just needed new experiences after saving Fodlan..."
Irisviel: "Plus there's moments when we're fully alone when he's a little more talkative, he really cares~"
-Kiritsugu a bit red-
-Geez, the merits are still there- :p

Morrigan: "You expected all to be steretypically like 'Bwahahaha~! Pathetic twerpy humans! Your suffering is the best!' or something like that? That's soooo cliché"
-How cute, motivates Sayori more as a fish BITES-
Draco: "Is that the name of where you come from?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Lily: "Heheh, just one day, but I can tell we will get along fine"
Atalanta: "Though don't hesitate to ask for assistance"
-True, so they can eat to their hearts content- :p
Monika: "Well, it is a service" :p
-Indeed, all in all, she's gonna become a better fighter under great titelage and her own will-
Tom: "Are you gonna be okay...?" -Referring to the painful memories of what happened to her brother-

Linebeck: "I'll keep that in mind, but I doubt I'll need it!" -Overconfident-

-Food! Glorious food!-

no questioning that. peak comedy deserves to be known. but i get the impression that's not what you meant. :p


-And she hopes also better honor her namesake as a result...-

Kamui: "Is this the truth... I have to be held back at all times so is it truly how I think...?"

Azura "....Let her in."
-Emblem Chrom couldn't help but chuckle at that, Emblem Robin was also amused-

-but unlike Rin, EMIYA can't "fly", that's another Emblem's gimmick :V-

-truly, this Emblem's abilities can fully synergize with Mash's role in combat-
Alear: "That should be all of them... right?"

-with Sothis effectively keeping Heart in check, Shez was handling Cronus with dark magic-
Byleth: "May we spread joy in this most giving time." :)
Blake: "That's true..."
Azura: "Perhaps we could talk about YOUR crushes, Hayate. And I mean real ones, not the joke you pulled on Link."
-Blake also tried to push Atalanta out of the way to take the hit for her-
Shirou: "I don't think that is..."
-Then Kiara comes in, bowing-
Lily: "I'm sure you've been tempted to do it again though" :p
EMIYA: Though there's still a limit to it, hmm...
-Indeed, it's time to test them against opponents!-
Kaito: "For now, nice"
Shiki: "You did quite well there"
Charlotte: Scarily so.
-Cronus was blocking spells with his shield, though some like Dark Spikes did pass trough it-

-Indeed, though as they are now, they can't merit to question stuff much-
Jeanne Lily: "Then let's prepare to depart~!"
Atalanta: "As much in the outside now is the inside"
-She shot beams at Mettaton!-
Hayate: "Oh, what would you like to know?"
-And Atalanta is thus pushed before she could stop Blake!-
-Undyne bowed in-turn before pointing her towards Kamui-

She's over there... -Didn't say anything else due to the gravity of the situation as well as having gathered that Kiara already knew who she'd be doing a therapy session with-


Marco: "Same here. Just talking from experience."

Star: "Et Tu, Marco?" :glare:

-Star's grumpy...but it's clear that it's just typical friend bickering and banter rather than anything mean-spirited-

Yeah, where did you learn to fight like that? It was so cool! -Hits the brakes on his bike to stop moving and talk to them-

-And because I forgot they were there, Rapidash tries to help Sothis and Shez by shooting a Fire Blast at Heart-

-All four of the Star Warriors are fighting...shockingly competently-

Dipper: "Time to spread some holiday cheer!"

Stan: "Ugh, what do I gotta do again? Don't tell me I just gotta be some Mall Santa..."

-This quiz show's predicament really hits close to home, huh?-

-Who dances around the beams and returns fire with magic cube-shaped bullets and Plus Bombs, the former of which double as moving barriers that can't be easily destroyed and the latter of which detonate either upon landing or upon being shot-

Tetra: "Do you have a crush on anyone? It's only fair that you share that after that little stunt." -Annoyed-

-The Thunderbolt also misses, Specimen 13 having leapt too suddenly for Heshima to be able to land it before Specimen 13 could land an attack first-

-Specimen 13 thus tries to bite Blake's arm instead, showing that she has both upper and lower rows of both crooked sharp teeth and fangs, but Blake's Aura prevents the bite from dealing any injuries-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Tom: "Are you gonna be okay...?" -Referring to the painful memories of what happened to her brother-

Linebeck: "I'll keep that in mind, but I doubt I'll need it!" -Overconfident-

-Food! Glorious food!-

no questioning that. peak comedy deserves to be known. but i get the impression that's not what you meant. :p


-And she hopes also better honor her namesake as a result...-
Lily: "I've been carrying these memories for long, so don't worry"
Atalanta: He'll need it.
-On to consume as much of it as possible!-
Mash: "Well, I'll still make sure to sign on"
-Indeed, it's a big name after all-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Lily: "I've been carrying these memories for long, so don't worry"
Atalanta: He'll need it.
-On to consume as much of it as possible!-
Mash: "Well, I'll still make sure to sign on"
-Indeed, it's a big name after all-
Tom: "Was it from like...before becoming a Servant?" -At least knows that much about Servants, that they're summoned from different time periods

-Without a doubt- :p

Linebeck: "Oh, and by the way...How in the world do you people put up with that guy who's constantly impersonating a monarch?" -Referring to King Knight-

-Jenny somewhat jealous of being unable to eat, but she can still happily drink oil-

best of luck to ya, Mash. i know you'll do great, and that's not a joke. -Lazy and joking as he may be, he's happy to support a good friend-

-That of one Iri's ancestors and one of the Von Eienzbern's most renowned members...-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-In that case, they're now at the training grounds-

-Marco faces a training dummy holding up a training staff-

Hmm...A good paycheck could certainly be used to help out less fortunate people...

(Ugh, I can't believe I've forgotten to take any bathsI I have to keep my fur clean! It'll get stains and lose it's style if I don't!)

-Is the tub already full of water and soap?-
-Byleth had her glasses on, sitting down a chair and ready to take notes on a pad-

Byleth: "Ready when you are."
Azura: "That's the spirit."
-it is~-

Weiss: Her panicking is honestly cute...

Irisviel: "Plus there's moments when we're fully alone when he's a little more talkative, he really cares~"
-Kiritsugu a bit red-
-Geez, the merits are still there- :p

Morrigan: "You expected all to be steretypically like 'Bwahahaha~! Pathetic twerpy humans! Your suffering is the best!' or something like that? That's soooo cliché"
-How cute, motivates Sayori more as a fish BITES-
Draco: "Is that the name of where you come from?"
Emblem Sigurd: "Perhaps we'll be lucky to see one of those moments..."
-they are indeed- :p

Palutena: "Not going to lie, I was." :p
Shez: "Yep! Kind of a crazy world now that I think about it."

Shirou: "I don't think that is..."
-Then Kiara comes in, bowing-
Lily: "I'm sure you've been tempted to do it again though" :p
EMIYA: Though there's still a limit to it, hmm...
-Indeed, it's time to test them against opponents!-
Kaito: "For now, nice"
Shiki: "You did quite well there"
Charlotte: Scarily so.
-Cronus was blocking spells with his shield, though some like Dark Spikes did pass trough it-

-Indeed, though as they are now, they can't merit to question stuff much-
Jeanne Lily: "Then let's prepare to depart~!"
Atalanta: "As much in the outside now is the inside"
-She shot beams at Mettaton!-
Hayate: "Oh, what would you like to know?"
-And Atalanta is thus pushed before she could stop Blake!-
-Undyne bowed in-turn before pointing her towards Kamui-

She's over there... -Didn't say anything else due to the gravity of the situation as well as having gathered that Kiara already knew who she'd be doing a therapy session with-


Marco: "Same here. Just talking from experience."

Star: "Et Tu, Marco?" :glare:

-Star's grumpy...but it's clear that it's just typical friend bickering and banter rather than anything mean-spirited-

Yeah, where did you learn to fight like that? It was so cool! -Hits the brakes on his bike to stop moving and talk to them-

-And because I forgot they were there, Rapidash tries to help Sothis and Shez by shooting a Fire Blast at Heart-

-All four of the Star Warriors are fighting...shockingly competently-

Dipper: "Time to spread some holiday cheer!"

Stan: "Ugh, what do I gotta do again? Don't tell me I just gotta be some Mall Santa..."

-This quiz show's predicament really hits close to home, huh?-

-Who dances around the beams and returns fire with magic cube-shaped bullets and Plus Bombs, the former of which double as moving barriers that can't be easily destroyed and the latter of which detonate either upon landing or upon being shot-

Tetra: "Do you have a crush on anyone? It's only fair that you share that after that little stunt." -Annoyed-

-The Thunderbolt also misses, Specimen 13 having leapt too suddenly for Heshima to be able to land it before Specimen 13 could land an attack first-

-Specimen 13 thus tries to bite Blake's arm instead, showing that she has both upper and lower rows of both crooked sharp teeth and fangs, but Blake's Aura prevents the bite from dealing any injuries-
Azura: -to Kiara- "I'm glad you answered the call. I wouldn't necessarily trust her mental state to others... but this is a desperate situation and you have a reputation as a miracle worker."
-Emblems Chrom and Robin were certainly entertained by the bickering-

-Lucina's abilities in the Engage state are... impossible to test without others, however-

-who will Mash test it against?-
Alear: -to Lancer- "The less we talk of that, the better... Let's just focus on saving these Servants."

Shez: "Trying to play defense, huh? I got something for that too." -goes for Luna which casts a black hole on Cronus which ignores defenses-

Sothis: -was holding on to Heart and forcing him to take Rapidash's hit by using him as a meat shield-
Byleth: "With how many of us there are, there's nothing wrong with you wanting to avoid the children, Stan. If anything, I'd like to see them myself." :)
-do the contestant join Mettaton?-
Azura: "She's right, you know." :smirk:
-Blake still tries to punch it off of her arm though-
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Byleth had her glasses on, sitting down a chair and ready to take notes on a pad-

Byleth: "Ready when you are."
Azura: "That's the spirit."
-it is~-

Weiss: Her panicking is honestly cute...
-Marco nods, takes the staff with both arms, then points it at the training dummy while assuming a battle stance-

Alright, I can't deny pay at all in that case. Still, it...seems like you've got way more help than you initially had. And I don't mean just financial backing and some organization work from the Rulers.

-She's gotten very used to being spoiled and caring a great deal more about hygiene than she used to after being taken care of by wealthy high class trainers for so long- :V

(I've got to get my fur totally clean again! What if Patxi noticed that my fur was all filthy from combat?! I couldn't go on a date with him like that! ...Actually, knowing him, he'd probably totally understand, but still!) -Climbing up the wall of the tub-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Marco nods, takes the staff with both arms, then points it at the training dummy while assuming a battle stance-

Alright, I can't deny pay at all in that case. Still, it...seems like you've got way more help than you initially had. And I don't mean just financial backing and some organization work from the Rulers.

-She's gotten very used to being spoiled and caring a great deal more about hygiene than she used to after being taken care of by wealthy high class trainers for so long- :V

(I've got to get my fur totally clean again! What if Patxi noticed that my fur was all filthy from combat?! I couldn't go on a date with him like that! ...Actually, knowing him, he'd probably totally understand, but still!) -Climbing up the wall of the tub-
Byleth: Nice posture...
Azura: "Is it that obvious?"
Weiss: He probably wouldn't even mind. :chuckle:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: Nice posture...
Azura: "Is it that obvious?"
Weiss: He probably wouldn't even mind. :chuckle:
-he then leaps back before taking several steps forward and hitting the dummy with a staff wing to it's gut-

It's a good thing, 'cause honestly? I already said this, but you guys needed more help. :p

(It's improper to not stay clean on a regular basi-) -Standing on the rim of the tub, but then loses her balance and comically falls into said tub- (WAAAH!)

-Fell into the water with a splash-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-he then leaps back before taking several steps forward and hitting the dummy with a staff wing to it's gut-

It's a good thing, 'cause honestly? I already said this, but you guys needed more help. :p

(It's improper to not stay clean on a regular basi-) -Standing on the rim of the tub, but then loses her balance and comically falls into said tub- (WAAAH!)

-Fell into the water with a splash-
Byleth: Nice strike.
Azura: "Indeed we did..."
Weiss: :laugh:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: Nice strike.
Azura: "Indeed we did..."
Weiss: :laugh:
-He does a dodge move and hits the dummy from the opposite side he was standing on before a few seconds lately, moving swiftly-

-He's no expert on long-range melee weapon combat yet, but learning Martial Arts for years and thus already knowing a lot of similar movements required for staff and spear combat gives him a bit of an edge for learning it-

What changed your mind?

-Her head pops back up out of the water about a second or so later, at which point she shakes her fur off-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-He does a dodge move and hits the dummy from the opposite side he was standing on before a few seconds lately, moving swiftly-

-He's no expert on long-range melee weapon combat yet, but learning Martial Arts for years and thus already knowing a lot of similar movements required for staff and spear combat gives him a bit of an edge for learning it-

What changed your mind?

-Her head pops back up out of the water about a second or so later, at which point she shakes her fur off-
Byleth: He never picked a weapon before?
Azura: "I was convinced by someone close." :p
Weiss: "Awwww~" :b:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: He never picked a weapon before?
Azura: "I was convinced by someone close." :p
Weiss: "Awwww~" :b:
-Well, he has, but that was usually just improvising to take down certain enemies that he couldn't defeat with his bare hands-

-He had limited proper training with weapons until he took up swordsmanship lessons under the Sabers-

Welp, that narrows it down to about three or people who could have convinced you! :p

(Okay, maybe I overreacted or panicked a little...)

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-Undyne bowed in-turn before pointing her towards Kamui-

She's over there... -Didn't say anything else due to the gravity of the situation as well as having gathered that Kiara already knew who she'd be doing a therapy session with-


Marco: "Same here. Just talking from experience."

Star: "Et Tu, Marco?" :glare:

-Star's grumpy...but it's clear that it's just typical friend bickering and banter rather than anything mean-spirited-

Yeah, where did you learn to fight like that? It was so cool! -Hits the brakes on his bike to stop moving and talk to them-

-And because I forgot they were there, Rapidash tries to help Sothis and Shez by shooting a Fire Blast at Heart-

-All four of the Star Warriors are fighting...shockingly competently-

Dipper: "Time to spread some holiday cheer!"

Stan: "Ugh, what do I gotta do again? Don't tell me I just gotta be some Mall Santa..."

-This quiz show's predicament really hits close to home, huh?-

-Who dances around the beams and returns fire with magic cube-shaped bullets and Plus Bombs, the former of which double as moving barriers that can't be easily destroyed and the latter of which detonate either upon landing or upon being shot-

Tetra: "Do you have a crush on anyone? It's only fair that you share that after that little stunt." -Annoyed-

-The Thunderbolt also misses, Specimen 13 having leapt too suddenly for Heshima to be able to land it before Specimen 13 could land an attack first-

-Specimen 13 thus tries to bite Blake's arm instead, showing that she has both upper and lower rows of both crooked sharp teeth and fangs, but Blake's Aura prevents the bite from dealing any injuries-
Azura: -to Kiara- "I'm glad you answered the call. I wouldn't necessarily trust her mental state to others... but this is a desperate situation and you have a reputation as a miracle worker."
-Emblems Chrom and Robin were certainly entertained by the bickering-

-Lucina's abilities in the Engage state are... impossible to test without others, however-

-who will Mash test it against?-
Alear: -to Lancer- "The less we talk of that, the better... Let's just focus on saving these Servants."

Shez: "Trying to play defense, huh? I got something for that too." -goes for Luna which casts a black hole on Cronus which ignores defenses-

Sothis: -was holding on to Heart and forcing him to take Rapidash's hit by using him as a meat shield-
Byleth: "With how many of us there are, there's nothing wrong with you wanting to avoid the children, Stan. If anything, I'd like to see them myself." :)
-do the contestant join Mettaton?-
Azura: "She's right, you know." :smirk:
-Blake still tries to punch it off of her arm though-
Kiara: "Thank you. I'll do whatever I can to assist her as she is now"
-Ah teens, still have much to learn, but they deserve this-
EMIYA: Well now, I'll need asistance...
-Against Yang given how stronk she be-
Kaito: "Smart move I say" -shot two copies from behind-
-And Cronus was pulled into it!-
-As a result. Heart is very much hit by the attackl-

-Meaning that Stacey has zero reason to worry-
Nightingale: "Mostly it's about delivering gifts to any children we see on the way"
-Oh they will, Fourze attempting to kick Penelope while at that-
Atalanta: This is like something that would happen to us...
Hayate: "You can say that I do~"
Atalanta: "Blake!" -shot an arrow at the Specimen hoping to free Blake from it-
Tom: "Was it from like...before becoming a Servant?" -At least knows that much about Servants, that they're summoned from different time periods

-Without a doubt- :p

Linebeck: "Oh, and by the way...How in the world do you people put up with that guy who's constantly impersonating a monarch?" -Referring to King Knight-

-Jenny somewhat jealous of being unable to eat, but she can still happily drink oil-

best of luck to ya, Mash. i know you'll do great, and that's not a joke. -Lazy and joking as he may be, he's happy to support a good friend-

-That of one Iri's ancestors and one of the Von Eienzbern's most renowned members...-
Lily: "Yeah, way before that"
Atalanta: "He's harmless so long you just say 'yes' to whatever he says, not really having to listen to whatever speeches he makes about himself"
Rin: "Sorry we took a bit lomg!"
Mash: "Thank you! You'll see my performance will be the best!" :)
-Indeed, quite the title to bear-
Iri: -Gave her cookies- "Here~"
Emblem Sigurd: "Perhaps we'll be lucky to see one of those moments..."
-they are indeed- :p

Palutena: "Not going to lie, I was." :p
Shez: "Yep! Kind of a crazy world now that I think about it."
Irisviel: "That would be lovely~"
EMIYA: "Certainly" :p
-Kiritsugu embarrassed-
Lilith: Only a liiiiittle but more~

Morrigan: "I have no need for any of that, humans are much more amusing when you let them be" :p
-She seems to be able to do it nooooow!-
Draco: "Was everyone just like you or something?"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Well, he has, but that was usually just improvising to take down certain enemies that he couldn't defeat with his bare hands-

-He had limited proper training with weapons until he took up swordsmanship lessons under the Sabers-

Welp, that narrows it down to about three or people who could have convinced you! :p

(Okay, maybe I overreacted or panicked a little...)
Byleth: -taking more notes as he goes-
Azura: "....That's not wrong..."
Weiss: "It was adorable." :p

Irisviel: "That would be lovely~"
EMIYA: "Certainly" :p
-Kiritsugu embarrassed-
Lilith: Only a liiiiittle but more~

Morrigan: "I have no need for any of that, humans are much more amusing when you let them be" :p
-She seems to be able to do it nooooow!-
Draco: "Was everyone just like you or something?"
Kanna: "I'm sure you will all be so much cooler with an Emblem!"
-oh my-

Palutena: "We can agree on that, at least."
Shez: "Not really. There were some really skilled and strong people... but let's just say B and I were basically on top of the food chain."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Lily: "Yeah, way before that"
Atalanta: "He's harmless so long you just say 'yes' to whatever he says, not really having to listen to whatever speeches he makes about himself"
Rin: "Sorry we took a bit lomg!"
Mash: "Thank you! You'll see my performance will be the best!" :)
-Indeed, quite the title to bear-
Iri: -Gave her cookies- "Here~"
Tom: "Okay, that explains that..."

Linebeck: "...And here I was trying to ignore or tell him off..."

It's okay! I made sure I was stocked up on cans of motor oil in the meantime! -Takes a sip from one of said oil cans-

heh, glad to see you're upbeat and confident about it.


-It's something she was astonished to learn, not realizing she was even named after someone in the Eienzbern family at first-

(Thanks, Iri!) :b: -Munches on the cookies-

Byleth: -taking more notes as he goes-
Azura: "....That's not wrong..."
Weiss: "It was adorable." :p
-He's able to land about 8 strikes on the dummy in about five seconds-

But seriously, who changed your mind about hiring or asking for more help?

(But I still don't think I could go hang out with Patxi while my fur was so filfthy!)

-It's probably not even as bad now that she at least licked some of her fur clean...-

Azura: -to Kiara- "I'm glad you answered the call. I wouldn't necessarily trust her mental state to others... but this is a desperate situation and you have a reputation as a miracle worker."
-Emblems Chrom and Robin were certainly entertained by the bickering-

-Lucina's abilities in the Engage state are... impossible to test without others, however-

-who will Mash test it against?-
Alear: -to Lancer- "The less we talk of that, the better... Let's just focus on saving these Servants."

Shez: "Trying to play defense, huh? I got something for that too." -goes for Luna which casts a black hole on Cronus which ignores defenses-

Sothis: -was holding on to Heart and forcing him to take Rapidash's hit by using him as a meat shield-
Byleth: "With how many of us there are, there's nothing wrong with you wanting to avoid the children, Stan. If anything, I'd like to see them myself." :)
-do the contestant join Mettaton?-
Azura: "She's right, you know." :smirk:
-Blake still tries to punch it off of her arm though-
Kiara: "Thank you. I'll do whatever I can to assist her as she is now"
-Ah teens, still have much to learn, but they deserve this-
EMIYA: Well now, I'll need asistance...
-Against Yang given how stronk she be-
Kaito: "Smart move I say" -shot two copies from behind-
-And Cronus was pulled into it!-
-As a result. Heart is very much hit by the attackl-

-Meaning that Stacey has zero reason to worry-
Nightingale: "Mostly it's about delivering gifts to any children we see on the way"
-Oh they will, Fourze attempting to kick Penelope while at that-
Atalanta: This is like something that would happen to us...
Hayate: "You can say that I do~"
Atalanta: "Blake!" -shot an arrow at the Specimen hoping to free Blake from it-
Please do. I haven't seen her this upset since her Dragonstone got fixe and she got quarantined...

-Will Chrom and Robin say anything to the teens?-

Oh. Well, if you say so, then we trust you... (Why does what she mentioned remind me of Father...?)

-Fireball also tries to help by lighting the copy of Heart aflame with an Ember-

-Then more copies show up?-

Mabel: "And they'll think that you're the REAL Santa Claus!" -Sticks a snowy white fake beard on Stanley's chin-

Stan: -Sighs in exasperation- "The things you kids drag me into..." :glare:

-Several of the bombs then detonate-

Tetra: "Anyone in particular?"

-Regardless of which attack landed first, both the punch and hte arrow are enough to both knock Specimen 13 off and injure her, the arrow impaling her arm, but she quickly pulls it out with the hand of her opposite arm-

-Shortly afterwards, she glares at both felines, swinging back her hair to reveal that in addition to her fangs and crooked sharp teeth, Specimen 13 also has pitchblack eyes with no visible iris, looking almost like darkness itself or even hollow, evidently being either a face she can slightly shapeshift or perhaps just a magic-based disguise for her true face-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kiara: "Thank you. I'll do whatever I can to assist her as she is now"
-Ah teens, still have much to learn, but they deserve this-
EMIYA: Well now, I'll need asistance...
-Against Yang given how stronk she be-
Kaito: "Smart move I say" -shot two copies from behind-
-And Cronus was pulled into it!-
-As a result. Heart is very much hit by the attackl-

-Meaning that Stacey has zero reason to worry-
Nightingale: "Mostly it's about delivering gifts to any children we see on the way"
-Oh they will, Fourze attempting to kick Penelope while at that-
Atalanta: This is like something that would happen to us...
Hayate: "You can say that I do~"
Atalanta: "Blake!" -shot an arrow at the Specimen hoping to free Blake from it-
Please do. I haven't seen her this upset since her Dragonstone got fixe and she got quarantined...

-Will Chrom and Robin say anything to the teens?-

Oh. Well, if you say so, then we trust you... (Why does what she mentioned remind me of Father...?)

-Fireball also tries to help by lighting the copy of Heart aflame with an Ember-

-Then more copies show up?-

Mabel: "And they'll think that you're the REAL Santa Claus!" -Sticks a snowy white fake beard on Stanley's chin-

Stan: -Sighs in exasperation- "The things you kids drag me into..." :glare:

-Several of the bombs then detonate-

Tetra: "Anyone in particular?"

-Regardless of which attack landed first, both the punch and hte arrow are enough to both knock Specimen 13 off and injure her, the arrow impaling her arm, but she quickly pulls it out with the hand of her opposite arm-

-Shortly afterwards, she glares at both felines, swinging back her hair to reveal that in addition to her fangs and crooked sharp teeth, Specimen 13 also has pitchblack eyes with no visible iris, looking almost like darkness itself or even hollow, evidently being either a face she can slightly shapeshift or perhaps just a magic-based disguise for her true face-
Azura: It wasn't that long ago...
-they'll let them be for now-

-indeed you will, EMIYA-

Yang: "...You want me to what?"
-oh, Lancer... your father is a saint in comparison to what Alear went through :V-

-and Alear swing the Aymr axe to strike another two of them-

Shez: "Time to end this! All it'll take is one swift slice." :p

Sothis: "Then stop bragging and start doing."

Shez: :rolleyes:

-Cronus would get hit by this-

Byleth: "Isn't it sweet?" :)
-is the stage going to be okay? ..... of course not :V-
Azura: "Are they in this room?" :p
Blake: "That's a face I won't forget..." :urg:

-He's able to land about 8 strikes on the dummy in about five seconds-

But seriously, who changed your mind about hiring or asking for more help?

(But I still don't think I could go hang out with Patxi while my fur was so filfthy!)

-It's probably not even as bad now that she at least licked some of her fur clean...-
Byleth: Not the fastest, but it's to be expected with lacking experience.
Azura: "Who else but Kamui?"
Weiss: Of course it's for Patxi. He's really in her mind all the time.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: Not the fastest, but it's to be expected with lacking experience.
Azura: "Who else but Kamui?"
Weiss: Of course it's for Patxi. He's really in her mind all the time.
-Finally, he bashes the dummy's head off by swinging the training staff at one side of it's head-

I figured it'd be either her or Mata Hari. :p

-Well, maybe not all the time...but she's doubly self-conscious about her appearance and hygiene now due to wanting to live up the wealthy and fancy standards that she's mostly used to now, making her worry about her appearance when hanging out with Patxi as well- :V

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Finally, he bashes the dummy's head off by swinging the training staff at one side of it's head-

I figured it'd be either her or Mata Hari. :p

-Well, maybe not all the time...but she's doubly self-conscious about her appearance and hygiene now due to wanting to live up the wealthy and fancy standards that she's mostly used to now, making her worry about her appearance when hanging out with Patxi as well- :V
Byleth: A good start.
Azura: "Am I that predictable?"
-that's fair enough lol- :V

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Kanna: "I'm sure you will all be so much cooler with an Emblem!"
-oh my-

Palutena: "We can agree on that, at least."
Shez: "Not really. There were some really skilled and strong people... but let's just say B and I were basically on top of the food chain."
Illya: "Yeah! I also hope you all get to be good friends!"
EMIYA: "Well, I'm more like a caretaker" :p
Lilith: "Soooo...~"

Morrigan: "Sure do, you probably hang out with them too~"
Sayori: "I almost got it!"
Yuri: "Pull!"
Draco: "So that's why you gor bored, logical..."
Tom: "Okay, that explains that..."

Linebeck: "...And here I was trying to ignore or tell him off..."

It's okay! I made sure I was stocked up on cans of motor oil in the meantime! -Takes a sip from one of said oil cans-

heh, glad to see you're upbeat and confident about it.


-It's something she was astonished to learn, not realizing she was even named after someone in the Eienzbern family at first-

(Thanks, Iri!) :b: -Munches on the cookies-
Lily: "That's what I meant with loooong time ago, hm..."
Atalanta: "He's annoying, but we've leanred to bear with his presence"
Sakura: "I suppose they don't see any trouble with that around here. Good for you!"
Mash: "Well, I have the support of many, so..."
Irisviel: "Getting so strong, how wonderful~"
Please do. I haven't seen her this upset since her Dragonstone got fixe and she got quarantined...

-Will Chrom and Robin say anything to the teens?-

Oh. Well, if you say so, then we trust you... (Why does what she mentioned remind me of Father...?)

-Fireball also tries to help by lighting the copy of Heart aflame with an Ember-

-Then more copies show up?-

Mabel: "And they'll think that you're the REAL Santa Claus!" -Sticks a snowy white fake beard on Stanley's chin-

Stan: -Sighs in exasperation- "The things you kids drag me into..." :glare:

-Several of the bombs then detonate-

Tetra: "Anyone in particular?"

-Regardless of which attack landed first, both the punch and hte arrow are enough to both knock Specimen 13 off and injure her, the arrow impaling her arm, but she quickly pulls it out with the hand of her opposite arm-

-Shortly afterwards, she glares at both felines, swinging back her hair to reveal that in addition to her fangs and crooked sharp teeth, Specimen 13 also has pitchblack eyes with no visible iris, looking almost like darkness itself or even hollow, evidently being either a face she can slightly shapeshift or perhaps just a magic-based disguise for her true face-
Azura: It wasn't that long ago...
-they'll let them be for now-

-indeed you will, EMIYA-

Yang: "...You want me to what?"
-oh, Lancer... your father is a saint in comparison to what Alear went through :V-

-and Alear swing the Aymr axe to strike another two of them-

Shez: "Time to end this! All it'll take is one swift slice." :p

Sothis: "Then stop bragging and start doing."

Shez: :rolleyes:

-Cronus would get hit by this-

Byleth: "Isn't it sweet?" :)
-is the stage going to be okay? ..... of course not :V-
Azura: "Are they in this room?" :p
Blake: "That's a face I won't forget..." :urg:
Kiara: "Don't worry. Ah, did you tell her that I'd arrive?"
Jeanne: "I did"
-Fair enough, teens gotta be teens-
-So he ponders on his options like Artoria or Rin-
Mash: "Punch me hard when I ask you to"
-Being so precise with her killing methods it'd be downright scaey if these weren't mindless puppets made of the Grid's energy-
Kaito: -Whistled- "Vicious" -managed to recover yet another card from a Rider Alear managed to kill-

-This gives Cronus a give hit given the multiple slashes, the health bar visible in his chest decreasing-
-And Sothis as well as the Rapidash and Ponyta attacks are soon to finish off Heart-

-Of course, more of them to fight-
Frankenstein: "Joy, let's give all!"
Jeanne Lily: "Let's get to the sleds!"
-Nope, but the ratings are too good!-
-The bombs get to Penelope, making it so Fourze can land his kick, and Beast Boy rammed against her as an elephant!-
Hayate: "Ooooh, maybe they are~"
Atalanta: "We can't allow you to live after what you've done" -ready to shoot another!-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Illya: "Yeah! I also hope you all get to be good friends!"
EMIYA: "Well, I'm more like a caretaker" :p
Lilith: "Soooo...~"

Morrigan: "Sure do, you probably hang out with them too~"
Sayori: "I almost got it!"
Yuri: "Pull!"
Draco: "So that's why you gor bored, logical..."
Emblem Luci: "Awwwww, but I wanted a friend." :p
Qrow: "...Yeah?"

Palutena: "A lot more than before, actually."
Shez: "All the fame and reputation in the world... really isn't all that fun when you're leagues above everyone else. But here, I feel like I can get an actual workout, y'know?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Lily: "That's what I meant with loooong time ago, hm..."
Atalanta: "He's annoying, but we've leanred to bear with his presence"
Sakura: "I suppose they don't see any trouble with that around here. Good for you!"
Mash: "Well, I have the support of many, so..."
Irisviel: "Getting so strong, how wonderful~"
Tom: "So you've at least had time to look back on that and grieve, right? ...Sorry if I'm asking too much. We can change the topic to something more positive if you want."

Linebeck: "How did that bloke even join Chaldea?"


Nope, the only place the used to be really anti-robot in town was Mezmer's. And that was mostly because of Mezmer himself.

including your Pokemon and girlfriend


(Scathach is an amazing teacher, Iri! No wonder Rockruff is so strong! He learned everything from her!)

Byleth: A good start.
Azura: "Am I that predictable?"
-that's fair enough lol- :V
Marco: "Alright! So, what do ya think so far?"

Considering your amount of friends, yes. -Blunt honesty-

(Maybe it's not a big deal, but it's still improper not to stay clean on a regular basis...)-Nonetheless, she still need in of the bath itself!-

Azura: It wasn't that long ago...
-they'll let them be for now-

-indeed you will, EMIYA-

Yang: "...You want me to what?"
-oh, Lancer... your father is a saint in comparison to what Alear went through :V-

-and Alear swing the Aymr axe to strike another two of them-

Shez: "Time to end this! All it'll take is one swift slice." :p

Sothis: "Then stop bragging and start doing."

Shez: :rolleyes:

-Cronus would get hit by this-

Byleth: "Isn't it sweet?" :)
-is the stage going to be okay? ..... of course not :V-
Azura: "Are they in this room?" :p
Blake: "That's a face I won't forget..." :urg:
Kiara: "Don't worry. Ah, did you tell her that I'd arrive?"
Jeanne: "I did"
-Fair enough, teens gotta be teens-
-So he ponders on his options like Artoria or Rin-
Mash: "Punch me hard when I ask you to"
-Being so precise with her killing methods it'd be downright scaey if these weren't mindless puppets made of the Grid's energy-
Kaito: -Whistled- "Vicious" -managed to recover yet another card from a Rider Alear managed to kill-
View attachment 381945
-This gives Cronus a give hit given the multiple slashes, the health bar visible in his chest decreasing-
-And Sothis as well as the Rapidash and Ponyta attacks are soon to finish off Heart-

-Of course, more of them to fight-
Frankenstein: "Joy, let's give all!"
Jeanne Lily: "Let's get to the sleds!"
-Nope, but the ratings are too good!-
-The bombs get to Penelope, making it so Fourze can land his kick, and Beast Boy rammed against her as an elephant!-
Hayate: "Ooooh, maybe they are~"
Atalanta: "We can't allow you to live after what you've done" -ready to shoot another!-
-Kamui sees her?-

Star: "Ugh, in any case, I think Chrom and Robin here are gonna help us out a great deal. Are you guys in?"

Marco: "And fight alongside a king and another mage? Totally!"

(It's almost scary even though we're only fighting literally mindless copies...)

//That's even more true with Chapter 2 of Deltarune implying that the King of Spades, despite being imprisoned, actually making a point to ask the heroes if his son is happy, and he also claims he was bluffing about threatening to throw his son off the roof and noting that even if he did, Lancer is a bouncy Darkner who would literally just bounce harmlessly off the ground upon landing.

With that and his supposed past of being abandoned by the Lighters he used to enjoy helping, I've honestly been considering having him be revived here somehow since he was killed off early. I feel like the game is setting him up to have a major role down the line.

(That's at least one of these copies down...)

Meta Knight: "More copies at 12 o'clock!"

Kirby: "Loud and clear!" -Dashes towards them as Ninja Kirby-

-Stanley sighs, thinking this is gonna be a long night-

Stan: "Here's hoping Chaldea's at least serving eggnog later..."


Tetra: "Are they...?"


-Specimen 13 leaps out of the way again, then tries to swiftly crawl her way back to the roofline to jump back into the water-

-A few seconds later, everyone else on the other building could hear a deep, gravelly and menacing voice talking-

???: "You're wasting everyone's time..."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Kiara: "Don't worry. Ah, did you tell her that I'd arrive?"
Jeanne: "I did"
-Fair enough, teens gotta be teens-
-So he ponders on his options like Artoria or Rin-
Mash: "Punch me hard when I ask you to"
-Being so precise with her killing methods it'd be downright scaey if these weren't mindless puppets made of the Grid's energy-
Kaito: -Whistled- "Vicious" -managed to recover yet another card from a Rider Alear managed to kill-

-This gives Cronus a give hit given the multiple slashes, the health bar visible in his chest decreasing-
-And Sothis as well as the Rapidash and Ponyta attacks are soon to finish off Heart-

-Of course, more of them to fight-
Frankenstein: "Joy, let's give all!"
Jeanne Lily: "Let's get to the sleds!"
-Nope, but the ratings are too good!-
-The bombs get to Penelope, making it so Fourze can land his kick, and Beast Boy rammed against her as an elephant!-
Hayate: "Ooooh, maybe they are~"
Atalanta: "We can't allow you to live after what you've done" -ready to shoot another!-
-Kamui sees her?-

Star: "Ugh, in any case, I think Chrom and Robin here are gonna help us out a great deal. Are you guys in?"

Marco: "And fight alongside a king and another mage? Totally!"

(It's almost scary even though we're only fighting literally mindless copies...)

//That's even more true with Chapter 2 of Deltarune implying that the King of Spades, despite being imprisoned, actually making a point to ask the heroes if his son is happy, and he also claims he was bluffing about threatening to throw his son off the roof and noting that even if he did, Lancer is a bouncy Darkner who would literally just bounce harmlessly off the ground upon landing.

With that and his supposed past of being abandoned by the Lighters he used to enjoy helping, I've honestly been considering having him be revived here somehow since he was killed off early. I feel like the game is setting him up to have a major role down the line.

(That's at least one of these copies down...)

Meta Knight: "More copies at 12 o'clock!"

Kirby: "Loud and clear!" -Dashes towards them as Ninja Kirby-

-Stanley sighs, thinking this is gonna be a long night-

Stan: "Here's hoping Chaldea's at least serving eggnog later..."


Tetra: "Are they...?"


-Specimen 13 leaps out of the way again, then tries to swiftly crawl her way back to the roofline to jump back into the water-

-A few seconds later, everyone else on the other building could hear a deep, gravelly and menacing voice talking-

???: "You're wasting everyone's time..."
Kamui: "K-Kiara...? :urg:
Emblem Chrom: "Let's hope we can meet your expectations then."

-or his younger self...-

Yang: "Okay... how hard we talking?"
Alear: "Hopefully, that shows you what you'd be up against if you try to steal an Emblem again."

// Just to give an idea of how bad Alear had it, Lancer would've still had the better life if his father actually did throw him off the roof.
// Alear's life was........ hell, to say the least...

-Kaito can at least relate due to his Rider cards?-

Shez: "Still standing after this? Great! I love a challenge!" :laugh:

-that is, until Sothis snapped Heart's neck-
-she may be a kind and benevolent Goddess but when provoked, there is no mercy-
Byleth: "Oh, I can promise you there's going to be eggnog. I'll make it myself if I have to."
-so Mettaton might make this a regular segment now? :V-
Azura: "Link doesn't count."
Jaune: "W-Who said that?"

Marco: "Alright! So, what do ya think so far?"

Considering your amount of friends, yes. -Blunt honesty-

(Maybe it's not a big deal, but it's still improper not to stay clean on a regular basis...)-Nonetheless, she still need in of the bath itself!-
Byleth: "Not bad, given your current experience."
Azura: "Harsh.... but fair."
Weiss: "That is true. I raised a good Vulpix." :)
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "Not bad, given your current experience."
Azura: "Harsh.... but fair."
Weiss: "That is true. I raised a good Vulpix." :)
Marco: "It's just like you suggested. My karate and martial arts skills helped me get a more basic understanding of it and adapt to staves a little better than swords. I've...still got ways to go, but I think it might just be a good start."

So, Kamui talked some sense into you?


(Staying clean and neat is of utmost importance! ...When possible, anyway. I used to live in a forest. The baths I took there were just amounted to swimming in lakes and rivers during the warmer seasons. It wasn't as effective as using soap and warm water, but it got the job done, and it's all wild Pokemon like myself can do out there.)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Marco: "It's just like you suggested. My karate and martial arts skills helped me get a more basic understanding of it and adapt to staves a little better than swords. I've...still got ways to go, but I think it might just be a good start."

So, Kamui talked some sense into you?


(Staying clean and neat is of utmost importance! ...When possible, anyway. I used to live in a forest. The baths I took there were just amounted to swimming in lakes and rivers during the warmer seasons. It wasn't as effective as using soap and warm water, but it got the job done, and it's all wild Pokemon like myself can do out there.)
Byleth: "You've taken to it faster than I expected, if I were to be honest."
Azura: ".....Yes."
Weiss: "Which is very fair."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "You've taken to it faster than I expected, if I were to be honest."
Azura: ".....Yes."
Weiss: "Which is very fair."
Marco: "Really?"

Even if she weren't one of the few people in your friend circle, I still wouldn't be surprised that it was her who gave ya some advice on it. :p

(I much prefer a more proper bath, now...But I get that staying clean isn't as important as things like staying alive in the middle of a battle.)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Marco: "Really?"

Even if she weren't one of the few people in your friend circle, I still wouldn't be surprised that it was her who gave ya some advice on it. :p

(I much prefer a more proper bath, now...But I get that staying clean isn't as important as things like staying alive in the middle of a battle.)
Byleth: "Would I be lying?"
Azura: "Yeah, that sounds like her to just help everyone." :)
Weiss: "Also very true. I raised a wise Pokemon." :)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "Would I be lying?"
Azura: "Yeah, that sounds like her to just help everyone." :)
Weiss: "Also very true. I raised a wise Pokemon." :)
Marco: "I'm just surprised that I've adapted that fast..."

Still, there's on thing I don't totally get yet...

(Aw, thanks! Now...can I take the bath, now?) :lol:

-Still cares a lot about being neat and clean when it's possible- :V
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Marco: "I'm just surprised that I've adapted that fast..."

Still, there's on thing I don't totally get yet...

(Aw, thanks! With...can I take the bath, now?) :lol:

-Still cares a lot about being neat and clean when it's possible- :V
Byleth: "Some people can really adapt to new styles well. Shez is a perfect example."
Azura: "Which is?"
Weiss: "Go ahead." :)

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Emblem Luci: "Awwwww, but I wanted a friend." :p
Qrow: "...Yeah?"

Palutena: "A lot more than before, actually."
Shez: "All the fame and reputation in the world... really isn't all that fun when you're leagues above everyone else. But here, I feel like I can get an actual workout, y'know?"
EMIYA: "Well, sorry in that case" :p -just playful-
Lilith: "What you wanna do~?"

Morrigan: "They can be quite intriguing, lives so short, yet they're more imaginative than most demons I know"
Draco: "So you wanted to have an actual challenege, hmmm..."
Tom: "So you've at least had time to look back on that and grieve, right? ...Sorry if I'm asking too much. We can change the topic to something more positive if you want."

Linebeck: "How did that bloke even join Chaldea?"


Nope, the only place the used to be really anti-robot in town was Mezmer's. And that was mostly because of Mezmer himself.

including your Pokemon and girlfriend


(Scathach is an amazing teacher, Iri! No wonder Rockruff is so strong! He learned everything from her!)
Lily: "It's fine, I was the one to bring it up"
Atalanta: "He basically shoved his way in..."
Rin: "Good, it'd be downright ungrateful to not allow you free circulation with how often you save this city"
Ratbat: -Nodded-
Monika: "That's us alright" :p
Mash: "I know" :)
Irisviel: "Not surprised, she has quite the reputation~"
-Kamui sees her?-

Star: "Ugh, in any case, I think Chrom and Robin here are gonna help us out a great deal. Are you guys in?"

Marco: "And fight alongside a king and another mage? Totally!"

(It's almost scary even though we're only fighting literally mindless copies...)

//That's even more true with Chapter 2 of Deltarune implying that the King of Spades, despite being imprisoned, actually making a point to ask the heroes if his son is happy, and he also claims he was bluffing about threatening to throw his son off the roof and noting that even if he did, Lancer is a bouncy Darkner who would literally just bounce harmlessly off the ground upon landing.

With that and his supposed past of being abandoned by the Lighters he used to enjoy helping, I've honestly been considering having him be revived here somehow since he was killed off early. I feel like the game is setting him up to have a major role down the line.

(That's at least one of these copies down...)

Meta Knight: "More copies at 12 o'clock!"

Kirby: "Loud and clear!" -Dashes towards them as Ninja Kirby-

-Stanley sighs, thinking this is gonna be a long night-

Stan: "Here's hoping Chaldea's at least serving eggnog later..."


Tetra: "Are they...?"


-Specimen 13 leaps out of the way again, then tries to swiftly crawl her way back to the roofline to jump back into the water-

-A few seconds later, everyone else on the other building could hear a deep, gravelly and menacing voice talking-

???: "You're wasting everyone's time..."
Kamui: "K-Kiara...? :urg:
Emblem Chrom: "Let's hope we can meet your expectations then."

-or his younger self...-

Yang: "Okay... how hard we talking?"
Alear: "Hopefully, that shows you what you'd be up against if you try to steal an Emblem again."

// Just to give an idea of how bad Alear had it, Lancer would've still had the better life if his father actually did throw him off the roof.
// Alear's life was........ hell, to say the least...

-Kaito can at least relate due to his Rider cards?-

Shez: "Still standing after this? Great! I love a challenge!" :laugh:

-that is, until Sothis snapped Heart's neck-
-she may be a kind and benevolent Goddess but when provoked, there is no mercy-
Byleth: "Oh, I can promise you there's going to be eggnog. I'll make it myself if I have to."
-so Mettaton might make this a regular segment now? :V-
Azura: "Link doesn't count."
Jaune: "W-Who said that?"
Kiara: "Greetings" -bows-
Shirou: "You're here to tend her, right?"
Kiara: "Correct, I'll take you as another patient"
Lily: "Then I hope we can do the same then!"
-...He'll go for someone else- :p
Mash: "Hmmm, a lot. I need to test something"
Kaito: "Maybe, Tsukasa's better though" :p -shot another Ranger copy-
//Oooooh boy with both. Also I'm playing Alear's game and Uni's right
-Cronus tries once again to stop time to take some hits on Shez-
-And when Sothis did that, Heart exploded in particles, and she saw as for some reason, the numbers 002 came from it but also exploded, leaving just behind the Rider card-

(This one's also fanmade, again, white background if it was official so pretend thaaaat)

-Though they would all hear large steps around-
Mash: "I actually had some ordered to be made"
-Gwen is like "Dude, please focus on defeating them!" while swinging to evade some attacks and throwing webs at Penelope-
Hayate: "I know, silly~" :p -Link relieved?-
-Atalanta tried to follow it-
Drake: "Tsk, more annoyances, though it's fun to teach them a lesson"
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Lily: "It's fine, I was the one to bring it up"
Atalanta: "He basically shoved his way in..."
Rin: "Good, it'd be downright ungrateful to not allow you free circulation with how often you save this city"
Ratbat: -Nodded-
Monika: "That's us alright" :p
Mash: "I know" :)
Irisviel: "Not surprised, she has quite the reputation~"
Tom: "Still, I really don't want to ask more questions if they're too personal or bring back bad memories or anything like that..."

Linebeck: "Somehow I'm not shocked by that fact..."

Things really changed a lot for me and robots in general after my friends and I stopped the Cluster Prime invasion... -Still a bit awed by that to this day-

you're probably not surprised in the slightest, but what'd i tell ya?


(She was like the greatest witch and warrior teacher in all of Ireland, right?)

Byleth: "Some people can really adapt to new styles well. Shez is a perfect example."
Azura: "Which is?"
Weiss: "Go ahead." :)
Marco: "I guess it depends on what you learned beforehand..."

Why didn't ya just ask for help in the first place?

(Okay, thanks!) :b:

-While still not able to effectively clean herself without help due to being a doggo, she's at least able to use her paws to scrub her face clean-

Kamui: "K-Kiara...? :urg:
Emblem Chrom: "Let's hope we can meet your expectations then."

-or his younger self...-

Yang: "Okay... how hard we talking?"
Alear: "Hopefully, that shows you what you'd be up against if you try to steal an Emblem again."

// Just to give an idea of how bad Alear had it, Lancer would've still had the better life if his father actually did throw him off the roof.
// Alear's life was........ hell, to say the least...

-Kaito can at least relate due to his Rider cards?-

Shez: "Still standing after this? Great! I love a challenge!" :laugh:

-that is, until Sothis snapped Heart's neck-
-she may be a kind and benevolent Goddess but when provoked, there is no mercy-
Byleth: "Oh, I can promise you there's going to be eggnog. I'll make it myself if I have to."
-so Mettaton might make this a regular segment now? :V-
Azura: "Link doesn't count."
Jaune: "W-Who said that?"
Kiara: "Greetings" -bows-
Shirou: "You're here to tend her, right?"
Kiara: "Correct, I'll take you as another patient"
Lily: "Then I hope we can do the same then!"
-...He'll go for someone else- :p
Mash: "Hmmm, a lot. I need to test something"
Kaito: "Maybe, Tsukasa's better though" :p -shot another Ranger copy-
//Oooooh boy with both. Also I'm playing Alear's game and Uni's right
-Cronus tries once again to stop time to take some hits on Shez-
-And when Sothis did that, Heart exploded in particles, and she saw as for some reason, the numbers 002 came from it but also exploded, leaving just behind the Rider card-
View attachment 381949
(This one's also fanmade, again, white background if it was official so pretend thaaaat)

-Though they would all hear large steps around-
Mash: "I actually had some ordered to be made"
-Gwen is like "Dude, please focus on defeating them!" while swinging to evade some attacks and throwing webs at Penelope-
Hayate: "I know, silly~" :p -Link relieved?-
-Atalanta tried to follow it-
Drake: "Tsk, more annoyances, though it's fun to teach them a lesson"
(Here's hoping some therapy helps...)

-Chrom and Robin's responses?-

(...Can you maybe just like, not steal anything?)

//...And here I thought Byleth had a difficult upbringing. Okay, now I'm really curious about Engage.
//And yeah, in hindsight, I kinda wish I hadn't put the King of Spades in lethal scenarios as I think he's still got character and story potential. That said, I think I've already figured out a means to have him revived, at least partly...

(Is that...?)

(It dropped the card that was used to replicate it in the first place...)

Kirby: "Wh-What the?"

Dedede: "Aye! What's with the quakes and stompin'?! Uh-oh, I think we got a big fella on our hands..."


Stan: "As long as it's got the good stuff to help me drown out the memory of wearing this itchy old red suit, I have no complaints either way."


-Mettaton EX then summons a disco ball from the ceiling, which fires white and blue laser beams across the room as it turns-

-The white beams damage on contact. The blue beams only damage if someone happens to be moving while it passes over them-


-Toon Link sighs in relief-

TLink: (Thank goodness she was just joking...)


-Specimen 13 manages to make it to the roof line!-

-Will Ata and/or Blake try to shoot the siren before she can return to the floodwater?-

Amethyst: "Alright, what kinda spirit or mutant have we got this time?!"

???: "I think it's time that everyone here gets their own graves..."

-It's then that the source of hte voice drops down to the roof from another building, who turns out to be the most mundane-looking "Specimen" they've seen thus far:

-A completely ordinary-looking human man, who appears to be in his late 50s or early 60s, and oddly dressed for urban exploring. The only things unusual about him were the giant scythe that looks far too heavy for any normal human to carry even by dragging it on the ground, and the constant insane grin plastered on his face-

Steven: "...You...you look like a totally normal guy! Just a little scary...?" :lol:

Looks to me like Spooky's got a Slasher movie killer among her army... -Battle stance-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
EMIYA: "Well, sorry in that case" :p -just playful-
Lilith: "What you wanna do~?"

Morrigan: "They can be quite intriguing, lives so short, yet they're more imaginative than most demons I know"
Draco: "So you wanted to have an actual challenege, hmmm..."
Kamui: "You two are already getting along."
Qrow: "What's on your mind?"

Palutena: "It's incredible."

-Morrigan forgot Lilith? :V-
Shez: "Well, I mostly just wanted to be with Byleth, to be honest."

Marco: "I guess it depends on what you learned beforehand..."

Why didn't ya just ask for help in the first place?

(Okay, thanks!) :b:

-While still not able to effectively clean herself without help due to being a doggo, she's at least able to use her paws to scrub her face clean-
Byleth: "Even so, going from unharmed combat to an actual weapon is still quite the shift."
Azura: ".......I suppose I just thought I could handle it?"
-so Weiss will help as well~-

Kiara: "Greetings" -bows-
Shirou: "You're here to tend her, right?"
Kiara: "Correct, I'll take you as another patient"
Lily: "Then I hope we can do the same then!"
-...He'll go for someone else- :p
Mash: "Hmmm, a lot. I need to test something"
Kaito: "Maybe, Tsukasa's better though" :p -shot another Ranger copy-
//Oooooh boy with both. Also I'm playing Alear's game and Uni's right
-Cronus tries once again to stop time to take some hits on Shez-
-And when Sothis did that, Heart exploded in particles, and she saw as for some reason, the numbers 002 came from it but also exploded, leaving just behind the Rider card-

-Though they would all hear large steps around-
Mash: "I actually had some ordered to be made"
-Gwen is like "Dude, please focus on defeating them!" while swinging to evade some attacks and throwing webs at Penelope-
Hayate: "I know, silly~" :p -Link relieved?-
-Atalanta tried to follow it-
Drake: "Tsk, more annoyances, though it's fun to teach them a lesson"
(Here's hoping some therapy helps...)

-Chrom and Robin's responses?-

(...Can you maybe just like, not steal anything?)

//...And here I thought Byleth had a difficult upbringing. Okay, now I'm really curious about Engage.
//And yeah, in hindsight, I kinda wish I hadn't put the King of Spades in lethal scenarios as I think he's still got character and story potential. That said, I think I've already figured out a means to have him revived, at least partly...

(Is that...?)

(It dropped the card that was used to replicate it in the first place...)

Kirby: "Wh-What the?"

Dedede: "Aye! What's with the quakes and stompin'?! Uh-oh, I think we got a big fella on our hands..."


Stan: "As long as it's got the good stuff to help me drown out the memory of wearing this itchy old red suit, I have no complaints either way."


-Mettaton EX then summons a disco ball from the ceiling, which fires white and blue laser beams across the room as it turns-

-The white beams damage on contact. The blue beams only damage if someone happens to be moving while it passes over them-


-Toon Link sighs in relief-

TLink: (Thank goodness she was just joking...)


-Specimen 13 manages to make it to the roof line!-

-Will Ata and/or Blake try to shoot the siren before she can return to the floodwater?-

Amethyst: "Alright, what kinda spirit or mutant have we got this time?!"

???: "I think it's time that everyone here gets their own graves..."

-It's then that the source of hte voice drops down to the roof from another building, who turns out to be the most mundane-looking "Specimen" they've seen thus far:

-A completely ordinary-looking human man, who appears to be in his late 50s or early 60s, and oddly dressed for urban exploring. The only things unusual about him were the giant scythe that looks far too heavy for any normal human to carry even by dragging it on the ground, and the constant insane grin plastered on his face-

Steven: "...You...you look like a totally normal guy! Just a little scary...?" :lol:

Looks to me like Spooky's got a Slasher movie killer among her army... -Battle stance-
Kamui: "You... really think you can help me?"
Emblem Robin: "I can tell this partnership will yield fruitful results." :)

-poor Shirou lmao-

Yang: "I might need to get hit a few times myself then." :p
Alear: Am I glad Yunaka isn't nearly as bad and only stole to survive...

// If the Alear backstory is what gets you interested, they don't really show much with it. It only really gets explored once on one of the final chapters... but even that little exposure is enough to get an idea of just how horrible it was.

-when Cronus restarted time, he would see that Shez somehow was in a blocking stance-

Shez: "Too slow." :p

Sothis: "My my, what is this?" -picks up the card-
Byleth: "Then let's start spreading cheers." :)
-ghosts not realizing Mettaton's attacks can hit souls?-
Azura: "Just wanted to be sure you wouldn't tease these two again." :p
-oh, Blake was definitely shooting Specimen 13-

Ruby: "Yeah, I don't think it's just some guy, Steven..."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Tom: "Still, I really don't want to ask more questions if they're too personal or bring back bad memories or anything like that..."

Linebeck: "Somehow I'm not shocked by that fact..."

Things really changed a lot for me and robots in general after my friends and I stopped the Cluster Prime invasion... -Still a bit awed by that to this day-

you're probably not surprised in the slightest, but what'd i tell ya?


(She was like the greatest witch and warrior teacher in all of Ireland, right?)
Lily: "I guess that's fair, even when we get to know each other better, there's still some more personal matters"
Atalanta: "We were housing so many already, I guess one more doesn't hurts"
Sakura: "How is that planet now, by the way?"
Rin: "You told me the ruler of it is your friend"
Mash: "Hmmm, I'll just go now then"
Irisviel: "And Scotland too~!"
Kamui: "You two are already getting along."
Qrow: "What's on your mind?"

Palutena: "It's incredible."

-Morrigan forgot Lilith? :V-
Shez: "Well, I mostly just wanted to be with Byleth, to be honest."
EMIYA: "Hm, if that's what you want to think" :p -just teasing-
Lilith: "I'm a succubus, what you think I have in my mind~?" :p

Morrigan: "Oh by the way, have you seen an annoying girl dressed like me?"
Sayori: -GASP- "It... It's happening!"
Draco: "...That's really it then?"
(Here's hoping some therapy helps...)

-Chrom and Robin's responses?-

(...Can you maybe just like, not steal anything?)

//...And here I thought Byleth had a difficult upbringing. Okay, now I'm really curious about Engage.
//And yeah, in hindsight, I kinda wish I hadn't put the King of Spades in lethal scenarios as I think he's still got character and story potential. That said, I think I've already figured out a means to have him revived, at least partly...

(Is that...?)

(It dropped the card that was used to replicate it in the first place...)

Kirby: "Wh-What the?"

Dedede: "Aye! What's with the quakes and stompin'?! Uh-oh, I think we got a big fella on our hands..."


Stan: "As long as it's got the good stuff to help me drown out the memory of wearing this itchy old red suit, I have no complaints either way."


-Mettaton EX then summons a disco ball from the ceiling, which fires white and blue laser beams across the room as it turns-

-The white beams damage on contact. The blue beams only damage if someone happens to be moving while it passes over them-


-Toon Link sighs in relief-

TLink: (Thank goodness she was just joking...)


-Specimen 13 manages to make it to the roof line!-

-Will Ata and/or Blake try to shoot the siren before she can return to the floodwater?-

Amethyst: "Alright, what kinda spirit or mutant have we got this time?!"

???: "I think it's time that everyone here gets their own graves..."

-It's then that the source of hte voice drops down to the roof from another building, who turns out to be the most mundane-looking "Specimen" they've seen thus far:

-A completely ordinary-looking human man, who appears to be in his late 50s or early 60s, and oddly dressed for urban exploring. The only things unusual about him were the giant scythe that looks far too heavy for any normal human to carry even by dragging it on the ground, and the constant insane grin plastered on his face-

Steven: "...You...you look like a totally normal guy! Just a little scary...?" :lol:

Looks to me like Spooky's got a Slasher movie killer among her army... -Battle stance-
Kamui: "You... really think you can help me?"
Emblem Robin: "I can tell this partnership will yield fruitful results." :)

-poor Shirou lmao-

Yang: "I might need to get hit a few times myself then." :p
Alear: Am I glad Yunaka isn't nearly as bad and only stole to survive...

// If the Alear backstory is what gets you interested, they don't really show much with it. It only really gets explored once on one of the final chapters... but even that little exposure is enough to get an idea of just how horrible it was.

-when Cronus restarted time, he would see that Shez somehow was in a blocking stance-

Shez: "Too slow." :p

Sothis: "My my, what is this?" -picks up the card-
Byleth: "Then let's start spreading cheers." :)
-ghosts not realizing Mettaton's attacks can hit souls?-
Azura: "Just wanted to be sure you wouldn't tease these two again." :p
-oh, Blake was definitely shooting Specimen 13-

Ruby: "Yeah, I don't think it's just some guy, Steven..."
Kiara: "I am a psychiatrist, and people around here love you so much, I can't let you be taken from them"
Lily: "Hm! It will be a pleasure to work with you two!" -bows-
-Indeed, so he'd get SEIBAH-
Mash: "Oh, right, I forgot that part.... I suppose I can do it with this too"
Kaito: "And miss on more treasures?" -destroyed two Kamen Rider copies that were going towards him, picking up the cards they left behind-

(Still fanmade, but finally ones with a white background)
Kaito: "Only a few left, heh"
-Managing to block the slash, though Cronus was pushing itself more and about to kick her gut-
-The card seemingly holds the power of the puppet she just destroyed, it's weird to describe it, but it feels like it forms part of a greater story linked to another card-

-As it was expected, the giant robots would be deployed. Well, those that weren't sabotaged-
-And thus, they get to multiple sleds to go on!-
-I mean, they're ghosts, they're basically souls themselves-
-Penelope was gonna retort a comeback, before Meteor from behind struck her with his pole to shove her right into one of the white beams, which causes her pain-
Hayate: "Awwww, but it was fun" :p
-Oh Atalanta definitely does-
Drake: "Let's see how abnormal this guy is then" -shot from her gun!-
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