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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Irisviel: "He thinks it makes him look cool" :p
EMIYA: ".....Really doing this?"
Irisviel: -Giggle-
Lilith: "Yeah, so we always run off" :p

Morrigan: "If you say so~" :p "I guess I must look for her now"
Natsuki: "It just... I'm an adult, you know..." -I take it as that she doesn't likes it because she associates her looks come from having had constantly starved-
Draco: "That was more tactical than I expected..."
Emblem Lucina: "Oh, that reminds me of someone I knew." :p
Qrow: "From your responsibilities?"

Dark Pit: "Might as well tag along. Got nothing better to do..."
Alear: "There's... nothing wrong with a mature woman being cute..." -can recognize that trauma- "But for you to be an adult at such a small size..." -hugs her- "I hope you're living a better life here than you ever did."
Shez: "Yeah, there's a lot of tactical moments in those games. It's great!"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Probably will be off tomorrow

Lily: "...Do you sneak in without any tickets?"
-And then there's also Bumblebee and Blitzwing, who Toon Link has yet to know about as well-
Sakura: "Correct! I already got stuff for Rider yesterday, so it was her turn!"
Rin: "I alsogot Winter a gift" -a small ball toy-
Mash: "......." 🤔
Irisviel: "Of course, I knew there was nothing to worry about with you~"
Scáthach: Perhaps I really misjudged her...
Thank you for the heads-up.

Tom: "What?! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooot all the time?" :lol:

-He'll be even more confused about them- :V

-She'll absolutely love it much like Patxi loved the plush carrot the Riders gave him- :p

Awwwwww, that's so sweet of you two! :b:

-Mash considering it now?-


-She's certainly gained at least a slightly more mature attitude since she first started seriously training...-

-well, incredible is a strong word, no one is truly perfect-

-but for as long as she's been their ally, Shez has never cooked a meal that was outright bad and her "worst" dishes were on par with Byleth's average performance in the kitchen-

-basically, Shez will always make something that's good-
Azura: "I'm fine..."
Weiss: "You sure have..." -took a pic-
-So Shez is not quite consistently on par with the kitchen staff...but still an overall experienced and skilled chef-

No offense, but you don't exactly seem fine at the moment...

(Even if I won two of them, those training battles were all still tough. You were right. I really needed to take a break from training for the day...)

-Makes Weiss wonder what her last picture of Winter as a Vulpix will be...More so if she ends up having to evolve as an emergency move like she almost had to while they were trying to escape the old Dust mine that they found the Ice Stone in to begin with-

Lilith: "Is she always like this...?"

Rook: "Get used to it. She likes to withhold things from others."

Ingrid: "While that may be true, I still filled my end of our bargain as promised, Lilith. I held nothing from you concerning what I had to share."

Arlon: "What was that about a bargain, Lady Ingrid?"

Ingrid: "Oopsie~!"
-there are, fortunately for Star!-

-well, only if he doesn't shoot a sword out of said usual bow- :V

Emblem Ike: "Let's see if we work well together."
Alear: "Do you know where the others are?"

-Shez immediately shot an ice spell at Heart in an attempt to freeze him-
Byleth: "Oh, I very much am." :)

Sothis: And yet you needed to be convinced with cookies.

Byleth: For this organization, not the act of spreading cheers. You know it's not my first time...
Blake: "How would she have known...? And teamed up...?"
Kanna: "Are they always like this, Medli?"
-Ruby might use her Eyes once **** gets too overwhelming, but she wouldn't know that they would be weak to it like Grimm-
Luvia: "Yes, what is this bargain you speak of?" -tapping her foot in demand-
-Indeed, some generic laser-shooting drones-
-It's EMIYA, he'll find his way to do it- :V
Mash: "Okay, I'll take your ring then..."
Charlotte: "Spread around the base now..."
-The spell hits, but the ice is cracking fast, and Cronus takes advantage to perform a slash-

-Managing to knock off the copy by some feet!-
Helena: "Not from I've been informed"
Suzuka: "I just wanna make sure this is allfun and dandy~" :p
Atalanta: "Whatever happens, I hope they can handle it..."
-Robin from the audience yells "Titans, go!" as he, Beast Boy (turned into a tiger), Starfire and Cyborg with cannons out all try to go towards Ember, but Robin is quickly caught by what looked like a floating kiss that suddenly made him disappear, making his team, Raven included, gasp!-
-Danny was like "Aw come on! Kitty is here too?!" as said Kitty appears from the wall saying "Hello, losers~!"-
View attachment 381821
-Danny was like "Did Johnny and you had yet another spat?! Ugh, when will that guy stop being some casanova, it'd make things easier for both of us!" and Kitty replied "Ugh, not wrong, but I really need to blow some steam now, and what better way than to help a friend andtrap some suckers!!" as she blew kisses to other people that tried to dodge them!-
Hayate: "Then in a decade from now on, I'll go to your world so we move in, and have the most wonderful wedding~ Ah, what a dream~"
-Indeed, but they still must do as they should now-
-Obviously Excalibur's divine energy gives Arthur the edge to any that approach him-
Atalanta: "You won't escape!" -leaps to the building-
-While Alphys was glaring at Ingrid-

Star: "Perfect! PUNCH BLAST!" -Tries to punch one of the drone with her bare hand-

So are Queen, Tasque Manager and Kris! But I'm sure we can find them all in no time!

-Shortly after which Meta Knight stabbed the copy in the chest with Galaxia, using a lightning fast dash attack-

-Then however, another group knocks on the door!-


-Every last light on his screen ahs turned entirely red, now-

Medli: "Oh, all the time. I'm just wondering which one of them will admit it first..."

TLink: "Hold on, I-I never agreed to a future marriage, either!"

Tetra: "Come on now, you're just messing with him..."

-Pearl was similarly able to damage the Lub-Glubs with laser blasts from her spear, while the ones cut down by Arthur were so badly damaged that they outright fled after one strike-

-Despite that, many more Lub-Glubs remain, all trying to slash any nearby members of the group with their claws from their elogated arms-

-The siren hides under the roof of the flooded building...and starts singing again-


The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Luvia: "Yes, what is this bargain you speak of?" -tapping her foot in demand-
-Indeed, some generic laser-shooting drones-
-It's EMIYA, he'll find his way to do it- :V
Mash: "Okay, I'll take your ring then..."
Charlotte: "Spread around the base now..."
-The spell hits, but the ice is cracking fast, and Cronus takes advantage to perform a slash-

-Managing to knock off the copy by some feet!-
Helena: "Not from I've been informed"
Suzuka: "I just wanna make sure this is allfun and dandy~" :p
Atalanta: "Whatever happens, I hope they can handle it..."
-Robin from the audience yells "Titans, go!" as he, Beast Boy (turned into a tiger), Starfire and Cyborg with cannons out all try to go towards Ember, but Robin is quickly caught by what looked like a floating kiss that suddenly made him disappear, making his team, Raven included, gasp!-
-Danny was like "Aw come on! Kitty is here too?!" as said Kitty appears from the wall saying "Hello, losers~!"-

-Danny was like "Did Johnny and you had yet another spat?! Ugh, when will that guy stop being some casanova, it'd make things easier for both of us!" and Kitty replied "Ugh, not wrong, but I really need to blow some steam now, and what better way than to help a friend andtrap some suckers!!" as she blew kisses to other people that tried to dodge them!-
Hayate: "Then in a decade from now on, I'll go to your world so we move in, and have the most wonderful wedding~ Ah, what a dream~"
-Indeed, but they still must do as they should now-
-Obviously Excalibur's divine energy gives Arthur the edge to any that approach him-
Atalanta: "You won't escape!" -leaps to the building-
-While Alphys was glaring at Ingrid-

Star: "Perfect! PUNCH BLAST!" -Tries to punch one of the drone with her bare hand-

So are Queen, Tasque Manager and Kris! But I'm sure we can find them all in no time!

-Shortly after which Meta Knight stabbed the copy in the chest with Galaxia, using a lightning fast dash attack-

-Then however, another group knocks on the door!-


-Every last light on his screen ahs turned entirely red, now-

Medli: "Oh, all the time. I'm just wondering which one of them will admit it first..."

TLink: "Hold on, I-I never agreed to a future marriage, either!"

Tetra: "Come on now, you're just messing with him..."

-Pearl was similarly able to damage the Lub-Glubs with laser blasts from her spear, while the ones cut down by Arthur were so badly damaged that they outright fled after one strike-

-Despite that, many more Lub-Glubs remain, all trying to slash any nearby members of the group with their claws from their elogated arms-

-The siren hides under the roof of the flooded building...and starts singing again-
Ingrid: "I believe Lilith should be the one talking. My quietness regarding the subject was merely me fulfilling her demands, after all."

Lilith: "W-Why did you put the attention to me like that?!"

Ingrid: "Because it is the truth. Besides, now that you are present here, the reason for you keeping things private should no longer matter."

Lilith: -takes some deep breaths- "I... suppose you are correct. How much information must I share?"

Ingrid: -letting Chaldea answer that-
-how strong are Star's punches usually?-


-Emblem Ike's ring a rather big one but once she put it on, it magically fit with her finger-
Alear: "Well, that's helpful..."

-Sothis wraps her whipsword around Cronus's legs to make him trip while Shez prepared a Luna spell for Heart, essentially trapping him in a black hole-
Byleth: "....No one, you say?" -becoming cautious-
-Is it EX time?-
Azura: -snickering at it all-

Kanna: "I think it'll be Link. He'll probably build up the courage first." :p

-I intentionally wrote it as a pun on the Triforce he has... but it's unintentional on Kanna's part :V-
Jaune: "Such pretty voices..." -starting to be entranced-

Blake: "Jaune, no!" -emulating Homer's Odyssey, she used her weapon's ribbon to tie up Jaune-

-So Shez is not quite consistently on par with the kitchen staff...but still an overall experienced and skilled chef-

No offense, but you don't exactly seem fine at the moment...

(Even if I won two of them, those training battles were all still tough. You were right. I really needed to take a break from training for the day...)

-Makes Weiss wonder what her last picture of Winter as a Vulpix will be...More so if she ends up having to evolve as an emergency move like she almost had to while they were trying to escape the old Dust mine that they found the Ice Stone in to begin with-
-she has higher highs but lower lows than they do, although that's mostly because the staff can't afford taking too much time to make meals-

-were they allowed to have as much prep time as Shez takes for her better meals, they would be far better than her-
Azura: "Nothing you need to worry about." :lol:
Weiss: When WILL her last picture be...?


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-she has higher highs but lower lows than they do, although that's mostly because the staff can't afford taking too much time to make meals-

-were they allowed to have as much prep time as Shez takes for her better meals, they would be far better than her-
Azura: "Nothing you need to worry about." :lol:
Weiss: When WILL her last picture be...?
-Which is still saying a lot...-

-Deadpan doubtful expression-

-Maybe during the the final showdown with the Alliance? During the vacation to Alola, perhaps? Or maybe even past that...?-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Which is still saying a lot...-

-Deadpan doubtful expression-

-Maybe during the the final showdown with the Alliance? During the vacation to Alola, perhaps? Or maybe even past that...?-
-oh yeah, it really is!-

-but anyway, what else besides nachose?-
Azura: "...What?"
-perhaps even never...-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-oh yeah, it really is!-

-but anyway, what else besides nachose?-
Azura: "...What?"
-perhaps even never...-
-Marco passes by while taking some food to a table he was sitting at!-

Marco: "Oh, hey you two!" -Waves, holding said tray of food with his free hand-


You know this is totally gonna blow up in your face if you don't get more help, right?

-It won't be never, fortunately- :V

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Marco passes by while taking some food to a table he was sitting at!-

Marco: "Oh, hey you two!" -Waves, holding said tray of food with his free hand-


You know this is totally gonna blow up in your face if you don't get more help, right?

-It won't be never, fortunately- :V
Sothis: "Oh, young Marco!" :)
Azura: "What makes you say that?"
-but for now, the ides still creeps up in Weiss's mind-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Marco: "How've you guys been?"


The fact that there are like, over fifteen people who've signed up for the concert already?

-What are her current thoughts?-
Sothis: "As good as usual." :)

Byleth: "How about you?"

-Marco feels like he'll never get used to the swapping?-
Azura: "......."
Weiss: I hope Patxi makes a choice soon...


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Sothis: "As good as usual." :)

Byleth: "How about you?"

-Marco feels like he'll never get used to the swapping?-
Azura: "......."
Weiss: I hope Patxi makes a choice soon...
Marco: "Ack! Okay, sorry, still not used to the whole "Soul Swapping" thing..."


-Undyne's not wrong?-

-He likely will in a few months...He's no more ready to evolve than Winter is-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Emblem Lucina: "Oh, that reminds me of someone I knew." :p
Qrow: "From your responsibilities?"

Dark Pit: "Might as well tag along. Got nothing better to do..."
Alear: "There's... nothing wrong with a mature woman being cute..." -can recognize that trauma- "But for you to be an adult at such a small size..." -hugs her- "I hope you're living a better life here than you ever did."
Shez: "Yeah, there's a lot of tactical moments in those games. It's great!"
EMIYA: "Wait, it does?"
Irisviel: "Oh who~?" :p
Lilith: "Yeah... Well, hers. I'm just the spoiled princess who doesn't has any" :p

Morrigan: "Cute, now let's see where she went to..."
Natsuki: "...I think I do..." -hugs back- "O mean, I have actual food and and a good bedroom now"
Draco: "How long have you been at it?"
Thank you for the heads-up.

Tom: "What?! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooot all the time?" :lol:

-He'll be even more confused about them- :V

-She'll absolutely love it much like Patxi loved the plush carrot the Riders gave him- :p

Awwwwww, that's so sweet of you two! :b:

-Mash considering it now?-


-She's certainly gained at least a slightly more mature attitude since she first started seriously training...-
Lily: "Well now aren't you a bad boy?" :smirk:
-He might see one of them soon- :V
Rin: "Heheh, she deserves a bit more, but... Well, I can think of what later!"
-She truly be doing so-
Monika: "Come ooooon..." :p
-Indeed, one they both hopw keeps developing-
-While Alphys was glaring at Ingrid-

Star: "Perfect! PUNCH BLAST!" -Tries to punch one of the drone with her bare hand-

So are Queen, Tasque Manager and Kris! But I'm sure we can find them all in no time!

-Shortly after which Meta Knight stabbed the copy in the chest with Galaxia, using a lightning fast dash attack-

-Then however, another group knocks on the door!-


-Every last light on his screen ahs turned entirely red, now-

Medli: "Oh, all the time. I'm just wondering which one of them will admit it first..."

TLink: "Hold on, I-I never agreed to a future marriage, either!"

Tetra: "Come on now, you're just messing with him..."

-Pearl was similarly able to damage the Lub-Glubs with laser blasts from her spear, while the ones cut down by Arthur were so badly damaged that they outright fled after one strike-

-Despite that, many more Lub-Glubs remain, all trying to slash any nearby members of the group with their claws from their elogated arms-

-The siren hides under the roof of the flooded building...and starts singing again-

Ingrid: "I believe Lilith should be the one talking. My quietness regarding the subject was merely me fulfilling her demands, after all."

Lilith: "W-Why did you put the attention to me like that?!"

Ingrid: "Because it is the truth. Besides, now that you are present here, the reason for you keeping things private should no longer matter."

Lilith: -takes some deep breaths- "I... suppose you are correct. How much information must I share?"

Ingrid: -letting Chaldea answer that-
-how strong are Star's punches usually?-


-Emblem Ike's ring a rather big one but once she put it on, it magically fit with her finger-
Alear: "Well, that's helpful..."

-Sothis wraps her whipsword around Cronus's legs to make him trip while Shez prepared a Luna spell for Heart, essentially trapping him in a black hole-
Byleth: "....No one, you say?" -becoming cautious-
-Is it EX time?-
Azura: -snickering at it all-

Kanna: "I think it'll be Link. He'll probably build up the courage first." :p

-I intentionally wrote it as a pun on the Triforce he has... but it's unintentional on Kanna's part :V-
Jaune: "Such pretty voices..." -starting to be entranced-

Blake: "Jaune, no!" -emulating Homer's Odyssey, she used her weapon's ribbon to tie up Jaune-
Luvia: "What this deal entailed and why was it made?"
-Either way the drone shattered entirely-
-Indeed ahue-
EMIYA: "Yes, I can work with this"
Mash: "Huh, convenient..."
Charlotte: "Yeah, then let's move!"
Kaito: "Not a bad idea at all"
-Not before Heart still managed to freeze them in place with gravity, giving Cronus a chance to counter-attack-

-Managing to swiftly destroy that copy as a result-
Jeanne Lily: "Eh? Who is there?"
-Ember tried to use her guitar to attack, but a beam from Raven almost struck her so she had to go intangible-
-The latter doesn't likes they made Robin disappear, as Gwen is like "She didn't kill him, right?" and Danny answers "She sent him... Elsewhere, she has to kiss back before 12 hours to free him, and Raven says "Then we'll have to force her"-
Hayate: "Oooh, am I~?" :p
Arthur: "They just keep coming!"
Takeru: -Rider Kicked a few- "Unfortunately..."
Blackbeard: "Agh, must not but... P-Pretty..."
Sieg: "I feel... Weaker...!"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Lily: "Well now aren't you a bad boy?" :smirk:
-He might see one of them soon- :V
Rin: "Heheh, she deserves a bit more, but... Well, I can think of what later!"
-She truly be doing so-
Monika: "Come ooooon..." :p
-Indeed, one they both hopw keeps developing-
Tom: "Hey, come on! I'll have you know I haven't snuck into a concert since...last year and a half."

-He totally will then- :V

-Ata can tell how confused Linebeck is?-

I think she'll be happy with the ball for now. :grin:


-Thoughts of Scathach and Iri?-

Ingrid: "I believe Lilith should be the one talking. My quietness regarding the subject was merely me fulfilling her demands, after all."

Lilith: "W-Why did you put the attention to me like that?!"

Ingrid: "Because it is the truth. Besides, now that you are present here, the reason for you keeping things private should no longer matter."

Lilith: -takes some deep breaths- "I... suppose you are correct. How much information must I share?"

Ingrid: -letting Chaldea answer that-
-how strong are Star's punches usually?-


-Emblem Ike's ring a rather big one but once she put it on, it magically fit with her finger-
Alear: "Well, that's helpful..."

-Sothis wraps her whipsword around Cronus's legs to make him trip while Shez prepared a Luna spell for Heart, essentially trapping him in a black hole-
Byleth: "....No one, you say?" -becoming cautious-
-Is it EX time?-
Azura: -snickering at it all-

Kanna: "I think it'll be Link. He'll probably build up the courage first." :p

-I intentionally wrote it as a pun on the Triforce he has... but it's unintentional on Kanna's part :V-
Jaune: "Such pretty voices..." -starting to be entranced-

Blake: "Jaune, no!" -emulating Homer's Odyssey, she used her weapon's ribbon to tie up Jaune-
Luvia: "What this deal entailed and why was it made?"
-Either way the drone shattered entirely-
-Indeed ahue-
EMIYA: "Yes, I can work with this"
Mash: "Huh, convenient..."
Charlotte: "Yeah, then let's move!"
Kaito: "Not a bad idea at all"
-Not before Heart still managed to freeze them in place with gravity, giving Cronus a chance to counter-attack-

-Managing to swiftly destroy that copy as a result-
Jeanne Lily: "Eh? Who is there?"
-Ember tried to use her guitar to attack, but a beam from Raven almost struck her so she had to go intangible-
-The latter doesn't likes they made Robin disappear, as Gwen is like "She didn't kill him, right?" and Danny answers "She sent him... Elsewhere, she has to kiss back before 12 hours to free him, and Raven says "Then we'll have to force her"-
Hayate: "Oooh, am I~?" :p
Arthur: "They just keep coming!"
Takeru: -Rider Kicked a few- "Unfortunately..."
Blackbeard: "Agh, must not but... P-Pretty..."
Sieg: "I feel... Weaker...!"
And how long ago was it made?


-Almost as strong as Marco's, thanks to being trained to fight monsters by royal knights growing up-

Star/Marco: "Whooooooaaaaaa..." :surprised:

*Should we split up?)(

(Only once we know where the other Servants are!)

-Stacey's reaction?-

-Cue Mabel opening the door wearing a Christmas sweater with white snowy trim and a Christmas tree with working lights on it-

Mabel: "Season's greetings, everyone!" :b:


Tetra: "Alright, that does it!"


Steven: "Quick thinking, Blake!" :b:

Garnet: "Don't listen to her! Come to your senses or cover up your ears!" -Holding Blackbeard back-

Amethyst: "You okay, Sieg?" -Trying to keep some Lub-Glubs at bay-

Penny: -Blasts a Lub-Glub with one of her lasers- "I couldn't freeze all of the water...but perhaps if we can contain this siren in a smaller area, we might be able to freeze a small portion of it to contain her in ice."

-Atalanta can't currently see Specimen 13...but she can tell that she's still under the same flooded building that she's standing on as she hasn't spotted any further movements in the water like splashes or ripples since the siren entered it-

-Furthermore, with her enhanced hearing thanks to her feline ears, she'd be able to detect exactly where Specimen 13 currently is since she's still singing-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Marco: "Ack! Okay, sorry, still not used to the whole "Soul Swapping" thing..."


-Undyne's not wrong?-

-He likely will in a few months...He's no more ready to evolve than Winter is-
Sothis: "I would be questioning things if you were, to be honest." :p
-but Azura isn't fully willing to admit it-
-that's fair enough, I suppose-

EMIYA: "Wait, it does?"
Irisviel: "Oh who~?" :p
Lilith: "Yeah... Well, hers. I'm just the spoiled princess who doesn't has any" :p

Morrigan: "Cute, now let's see where she went to..."
Natsuki: "...I think I do..." -hugs back- "O mean, I have actual food and and a good bedroom now"
Draco: "How long have you been at it?"
Emblem Lucina: "A wyvern rider who would wear a mask to cover his eyes and dress entirely in black. I fought alongside him in my most despairing times."
Qrow: "Lucky you." :p

Dark Pit: :glare:

-they actually didn't move; Morrigan and Pittoo did in their fighting :V-
Alear: "...." -can't help but relate to that, hugging slightly tighter- "I hope things continue to go well for you."
Shez: "Been chipping away at it every now and then." -her reaction time and speed made her a natural :V-

Luvia: "What this deal entailed and why was it made?"
-Either way the drone shattered entirely-
-Indeed ahue-
EMIYA: "Yes, I can work with this"
Mash: "Huh, convenient..."
Charlotte: "Yeah, then let's move!"
Kaito: "Not a bad idea at all"
-Not before Heart still managed to freeze them in place with gravity, giving Cronus a chance to counter-attack-

-Managing to swiftly destroy that copy as a result-
Jeanne Lily: "Eh? Who is there?"
-Ember tried to use her guitar to attack, but a beam from Raven almost struck her so she had to go intangible-
-The latter doesn't likes they made Robin disappear, as Gwen is like "She didn't kill him, right?" and Danny answers "She sent him... Elsewhere, she has to kiss back before 12 hours to free him, and Raven says "Then we'll have to force her"-
Hayate: "Oooh, am I~?" :p
Arthur: "They just keep coming!"
Takeru: -Rider Kicked a few- "Unfortunately..."
Blackbeard: "Agh, must not but... P-Pretty..."
Sieg: "I feel... Weaker...!"
And how long ago was it made?


-Almost as strong as Marco's, thanks to being trained to fight monsters by royal knights growing up-

Star/Marco: "Whooooooaaaaaa..." :surprised:

*Should we split up?)(

(Only once we know where the other Servants are!)

-Stacey's reaction?-

-Cue Mabel opening the door wearing a Christmas sweater with white snowy trim and a Christmas tree with working lights on it-

Mabel: "Season's greetings, everyone!" :b:


Tetra: "Alright, that does it!"


Steven: "Quick thinking, Blake!" :b:

Garnet: "Don't listen to her! Come to your senses or cover up your ears!" -Holding Blackbeard back-

Amethyst: "You okay, Sieg?" -Trying to keep some Lub-Glubs at bay-

Penny: -Blasts a Lub-Glub with one of her lasers- "I couldn't freeze all of the water...but perhaps if we can contain this siren in a smaller area, we might be able to freeze a small portion of it to contain her in ice."

-Atalanta can't currently see Specimen 13...but she can tell that she's still under the same flooded building that she's standing on as she hasn't spotted any further movements in the water like splashes or ripples since the siren entered it-

-Furthermore, with her enhanced hearing thanks to her feline ears, she'd be able to detect exactly where Specimen 13 currently is since she's still singing-
Lilith: "For starters, Lady Ingrid did sometimes visit whenever Lady Kamui and her forces were out. She always offered me good food and a smile, so I was open to talking of this and that with her. But that's merely some context to better explain how we know each other. For the deal itself, it... happened after Kamui's first rampage. After she had lost herself and slain everyone-"

Kamui: "I did WHAT?! That's... impossible... I thought Anankos..."

Azura: -hand on her shoulder- "Let her talk..."

Lilith: "T-Thank you, Lady Azura. As I said, Kamui had gone on a rampage and only through a sacrifice from Azura could she be saved, giving her another chance at life. Once we realized that she had forgotten everything due to the sheer trauma, I implored Lady Ingrid to send her to a happier world so she wouldn't give in to despair, all while also making her promise to tell me how she's doing.... and not tell Lady Kamui how I'm doing.

As a retainer who swore to protect her, I had failed to protect her from herself and couldn't bear live with the shame of it... I didn't deem myself worthy, but knowing she would be happy somewhere else would still be a relief."

-Kamui is trying to process the thought that the rampage Kama caused was NOT the first time she lost herself and killed people... and did not seem to take it well...-

Azura: "It's not like you could have known she would have snapped when she did."

Lilith: "But I'm a dragon just like her. I could have done something in advance..."

Azura: "If that is how you think, then let me shoulder some of that blame. I knew very early on of her dragon blood." -putting a hand over her neck as she said that- "But I was too afraid making a backup Dragonstone would chip away at my own lifespan... Ironically, not doing that might have made it even shorter."

Palutena: "And what finally made you change your mind, Lilith?"

Lilith: "Lady Ingrid convinced me to leave my castle and meet you all."

Palutena: -quietly- "Finally, she did something good."

Ingrid: "I heard that!" :glare:
-so yeah, the drone broke with relative ease, being struck with four times Star's usual power, but then subsequent strikes on other drones were about the same level of strength Star usually has, and would be as such a few times before a strike just randomly seemed four times stronger once more before going back to normal-

Emblem Robin: "Like I said, it's not very consistent. It can still be very useful but the notion of teamwork would be lost if you had that strength all the time. After all, we are the Emblem of Bonds, not the Emblem of Strength."

Emblem Lucina: "I'm glad my abilities seems satisfactory."

Emblem Ike: "It would be much harder for us to find a wearer if the ring also had to fit on their finger."
-and move Alear's group does-

Sothis: "Such an annoying ability!" We must prioritize him!
Byleth: "What a creative outfit." :)
Blake: "....Here's the chaos part."
Azura: You pushed your luck too much, Hayate.
-Blake's extra ears would also be able to pick up on Specimen 13... but the question is would they resist the charms?-

Blake: "Penny, Jenny, if you two can deafen yourselves, do so now. We'll need people who are immune to her song before... before..."

-Blake sure won't, at least-
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Sothis: "I would be questioning things if you were, to be honest." :p
-but Azura isn't fully willing to admit it-
-that's fair enough, I suppose-
Marco: "A-Anyeay, I've been doing pretty good, myself. I'm actually hanging out with Star and Lily again."

-Will she at least explain it to Mata Hari and/or Kamui?-


-For now, Winter's at least acknowledging that she has more of a limit as a Vulpix-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Marco: "A-Anyeay, I've been doing pretty good, myself. I'm actually hanging out with Star and Lily again."

-Will she at least explain it to Mata Hari and/or Kamui?-


-For now, Winter's at least acknowledging that she has more of a limit as a Vulpix-
Byleth: "Oh, that's good to hear." :)
-oh, Mata Hari helps her organize it for sure-

-being Azura's Servant and having run a business before makes her someone the songstress would have immediately trusted with this-
-and Weiss is glad that Winter is aware of that-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "Oh, that's good to hear." :)
-oh, Mata Hari helps her organize it for sure-

-being Azura's Servant and having run a business before makes her someone the songstress would have immediately trusted with this-
-and Weiss is glad that Winter is aware of that-
Marco: "Hey, thanks for your advice. It really helped..." :)

-But she still needs more than two people helping set this event up...-

-Who finishes eating after about 10 minutes-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Tom: "Hey, come on! I'll have you know I haven't snuck into a concert since...last year and a half."

-He totally will then- :V

-Ata can tell how confused Linebeck is?-

I think she'll be happy with the ball for now. :grin:


-Thoughts of Scathach and Iri?-
Lily: "Okay, I'll grant you that's a long time"
-Indeed, it's way too evident-
Rin: "Yeah, likely" :)
Sakura: "Hmmm, now what to do...."
Mash: "Well... So long I don't fumble, I don't lose anything, right?"
Irisviel: Someday, she'll be an adorable and fierce warrior~
Scáthach: Even then, there's a long path ahead.
Emblem Lucina: "A wyvern rider who would wear a mask to cover his eyes and dress entirely in black. I fought alongside him in my most despairing times."
Qrow: "Lucky you." :p

Dark Pit: :glare:

-they actually didn't move; Morrigan and Pittoo did in their fighting :V-
Alear: "...." -can't help but relate to that, hugging slightly tighter- "I hope things continue to go well for you."
Shez: "Been chipping away at it every now and then." -her reaction time and speed made her a natural :V-
Lilith: "I know, it's nice to get tended to every single day while she's annoyed at having to do her duties" :p

-So Morrigan tries to look around for her sis at the moment...-
-A green-haired deity might spot her- :V
Natsuki: "Ah... I thank you for those words...."

And how long ago was it made?


-Almost as strong as Marco's, thanks to being trained to fight monsters by royal knights growing up-

Star/Marco: "Whooooooaaaaaa..." :surprised:

*Should we split up?)(

(Only once we know where the other Servants are!)

-Stacey's reaction?-

-Cue Mabel opening the door wearing a Christmas sweater with white snowy trim and a Christmas tree with working lights on it-

Mabel: "Season's greetings, everyone!" :b:


Tetra: "Alright, that does it!"


Steven: "Quick thinking, Blake!" :b:

Garnet: "Don't listen to her! Come to your senses or cover up your ears!" -Holding Blackbeard back-

Amethyst: "You okay, Sieg?" -Trying to keep some Lub-Glubs at bay-

Penny: -Blasts a Lub-Glub with one of her lasers- "I couldn't freeze all of the water...but perhaps if we can contain this siren in a smaller area, we might be able to freeze a small portion of it to contain her in ice."

-Atalanta can't currently see Specimen 13...but she can tell that she's still under the same flooded building that she's standing on as she hasn't spotted any further movements in the water like splashes or ripples since the siren entered it-

-Furthermore, with her enhanced hearing thanks to her feline ears, she'd be able to detect exactly where Specimen 13 currently is since she's still singing-
Lilith: "For starters, Lady Ingrid did sometimes visit whenever Lady Kamui and her forces were out. She always offered me good food and a smile, so I was open to talking of this and that with her. But that's merely some context to better explain how we know each other. For the deal itself, it... happened after Kamui's first rampage. After she had lost herself and slain everyone-"

Kamui: "I did WHAT?! That's... impossible... I thought Anankos..."

Azura: -hand on her shoulder- "Let her talk..."

Lilith: "T-Thank you, Lady Azura. As I said, Kamui had gone on a rampage and only through a sacrifice from Azura could she be saved, giving her another chance at life. Once we realized that she had forgotten everything due to the sheer trauma, I implored Lady Ingrid to send her to a happier world so she wouldn't give in to despair, all while also making her promise to tell me how she's doing.... and not tell Lady Kamui how I'm doing.

As a retainer who swore to protect her, I had failed to protect her from herself and couldn't bear live with the shame of it... I didn't deem myself worthy, but knowing she would be happy somewhere else would still be a relief."

-Kamui is trying to process the thought that the rampage Kama caused was NOT the first time she lost herself and killed people... and did not seem to take it well...-

Azura: "It's not like you could have known she would have snapped when she did."

Lilith: "But I'm a dragon just like her. I could have done something in advance..."

Azura: "If that is how you think, then let me shoulder some of that blame. I knew very early on of her dragon blood." -putting a hand over her neck as she said that- "But I was too afraid making a backup Dragonstone would chip away at my own lifespan... Ironically, not doing that might have made it even shorter."

Palutena: "And what finally made you change your mind, Lilith?"

Lilith: "Lady Ingrid convinced me to leave my castle and meet you all."

Palutena: -quietly- "Finally, she did something good."

Ingrid: "I heard that!" :glare:
-so yeah, the drone broke with relative ease, being struck with four times Star's usual power, but then subsequent strikes on other drones were about the same level of strength Star usually has, and would be as such a few times before a strike just randomly seemed four times stronger once more before going back to normal-

Emblem Robin: "Like I said, it's not very consistent. It can still be very useful but the notion of teamwork would be lost if you had that strength all the time. After all, we are the Emblem of Bonds, not the Emblem of Strength."

Emblem Lucina: "I'm glad my abilities seems satisfactory."

Emblem Ike: "It would be much harder for us to find a wearer if the ring also had to fit on their finger."
-and move Alear's group does-

Sothis: "Such an annoying ability!" We must prioritize him!
Byleth: "What a creative outfit." :)
Blake: "....Here's the chaos part."
Azura: You pushed your luck too much, Hayate.
-Blake's extra ears would also be able to pick up on Specimen 13... but the question is would they resist the charms?-

Blake: "Penny, Jenny, if you two can deafen yourselves, do so now. We'll need people who are immune to her song before... before..."

-Blake sure won't, at least-
-Obviously her hubby also would notice how Kamui is now...-

Martha: "Oh my God... That's... I don't how to phrase it..."
Lily: "Okay, then seems we'll have to still synergize..."
EMIYA: "Interesting, you possess an anti-dragon Divine Construct as well..."
Mash: "That makes sense..." -walking to practice- "So, Mr. Ike... Er, can I call you that way?"
-No one reacted to Kaito suddenly appearing and speaking LOL-
Charlotte: "Yeah! ...Wait, who are you?!"
Kaito: "Hello" :p

Stacey: That was more swift and brutal than I thought they would do!
Martha: "Ah, it's young Mabel. You want to help us this year?"
Atalanta: "Yes, that's the thing..."
-Ember is like "Nah, it's fun. Also, hey Penny! Come out! There should be enough for you to munch on!" and Danny is like "Penny? Oh frick..." as the emotions of distraught from the audience and thus their energy are getting sapped away by a third enemy, a shadow who takes the form of yet another ghostly enemy of Danny, Penelope Spectra-

-Penelope says "Hey little brats" while Danny is like "Are all my female enemies teaming up or what?!" and she responds "Relax kid, I'm just here to cause some nerve-wrecking beatdowns on those poor emotional teens to feed on a little bit" as Beast Boy tried to claw at her, but she just became intangible to evade and she says "Like this one! Look at how this kitty is soooo sad his friend has been caught~"-
-Ember is like "How about some music to help him sleep?" as she attacked the green-skinned hero with her guitar-

-While that was happening, outside the stage and hidden, Fourze's martial artist friend had put on a different belt while thinking "Of course this was going to end in trouble, Kisaragi and those others will need help..." as he then activated the belt to do something, a voice from it saying "METEOR, READY?"-
-And when he yelled "Transform!" it caused a satellite to shoot a large beam of Cosmic Energy at him, transforming him into Kamen Rider Meteor, before proceeding to run back-

Hayate: "That does what?"
-Atalanta has a chastity vow, so she might resist-
Sieg: "There's just so many...!"
Atalanta: -Mutters- "So that is where you are..." -pointing and aiming an arrow at the throat, even if it doesn't kills the Specimen, it might stop her singing temporarily, and then shoots!-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Marco: "Hey, thanks for your advice. It really helped..." :)

-But she still needs more than two people helping set this event up...-

-Who finishes eating after about 10 minutes-
-I forgot the advice lmao-

Byleth: "It was a pleasure to help." :)
-Rulers have a hand in it too-
Weiss: -on her Scroll, looking for progress with her Dust company-

Lilith: "I know, it's nice to get tended to every single day while she's annoyed at having to do her duties" :p

-So Morrigan tries to look around for her sis at the moment...-
-A green-haired deity might spot her- :V
Natsuki: "Ah... I thank you for those words...."
Qrow: "Sounds like she could use some help."

Palutena: -just happening to be walking by as Morrigan bumps into her-
Alear: -eventually breaks the hug, looking at Natsuki with a smile-

-despite how grown and mature she looked... this was actually kind of cute-
Also unreplied

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Qrow: "Sounds like she could use some help."

Palutena: -just happening to be walking by as Morrigan bumps into her-
Alear: -eventually breaks the hug, looking at Natsuki with a smile-

-despite how grown and mature she looked... this was actually kind of cute-
Also unreplied
Irisviel: "Sounds like you were fond of that person~" -as much as her other future friends-
Lilith: "I tend to tell her that, she's too stubborn. It's sometimes like I'm the older one" :p

Morrigan: ".......Oh my, oh my..."
-And given her natural charisma, Natsuki returned the smile a little more shyly-
Draco: "Was your opponent on the other side human?"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Lily: "Okay, I'll Gran you that's a long time"
-Indeed, it's way too evident-
Rin: "Yeah, likely" :)
Sakura: "Hmmm, now what to do...."
Mash: "Well... So long I don't fumble, I don't lose anything, right?"
Irisviel: Someday, she'll be an adorable and fierce warrior~
Scáthach: Even then, there's a long path ahead.
Tom: "Yeah, I'll admit, I really wasn't the best or most responsible person before..."

-Will be blunt about the fact that he's confused by all these modern advancements?

Hmm, what do you two want to do now?


-She's learning, but she has a long road to go before becoming as strong and skilled as Rockruff-

-I forgot the advice lmao-

Byleth: "It was a pleasure to help." :)
-Rulers have a hand in it too-
Weiss: -on her Scroll, looking for progress with her Dust company-
-I think it was just along the lines of talking to them again if he still wanted to remain friends with them, regardless of the awkwardness-

Marco: "Oh hey, nachos! Did you guys make these yourselves?"

-But is that still really enough? They'll likely do or be better at more organization work for it rather than the physical work needed to set things up-

-How are her stocks and Dust sales?-

Lilith: "For starters, Lady Ingrid did sometimes visit whenever Lady Kamui and her forces were out. She always offered me good food and a smile, so I was open to talking of this and that with her. But that's merely some context to better explain how we know each other. For the deal itself, it... happened after Kamui's first rampage. After she had lost herself and slain everyone-"

Kamui: "I did WHAT?! That's... impossible... I thought Anankos..."

Azura: -hand on her shoulder- "Let her talk..."

Lilith: "T-Thank you, Lady Azura. As I said, Kamui had gone on a rampage and only through a sacrifice from Azura could she be saved, giving her another chance at life. Once we realized that she had forgotten everything due to the sheer trauma, I implored Lady Ingrid to send her to a happier world so she wouldn't give in to despair, all while also making her promise to tell me how she's doing.... and not tell Lady Kamui how I'm doing.

As a retainer who swore to protect her, I had failed to protect her from herself and couldn't bear live with the shame of it... I didn't deem myself worthy, but knowing she would be happy somewhere else would still be a relief."

-Kamui is trying to process the thought that the rampage Kama caused was NOT the first time she lost herself and killed people... and did not seem to take it well...-

Azura: "It's not like you could have known she would have snapped when she did."

Lilith: "But I'm a dragon just like her. I could have done something in advance..."

Azura: "If that is how you think, then let me shoulder some of that blame. I knew very early on of her dragon blood." -putting a hand over her neck as she said that- "But I was too afraid making a backup Dragonstone would chip away at my own lifespan... Ironically, not doing that might have made it even shorter."

Palutena: "And what finally made you change your mind, Lilith?"

Lilith: "Lady Ingrid convinced me to leave my castle and meet you all."

Palutena: -quietly- "Finally, she did something good."

Ingrid: "I heard that!" :glare:
-so yeah, the drone broke with relative ease, being struck with four times Star's usual power, but then subsequent strikes on other drones were about the same level of strength Star usually has, and would be as such a few times before a strike just randomly seemed four times stronger once more before going back to normal-

Emblem Robin: "Like I said, it's not very consistent. It can still be very useful but the notion of teamwork would be lost if you had that strength all the time. After all, we are the Emblem of Bonds, not the Emblem of Strength."

Emblem Lucina: "I'm glad my abilities seems satisfactory."

Emblem Ike: "It would be much harder for us to find a wearer if the ring also had to fit on their finger."
-and move Alear's group does-

Sothis: "Such an annoying ability!" We must prioritize him!
Byleth: "What a creative outfit." :)
Blake: "....Here's the chaos part."
Azura: You pushed your luck too much, Hayate.
-Blake's extra ears would also be able to pick up on Specimen 13... but the question is would they resist the charms?-

Blake: "Penny, Jenny, if you two can deafen yourselves, do so now. We'll need people who are immune to her song before... before..."

-Blake sure won't, at least-
-Obviously her hubby also would notice how Kamui is now...-

Martha: "Oh my God... That's... I don't how to phrase it..."
Lily: "Okay, then seems we'll have to still synergize..."
EMIYA: "Interesting, you possess an anti-dragon Divine Construct as well..."
Mash: "That makes sense..." -walking to practice- "So, Mr. Ike... Er, can I call you that way?"
-No one reacted to Kaito suddenly appearing and speaking LOL-
Charlotte: "Yeah! ...Wait, who are you?!"
Kaito: "Hello" :p

Stacey: That was more swift and brutal than I thought they would do!
Martha: "Ah, it's young Mabel. You want to help us this year?"
Atalanta: "Yes, that's the thing..."
-Ember is like "Nah, it's fun. Also, hey Penny! Come out! There should be enough for you to much on!" and Danny is like "Penny? Oh frick..." as the emotions of distraught from the audience and thus their energy are getting sapped away by a third enemy, a shadow who takes the form of yet another ghostly enemy of Danny, Penelope Spectra-
View attachment 381851
-Penelope says "Hey little brats" while Danny is like "Are all my female enemies teaming up or what?!" and she responds "Relax kid, I'm just here to cause some nerve-wrecking beatdowns on those poor emotional teens to feed on a little bit" as Beast Boy tried to claw at her, but she just became intangible to evade and she says "Like this one! Look at how this kitty is soooo sad his friend has been caught~"-
-Ember is like "How about some music to help him sleep?" as she attacked the green-skinned hero with her guitar-

-While that was happening, outside the stage and hidden, Fourze's martial artist friend had put on a different belt while thinking "Of course this was going to end in trouble, Kisaragi and those others will need help..." as he then activated the belt to do something, a voice from it saying "METEOR, READY?"-
-And when he yelled "Transform!" it caused a satellite to shoot a large beam of Cosmic Energy at him, transforming him into Kamen Rider Meteor, before proceeding to run back-
View attachment 381845
Hayate: "That does what?"
-Atalanta has a chastity vow, so she might resist-
Sieg: "There's just so many...!"
Atalanta: -Mutters- "So that is where you are..." -pointing and aiming an arrow at the throat, even if it doesn't kills the Specimen, it might stop her singing temporarily, and then shoots!-
H-Her first rampage?! D-Does...does that mean...?

...Oh God... :urg:


Star: "That's fine by me, we're all tough fighters, but we work even better as a team than individually!"

Marco: "Heck yeah!"

-I was honestly really tired at the time I wrote that reply, so chances are I either thought Kaito was part of one of the other things going on or didn't notice it was him lol-

(Wait, since when did you get here?!

-King Dedede is also now using a totally mechanized hammer that's emitting electricity-

Mabel: "Not just me!"

-Dipper also soon showed up similarly dressed for the winter season, along with Stan...who was dressed like Santa minus the beard, having not been given the fake beard yet, and looking incredibly grumpy and unamused-

Stan: "I did NOT agree to this..." :glare:


-Starts to shift into another form-

Tetra: "Drop the act, you're totally messing with Link! What's the big deal?!"

-Garnet is also able to resist due to her components Ruby and Sapphire already being deeply in love with and devoted to each other...but despite her earlier claim, Pearl is started to being affected-

Pearl: "How lovely of a song..."

Steven: "Before what? Blake, before what?!" -Too young to be affected-

-The arrow hits Specimen 13's throat dead-on, impaling it and causing her to screech in pain and stopping her singing. She soon dives back into the water as a result-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Tom: "Yeah, I'll admit, I really wasn't the best or most responsible person before..."

-Will be blunt about the fact that he's confused by all these modern advancements?

Hmm, what do you two want to do now?


-She's learning, but she has a long road to go before becoming as strong and skilled as Rockruff-
Lily: "Though then again we are young... Prone to so many mistakes... Ah, but I mean we must learn from them!"
Atalanta: "...Are you sure you can handle everything in one go?"
-The sisters think now-
Mash: "I could have fans?"
Monika: "Many that would support you~"
-Indeed. Still, it's clear she has the chance to do it-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Obviously her hubby also would notice how Kamui is now...-

Martha: "Oh my God... That's... I don't how to phrase it..."
Lily: "Okay, then seems we'll have to still synergize..."
EMIYA: "Interesting, you possess an anti-dragon Divine Construct as well..."
Mash: "That makes sense..." -walking to practice- "So, Mr. Ike... Er, can I call you that way?"
-No one reacted to Kaito suddenly appearing and speaking LOL-
Charlotte: "Yeah! ...Wait, who are you?!"
Kaito: "Hello" :p

Stacey: That was more swift and brutal than I thought they would do!
Martha: "Ah, it's young Mabel. You want to help us this year?"
Atalanta: "Yes, that's the thing..."
-Ember is like "Nah, it's fun. Also, hey Penny! Come out! There should be enough for you to much on!" and Danny is like "Penny? Oh frick..." as the emotions of distraught from the audience and thus their energy are getting sapped away by a third enemy, a shadow who takes the form of yet another ghostly enemy of Danny, Penelope Spectra-

-Penelope says "Hey little brats" while Danny is like "Are all my female enemies teaming up or what?!" and she responds "Relax kid, I'm just here to cause some nerve-wrecking beatdowns on those poor emotional teens to feed on a little bit" as Beast Boy tried to claw at her, but she just became intangible to evade and she says "Like this one! Look at how this kitty is soooo sad his friend has been caught~"-
-Ember is like "How about some music to help him sleep?" as she attacked the green-skinned hero with her guitar-

-While that was happening, outside the stage and hidden, Fourze's martial artist friend had put on a different belt while thinking "Of course this was going to end in trouble, Kisaragi and those others will need help..." as he then activated the belt to do something, a voice from it saying "METEOR, READY?"-
-And when he yelled "Transform!" it caused a satellite to shoot a large beam of Cosmic Energy at him, transforming him into Kamen Rider Meteor, before proceeding to run back-

Hayate: "That does what?"
-Atalanta has a chastity vow, so she might resist-
Sieg: "There's just so many...!"
Atalanta: -Mutters- "So that is where you are..." -pointing and aiming an arrow at the throat, even if it doesn't kills the Specimen, it might stop her singing temporarily, and then shoots!-
H-Her first rampage?! D-Does...does that mean...?

...Oh God... :urg:


Star: "That's fine by me, we're all tough fighters, but we work even better as a team than individually!"

Marco: "Heck yeah!"

-I was honestly really tired at the time I wrote that reply, so chances are I either thought Kaito was part of one of the other things going on or didn't notice it was him lol-

(Wait, since when did you get here?!

-King Dedede is also now using a totally mechanized hammer that's emitting electricity-

Mabel: "Not just me!"

-Dipper also soon showed up similarly dressed for the winter season, along with Stan...who was dressed like Santa minus the beard, having not been given the fake beard yet, and looking incredibly grumpy and unamused-

Stan: "I did NOT agree to this..." :glare:


-Starts to shift into another form-

Tetra: "Drop the act, you're totally messing with Link! What's the big deal?!"

-Garnet is also able to resist due to her components Ruby and Sapphire already being deeply in love with and devoted to each other...but despite her earlier claim, Pearl is started to being affected-

Pearl: "How lovely of a song..."

Steven: "Before what? Blake, before what?!" -Too young to be affected-

-The arrow hits Specimen 13's throat dead-on, impaling it and causing her to screech in pain and stopping her singing. She soon dives back into the water as a result-
-Kamui was on her knees now-

Kamui: "I...."

Lilith: "L-Lady Kamui?!"

Ingrid: "It's alright, Lilith. She's merely in a state of deep shock... but to deny her the truth forever would be dishonest. She had to know eventually."
Emblem Chrom: "Well said, Star." -Robin also nodded in agreement-

Emblem Lucina: "Oh, you mean my Falchion?"

Emblem Ike: "Just Ike works."
-didn't notice lmao-

Alear: "Where do you come from?" -looking at her wrist to make sure she didn't lose Edelgard and then her hand to ensure she didn't lose her ring either-

-and you didn't reply to Sothis so she Divine Pulsed to go back and stop Heart before he could do his spell again :V-
-the spirit of Sothis, unseen by most but still wearing her Santa outfit, was laughing at the sight-

Byleth: "Think of all the people you would make smile." :)
Kanna: "....This is getting awkward... Should we do something?" -eating cake-
Blake: -GASPED as she regained control- "W-What just happened?"

Ren: "You were charmed, but only for a second."

Irisviel: "Sounds like you were fond of that person~" -as much as her other future friends-
Lilith: "I tend to tell her that, she's too stubborn. It's sometimes like I'm the older one" :p

Morrigan: ".......Oh my, oh my..."
-And given her natural charisma, Natsuki returned the smile a little more shyly-
Draco: "Was your opponent on the other side human?"
Emblem Lucina: "I was fond of a lot of people in my time."
Qrow: "Heh, not even accepting help from you so you get to be a spoiled princess." :p

Palutena: "It's like looking in a mirror, except the reflection gives off something I'd never put on."
Alear: "You just keep on enjoying life, alright?" :)
Shez: "Maybe? I think that's what 'online' means..."

-Draco is more aware of the world so she knows it's true?-

-I think it was just along the lines of talking to them again if he still wanted to remain friends with them, regardless of the awkwardness-

Marco: "Oh hey, nachos! Did you guys make these yourselves?"

-But is that still really enough? They'll likely do or be better at more organization work for it rather than the physical work needed to set things up-

-How are her stocks and Dust sales?-
Byleth: "We got the tortilla chips from the kitchen."

Sothis: "But the sauces and dips were made by Byleth. And they're quite good."
-they'll probably bring it to Azura themselves :V-
-stonks are stable... but that's better than seeing them go down-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Lily: "Though then again we are young... Prone to so many mistakes... Ah, but I mean we must learn from them!"
Atalanta: "...Are you sure you can handle everything in one go?"
-The sisters think now-
Mash: "I could have fans?"
Monika: "Many that would support you~"
-Indeed. Still, it's clear she has the chance to do it-
Tom: "I'm just glad I have started learning from them..."

Linebeck: "M-Maybe not all in one good, but I'm certain I can learn and adjust to this new technology in due time!"

-Current thoughts?-



-And while she's a little more humble now, she retains her confidence and determination in accomplishing it-

Byleth: "We got the tortilla chips from the kitchen."

Sothis: "But the sauces and dips were made by Byleth. And they're quite good."
-they'll probably bring it to Azura themselves :V-
-stonks are stable... but that's better than seeing them go down-
Marco: "Can I try some...?" :lol:

-You mean bring up the issue of her needing more help for it to her?-

-Meaning her Dust business is still doing well-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "Go ahead." :)
-I mean that, yes-
Weiss: And somehow unnoticed by the Alliance... hopefully.
Marco: "Thanks!" :b:

-Marco tries one with just the cheese first-

-Azura would probably have a difficult time arguing that she needs more help for the even then- :V

-At least for now...Either her business has been operating in Basel quietly enough during the Alliance's regime, or they haven't seen much use in the Dust it manufactures and sells yet-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Marco: "Thanks!" :b:

-Marco tries one with just the cheese first-

-Azura would probably have a difficult time arguing that she needs more help for the even then- :V

-At least for now...Either her business has been operating in Basel quietly enough during the Alliance's regime, or they haven't seen much use in the Dust it manufactures and sells yet-
-it's quite a simple dip, with some jalapenos inside... but being homemade makes it better than a lot of stuff in grocery stores and other retails :V-
-but Kamui would know-
-and given how crazy good and versatile Dust is, it's most likely the former-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-it's quite a simple dip, with some jalapenos inside... but being homemade makes it better than a lot of stuff in grocery stores and other retails :V-
-but Kamui would know-
-and given how crazy good and versatile Dust is, it's most likely the former-
Marco: "Hey, these are pretty good!"

-Would know what?-

-Knowing all the chaos that occurs in Basel, Weiss and da Vinci were likely careful to hire especially smart employees...-
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Marco: "Hey, these are pretty good!"

-Would know what?-

-Knowing all the chaos that occurs in Basel, Weiss and da Vinci were likely careful to hire especially smart employees...-
Sothis: "Byleth really managed to make something good here. Have you also tried the salsa?"
-about her trust issues, and perhaps even convince her that more help is the right call-
-da Vinci probably even has a third body there to manage things :V-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Sothis: "Byleth really managed to make something good here. Have you also tried the salsa?"
-about her trust issues, and perhaps even convince her that more help is the right call-
-da Vinci probably even has a third body there to manage things :V-
Marco: "I am now!" -Dips one chip in the salsa before tasting it as well-

-Will Kamui talk to her about this?-

-If there's another da Vinci in FGO that I either forgot about or don't know, that'd make sense- :V

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Marco: "I am now!" -Dips one chip in the salsa before tasting it as well-

-Will Kamui talk to her about this?-

-If there's another da Vinci in FGO that I either forgot about or don't know, that'd make sense- :V
-made with fresh ingredients so it's practically exploding with flavor-
-oh absolutely!-
-there is not, but we know she can make duplicate bodies :V-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Emblem Lucina: "I was fond of a lot of people in my time."
Qrow: "Heh, not even accepting help from you so you get to be a spoiled princess." :p

Palutena: "It's like looking in a mirror, except the reflection gives off something I'd never put on."
Alear: "You just keep on enjoying life, alright?" :)
Shez: "Maybe? I think that's what 'online' means..."

-Draco is more aware of the world so she knows it's true?-
Irisviel: "Oh, have you spoke of them yet?"
EMIYA: "Not yet, we only met a bit ago"
Lilith: "That's right, I live even better than her in that way" :p

Morrigan: "It's like if I was a boring goody-two shoes... Or pretended to be, that's slightly more risque than I'd expect most deities to wear" :p
Natsuki: "I'll do. I have Sayori and Yuri after all"
Sayori: "Yay~!" -it's because of them that Sayori brings herself to wake uo every morning-
Draco: -Siiiigh- "That means thay of course they were"
Tom: "I'm just glad I have started learning from them..."

Linebeck: "M-Maybe not all in one good, but I'm certain I can learn and adjust to this new technology in due time!"

-Current thoughts?-



-And while she's a little more humble now, she retains her confidence and determination in accomplishing it-
Lily: "Sure have, this is better than I thought it'd be!"
Atalanta: "Maybe we should start small..."
Sakura: I wonder what movies there are on now...
Mash: "...Total stardom...." -enticed-
-Which are also important factors all in all-
H-Her first rampage?! D-Does...does that mean...?

...Oh God... :urg:


Star: "That's fine by me, we're all tough fighters, but we work even better as a team than individually!"

Marco: "Heck yeah!"

-I was honestly really tired at the time I wrote that reply, so chances are I either thought Kaito was part of one of the other things going on or didn't notice it was him lol-

(Wait, since when did you get here?!

-King Dedede is also now using a totally mechanized hammer that's emitting electricity-

Mabel: "Not just me!"

-Dipper also soon showed up similarly dressed for the winter season, along with Stan...who was dressed like Santa minus the beard, having not been given the fake beard yet, and looking incredibly grumpy and unamused-

Stan: "I did NOT agree to this..." :glare:


-Starts to shift into another form-

Tetra: "Drop the act, you're totally messing with Link! What's the big deal?!"

-Garnet is also able to resist due to her components Ruby and Sapphire already being deeply in love with and devoted to each other...but despite her earlier claim, Pearl is started to being affected-

Pearl: "How lovely of a song..."

Steven: "Before what? Blake, before what?!" -Too young to be affected-

-The arrow hits Specimen 13's throat dead-on, impaling it and causing her to screech in pain and stopping her singing. She soon dives back into the water as a result-
-Kamui was on her knees now-

Kamui: "I...."

Lilith: "L-Lady Kamui?!"

Ingrid: "It's alright, Lilith. She's merely in a state of deep shock... but to deny her the truth forever would be dishonest. She had to know eventually."
Emblem Chrom: "Well said, Star." -Robin also nodded in agreement-

Emblem Lucina: "Oh, you mean my Falchion?"

Emblem Ike: "Just Ike works."
-didn't notice lmao-

Alear: "Where do you come from?" -looking at her wrist to make sure she didn't lose Edelgard and then her hand to ensure she didn't lose her ring either-

-and you didn't reply to Sothis so she Divine Pulsed to go back and stop Heart before he could do his spell again :V-
-the spirit of Sothis, unseen by most but still wearing her Santa outfit, was laughing at the sight-

Byleth: "Think of all the people you would make smile." :)
Kanna: "....This is getting awkward... Should we do something?" -eating cake-
Blake: -GASPED as she regained control- "W-What just happened?"

Ren: "You were charmed, but only for a second."
-And she needs some minute to take it all in, else trying to do anything to her now, well-intentioned as it may be, could cause her to take it worse-
Lily: "Like I tend to heal whatever injuries those two get!"
EMIYA: "That's its name, huh? Intriguing..." -of course it gets added to his version of Unlimited Blade Works, letting him see its history-
Mash: "Alright. Ike, my full name is Mash Kyrielight!"
Shiki: "Some annoying thief that's working with us begrudgingly"
-Thankfully Edelgard's bracelet and her own ring are still with her-
Kaito: "Take it easy, I'm simply reclaiming what's mine now" -he shows he managed to swipe the defeated Duke's card though-

(This card is fanmade btw, if it was official it'd have a white background)
-Also fair enough, that's not something that Heart is able to stop-

-Just as a copy with a hammer also tried to strike him!-
Jeanne Lily: "Hang on, we didn't-" -gets a hand placed on her shoulder by Karna-
Karna: "Rest easy, last year we also had unexoected but welcome newcomers too"
Jeanne Lily: "...R-Right..."
Atalanta: "And none of this is acted..."
-While Mettaton was at that, Fourze pressed a switch from his belt that made it say in a robotic voice "ROCKET ON!" as it gave his arm a giant rocket-

-And he used it to propel himself right at Kitty, who wated no time in throwing kisses while he dodged them in the air-
-While Danny was duplicating himself to attack with ectoplasm beams, and Ben selected an alien while saying "You have pretty-neat looking villainesses dude!" and Danny was like "Bro, can you please not?!" and Ben after making his decision answered "Sure, Humungosaurus, it's hero time!" as he pressed the Omnitrix and it turned him into the following alien-

-This made Ben yell "I said Humungosaurus! Not Big Chill! Stupid watch..."-
Illya: "...Maybe not..."
Hayate: "Awwww, can't someone fantasize a little about love?"
Atalanta: "That should stop her for a bit..."
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Lily: "Sure have, this is better than I thought it'd be!"

Sakura: I wonder what movies there are on now...
Mash: "...Total stardom...." -enticed-
-Which are also important factors all in all-
Tom: "Wait, for real? You made some bad mistakes, too?"

Linebeck: "I assure you, I can learn how the technology works here just fine once I get a basic understanding of it."


-Tons in both theaters and on streaming alike-

-Rin too behind on tech to know what else to do?- :V

-Certainly something different from just working as a fighter of Chaldea...-

-Though does that battle conclude today's lesson or nah?-

-Kamui was on her knees now-

Kamui: "I...."

Lilith: "L-Lady Kamui?!"

Ingrid: "It's alright, Lilith. She's merely in a state of deep shock... but to deny her the truth forever would be dishonest. She had to know eventually."
Emblem Chrom: "Well said, Star." -Robin also nodded in agreement-

Emblem Lucina: "Oh, you mean my Falchion?"

Emblem Ike: "Just Ike works."
-didn't notice lmao-

Alear: "Where do you come from?" -looking at her wrist to make sure she didn't lose Edelgard and then her hand to ensure she didn't lose her ring either-

-and you didn't reply to Sothis so she Divine Pulsed to go back and stop Heart before he could do his spell again :V-
-the spirit of Sothis, unseen by most but still wearing her Santa outfit, was laughing at the sight-

Byleth: "Think of all the people you would make smile." :)
Kanna: "....This is getting awkward... Should we do something?" -eating cake-
Blake: -GASPED as she regained control- "W-What just happened?"

Ren: "You were charmed, but only for a second."
-And she needs some minute to take it all in, else trying to do anything to her now, well-intentioned as it may be, could cause her to take it worse-
Lily: "Like I tend to heal whatever injuries those two get!"
EMIYA: "That's its name, huh? Intriguing..." -of course it gets added to his version of Unlimited Blade Works, letting him see its history-
Mash: "Alright. Ike, my full name is Mash Kyrielight!"
Shiki: "Some annoying thief that's working with us begrudgingly"
-Thankfully Edelgard's bracelet and her own ring are still with her-
Kaito: "Take it easy, I'm simply reclaiming what's mine now" -he shows he managed to swipe the defeated Duke's card though-
View attachment 381858
(This card is fanmade btw, if it was official it'd have a white background)
-Also fair enough, that's not something that Heart is able to stop-

-Just as a copy with a hammer also tried to strike him!-
Jeanne Lily: "Hang on, we didn't-" -gets a hand placed on her shoulder by Karna-
Karna: "Rest easy, last year we also had unexoected but welcome newcomers too"
Jeanne Lily: "...R-Right..."
Atalanta: "And none of this is acted..."
-While Mettaton was at that, Fourze pressed a switch from his belt that made it say in a robotic voice "ROCKET ON!" as it gave his arm a giant rocket-
View attachment 381872
-And he used it to propel himself right at Kitty, who wated no time in throwing kisses while he dodged them in the air-
-While Danny was duplicating himself to attack with ectoplasm beams, and Ben selected an alien while saying "You have pretty-neat looking villainesses dude!" and Danny was like "Bro, can you please not?!" and Ben after making his decision answered "Sure, Humungosaurus, it's hero time!" as he pressed the Omnitrix and it turned him into the following alien-
View attachment 381874
-This made Ben yell "I said Humungosaurus! Not Big Chill! Stupid watch..."-
Illya: "...Maybe not..."
Hayate: "Awwww, can't someone fantasize a little about love?"
I think perhaps we should give her some space...

I-If anyone should still be here for her right now, it should just be her family...

Marco: "Which admittedly happens more often that I'd like to admit..." :lol:

Star: "Interdimensional adventures and fighting bad guys is dangerous work." :p

(Well, since you're here, care to at least help us out,)

-Dedede simply bashes the copy in the face with the electrically-charged hammer, and if that doesn't destroy it, the hammer's "face" opens up, revealing it to be also be a hatch that hides a missile launcher-


You don't have to be an official Santa to help spread Christmas cheer. :p

-Not exactly what they were expecting to tune into when they went to watch a gameshow...-

-And soon enough...METTATON EX APPEARS-

This form's built for a star, but it's also built to take down heels like you! And it looks like I'm not the only one who transformed into a superhero form!

Tetra: "How can you believe in that "love at first sight" fairy tale nonsense?"


Pearl: "I-I guess several of us were..." :urg:

Amethyst: "Nice shot, Atalanta!"

Steven: "That only leaves these slime guys for now!" -Blocks an attack from a Lub-Glub-
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Tom: "Wait, for real? You made some bad mistakes, too?"



-Tons in both theaters and on streaming alike-

-Rin too behind on tech to know what else to do?- :V

-Certainly something different from just working as a fighter of Chaldea...-

-Though does that battle conclude today's lesson or nah?-
Lily: "A lot of them"
-Basically yeah, and Sakura was thinking about theaters-
-And she's liked to sing a bit since that time-
Scáthach: "We're done for today, by the way"
Also unreplied on your end, Digi.
Also fixed


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Also fixed
My post has since been updated, but I'll repost what I wrote for Linebeck here to make

Lily: "A lot of them"
-Basically yeah, and Sakura was thinking about theaters-
-And she's liked to sing a bit since that time-
Scáthach: "We're done for today, by the way"
Tom: "...Cant' be any worse than mine..." :urg: -It's clear he doesn't look back on his schemes and anger issues positively, or even with indifference anymore-

Linebeck: "I assure you, I can learn how the technology works here just fine once I get a basic understanding of it."


-Well, not everything in town is tech related-

-They've still gotten to go shopping, swimming, dining, and to an ordinary skate park once, after all-

-The movie theater would also still be mostly tech-free...aside from the new touchscreen machines they used to dispense drinks- :V

-If what Monika said about her singing for her on some of their dates is anything to go by!-

(Really?) -Do her lessons usually last longer and Scáthach: is calling it for today because of the Pokemon battle, or did she train for the regular amount of time as usual?-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Marco: "It really does. Nothing's as healthy or flavorful as fresh and organic food!"


-They've really got to save Basel soon...-
Byleth: "There's lesser options?"
-indeed, they must...-

Irisviel: "Oh, have you spoke of them yet?"
EMIYA: "Not yet, we only met a bit ago"
Lilith: "That's right, I live even better than her in that way" :p

Morrigan: "It's like if I was a boring goody-two shoes... Or pretended to be, that's slightly more risque than I'd expect most deities to wear" :p
Natsuki: "I'll do. I have Sayori and Yuri after all"
Sayori: "Yay~!" -it's because of them that Sayori brings herself to wake uo every morning-
Draco: -Siiiigh- "That means thay of course they were"
Emblem Lucina: "Indeed. Not much time for idle chatter since we met."
Qrow: "She must be jealous."

Palutena: "So who are you?"
Alear: "They must be like family to you." :)
Shez: "Hey, gimme a chance. I'm new to all this stuff!"

-And she needs some minute to take it all in, else trying to do anything to her now, well-intentioned as it may be, could cause her to take it worse-
Lily: "Like I tend to heal whatever injuries those two get!"
EMIYA: "That's its name, huh? Intriguing..." -of course it gets added to his version of Unlimited Blade Works, letting him see its history-
Mash: "Alright. Ike, my full name is Mash Kyrielight!"
Shiki: "Some annoying thief that's working with us begrudgingly"
-Thankfully Edelgard's bracelet and her own ring are still with her-
Kaito: "Take it easy, I'm simply reclaiming what's mine now" -he shows he managed to swipe the defeated Duke's card though-

-Also fair enough, that's not something that Heart is able to stop-

-Just as a copy with a hammer also tried to strike him!-
Jeanne Lily: "Hang on, we didn't-" -gets a hand placed on her shoulder by Karna-
Karna: "Rest easy, last year we also had unexoected but welcome newcomers too"
Jeanne Lily: "...R-Right..."
Atalanta: "And none of this is acted..."
-While Mettaton was at that, Fourze pressed a switch from his belt that made it say in a robotic voice "ROCKET ON!" as it gave his arm a giant rocket-

-And he used it to propel himself right at Kitty, who wated no time in throwing kisses while he dodged them in the air-
-While Danny was duplicating himself to attack with ectoplasm beams, and Ben selected an alien while saying "You have pretty-neat looking villainesses dude!" and Danny was like "Bro, can you please not?!" and Ben after making his decision answered "Sure, Humungosaurus, it's hero time!" as he pressed the Omnitrix and it turned him into the following alien-

-This made Ben yell "I said Humungosaurus! Not Big Chill! Stupid watch..."-
Illya: "...Maybe not..."
Hayate: "Awwww, can't someone fantasize a little about love?"
Atalanta: "That should stop her for a bit..."
I think perhaps we should give her some space...

I-If anyone should still be here for her right now, it should just be her family...

Marco: "Which admittedly happens more often that I'd like to admit..." :lol:

Star: "Interdimensional adventures and fighting bad guys is dangerous work." :p

(Well, since you're here, care to at least help us out,)

-Dedede simply bashes the copy in the face with the electrically-charged hammer, and if that doesn't destroy it, the hammer's "face" opens up, revealing it to be also be a hatch that hides a missile launcher-


You don't have to be an official Santa to help spread Christmas cheer. :p

-Not exactly what they were expecting to tune into when they went to watch a gameshow...-

-And soon enough...METTATON EX APPEARS-

This form's built for a star, but it's also built to take down heels like you! And it looks like I'm not the only one who transformed into a superhero form!

Tetra: "How can you believe in that "love at first sight" fairy tale nonsense?"


Pearl: "I-I guess several of us were..." :urg:

Amethyst: "Nice shot, Atalanta!"

Steven: "That only leaves these slime guys for now!" -Blocks an attack from a Lub-Glub-
Hinoka: "Yeah, we'll stay with her. Maybe bring her elsewhere."

Kamui: -was crying right now-

Lilith: "I really regret saying that now... It gave her so much pain..." :urg:
Emblem Robin: "Then you're a lot like Chrom."

Emblem Chrom: "Not funny, Robin."

-but that history is hazy due to being effectively a replica rather than the real Falchion-

Emblem Ike: "Is it alright if I just call you Mash?"
Emblem Edelgard: -appears- "You didn't steal the Divine Dragon's possessions this time. Perhaps you did learn from her threat."

-so he's stopped from his gravity trick before even doing it-
Byleth: -to the Santas- "If I recall, Sothis was one of such guests, whom you've ended up welcoming in your little community. Or at least enough that you've accepted her idea of selecting me."

-one of them points out how Byleth's hair isn't green anymore?-
Blake: "This will become the tenth question if Mettaton is adaptable enough of a host."
Kanna: "Still, if it escalates, we should do something..."

Azura: "And how can you think it's nonsense?"
Blake: "You really saved us out there, Atalanta..." -kitty smile-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "There's lesser options?"
-indeed, they must...-
Marco: "Well, store-bought nachos and less fresh produce are always options...But the latter rarely makes food that's as good, and the former option's pretty much always bad." :ohwell:

-Fair enough lmao-

-Will she mention this to Winter or not worry about it since they're pretty much all well aware that they need take action about the Alliance and save Basel ASAP anyway?-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Marco: "Well, store-bought nachos and less fresh produce are always options...But the latter rarely makes food that's as good, and the former option's pretty much always bad." :ohwell:

-Fair enough lmao-

-Will she mention this to Winter or not worry about it since they're pretty much all well aware that they need take action about the Alliance and save Basel ASAP anyway?-
Sothis: "The convenience of it already being made is probably still helpful to those who lack time, skill or both... but I would never try such things myself."
-and then what?-
-she won't make Winter worry about it-
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