Probably will be off tomorrow
I am not even remotely surprised... 
Star: "Are there any training dummies or something in this room?"
Yeah, Drakkon only formed contracts with most of the Servants months after they were summoned!
-Kirby's response is to dodge it then counterattack with a high flying dive kick-
Is anyone else helping out this year?
TLink: "Th-There's no still no internet there!"
-Tetra is glaring at Hayate once again-
-One of the kids asks Medli if the Toon Link and Tetra are always like this with each other?-
-Energy-based attacks seem to be our best bet so far! -Shooting plasma beams at the Lub-Glubs-
-Most of these attacks all gradually damage them, but it takes several hits to drive them off or outright kill one-
-If only they knew light was the Lub-Glubs' true weakness, as all but Specimen 2 quickly burn up in high light levels, and an ability like Ruby's Silver Eyes would destroy all but the original Specimen 2 almost instantly-
-Atalanta's aim is better than Undyne's, as several of the arrows hit and injure Specimen 13, who's forced to briefly take cover into a flooded building as a result-
Lilith: "Is she always like this...?"
Rook: "Get used to it. She likes to withhold things from others."
Ingrid: "While that may be true, I still filled my end of our bargain as promised, Lilith. I held nothing from you concerning what I had to share."
Arlon: "What was that about a bargain, Lady Ingrid?"
Ingrid: "Oopsie~!"
-there are, fortunately for Star!-
-well, only if he doesn't shoot a sword out of said usual bow- :V
Emblem Ike: "Let's see if we work well together."
Alear: "Do you know where the others are?"
-Shez immediately shot an ice spell at Heart in an attempt to freeze him-
Byleth: "Oh, I very much am."
And yet you needed to be convinced with cookies.
For this organization, not the act of spreading cheers. You know it's not my first time...
Blake: "How would she have known...? And teamed up...?"
Kanna: "Are they always like this, Medli?"
-Ruby might use her Eyes once **** gets too overwhelming, but she wouldn't know that they would be weak to it like Grimm-
Luvia: "Yes, what is this bargain you speak of?" -tapping her foot in demand-
-Indeed, some generic laser-shooting drones-
-It's EMIYA, he'll find his way to do it- :V
Mash: "Okay, I'll take your ring then..."
Charlotte: "Spread around the base now..."
-The spell hits, but the ice is cracking fast, and Cronus takes advantage to perform a slash-
-Managing to knock off the copy by some feet!-
Helena: "Not from I've been informed"
Suzuka: "I just wanna make sure this is allfun and dandy~"

Atalanta: "Whatever happens, I hope they can handle it..."
-Robin from the audience yells "Titans, go!" as he, Beast Boy (turned into a tiger), Starfire and Cyborg with cannons out all try to go towards Ember, but Robin is quickly caught by what looked like a floating kiss that suddenly made him disappear, making his team, Raven included, gasp!-
-Danny was like "Aw come on! Kitty is here too?!" as said Kitty appears from the wall saying "Hello, losers~!"-
-Danny was like "Did Johnny and you had yet another spat?! Ugh, when will that guy stop being some casanova, it'd make things easier for both of us!" and Kitty replied "Ugh, not wrong, but I really need to blow some steam now, and what better way than to help a friend andtrap some suckers!!" as she blew kisses to other people that tried to dodge them!-
Hayate: "Then in a decade from now on, I'll go to your world so we move in, and have the most wonderful wedding~ Ah, what a dream~"
-Indeed, but they still must do as they should now-
-Obviously Excalibur's divine energy gives Arthur the edge to any that approach him-
Atalanta: "You won't escape!" -leaps to the building-
Tom: "I've watched some pretty epic demon concerts before. But I usually go see them in-person instead of streaming, unless I miss it or I'm sick."
-He's almost certainly seen Claptrap, Reinforce Zwei and Penny at least, but Toon Link would've mentioned Jenny to him as well-
-If they've seen any of the Dokis, no one from Toon Link's world including TLink himself would've been aware that any of them are androids at first-
Oh, cool decorations! Are those for Camilla and Weiss?
(Well, I should respect the person teaching me how to be a better fighter, right?) -Surprisingly responsible of her after her previous, sometimes bratty behavior when she first asked Scáthach to train her-
Lily: "...Do you sneak in without any tickets?"
-And then there's also Bumblebee and Blitzwing, who Toon Link has yet to know about as well-
Sakura: "Correct! I already got stuff for Rider yesterday, so it was her turn!"
Rin: "I alsogot Winter a gift" -a small ball toy-
Mash: "......."

Irisviel: "Of course, I knew there was nothing to worry about with you~"
Perhaps I really misjudged her...
Kamui: "And it's Lucina too."
Emblem Lucina: "It will be a pleasure to fight at your side once more."

Qrow: "Is that a bluff or you really mean it?"
Dark Pit: "I want nothing else."
Alear: "You look so cute."

-so Draco ends up cheering for her?-
Irisviel: "Ooooh, I take it you have a history~?"
Lilith: "I'm a succubus, of course I like handsome guys, and you also managed to beat my sis! So you can back that up~"
Morrigan: "Awww, if you say so~ ...Wait, where did Lilith go?"
Natsuki: "...E-Eh?"
-On the least, she observes to see how she'll adapt to any counter her opponent might do-