Kamui: ".....And why am I supposed to be offended, Shirou? This is clearly just a partnership from using an Emblem Ring."
-the other two still fighting-
Alear: "Glad to have taught you then."

-definitely not some kind of lazy hedonist... she can at least respect that about her Master-
Shez: "Damn... you left some good hits, Draco."
Irisviel: "Geez Shirou-kun, some compliments aren't a sign of that"

Shirou: "Er... Sorry?"
Lilith: -Giggles- "So, how do I look~?"
-You bet that they are, projectiles being shot!-
Sayori: "Ah, mine bit too!"
Draco: "Hmph, at least I left a mark then..."
Tom: "What dimension is that?"
Linebeck: "...That makes sense, but...exactly what kind of signals are they sending? It certainly doesn't seem like a typical letter, flag or smoke signal."
-Try telling her that after she tells the story about when she shoplifted another music player once and went as far as disguising herself as a fake villain to fight to keep up the masquerade and then almost immediately regretted shoplifting it in the first place- :V
Finally, a brand new top of the line music player!
while it's definitely for the best, what happened that made ya need to transfer to an android body?
-Scáthach or the Bureau had the match recorded?-
Lily: "Well, they're from a planet called Mid-Childa..."
Atalanta: "Well, um... I'm sorry, I'm not technician to fully know what the insides of it function like..."
-She would tease with that a lot- :V
Rin: "How do you instal it thought?"
Sakura: "She probably can adapt it, if not Nora-san assisting"
Monika: "It was decaying much more fast than I anticipated..."
Scáthach: "Hmmm, I believe it's been recorded"
Irisviel: :D
-Penny assists with moving supplies and running maintenance checks while donning her cap, the same one modeled after Pietro's-
-Gaster was going to help immediately, but had to fix Claptrap's damaged arm first- :V
Marco: "So, how exactly does this Emblem stat boost thing work?"
Star: "Basically, I put on the ancient power bracelet, Chrom fuses with me and I gain some of his powers and weapons, and whoever fights alongside me as a team gets cool power boosts, too!"
Oh...I'm really sorry you lost that power, Miss Alear...
(Illya's right, though, you don't seem like you've become any worse of a fighter for it.)
(Yeah, you still kicked evil copy butt!)
Good to see ya again, Byleth! I'm not an official Santa, I just volunteer to help out every year. 
u-umm, no, it looks like everything's still in order...the guitar riff didn't come from any of the speakers...
-Nope,s Tetra thinks that'd even using a word like "boyfriend" would be cheesy and also give it away that she likes Toon Link back, so for now she's silent...But her glare is indicating that she's silently fuming with anger- :V
TLink: "I haven't even known you for very long..."
Steven: "A
siren?! Like those evil singing mermaids from movies?!"
Ugh, of course it's another classic horror movie trope! Does Spooky just have at least one creature from every horror movie in the book?!
-Specimen 13 then glances at them, her face not fully visible as her eyes are obscured by her hair...her mouth and nose are visible, however, and a few seconds after observing them, she smirks, then dives into the water and starts swiftly swimming towards them, causing huge splashes in the water flooding the city with every movement-
//Oh yeah, on that note, Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion having homages to so many other horror stories, movies and games, Specimen 13's mechanics are almost identical, to that of the Kaernks, AKA the infamous "Water Monster" from Amnesia, only it travels even faster and deals damage at an even deadlier rate.
-Lilith in awe...-
-Emblem Robin explains what Rally Spectrum is, and it's really just... a parameter boost which can still come in clutch-
Emblem Lucina: "Hold my ring. It's close enough."
-I feel too lazy to explain it all-
Alear: "I've been fighting using this form for centuries... in rather cruel situations. It's instinct at this point."
-Shez shot a spell at Cronus!-
Byleth: "Well, Sothis insisted I had to try after her experiences last year."
Blake: "Huh...?"
Azura: "Take him to dinner first at least."

Blake: "That would mean some of us know how to counter them." -read a lot of books-
-While the others went to do as they had to get rooms and set things around!-
Lily: "Oh, so I could use more powerful magic then?"
EMIYA: "Very well" -does-
Mash: "Oh, so why when you heard there was a Shielder..."
Sitonai: "That's nice, I'll admit. But er, we still got some really mean people to beat around..."
Charlotte: "Sure, and after that, you can meet with your family!"
-She doesn't knows Kiritsugu is really cloes-
-Unlike others in the previous fight, Shez being, well, Shez, managed toa ctually damage Cronus with the spell!-
-So Stacy goes into the invasion!-
Jeanne Lily: "Indeed, she was of great help that year~"
Martha: "She did help me open up..."
-Danny and Gwen are both about to say "LOOK OUT EVERYONE!" when suddenly the left wall gets completely destroyed-
Atalanta: "...Okay, so it's a villain attack"
-Ooooh boy-

Hayate: "Ever heard of love at first sight~?" -then what Azura said- "Oh, nice idea! I could prepare him a dinner!"
-Fate and Yuuno relieved she's too distracted to talk of their mutual crush on Nanoha-
Drake: "Wait, it's faster than a normal one!"
Blackbeard: "Grrr, open fire!" -he had Quenn Anne's Revenge shoot cannon balls, but the Specimen was too fast-