-Alphys does the same as Jeanne-
-Gaster does the same as well-
Dipper: "Okay, seriously, is it even practical to take turns using the ring?"
-They'll likely first send the Lancers, Riders and their Pokemon again, as well as everyone who's teamed up with an Emblem and the Emblems in quesiton themselves-
-Especially if more threats comparable to the Alliance ever show up...-
Dipper: "Huh, maybe it depends on the Faunus..."
-Well, Atalanta's favorite is roasted meat, but Yuri's not wrong. They both like fish. Blake does especially- :V
-Jenny would be like "Hey! I know that guy!" regarding Danny Phantom if she were here-
Tetra: "Are sleepovers something kids this age normally do?"
-If Arthur used his sword to block it, the very divine energy from Excalibur outright injures the demon, irking it-
Spooky: "What?! Are you for real? No one's ever been able to damage the Food Demon before!"
-Jigglypuff outright tackles Makoto with Body Slam, not realizing that he's brainwashed-
Lilith: "W-Well, hello everyone. My name is Lilith."

-Emblem Lyn can't help but giggle-
-Jeanne can also notice a light spell that's very effective against monsters and a staff that can help heal others-
Emblem Soren: "Being a talented mage and being unwilling to fight are two different things. Don't call yourself third-rate just because you hate fighting."
Emblem Eirika: "Maybe not within the same battle, but mixing things up every now and then could lead to surprising success."
-I still have to think of someone for Ike, Leif and Chrobin, but yeah-
Blake: "It's a stereotype... but we happen to enjoy it. I do because it reminds me of where I grew up. It was a port town so there was a lot of fishing."
Kamui: "This is such a wonderful vacation~"
Blake: "They really will..."
Azura: "There's no such thing as being too old for a sleepover."
Ren: -still as calm as ever- "There's always a first time for everything."
Marie: "Greetings, Lady Lilith~"
Irisviel: "Hm, from what I've been told, the closer you get to your Emblem, the more skills you can use from them. So let's get along, Micaiah-chan~"
Jeanne: "Incredible, I can assist more people using this!"
Andersen: "...Did you just try to motivate me?" -awstruck from what he's seen of Soren so far-
-Makes sense to me, plus the giants and the Gokaigers given no doubt they must still have Megazords around to fight with-
-True, he must be vigilant of those...-
Yuri: "Oh, so I'll take that into account then..."
Natsuki: "Huh, on the least that's one thing you don't mind... Though yeah, I could tell you were a fish person the moment I saw you"
Jeanne: "I know~! I'm glad I took it with you~!"
-The contestants thus are introduced each-
-Gwen is like "Okay, I'm the one and only Ghost-Spider, and uuuuh... Let's go team?" wanting to sigh as she can't believe she was told by her teammates to make sure this dimension wasn't dangerous by doing something like this, and these guys around her ain't making it better-
-Raven would just say her alias, wondering how the heck did Beast Boy and Cyborg convince her to partake in this while hearing them and Starfire yell "KICK THEIR BUTTS!" with Starfire adding a "Oh, but not literally since that would be hurtful" while Robin was being stoic and broody like always-
-Danny would be like "Oh yeah, I'm Danny Phantom, just some ghost kid who must clean the messes of other ghosts, someone has to" trying to sound humble when he already has plenty of ideas of what to do with the money. In the audience his friend Sam would be like "I can't believe he signed up for something as superficial as this!" while Tucker would already be planning what stuff to buy with the money-
-Ben is like "I'm Ben, Ben Tennyson. Plumber, intergalactic super hero, can be any alien I want, I sign autographs by the exit" while Rook in the audience would munch on popcorn already having in mind the protocol for when Ben inevitably messes up-
-Lastly, Fourze would say in a pompous and very cheerful tone while pointing at the camera "I am Kamen Rider Fourze, I am the man who will befriend all super heroes!" while doing a peace sign at the audience, a teenage girl yells "SHOW THEM ALL YOU GOT, GEN-CHAN!" as he gives her a thumb up and says "Thanks, Yuki!", also this is what he looks like by the way-
Atalanta: "...All those vastly different personalities will make this end in disaster, won't it? Also, why the last one has a rocket for a helmet?"
Tiki: "True, I am over 3000 years old and I think it'll be fun"

Arthur: "I guess none had divine weaponry before then"
-It manages to at least push Makoto a bit down, as Takeru tried to get to him-
Yeah, that episode is one of the most realistic and emotional in the show. Oh, and the angst from that episode's specific events doesn't end there.
Tom: "Alright, I just need a bowl and a whisk I should be good..." -Gathering both items-
Linebeck: "...Who are you? And...what's with the octopus?"
-Likely both thinking on how they've long earned and needed this kind of break...-
oh, hey Mash. been a while. or has it? you could say i'm better at keeping track of timelines rather than ordinary time. -Wink-
-Whispering- She totally finds her attractive...
-Whispering back- And far from the only individual we've seen her react to as such. Hmm...
Welp, that's gonna be fun then
Lily: "If you struggle, ask me anything!"
Oui: "Oh, my name is Oui Katsushika. I'm sort of an artist. And this is my father"
-Yeah, it's been so long-
Mash: "...Your puns don't change I see"
Monika: "From my understanding, it's part of his trademarks"

-And most of them seem to be mature women, come to think of-
Kanna: "Y-You really don't need to be like that with me."

Dark Pit: "Wait, you met him?"
Veyle: "How was this?"
-indeed she did, now watching the fight-
Shez: "That all you got, girl?"
Abby: "Why should we not, Lady Kanna~?" -teasing-
Lilith: "Didn't I along you?"
Yuri: "...I want to learn how to do that..."
Natsuki: "Hang on, is that allowed?"
Sayori: "Oh, not sure..."
Arcueid: "Hey"
Draco: "I'm going to destroy you!" -she's summoning mud-