The Spook Factor
Tom: "An anger management course completion badge. Not like actually completing the course was as important as actually accomplishing the task my counselor gave me..."Lily: "A badge? What is that about?"
Medb: "It's a temporary setback, but one he's made personal!"
Rin: "I also could go take a swim there"
Sakura: "Even better~!"
Yukari: [And that is what matters~]
//-Checks on Disney+- ...Episode 8
Kiara: ".....Is it really four movies?"
Aya: "Yeah, they already said so"
This I gotta see.

Why don't you two take a break there, then? I can't swim without rusting unless I go into submarine mode, but maybe I can kick back and recharge my battery with my solar panels.

[now i wonder if you ever managed to find anything else that someone else stole from people you know.]
//Okay, yeah, then you should definitely catch up when you have the time to watch it lol
I-I can't believe it, myself...Then again, that particular franchise has made them a lot of money...
It's probably for the same reason that the Pixar studio is still making more of those Toy Story films as well...
-Totally, but I need to think of who- :V-making for a very strange sight but oh well-
-anyone notices them?-
Yang: "Well, you understand the world in some way, at least."
Weiss: "We'd find out later, I suppose."
Steven: "I'm...pretty sure I understand more about the world than just jobs and money, but I see point."
(Ugh, I'm so curious what it means, but we've watched enough episodes for today...)
Emblem Corrin: "What do you think of it?"
Emblem Lyn: "A pleasure to meet you, Shirou."
Emblem Eirika: "That's just how he is. Not really any reason for it."
-Neo motioning the Chaldea allies to move another way-
Blake: "Honestly, I would be proud of having such a unique birthmark as well."
-the two would get out of the water and Kamui, feeling a bit childish, splashed her friend-
Kanna: "I'm glad everyone had fun~" -hand on Eleonora's shoulder- "Especially you. You've worked so hard for Chaldea..."
Azura: -chewed gum and started blowing a bubble-
Jaune: -using Semblance on Mordred- "I hope this works......"
Dipper: "That's totally understandable. We've known a few people who aren't much for a lot of talking, either. "Sieg: "I want to see all it can do, as well as the rest of what you can do"
Irisviel: "Awwww, you're starting to get along~"
Shirou: "Hm, any friends of Kamui are welcome. Even spectral duplicates. Wouldn't be weird around here"
-They understand so, as much as Medea needs to use Rule Breaker on her...-
Rita: "Ugh, with how hard it was to get those... At least we managed to clone plenty already, should be enough to crush them and get them back"
Stacey: "It's what I want to, even if indirectly to have her defeat..."
That was meant to be Yuri yeah
Sayori: "Yeah, I hope you get to find pride in it~!"
Jeanne: "Those fish w-" -then splashed- "Huh?"
-Maybe--But anyway, the kitties start to read together-
Hayate: -To Azura and Medli- "Quite the loot, huh?"
Eleonora: "...Yeah, I'm used to it"
Rin: "That barely worked!"
Mordred: "A-Aaaah, you tell me..." -barely managing to remain conscious-
-They'll need to catch Rita Repulsa off-guard in order to shut her magic and the barrier down...And even Rule Breaker's not guaranteed to dispatch her-
Susie: "Well, what are ya gonna do about it then?"
-Got it, though we could say Ata is here as well because of Blake-
Dipper: "Already do. Why do you think I've been cool with the nickname all these years?"

-Now Kamui really is acting like a sister to her-

-How is the book?-
Medli: "There are hardly any sweets quite like these regularly available back home..."
That's it, some of these Speicmens can't be stopped so easily. At this rate, we need to evacuate the town!
Steven: "Jenny's right. We can still stop Spooky and take down her mansion or whatever it is we need to do to shut down her army, but first we need to get everyone in town to safety!"
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