The Spook Factor
-It might not even be the only threat they have to worry about--How fun, huh?- :V
-As long as it doesn't mess up your own ideas, I might also have some of the monster stuff that Jenny, Rin and Sakura are dealing with tie into this year's Halloween as well- :V
Not gonna deny that. But did you seriously think the kitchen staff wouldn't get tired from making that much food on a daily basis eventually?Mordred: "I mean, it tastes good"
Altera: "So it's not like horses would be raised as a form od transporation..."
Sakura: "So we could be in even more trouble after all..."
-Indeed, quite the practical ocurrence-
Kiara: Some progress is being made...
Lusamine: "Mayhaps I could go get some new clothes..."
TLink: "Not on any of the islands I've been to, at least..."
Tetra: "We've rarely seen them, either. In fact, the number of non-marine animal species found across the islands is admittedly rather limited..."
Spooky, is any of this stuff ringing any bells?

Spooky: "It's...starting to sound weirdly familiar, but I don't totally remember. I was trapped in that doll for so long that some of my memories are fuzzy..."
-And now they arrive back at Beach City!-
-At least she and Aya bought a lot of new clothes from Windfall, but that was a few months ago...-
Coyle: "Do you know which ones to track?"
-Hinoka worked quick-
Kamui: -she checks while continuing the talk- "To be fair, I'll also share a little secret of mine; I've been going under therapy with Kiara to try and get better control of my powers so that... what happened... doesn't happen again..."
-that's fair enough...-
TO BE [successful salesman] LIKE ME YOU GOTTA HAVE [tricks up your sleeve] AND [200 IQ] YOU GOTTA. YOU DONT [survive] THE [business world] BY BEING A [roach] YOU [survive] IT BY BEING BEING [smarter than the smarties], [tougher than the toughies] AND [sharper than the sharpies]!!Vita: "I don't know and it's pissing me off so much!" -aimed right at the mini-Spamton of the one going towards her-
Koyanskaya: "There's this Mushroom World, which has... So many weird creatures like setient fungi, turtles, apes and others. I'm not going to go there flashy like Drakkon did though, that was part of what costed him his life. I'll just go there and snatch some samples"
Tomoe: "Ah! You shot me!"
-It seems not- :V
Natsuki: "Well even then you look drastically different"
Jeanne: "Oh God... How has that been going?"
-Still, they had a fun read!-
-Ah, the Mushroom Kingdom...some of their most prominent authorities and heroes are friends with Chaldea, right?-
-And yeah, the attempted invasions of both Dreamland and Hyrule backfired spectacularly, in both cases because Drakkon and his forces underestimated the local warriors and didn't think any amount of backup they'd bring would be enough to stop him or his army-
Peridot: "An opportunity for Ereshkigal to land another shot!"
-...Are you just like, not gonna reply to this part at all, Uni?-
Medli: "That's likely partly because don't hail from the exact same timeline..."
-Fairly well or do they still have ways to go?-
-It was a suspenseful and fairly intriguing mystery...And it helped that the two felines read it together-