-Indeed... And that isn't getting to Kamui and Jeanne who are elsewhere-
Altera: "Aaaaahhh..."
Bunyan: "I want to see one now!" -Babe did ox noises-
Sakura: "I'll go then, I hope this works"
Rin: "Be careful..."
Don: "Uuuuh, why so?"
Ahim: "Oh he's just kidding" -not-
-Indeed, with Kiara now in appropriate getup-
-So this strike isn't really even affecting them right now-

Tetra: "Sounds like the little guy might like to meet some new friends."

Spooky: "You don't know if operating it could alert one of those ghost creatures somehow..."
-If Sakura tries to operate the computer, she finds that it's running via an operating system named "CAT-DOS", even showing an anime-styled cat-face in the upper left corner of the screen. Whatever program it's running, the only options that it has past "ENTER_PROGRAM" and "EXIT" are "ACCESS_SPECIMEN_DATABASE" and "MODIFY_HOUSE-LAYOUT", along with a "BACK" option that takes them back to the first two options-
-Ahim's trying to make sure their payback plan goes more subtly-

-And Alphys, Gaster and Aya sitting on a nearby couch for support-
......Yet this looks quite fun...
-it was still a nice moment though?-
-Albeit, still far more dangerous than any race should be-
-In fact, this track is one of the tracks that bunch of high cliffs and pitfalls, and at some point, one of the Bullet Bills crashes into another racer's kart and
causes them to fall off a high cliff-
-At least somewhat. It's better to just enjoy one drink or two than drown in one's sorrows, something Specter Knight is already aware of-
-It didn't stop him from choosing the bar as a place to at least sulk, but Shez's talk may have kept him from drinking too much or from just pointlessly sulking over something he can't change-
Ingrid: "Well, maybe if
you stopped fighting." -blasting some of these strings-
-it's both-
Coyle: "And seems to be no slouch in sheer might either. She might single-handedly shut us down if she wasn't as dumb as a rock."
Hinoka: ".....Heh... that's funny."
Kamui: "Those are very good drawings, Jeanne. You're quite talented."
So much tension!
-Shamal trying to protect others with barriers, but some break and left them open-
-Didn't stop Signum and Vita from attacking the strings with even if showing some wounds now-
Koyanskaya: "We'll have to take specially preventive measures against those two, then..."
Ereshkigal: "I thought I had it!"
Sayori: "See ya~" -waves as they go off and meet more peoples-
-Indeed they are, quite the mellow ones too!-
Jeanne: "...You do?"
Atalanta: Let him go, you psychopath!
-While Undyne kept throwing arrays of spears at the strings-
-Moana shoots the strings with Hydro Pump and several Twisters-
-Rockruff was using Rock Tomb and Rock Slide to try and damage the strings-
-Shuriken and Hurricane were were using all the projectiles they had to damage the strings-
-Rapidash and her son were both outright burning the strings using Fire-type attacks-
-Jigglypuff was defending Elizabeth from attacks, unable to safely draw close enough to the strings to damage them-
-And again, while they don't seem to be quite as dangerous, there's still the question of who the two teenagers who appeared to be monsters were...-
Peridot: "So
nobody won their bets?!
...Eh, that means I still get to keep my money. So I'm happy."
-Who will the group meet next?-
-Jeanne thought that the drawings were honestly either subpar or otherwise too cheesy?-
-Then nun tries to stab him several more times while struggling to get up, growling in anger and ranting about how brutally she'll silence the protagonist and then brutally kill the next victim on her list once she deals with him first, but the protagonist throws everything he can find around the room at her to try and injure her or at least slow her down, including a vase and a curtain-