EnemyDex Entry:
Decepticon Special Team #2
The Stunticons (Motormaster, Drag Strip, Wildrider, Dead End, Breakdown)
Class: Rider
Gender: Male (Motormaster, Wildrider, Dead End, Breakdown), Female (Drag Strip)
Height/Weight: Varies between alternate and robot modes
Alignment: Lawful Evil (Breakdown), Neutral Evil (Drag Strip, Dead End), Chaotic Evil (Motormaster, Wildrider)
Origin: Planet Velocitron, Era of the Great War.
Debut: The Transformers: Generation 1
Likes: Controlling the road, herself (Drag Strip), violence (Wildrider)
Dislikes: Optimus Prime (Motormaster), everything (Dead End), his teammates (Breakdown)
Line: “These wheels are for crushing” -Motormaster
Comment: While the most incompatible team in the Decepticon army, the four smaller cars at least share one common aspect, their hatred for Motormaster.
Kings of the Road. While the Decepticon army is comprised mostly of Cybertronians that turn into dangerous vehicles like tanks or jets, Megatron realized that the roads were still very much in control of the Autobot army. That’s when he commanded the creation of a special unit of soldiers that turned into cars that would be reinforced to become some of the deadliest soldiers of the army, and thus take over the the roads. He chose five inhabitants from the planet Velocitron, and as an additional touch enlightened them in the power of the mystical Enigma of Combination.
The group is comprised of the tyrannical and abusive Motormaster, the belligerent and egocentric Drag Strip, the violent and reckless Wildrider, the nihilistic and pessimistic Dead End, and the paranoid and unfortunate Breakdown. They patrol the roads, crushing anyone in their path if they don’t move out the way, and sometimes even if they do to make it clear who’s the one in charge. Together, they combine into the mighty Menasor, one of the greatest Decepticon weapons.
Motormaster’s wish is to eradicate Optimus Prime, believing himself to be more than a match for the Autobot leader, while the other four wish to get rid of Motormaster.
Strength: EX
Endurance: A+
Agility: A
Mana: E
Luck: C
Noble Phantasm: EX
Class Skills
Magic Resistance: Rank E. Protection from magic effects.
Riding: Rank B-. The ability to master any mount.
Personal Skills
Transformation: Rank A. A skill that allows one to change form.
Combiner: Rank A. The fact of being a combined robot.
Blade Dash: Rank A. A dash that, given the user’s sheer size and strength, can cut through almost anything.
Kinetic Barrier: The user is protected by shockwaves and sound barriers created by their mere movements.
Internal Conflict: Rank A. The users combined form is under total stress by the opposing thoughts of all its components, making them go insane and destructive. Comprises Mad Enhancement.
Noble Phantasm
Menasor: Menacing Colossus: Rank EX, Anti-Army type.
The result of the Enigma of Combination’s power being absorbed by the Stunticons. A clanking, crushing terror that destroys all in his path, he could the ultimate Decepticon weapon if he wasn't so confused by the opposing thoughts of the 5 Stunticons who comprise him; their incompatible thoughts turning him into a brute that can’t follow a plan and just seeks destruction. Even then, he has tremendous strength, his punch has the force of 140 tons. Impervious to most artillery. Uses Motormaster's cyclone gun and carries an ionizer sword with a 50,000 volt charge.
Attribute: Earth
Traits: Mechanoid, Humanoid, Large, Giant (as Menasor)
Notes: Their eternal rivals are the Autobot unit known as the Aerialbots. Killed by Gaster once, they were resurrected by the Snatcher to earn revenge, only to be killed again aside from Breakdown, who defected, and Wildrider, who was imprisoned.
ChaldeaDex Entry:
Stunticon Road Force #5
Class: Rider
Gender: Male
Height/Weight: Varies between alternate and robot modes
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Origin: Planet Velocitron, Era of the Great War
Debut: The Transformers: Generation 1
Likes: Being left at peace
Dislikes: His former teammates, being observed
Line: "Keep your optical sensors to yourself"
Comment: Prone to leaky fuel pump.
Paranoid Scout. An inhabitant of planet Velocitron, Breakdown had joined the Decepticon army after being caught in the illusion that their goals would bring equality to all Cybertronians. Instead he witnessed as the army’s goals devolved into one of conquering and enslaving all. Too late to try to give up, Breakdown forced himself to keep up on the battlefield as his mental state deteriorated into becoming a paranoid mess, and things got worse when he was placed into the Stunticons.
He believes everything is watching him, even Earth cars and stoplights. Thus his self-consciousness hurts his performance to the point he finds heavy traffic nerve-wracking, and if anything would prefer to be human so he could fit in better. He is not useless though; as his engine and rifle can emit vibrations that cause mechanical failures in other vehicles.
His wish is to be left at peace, away from the conflict for a cause he no longer believes in.
Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: A
Mana: E
Luck: E
Noble Phantasm: EX
Class Skills
Magic Resistance: Rank E. Protection from magic effects.
Riding: Rank B-. The ability to master any mount.
Personal Skills
Transformation: Rank A. A skill that allows one to change form.
EMP Rocket Barrage: Rank A. The user is equipped with highly powerful EMP devices to disturb any machinery, even able to use them in firearms.
Paranoia Fuel: Rank A. The user’s mental state will make them suspicious of all their surroundings.
Noble Phantasm
Menasor: Menacing Colossus: Rank EX, Anti-Army type.
The result of the Enigma of Combination’s power being absorbed by the Stunticons. A clanking, crushing terror that destroys all in his path, he could the ultimate Decepticon weapon if he wasn't so confused by the opposing thoughts of the 5 Stunticons who comprise him; their incompatible thoughts turning him into a brute that can’t follow a plan and just seeks destruction. By now, Breakdown and Wildrider are the only surviving Stunticons, making combination impossible.
Attribute: Earth
Traits: Mechanoid, Humanoid, Large, Giant (as Menasor)
Notes: Thanks to Steven Universe, he survived the deaths of most Stunticons, and now resides in Beach City just wanting peace, but having befriended the boy makes him willing to aid him.
Susie: "Not the talkative type, huh?" -She fires purple magic projectiles at the Odin duplicates, slightly weaker versions of the red one-
Star: "That sounds like a plan." -Then Lily- "Lily! I'm sorry we had to go through early..."
-What kind of projectile is it? Jenny might attempt to deflect it-
-What might that be?-
-Is King Hassan among them or is he hanging back in case his sheer power is needed for a specific fight?-
-She's as adorable as ever~-
...Meh, can't argue with that! -Shrugs-
-Yuri and Natsuki must be so relieved to see she's okay...-
Rook: "I don't think any of them speaks..."
-Byleth tries to follow where Sothis felt things-
-the usual Hedlok plasma ball-
Weiss: I can't wait for all of us to relax there...
Pandora: "Attagirl. Here, have a sapphire." -just throws her a fancy blue rock-
-but also hugging back, right?-
-The Odin duplicate is unaffected as it walks towards her-
Lily: "Where do we go then...?"
-Even Hassan is going himself-
-Rin is already thinking on what swimsuit to wear-
Rin: "......................................." -blinks- ".......You know, you're quite the awesome deity~!"
Medusa/Sakura: -Containing a giggle-
-Yes, in silence...-
(Perhaps not since we were still living at the Fortress...I must've needed it far more than I realized.)
(And, I'll admit, getitng a full night's rest is always important, but one can never take too many naps.)
-Typical lazy lion attitude- 
Tetra:: "So you're Hayate's Knights and family...Pleasure to meet you!" -Despite being a pirate, she's polite enough to offer a handshake-
-That'd leave her with about $25...-
-That sounds accurate-

B-But at least you were usually able to calm her down...
Atalanta: "I'm sure you'd still want some"

Vita: "Huh, you're nice than I expected a pirate to be..."
Shamal: "Well, those space pirates did have a few nice people too"
Rin: "It would still leave me with money..."
-Isn't that it?-

-Luka expects to be an aunt some day legit-
Aya: "I know, but them being recurring is still not a good sign..."
Blake: ...She's trying, at least...
Pandora: "You sure like sweets, huh?"
-good idea!-
Byleth: "For better or for worse..."
-they bon over war being ****? :V-
-of course!-
-She's holding herself from smothering too-
Erika: "I do! And you? Hmmmm... Well, you're able to get a lot of expensive stuff..."
-Indeed, like enjoy these more often!-
Scáthach: "Every side always has their reasons... That's how people are"
-It seems the case-
-So it's decided, she'll make him a meal!-