-Alphys smiled at Burrtio being happy, but then Artoria responded and she got somewhat worried about the kitchen staff again-
...I-I see you've already helped him figure out that there's great food here.
(Good thing Burrito's metabolism isn't as high as a Totodile's...I think. I need to keep conducting research on Bidoofs and Bibarels...)
-Not at all like Basel or Remnant, the former being the land he's used to, and the latter likely being the last location he was in before Toffee sealed him away...
-she nods while looking bored, but deep down she's happy-
-yes, she's tsundere-
-still eatin'-
-Burrito would likely keep eating on instinct if provided food, but won't go out of her way to eat as much as she can like Totodile; she would just opt for merely cleaning her plate-
-but does the Wendigomon see an opportunity for fun and snacks?-
-the Lilithmon ironically was the least of his worries-
....you the ones that let loose that behemoth?
-while Lilithmon was focusing on the VenomMyotismon, her Tamer was focused on the rogues as he stomps out a cigarette before approaching-
....where is this dimension now....?
Roman: "That's the point. We're a bunch of classy people, so it would be unjust to give her something crude."
-Neo nodded in approval-
Roman: "Although... you've been quiet for a while, James. Everything good?"
-I didn't think that Moriarty was there LOL-
Moriarty: "Oh, I simply didn't want to interrupt your conversation. But Lady Mint is quite the elegant title"
Artoria: "So far, Sir Totodile appears to enjoy the food here. It's a good thing, as you can testify yourselves"
-Perhaps he does-
-After all it's not like most are aware of his existence besides the Demon Lord Lilithmon and her minions-
Trader Tamer: "...S-So what about it, huh?"
Rogue Tamer: "You wanna pick up a fight?"
Medea: "It's a pocket dimension that we're using as a new base. You... Have a lot to catch up on. But I'll help"
-you worry too much, Oriko :V-
Palutena: "Still, make yourself at home. And if you need anything, don't hesitate."
Nel: "In due time, I suppose."

"Good one!"
Shez: "So how about a lil' fight?" -casually holding a purple fireball over her hand now- "It'll be a good way to keep both of our skills sharp."
Alear: "But I would still like it if you gave your family some more of your attention. See you be so distant and dismissive reminds me too much of my... father... Yet I know your heart could never be as blackened as his..." -the idea of being compared with
Sombron felt painful?-
-Oriko can't help herself, she can be a little too paranoid-
Oriko: "As you wish, Palutena-sama" -bows-
I must tread carefully... Really carefully.
-How is Rafal to that?-
Jalter: "So what now?"
Please hang out with her more!
Suzune: "...I guess if to see what you can do, since I doubt you have the same skills as Sensei"
The fact she respects her though must mean she might be on a similar level, though. I cannot understimate this woman.
Kiritsugu: "...I understand" -he may have his problems, but after hearing just a little bit of Sombron... Yeah, he really doesn't wants to be anything like him at all-
I'd say it could be yet another alternate Madoka, but that might mitigate the impact of her sacrifice and Homura's own character development.
-Maybe she could try to help the other two she d oesn't pick find other Trainers? Squirtle doesn't seem like he'd be upset, at least-
Heh, I don't doubt that, I tied in a duel with her sister, too, and she's one of the few people here who can defeat her in a straight fight!
Peridot: "Of course the information's limited and potentially lost to history! Just what we needed! Ugh, we're so harvested..."

Steven: "Don't worry, we can still stop Overlord before his plans get off the ground. We don't have to worry about the Decepticons' Justice Division, so that's at least one less problem on our hands. At least for now..."
-Even after it should've become obvious or even heard it from Madoka herself that it wasn't...-
-Not to mention injured, burnt, or ailed by poison or paralysis..-
I was thinking that too tbh, there are technically only two Madokas still existing through the multiverse, one is Ultimate Madoka who I'm not planning for Homura to ever meet, the other is the one from the Magia Record game timeline as I stablished that timeline still exists via dialogue and Iroha's transformation
...Oh, I know! We could still help them find trainers! Maybe you can pick one too, Nanoha-chan!
Eh? Me?
I wonder which one would you pick too
Kazumi: "You did?!" :O "Tell me! How strong is Shez-san?"
Breakdown: "I just... I just hope they leave me at peace. The guys are brutal, like, one replaced his torse for a grinder to triturize his victims!"
-Indeed, that Devil Homura has clearly completely lost her mind, it's no wonder her Madoka is trying to evade her as she currently is-
-But the shy and meek Homura here doesn't wants to do that, not given how it would hurt Madoka...-
-In fact given Semiramis's whole shtick is poisons she might look up on the ones that cure them-
-She mentioned being a queen, so if she was telling the truth, that ticks off the box of what the Snatcher and Moonjumper have mentioned of her status...-
-...But her actual appearance was that of a towering, razor sharp clawed woman sshrouded completely in pitch-black shadows and darkness, with only her glowing red eyes having any other sort of distinct color. She also wore a tall, twisted-looking crown that itself was shrouded in darkness, seemingly confirming her own claims-
Well...it actually depends on the type of magic or how advanced it is. She at least understands that there's a science to how the core of magic works. Just not how most individual spells and other things it can do work...
Star: -Chuckled at Azura';s reaction-
Mabel: "Did you girls ever find her?"
This is an irksome development, but ultimately only a minor setback. Their defenses have fallen before. A meager computer security system should fall within a matter of hours.
-With that said, I now have nothing to add to this until said group arrives. I still need to think up how to portray Gideon since he's both reformed (erm, mostly, if the series finale is anything to go by :V)
and currently brainwashed...-
Tetra: "And how would you know if you haven't traveled throughout the whole tower or faced this giant machine yourself, Link? -Referring and speaking to the older one-
TLink: "Uhh, yeah, it's still standing and open to any visitors. Why?"
Hekapoo: "Rhombulus' crystalization power is able to almost instantly freeze any insanely powerful entity in crystal, even a few comparable to yourself. And nothing short of him using the reversal version of that power or a magical contract has ever been able to thaw them out."
-...That must be what she means by "cheap"...-
// Also I forgot to reply to the space time guardian stuff. Yeah, that means Yukari herself would know for a fact that there's at least three plus a whole military organization dedicated to tending to and protecting space time.
Shez: "....Do you think it'd be that monstrous being who called herself a queen?"
Sothis: "I wonder if she would ever manage to make Nora convince that magic is real..."
Azura: "...Did you manage to find her?"
Shows how little he knows... But I have a feeling not all defenses were set up by that beast. If we make everything around her own doings crumble, perhaps we could find cracks to sneak into?
Link: "If you want, I can take you to Korok Forest and show you the brutal tests I had to do there."
Zelda: "Oh, an opportunity to study more ancient technology. How wonderful."

"Oh, by the way, how are the Depths?"
-the things that flourished in there are truly remarkable, aren't they?-
Already breaking through? This'll be easy. With that said... -looking at Sakura and Medusa- "Any of you two wanna take a turn saying how cute she is~?"
...more people could break her faster~
Sothis: "So anything that offers a ludicrous advantage without any counterplay... I see..."
What I had in mind can still be considered just then, but I doubt she would consider it as such. There is but one way to find out, I suppose.
// Also the Time Patrol from Dragon Ball Xenoverse, which Chaldea met before...
-So Tiki described her just like that-
Tiki: "Yes. She was incredibly powerful, more than I anticipated. In fact, I couldn't defeat her by force along those that were with me"
Martha: "Then how did you do it?"
Tiki: "I had to pray and implore my Mother to arrive and open a gate back to her world"
Yuri: "So she might be able to understand us 4 are at least powered by it..."
Poppy: "She may understand Bugsters at least!"
Iroha: "Sort of... Mifuyu-san turned out to be one of the underlings of Touka-chan, Nemu-chan and Alina"
Bumblebee: "They got underlings? You mean the girls that heard the message?"
Iroha: -Nodded- "They made an organization named the Wingsof the Magius to effect their plans, so Yachiyo-san and I ended clashing with them, given they spread Rumors to gather energy"
Kanna: "Maybe you're right..."
Hmmmm, do you have any ideas for that?
-I mean, you have a very good point there LOL-
da Vinci: "As Zelda said, a new research opportunity cannot be wasted~!"
Ophanimon: "Come to think of, how many people are under your care, anyway?"
Sakura: "Thanks, but unlike people from your age, I'm not going to go for my relatives"
Medusa: "Savage"
//Yeah, and to be fair Nexus Prime's role is to make sure the barriers that separate universes don't collapse when people traverse from one world to another so it's not like that very specific role is taken LOL