Blake: "...."
-I forgot :V-
Pandora: "What are you hiding, girl?"

Azura: "Cheesy horror movies that aren't even scary?"
Byleth: -turns to where the voice came from- "Yes?"
-the spices are nice too-
-She embarrassed her a lot too... But she loved her a lot-
Erika: "I may pick some tricks from your book when I'm older"

Sakura: "They have their own charm"

-one is dropped- "Ah, oops!"
-But it's picked up by someone else-
Fujino: "Excuse me, is this yours?"
Sakura: "Of course! Thanks... Um... Asagami-san, right?"
-Fujino nodded-
-And then both would see a young and mysterious woman...-
???: "You're not human, are you?"
-No kidding... Camilla truly made sure it'd be special-
Plan on keeping it a surprise or nah?
-And two apple pies are served!-
Tetra: "Well, if you were planning on looking like a couch, I'd say you failed."

Oh boy...
Amethyst: "...The heck is
that?" -Flabbergasted, she goes to investigate-
(Kinda reminds me of Undyne, she's one of the few people here who can stay underwater indefinitely who's not a Servant. I'm glad that Kiara able to have fun while she's here, too. She deserves a break as much as anyone here, maybe even more after having to fight Kama more than once...)
Well, Uni already does know.....
-And they are eaten-
-Now he blushed a bit at that staement-
Vita: "Hey, you made him react"

Rin: "Yaaaay~"
Sakura: "Oh goodness..."
-It's debris, Amethyst-
-Kiara is happily swimming along a bank of fish, looking at stuff such as coral-
Moon: "One down...
several to go..." -Summons the light sword construct again-
Susie: "Ugh, does nothing hurt this punk?!"
-How's Ingrid doing concerning security, by the way?-
Star: -Clutching her head in pain- "Ugh, what the heck kind of spell is this?!"
-Oh, but they probably will- :V
-Jenny then tries to uppercut her from a distance with the spiked metal fist-
-Will they run across anything or anyone particularly notable?-
(And for the most part, we've all gotten to spend those breaks with our friends, too.) 
(It was an accident on Pandora's part, Yang!) -Trying to catch up to them-
-Yet, things aren't all positive here...-
Rook: "We'll figure out a way. Don't give up."
Ingrid: -deciding to call her friend Yukari to help her analyze the security footage-
Shez: -clutching her head as well- "Whatever it is, we gotta stop it..." -throws her sword at Mesagog-
-that worked, but she vanished again-
Weiss: "Indeed..." -pats Winter again-
Yang: "So you believe her lies!"
Pandora: "Come on! From one pretty gal to another, would I really try to ruin your looks on purpose when I know what that's like?"
Yang: "....Yes." -shooting-
-Sayori brings up Monika?-
-It better be fast, with how Odin's advancing towards Susie-
Yukari: -Gaps in while sighing- "I swear that Marisa can be such a troubling girl at times... Oh, hello there"
Mesogog: "It isn't magic, little girl" -dodged- "It's science" -it's not like the pain stopped, as the beam is shot in a continous stream-
-They likely will in little- :V
Rin: "Like when Sakura and I visited Jenny!"
Rin: "Calm down already!" -oops, Rin threw a gem- :V
Sayori: "And Monika's been great too!"
-Yuri and Natuski's expressions changed to frowns-