The Spook Factor
-Does that include the Tetra stuff as well or nah?--Indeed-
-And now I can't think of anything else to add here for the moment- :V
-And recognising the cue, Rin gulps at the high chances that Ripley and Newt won't make it-
-And there the two crewmates be, just being crewmies-
Kiara: "Of who you used to be and might have lead you to your current situation?"
Lusamine: "......" -nodded-
-Either way, I actually did have some ideas for Ata and Heshima still-
-The elevator isn't moving quickly enough, so Ripley quickly tries to call down another elevator instead, which is in better condition and travels considerably faster, allowing them to escape just as the Alien Queen approaches them. The elevator is shaken by several massive fiery explosions and some falling debris as it returns to the first floor, but miraculously manages to avoid being destroyed, Ripley holding Newt close-
-The Alien Queen is angered and growls, but then spots that the first elevator that Ripley tried to send down has finally reached the floor as the door to it opens, and the Alien Queen's expression almost turns to a smirk...-
-The Ferris Wheel starts rotating, giving every guest a great view of the park and surrounding town and ocean-
-Will Kiara ask if she can remember anything about her past before Ultra Space, or offer words of comfort and advice about the subject first?-
Daisuke: "...I can't fly."
Ingrid: "Just get Rook to warp you somewhere. Things shall be fine."
Dr. Coyle: "....Is that so hard to understand?"
Max Brass: "It seems all that was good about you was also thrown away with your humanity... Jenny, we're not holding back!"
-Palutena's got a good control of Pit so he's generally unharmed-
Byleth: -feels pretty alien to the conversation now-
Wolf: -becomes Hylian again and is now the one ruffling Sayori's hair because taller-
-He would be able to, injuring few Swatchlings who were busy dealing with the Power Coins and giant Putties, much to Tasque Manager's fury--Zedd tried to reflect them with his staff-
-A lot of Sentries are u sure where they're from-
Chen Gong: Oh, seems they already went with the plan for thsoe Gears...
-And quick since many open fire on them-
-But did they dodge the sonic screeches Osakabehime did from behind?-
Bumblebee: "Very back in the day there was a Senate that ruled over my world, full of corrupt politicians that abused their power at any opportunity. Only one was not like that, and they forcibly modified him to turn him into a monster"
Sayori: "Woah... And yes! I wanna see!"
(Gears? What Gears?)
Moon: -Dodges more of the gunfire- "And we had better move quickly..."
And then what?! Are you just going to seek out every surviving person who can fight in the entire freaking multiverse and beyond?! -Agreed with Max and immediately fired no less than sixteen missiles at Coyle, none of which were heat-seeking-
-What Digi asked-
Steven: "...That actually sounds even worse..."
-At least she's learning more about some of her allies' history as well as that of some of their enemies...-
Steven: "Alright, I'll call him!" -Hollering- "Lion! Lion! ..." -Tone doesn't change- "Lion!"
-Ruby and, if she were here, Mash could attest that Lion is lazy enough that he doesn't actually always show up when Steven calls him. Even when the big cat is in the same room as him-