-One day, the kids went to Tiki yelling "Miss Tiki! Miss Tiki! Miss Tiki!"-
Tiki: "Oh, it's you kids. Do you need anything?"
Bunyan: "We were all wondering something and we wanted to see if we could ask you!"
Tiki: "Alright, tell me what is it?"
Nanoha: "Um, did you come from an egg?"
Tiki: ".........Excuse me?"
Gil: "Did you come from an egg?"
Tiki: "...Where is the question coming from?"
Gil: "You are a full blooded dragon, right? And dragons are reptiles. But we were all curious!"
Tiki: "...Uh...Well...Kamui and Kanna seem to have been born like any human would"
Alice: "But Kanna's grandmother was human, and her mother is half-human. You are a full dragon!"
Tiki: "...W-Well........It's not like I...Ever pondered that........"
Hayate: "Why not?"
Tiki: "........"
Why did Ban-Ban and Xan-Xan never clarified that?! Did I come from an egg? Did they come from eggs too?! What about my Mother? What about others dragons like Nowi, Mila and Duma? Actually did Alear come from an egg too? Ninian and Nah couldn't have, they are half-human too, but what about others from the Order of Heroes?! Did... Did Fae and Myrrh come from eggs too? Or Miss Idunn? What about Kamui's Father? Or the Dragon Laguz?!
Fate: "...She's been staring at a distance now"
(Maybe during another major battle? Pokemon usually evolve after a lot of training and defeating several opponents...)
It's okay, Rin! I...may have reacted a similar way to some of my own crushes a few times. 
-Even herself?-
-That's true, but that makes it harder to tell...-
Sakura: "It's okay to admit that they're hot"

Rin: "....T-They are"
Don: "He already must feel a lot from who his Mother is alone..."
-That's kinda the thing... She hasn't much herself-
Phosphora: "He and Pittoo might get along."

Kamui: "Well, I feel honored to be one of the few to see your true self and appreciate your honesty."
-poor him-
Is she somehow faster than I am? Or maybe... is she like B?
-Fate thought that for 3 seconds... Before giggling-
Erika: "And I'm pleased to give you the honor"
-Yeah, they'll see how far they can go at embarrassing him-
-Or maybe there could be something else entirely...?-
-Either way she finished with a slash that would send her flying a bit-
-Just like how water is wet-

-Tiamat gets just one slice on her own insistence, not wanting a sugar rush-
That's actually why we were waiting so long to start the plan, we needed Chaldea's help for it to win!
-He's able to, so Jenny puts her guard up-
Steven: "Are these guys all Kamen Riders, too? What team are they from...?"
-Including other Psychic Pokemon, but they're trying to break free of the cages outright-
Unreplied, Digi.
(Just...don't please make any mean or chaotic pranks, alright?)
(And you still owe Yang an apology...)
Penny: "It is fine, Ruby. The Cybertronians are a unique species with incredible abilities! And Wheeljack here is an extremely friendly and equally talented scientist."
-Not long afterwards, Te Ka transforms back into Fe Fiti, the island goddess-
Max Brass: -goes for a simple long-range punch-
-Juri tries to rush in and pummel King Knight-
Palutena: "The fact that they don't have color-coded names like Sentais or Rangers makes me think these may not be part of a team, but rather individual heroes who work on their own."
-what KoP said-
Pandora: "And if I go apologize now, I'll be a corpse. Do you
want to see such a beautiful girl die, little blue fox?"
Weiss: "As much as I wish to say she's exaggerating, Pandora isn't wrong. Letting Yang calm down first would be ideal..."
Blake: "But on the other hand, if she goes now and becomes paste, no more pranks." -joking, as seen with the smirk she has-
Pandora: "Ouch! That kitty's got claws!"
Ruby: "Oh... didn't think you'd agree with me on that one, Penny. Wait, you're a scientist now?"
Yeah, she's hot.
Charlotte: "Thankfully we can start now..."
-She'd see him starting to spin like a Beyblade having equipped his Gyro Boots-
Diend: "Heh, heroes... Only the Skull guy there would remotely classify as such, the guys in these other cards well tried to kill people"
-Thus she has no issues getting samples from some of them-
Luka: "They're pretty nasty, so they annoyed us a lot too"

Medusa: "You'd be less surprised if you were with her often"

-both her and Blake in literature club, so they know each other a little well-
Wheeljack: "Thanks for the compliments!"
Sayori: "Woah... Wait, that girl is also a robot?"
Monika: "That says a lot of your tastes when she's covered in plants"