The Spook Factor
Knowing you were the one who taught and trained hm, I'm not surprised!Scáthach: "He does quite well in training"
Rin: "Listen to her! You're all gonna die if you don't! There's more of those things and I am sure they're aiming for your ship next!"
Sakura: How enthusiastic.
Don: "And after that long... Oh goodness...."
Nitocris: "...Think we could...Maybe some day..."
Aya: "...Hang out?"
Nitocris: "Yes!"
(She's even more into the sequel after seeing the first movie.)

-Some members are the board are even more dismissive of Ripley's claims than others, and Burke notes that there's never been any sign of indigenous life on LV-426 the same moon where Ripley truthfully claims the Nostromo crew discovered the alien eggs. She once again tries to reiterate that the alien and the eggs were never indigenous to it to begin with and ended up there via the ship of another alien species that crashed, but does a double take upon realizing how they worded it, prompting Burke to explain that, over the years that Ripley was in hypersleep, a colony for human residents was built on LV-426-
Pearl: "Most of them retain their identities, but are unable to think clearly or adapt to the changes without lashing out at any Uncorrupted life form they see..."
(And that's friendship progress.)

-Undyne continued cackling-Shez: -pouting at that-
Byleth: "Who's the cute one now?"
Mipha: "It would be a disservice to my title of Zora Champion if I were not skilled with it."
Weiss: -patting her lots-
Sounds kinda like you, Pap.

Do Zoras usually wield stuff like tridents or spears?
-That comforts her and thus cheers her up a bit more, waggling her fluffy tails-
Juri: "We're taking down this jerk together, aren't we? Besides, I'm having fun~"
-and so they return to the TSAB ship?-
Wolf: "I'm sure some of them did."
Pandora: "I'll think about it."
Ruby: "Whoa..."
Please not a "it's the journey that counts" lesson...
That's Actually Not A Threat Making Direct Contact With Her Would Also Cause You To Die. Specfically By Poisoning.Serenity: "Hi"
Roberts: "Well hello, beautiful lady!"
Serenity: "Don't touch me" -she says for concern but that came out as rude-
Martha: "...You're right, then we go against each other..." -spoiler alert: They'll lose- :V -also Shuten didn't get replied-
Altera: "Let's get back to the Arthra then" -in other words, yes-
Koyanskaya: "You know, we can make this easy"
Gai: "Oh yeah! They are also really awesome~!"
Ahim: "I would make the attempt back with my people if I could"
Medusa: "She most likely will"
Eleonora: "That means she can eat"
Monika: "Awwwww, you're gonna see~"![]()
-The Admiral and Rulers would see that noly Steven and the Crystal Gems have come back to the Arthra along with Altera, Mash, RWBY and JNPR returned, but also with two people who looked Super Sentai, one of whom they seem to have arrested-
Middnight Lycannroc: -Snarls- "(And how's that?!)
Tetra: "Hmm..." -Thinking-
-Patxi sighs in frustration-
(Don't mind her, Patxi...)
Penny: "They're a bit more advanced."

-As Moana herself puts the pieces together, she immediately goes back to look for the heart of Te Fiti. With Te Ka having a spiral pattern on it's chest like Te Fiti, as well as an empty core, the implication becomes steadily clear that Te Fiti and Te Ka are one and the same-