Chen Gong: "Yes, yes I am doing so"
Martha: "You tell me!" -dodge one of the projectiles, King Knight surprising her with a Shoulder Bash-
Diend: "And how many times do I have to say, no, I am not one of those Sentai guys! I'm a Kamen Rider!"
Lindy: "Is there a difference?"
Diend: "It's not like it matters fo- Hey!" -Mash took his cards-
Mash: "You used these, correct?"
-She pulls out and shows Diends's remaining 8 cards-
Koyanskaya: -Siiiigh- "I guess that's one less... Nevermind, there's still plenty..."
Medusa: "You're tempting me more"

Sayori: "Wooooah, that explains why you looks like you're made of a car!"
Wheeljack: "Some of us turn into animals too!"
Sayori: "Woah! Is there any fluffly one?"
Wheeljack: "Er, I don't think so?"
Monika: "A giant walking volcano person must be"