Is that another challenge?
(Really, I see no need for a rivalry, here...)
Stasis usually works that way. It's how the crew from the original movie were able to take long trips through outer space without aging.
Pearl: "It's nothing you need to worry about. I just like looking back at happy memories of her and reminiscing on the old days. The more peaceful days outside of or after the war..."
-And it really goes to show that she doesn't know Aya that well, despite their contract...-
Cú: "Mayhaps? Who knows?"

Rin: "Wait, how old are they really?!"
Sakura: "You'll see"

Don: "Mind if I ask how it was after that war happened?"
-Yeah, even if... They tried some smack talk just now-
Phosphora: "Pretty good craftsmanship for something made by a mortal."
-like plushies... for both herself and Erika because she a good auntie-
-it vanished before it could, returning to Shez's hand, almost as if it had a mind of its own and refused to harm its wielder-
Shez: "Nice try."

Harley: "It's alright. Ya stuck by her side to keep her company while the other one fetched for me. That's one of the best things ya could've done."
Fate: "Thank you for your praise..."
-She would notice Bardiche has a slot to insert what seems like a cartridge-
-That sounds so sweet~ ...Also reminds me now Kamui knows Erika is a Pandora and should do more with that, but that can be for later-
Musashi: "Guess you really have a lot to show, huh?"
Tiamat: -Writes "I didn't think it that way, but thank you"-
So What Is: Your Plan? Distracting The Enemy? Fooling The Enemy? Infiltrating The Fortress? And More Importantly How Can: We Help?
Penny: "An evil woman...with animal parts...?"
Tetra: "...Well, I've never led a kingdom or country before, but with a few others taking charge of tasks or locations I can't immediately tend to, I bet I'd make a great leader!" -More confident again-
TLink: "Uhh, w-what do you mean by that, Drake?"
Tetra: "Wait, did you just call him
my hero?!"
It's a term for people who are willing to do virtually anything to appease or get the attention of someone they find attractive or just have a crush on. Blackbeard fits the general descriptio to a T. 
-Green tea, especially...-
Steven: "You can't give up
-He seemingly does end up leaving...but Moana's words of encouragement as well as her own determination and courage to stop Te Ka and save the ocean ultimately convince him to come back, face his own fears and help her-
-Juri decided to keep up the pressure, grabbing King Knight by her foot after the blast-
Juri: "Hey, Martha! Catch!" -lets go to then do a powerful kick, trying to send him straight to the Rider-
Weiss: "That must be Koyanskaya..."
Wolf: "Technically, he did save you after Ganondorf knocked you out."
Pandora: "Such a feared pirate leader, brought down by the mere sight of a pretty girl... It's so easy to abuse~"
Arlon: "I shall pour a cup. Only drink it if you want to."
Serenity: "Where are the other Servants on your side?"
Charlotte: "Oh, you want to meet them? Sure!"
-And Martha took advantage of giving King Knight a series of rapid punches, before ending with an uppercut to aend him flying-
Altera: "She had pink hair, and rabbit parts, right?"
Stacy: "Correct"
Mash: "Then there's no mistake..."
Koyanskaya: "That's more of a secondary goal if anything. I want to absorb the genes of any kind of animal out there, be they sapient or not, be they with special abilities or not. It would help me in my goal in the end.
You'd be correct it allows me to gain your abilities though" -from her fingertip she generated a small leaf that she threw at the ceiling, basically showing she can use Razor Leaf now. Weak and it did nothing to the ceiling, but it showed she truly has assimilated the Turtwig species to herself now-
Drake: "What? Can't a captain be in command of one?"
-She usually doesn't likes the hero denomination, but she just teasing-
Rin: "...Yeah, you know what? He definitely fits the bill.
Sayori: "...Would there be cookies?"
Eleonora: "...Why not?"
Monika: "Aw, this part as always"