About the controller thing, I think that any controller is fair (without rapid fire of course) if I practice my butt off with 360 remote (btw I don't) and I vs a key board play who has used a key board his whole life/training, I'm gonna accept it. Same goes with me using a N64 remote AS MY CHOICE vs LD on his xbox remote, it was my choice to use N64, no one forced me, because I enjoy the 64 remote and think it's best for smash (lol thinking about using N64 remote for smash melee/project m/sm4sh cause I love the 64 controller) it's kinda like "Choose your battle weapon" some one can have a light saber, but I'll gladly take a katana because that is my weapon of choice and I favor it.
Also how people can choose to pick Kirby or pika, and how I pick luigi (soon to be bottom tier) cause that's my choice, and I train and do well with my preferences :3