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The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Good movies come out every year (AT LEAST a couple, maybe more)

Good books come out every month (it's easier to write a book than to produce a show, granted, but still)

There has been one truly good dramatic TV show in history, in my opinion (completely subjective, and I've also liked a couple of other shows in a slightly more guilty pleasure way). Sturgeon's law would apply if I was watching random crap/new shows/whatever, but I'm only even trying out the absolute cream of the crop, the critical darlings + popular hits. If I searched out the top movies and books of a given year using similar methods, I would almost certainly be entertained and impressed a majority of the time--I'm not that hard to please where those media are concerned, and in fact I haven't read a recent novel I didn't love in a long while. But TV just plain sucks when you compare it, probably because of budget constraints or the volume of work you have to produce or whatever
Maybe TV just isn't for you.

I have never been big on watching TV myself, though, so I can't give counterexamples or something.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Could be.

IDK though I think it's more than that. Could have to do with the multiple writers handing it off (can you imagine if a major book series was written in installments by different authors?)
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Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Wow, that was a great ****in article. Thanks man.

I guess the answer is just "give the writer some ****in space"

But then they gave the True Detective guy all sorts of license and a definite space in which to tell a self-contained story and he still sucked a massive chode

I guess the real answer is "find a great writer and give him some ****in space"

Which they've managed to do like once or twice

Herbert Von Karajan

Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2014
Banned from 64
No, your logic sucks. I (obviously) don't support DL only because it's Japanese, I support it because I think it's the way to go and I came to that conclusion more or less independently of my thoughts visavis the japanese system. You know me well enough to know that.

This is Karajan going "The japanese are more advanced/better/whatever, so I'm going to adopt their thing lock stock and barrel." I think he'd admit that. Adopting every aspect of their system and happening to come up with the same stage list are not the same.
The only thing Japanese about my rankings is character lock.

I think the NA ruleset should switch to best of 1. The biggest issue I have with tournaments is the ridiculous amount of time it takes. Remember sweet 12? There were only 30 people, we started at like 4pm, and we ended at like 3am. SMASH NEEDS AFTER PARTIES. VENUES CLOSE AT SET TIMES.

Instead of a 10-15 minute set per node on the bracket, you only need the time for a 2-5 minute match. Keep the double elimination to reduce variance.
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Play to Win
May 19, 2009
I'm not saying that there's anything inherently bad about the point you're making

But if the community ever comes to prioritize afterparties over real sets I'll cry for a very long time. No. No no no.

The only japanese thing about your system is every element of your system. "Japanese" is in the title.
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Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Don't get me wrong I like parties as much as the next guy (possibly more? or less if the next guy is a tristate 64 player) but you can't be playin bo1's because of that
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Banned via Warnings
Jun 6, 2012
Isle of ゆぅ
concentrated dk punch cancel practice reminds me of when i first start DJCing with ness: after a while your fingers become numb, lose all rhythm, and you miss 90% of the time

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#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Nothing wrong with playing to win.
really don't understand this standard anymore, i've seen 'tryhard' been used as an insult to people before

when they complain about the tryhards and people 'not playing to have fun' i can't help but think that 'fun' is not an exclusive and can be defined in many different ways

people only seem to complain about this when they're losing or someone is beating them, throwing out the strawman that they're either

a) not trying (e.g sandbagging)
b) playing to have fun

well, if you're not trying, that's cool dude, but like, don't hate on the people who are

then again some people who Play2Win all the time annoy me to no end im talking about the ones who are sore sports and think they're better than everyone and come up with a multitude of reasons why they lost

in the end, generalization is a bad thing and you cannot determine someone's personality by sticking a label on them

- Kero The Great
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Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2013
New york
really don't understand this standard anymore, i've seen 'tryhard' been used as an insult to people before

when they complain about the tryhards and people 'not playing to have fun' i can't help but think that 'fun' is not an exclusive and can be defined in many different ways

people only seem to complain about this when they're losing or someone is beating them, throwing out the strawman that they're either

a) not trying (e.g sandbagging)
b) playing to have fun

well, if you're not trying, that's cool dude, but like, don't hate on the people who are

then again some people who Play2Win all the time annoy me to no end im talking about the ones who are sore sports and think they're better than everyone and come up with a multitude of reasons why they lost

in the end, generalization is a bad thing and you cannot determine someone's personality by sticking a label on them

- Kero The Great

If Kero really did say this which ill assume he did because it seems like he did ill tell you from playing with him and stranded all the time he is probably talking about
Stranded. Kero and stranded always fight when they play together and this is a common argument I can totally see this being about stranded or when he was typing it he was thinking about stranded.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
no i was just being facetious but if kero says stuff like that he has more insight than i give him credit for

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
such insight

even though it's really popular and commonly expressed opinion on these boards
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 29, 2014
If pika, kirby, fox, and falcon all had pika's up b, what do you think top 4 on the tier list would be?

imo it would be falcon > kirby > fox > pika


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2011
fox with a better recovery is like my nightmare.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 29, 2014
Yeah but you have to realize that everybody's recovery get's better.

Falcon with pika''s recovery vs. Fox with pika's recovery would be like hilariously bad for Fox. Falcon still just needs one grab. It's not often Fox zero to deaths Falcon.

IMO Fox is only good in the current meta because he's an animal at edge guarding. I don't even think he's that good at comboing. You take away his ability to gimp, and what does he have? :awesome:

Inb4 everyone goes off about how good Fox is at comboing. :facepalm:
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Herbert Von Karajan

Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2014
Banned from 64
You can still play to win in best of 1. People might even try harder.

And I assume everything kero says about this game is actually in reference to Stranded. Stating that falcon is the best character in the game? I guess that means he is losing to stranded again. Stating that falcon is a dumb character? I guess he is losing to stranded again.
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Banned via Warnings
Aug 15, 2010
Reno, Nevada
Yeah but you have to realize that everybody's recovery get's better.

Falcon with pika''s recovery vs. Fox with pika's recovery would be like hilariously bad for Fox. Falcon still just needs one grab. It's not often Fox zero to deaths Falcon.

IMO Fox is only good in the current meta because he's an animal at edge guarding. I don't even think he's that good at comboing. You take away his ability to gimp, and what does he have? :awesome:

Inb4 everyone goes off about how good Fox is at comboing. :facepalm:
Obligatory "WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT" post.
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Banned via Warnings
Jun 6, 2012
Isle of ゆぅ
tier list of boring subjects

top tier
• tier lists
upper tier
• hypotheticals
mid tier
• complaining about subjects in the form of tier lists

mario kart 64 ost has some nice tracks is what i've come to realize
i believe it's mostly devoid of nostalgia because i didn't even like the game that much

not that i want to make my claim more valid with that, but i have a feeling that nostalgia can't last forever
i picture it like a nostalgia bar, if you use it too often it gets stale (can't enjoy a song forever bcuz nostalgia)
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The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Beating the same subject to death for the 100th time (z canceling debate) is way more boring than any of those

I would think nostalgia becomes stronger over time, but I am kind of a very nostalgic person.
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Smash Ace
Apr 13, 2013
we're in the 64 boards, i'm pretty sure everyone here overvalues nostalgia and we just make up other reasons why this is our favourite one.


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
@clubbadubba I was worried about UCLA until Anderson picked up his second foul early. After that I knew Florida would wear on them. Even when UCLA brought it close, it felt like a fluke couple of minutes where Florida decided to stop playing D and missed some good looks. The best part? Drawing Dayton for a trip to the Final Four! It's no slam dunk, but way better than having to face a Kansas, Syracuse, etc.

I'm rooting for your Cavaliers tonight. I'm so damn sick of hearing how Michigan State has finally turned it around and now they're where they should have been. It's not like they were some wounded animal all year. The truth is that they deserved the 4 seed they got, and all the experts who picked them to be so great in the preseason want to be proven right. And then there's the "Tom Izzo" factor everyone drools over, which is completely overrated. God I hope Virginia wins.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 6, 2012
Isle of ゆぅ
we're in the 64 boards, i'm pretty sure everyone here overvalues nostalgia and we just make up other reasons why this is our favourite one
nah, I started playing this competitively from the start. I have no 64 childhood, I've never played with items in innocence

I am kind of a very nostalgic person.
do you have a good memory?
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Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
I hate UVA, they will lose to MSU. The only positive connection I have with UVA is the $150 I won in March Madness betting against them and the 10 game winning streak in football VT has over them.

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