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Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
melbourne, australia
i reckon jiggs or mario has the 2nd best recovory easily. jiggs can fastfall, rising pound, turn around and reverse pound ect ect making her extremely unpredictable. links recovory also sucks *** because u can just edgehog the very few recovorys that he will make.
p.s. just skimmed though ur posts i could be a little off topic.
p.p.s. i was mucking around and if u suck jiggs up with kirby u get a recovory on par with pika's.


Smash Lord
Jun 10, 2008
Toronto & Kingston, Ontario
TANK will like this one.

I recently played a 64 tournament near me and won it and my percent in the FINAL MATCH as the game rang out "GAME SET" was 64%.....

Look for this number everywhere, another example - ARMADA BEATS MANGO IN A MATCH IN GRAND FINALS BY A TWO-STOCK LEAD... Armada's percent as the match ended? 64%...


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2009
I wish there were 64 tournaments near me...actually there probably are, I'm in NYC, I probably just don't hear about them.

I've seen the 64% thing elsewhere, too. It's like the next meme. Or maybe it really does give you advantages but everyone thinks it's too silly to actually test it out XD


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2007
Binghamton, Ny
I wish there were 64 tournaments near me...actually there probably are, I'm in NYC, I probably just don't hear about them.

I'm in nyc every once in a while for the weekend. i'm like two hours north in binghamton ny but we should definitely try and play sometime when i'm in the city.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
Actually, the reason I didn't take too long to respond was because it'd take too long, and I seriously did not want to spend more time than I did. You know I was late to Numerical Analysis because of this argument, and lost a bunch of important notes for the exam? Now you know. But fine, I'll go for it.

"some shot" does not equal bad shot. If you meant bad shot, then Samus and Jiggs shouldn't be included. There shouldn't be some vague "eh, it depends" if you're thinking about this seriously (then again, if you were thinking seriously you wouldn't say "recovery isn't important"). An average recovery for most doesn't mean a bad recovery for most.
Jiggs should be. Samus probably not. I'll get to Jiggs afterwards.

I'm saying eh it depends because there are too many variables for this. What character the opponent is using, if or not they're using Pikachu, or if they're recovering high or low. Its seriously different for each character, and not to mention there's no quantitative data except for personal experience.

Also, saying its average relative to the cast matters ****, since I'm saying the average is ****.

It's not great but it's above average. Jigg's floatiness and rising pound turn most medium recoveries into "high recoveries", whereas Link getting thrown the same distance would result in him effectively trying to go for a low recovery. I still think you're not getting the importance of falling speed factored in. Otherwise Samus's recovery would be bad as well.
I don't think you notice, but Jiggs first 3 jumps are low, and the last 2 make her lose height. She can't really get more height than what she's forced to recover from, and if she's pounding she's pretty much frozen herself for an easy edgeguard (and pound's range is pathetic in 64). If she wants to recover, she has to pound when she's a mile away, then jump only.

The real reason her recovery is bad though is mostly because of her range. Only nair is pretty good, and I don't know if recovery is the best time to nair.

You're only thinking of upB again. I'm talking about the whole idea of returning to the stage after getting knocked off it. And you ignored my point about how infrequently Link's upB is actually better compared to how many times it is worse. It's safe, sure, but it doesn't go far enough, and ultimately doesn't save as many lives. Other characters will make it back even if you edgeguard...you completely ignored most of my posts about countering and getting around edgeguards.
1) If it comes to second jumps, nearly every character will make it back except Ness (and Link will be within range), so that really doesn't matter for this.
2) Yes, I probably did. I tl;drd your whole post cause I felt lazy. I'll get to that later
3) If you're talking about predicting though, which you keep rehashing, I don't think you realize its fairly easy to prepare for multiple options. Not like there's many options to go for, unless you're recovering high. What are they? Drop and sweetspot, go straight for the stage? Fly back a bit and sweetspot? Pretty easy to prepare for.

We don't see people getting guaranteed deaths every time they get knocked off the edge. At ANY level of play. Going with your idea that good edgeguarding should prevent anyone from coming back totally contradicts the many videos of high level players where recoverers often DO come back. And if you think high level players aren't good edgeguarders, then I don't know why I'm even discussing this with you.
I will give in that you can recover if:
1) You're recovering high (nearly everyone will make it back)
2) You are within second jump range and was sent there from a distance and it will take time for them to get there. (nearly everyone will make it back)

Neither one of these show that recovery matters, because if nearly everyone can make it back in these situations, character balance in recovery, which is primarily what started it, is not affected by these.

Other than this, you're going to need to link me, because I don't even know who you consider high level players.

You're just taking the few points you find weak and responding to them, then conveniently disregarding the rest as "too long; didn't read". The point is, "recovery isn't important" is a ridiculous statement and you know it.
I mentioned it was laziness, but at the last sentence, I lold.

Okay, maybe you just don't know how to recover at all. You probably just wait until you're in range of the sweetspot, and then go for it and get owned. Or maybe you only play Link all the time, who doesn't really have a choice but to do that. If you're a good player, you'll realize there's more options than that (again unless you're Link). Note: Ness has huge spacing options, but his recovery is bad because is slow and predictable from any position, no matter how you space, fastfall, or sweetspot it.
Not much to say here, this is just here to increase the overwhelming length of the post and throw in a few petty insults.

You act like edgeguarding is infallible at stopping recoveries. This viewpoint is dead wrong and I doubt anyone but you is going to say otherwise (unless we're talking Ness/Falcon). Hell, there's a whole article on SmashWiki dedicated to countering edgeguards (though they are missing a good deal, you get the point that recovery is serious business, not some joke).
...that article is for Brawl.

If you meant that recovery isn't important in comparison to say, avoiding and landing hits, then I totally agree with you. But you've got to admit making blanket statements like "recovery isn't important" is just silly :dizzy:
I mentioned I was exaggerating. It was actually to troll Hamburglar because it was pretty...********. I'm committing ad hominim, but he just up and compared it to ATs (and DJC even...wow), so I'm pretty sure he's not very good in the game.

@S2J - Probably. Its pretty weird, sometimes its easy to edgeguard, sometimes, he tricks you. Probably has one of the safer ones.

Oh, and Samus' recovery would be good if she could double jump after planting bombs. Planting a bomb kills her second jump so I've found. And I can concede on that, while having bad recovery matters little in 64, having good recovery is a very, very nice thing to have.

PS. Rap Music is smelly


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2007
Binghamton, Ny
i still disagree, i take recovery to be pretty important. maybe not compared to z canceling or djc but if you can't space/maneuver a recovery attempt effectively it's going to severely effect your defense game.

i wasn't trying to compare recovery to the importance of AT's, just that players shouldn't write them off
I mentioned I was exaggerating. It was actually to troll Hamburglar because it was pretty...********. I'm committing ad hominim, but he just up and compared it to ATs (and DJC even...wow), so I'm pretty sure he's not very good in the game.

prolly not.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2009
I mentioned I was exaggerating. It was actually to troll Hamburglar because it was pretty...********. I'm committing ad hominim, but he just up and compared it to ATs (and DJC even...wow), so I'm pretty sure he's not very good in the game.
Alright, s'cool then...just a misunderstanding (I'm sure there's a misunderstanding with hamburglar, too). Nonetheless, there are still a couple points I feel compelled to respond to because I'm just that kind of person :ohwell:. Feel free to ignore them--I'm just a compulsive responder.

I don't think you notice, but Jiggs first 3 jumps are low, and the last 2 make her lose height. She can't really get more height than what she's forced to recover from, and if she's pounding she's pretty much frozen herself for an easy edgeguard (and pound's range is pathetic in 64). If she wants to recover, she has to pound when she's a mile away, then jump only.

The real reason her recovery is bad though is mostly because of her range. Only nair is pretty good, and I don't know if recovery is the best time to nair.
This I cannot agree with ever. Not that discussing this further will change either of our minds, but I've played too many mindgames with Jiggs recovering to consider her recovery bad. She's not easy to edgeguard at all...she doesn't fall quickly enough (and can fastfall at will if she needs to dodge a Falcon uair semi-spike), she can reverse her pound the other direction sometimes to dodge, can weave in and out aerials with her tricky air movement, and surprise nair is better than you think. Her rising pound's not as good as in Melee, but that good old floatiness (that also helps Samus and Luigi) is just as effective in keeping her from ever having to recover from a low position.

3) If you're talking about predicting though, which you keep rehashing, I don't think you realize its fairly easy to prepare for multiple options. Not like there's many options to go for, unless you're recovering high. What are they? Drop and sweetspot, go straight for the stage? Fly back a bit and sweetspot? Pretty easy to prepare for.
Another agree to disagree. I equally think you don't realize it's not easy to prepare for multiple options at the right times. You can do an Fsmash at the wrong time, and this is very easy for a recoverer to bait. There's a third option you didn't mention and that is overshoot, then fastfall to sweetspot (works beautifully with DK and Link's upB priorities). In addition, the drop and sweetspot can actually be customized with fasfall at any point during the decent. It's very easy to trick that Fsmash to come out at the wrong time, unless it's Pika's Fsmash, which lasts a long time. But your average game isn't against a Pika. Unless your opponents are just Pika and Kirby players in which case I totally sympathize with you : (

For that reason people start going off the edge to edgeguard. But that can be messed with in similar ways, such as dropping faster to sweetspot. Plenty of times this has happened, and sometimes the edgeguarder even gets edgehogged! (in various vids, but I remember distinctively a Zenyore vs JaimeHR vid where this decided the match)

I will give in that you can recover if:
1) You're recovering high (nearly everyone will make it back)
Some time ago I remember making a post that conclusively dissected why Ness's recovery was actually worse than Links (not that most good players didn't already think so, but the argument didn't progress past that point afterward, and all agreed with my analysis). Looking back on it I made some flaws in the argument (that don't change the outcome though), one of which is that everyone recovers the same from a high position, and Link's is actually better than most because of projectiles. The whole theme of positional (4 kinds) arguments to compare recoveries came from this, since I haven't seen anyone approach it comprehensively in such a way since the years I've been lurking here.

The problem is that I forgot to take into account floatiness which actually makes Jigg's recovery better than Link's recovery in the high position, even though she doesn't have projectiles(!) And would make Ness's better than Link's if Ness's second jump wasn't so **** slow (so they are still even from high after correcting) How can this be? It's because Jiggs can maintain her high position much longer than Link and in fact bypass the edgeguarding altogether!

I can't believe I spent much time in that post talking about how higher positions reduce to lower ones without saying how quickly they reduce to lower ones. This hurts Fox, Falcon, and Link more than their lousy upBs, imo. You can't assess many far or high positions with those three the same way you can assess the same positions with other characters, who keep those positions for much longer, and have more options when to reduce their position by fastfalling or hanging back. Luckily I guess, Ness's and Link's recoveries are so simple that my analysis still stands for them.

@S2J - Probably. Its pretty weird, sometimes its easy to edgeguard, sometimes, he tricks you. Probably has one of the safer ones.
Precisely my point! The majority of recoveries, even poor ones like Fox's have ways to trick the edgeguarder that Link often does not have the luxury of. Better recoveries have more tricks, and more ways to get that sweetspot at the right time and live another day. Recovery is no joke (not that it matters since you were exaggerating in the first place).

In conclusion, you should learn everything, AT's and recovery. Everything's important if you want to learn Smash. I already lost track of the real point of all this talk :-P


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2008
I love how people stereotype against all individuals of certain groups based on just a few observations when they know really nothing about them at all.
hey dont take this so seriously i just meant to dislike rap, i think its more like an angry monologue rather than music for me


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
hey dont take this so seriously i just meant to dislike rap, i think its more like an angry monologue rather than music for me
rap isnt "angry" lol

or maybe you're talking about those few rappers that almost yell when they rap ,but then again those arent angry.

monologue? you could say the same thing about other music genres too

accapella rap wouldnt be music cuz theres no beat

nvm , u just dont like rap so theres no use lol


Smash Lord
Jun 10, 2008
Toronto & Kingston, Ontario
I consider myself very open-minded when it comes to music, I listen to pretty much EVERYTHING. As a composer/arranger I find quality in just about any musical form as long as it's well done. The thing with hip-hop is that I don't mind it, but since the genre is focused on the lyrics and not the music, I don't like it very much. That doesn't mean it's not succeeding at its goal, it just means that I'm not interested in its goal. I much prefer instrumental music and focus on the music itself.

People find this strange because I'm an avid beatboxer, and have done many performances covering hip-hop beats, but am still not a big fan of hip-hop.

On the other side of the musical spectrum, I just ordered two CDs from this artist, and am strangely excited in a weird way for them to arrive:

It's amazing the kinds of music and varying quality of it that you can find out there, so long as you look further into it and have a true passion for it.


Smash Lord
Jun 10, 2008
Toronto & Kingston, Ontario
what is this i don't even

The majority of what I listen to is not nearly as experimental/ambient as that, but the ambient genre, dark or light, has been extremely fascinating to me lately. It's amazing what kind of evocations can be pulled forth with effective use of minimalistic musical passages and sound.

There is something incredible in just about every genre.

That said I've also been listening to lots of FUNK lately like Larry Graham, Herbie Hancock, The Meters, Tower of Power etc. Here, if the last link got you feeling like the apocalypse is near then this FUNK will surely boost you back to 110% :



Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2008

The majority of what I listen to is not nearly as experimental/ambient as that, but the ambient genre, dark or light, has been extremely fascinating to me lately. It's amazing what kind of evocations can be pulled forth with effective use of minimalistic musical passages and sound.

There is something incredible in just about every genre.

That said I've also been listening to lots of FUNK lately like Larry Graham, Herbie Hancock, The Meters, Tower of Power etc. Here, if the last link got you feeling like the apocalypse is near then this FUNK will surely boost you back to 110% :

Lustmord will go well with horror survival games.
and lol that song was too funky for me!


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
melbourne, australia

The majority of what I listen to is not nearly as experimental/ambient as that, but the ambient genre, dark or light, has been extremely fascinating to me lately. It's amazing what kind of evocations can be pulled forth with effective use of minimalistic musical passages and sound.

There is something incredible in just about every genre.

That said I've also been listening to lots of FUNK lately like Larry Graham, Herbie Hancock, The Meters, Tower of Power etc. Here, if the last link got you feeling like the apocalypse is near then this FUNK will surely boost you back to 110% :

listen to lou reed and pink floyd, 2 of the most succesful, experimental artists ever. i love rockit by herbie hancock :p


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Music is for N00bs. Listening to it rots the brain and slows your reflexes, and if you want to become a great smash player like me, you'll have to forgo music altogether.

(yes, I'm kidding)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2009
Music is for N00bs. Listening to it rots the brain and slows your reflexes, and if you want to become a great smash player like me, you'll have to forgo music altogether.

(yes, I'm kidding)
You have Chuck Norris in your display picture, anything you say instantly invalid. Even if it's a joke.

Deleted member

Pink Floyd wasn't really experimental. Lou Reed... METAL MACHINE MUSIC!!:embarrass
they are both experimental and not (Pink Floyd)

one of their albums.. completely "experimental"

great music, great band
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