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Social Social Thread - Talk About Anything (You Are Allowed to Talk About)!


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
Holy crap this. When I see a woman decent at smash I don't think "Aw, better go easy on her." I think "$$$$$$$$$$$."
Hey boys like girls, girls like cars and money. If the middle man (money) can be skipped it makes for a more efficient society.

Not sexist either, I would expect a gay man to wager sexual favors on smash with an attractive male.



Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2011
Conker on the Xbox wasn't that bad, all they did was remove some more swearing and made basically everything else better. The Online multiplayer was also very fun.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Holy crap this. When I see a woman decent at smash I don't think "Aw, better go easy on her." I think "$$$$$$$$$$$."
This is why ballin' and A$ have no luck with the ladies. They treat them like men. The sooner you realize that a little chivalry goes a long way, the better.

You gotta find a way to make the match against the girl funny and entertaining and uncompetitive, like using only B-moves or playing one-handed. You come off as kind but also a bit dismissive, so they have something to prove, and they'll be a bit mad when they lose in a silly way, but once they see your ruthless side utterly crushing some dude/hustling him, everyone'll view you as a stand-up guy for being so nice to the girl.

Also there are no women decent at smash. Except for Skeletom.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
I wear my pea coat everywherwe these days

warm stuff
+1 Rep

conkers bad fur day on 64 is mad legit

i'm king at multiplayer
We should play. $_$ /anotherVictim

Hey boys like girls, girls like cars and money. If the middle man (money) can be skipped it makes for a more efficient society.
<3333 Clubba

Conker on the Xbox wasn't that bad, all they did was remove some more swearing and made basically everything else better. The Online multiplayer was also very fun.
what's wrong with the xbox remake?
The controls basically ruin the game to a point where the campaign and multiplayer suck IMOOOOO.

The Xbox live benefit is unfortunately an irrelevant point now :/ , but the controls of that game are so bad that the new multiplayer maps don't give me a reason to play. Besides the game being more censored/less funny then the original and doesn't offer anything but better graphics.

Also, I find it funny that the x-box one is more censored then the Nintendo one xD.

on women: has anyone figured out a comfortable way for two people to actually sleep in a twin-size bed? i've always wound up with an arm getting crushed somehow.
Oh god. If you're talking about dorm beds ( I swear, even smaller than twin size), then no. There is no possible way to not wake up with a cranked *** back in the morning. You pretty much have to have her sleep on top of you/side ways- but that doesn't last/gets hot as ****. So yea, no winning there. It's really sad, but those beds aren't particularly good for anything...

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Yes Battlecow, I'm sure you're such a ladies man.

inb4 hostile retaliation/telling me to get laid/ballin bringing up that one proving grounds quote

Also +respect to ballin for the last page, except maybe nutrition stuff I don't know what the eff he's talking about there so yeah


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2010
go with the first option definitely. Make sure to pick up coffee on the way there, and talk down to peeps.
this is the best

@Sangoku: I'd have used a different word to describe somebody's appearance. Like, "unattractive" or "grody" or "unsightly". I suppose bad works, but it's a bit blunt and vague. IDK, can't explain it well.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
This is why ballin' and A$ have no luck with the ladies. They treat them like men. The sooner you realize that a little chivalry goes a long way, the better.
huh really. i always thought it was because i was scared to talk to them

puttin it on a pedestal

You gotta find a way to make the match against the girl funny and entertaining and uncompetitive, like using only B-moves or playing one-handed. You come off as kind but also a bit dismissive, so they have something to prove, and they'll be a bit mad when they lose in a silly way, but once they see your ruthless side utterly crushing some dude/hustling him, everyone'll view you as a stand-up guy for being so nice to the girl.
damn sounds like this happens to you all the time. maybe i should carry my n64 around with me so girls will like me

The controls basically ruin the game to a point where the campaign and multiplayer suck IMOOOOO.

The Xbox live benefit is unfortunately an irrelevant point now :/ , but the controls of that game are so bad that the new multiplayer maps don't give me a reason to play. Besides the game being more censored/less funny then the original and doesn't offer anything but better graphics.

Also, I find it funny that the x-box one is more censored then the Nintendo one xD.
how are the controls bad though? just really loose and unresponsive?

Yes Battlecow, I'm sure you're such a ladies man.

inb4 hostile retaliation/telling me to get laid/ballin bringing up that one proving grounds quote
yeah maybe i also need to start watching more hardcore pornography so i can be like the battlecow

Also +respect to ballin for the last page, except maybe nutrition stuff I don't know what the eff he's talking about there so yeah
nutrition is cool though as i said i'm a bit too excited by it when really 95% of nutrition is "don't eat too many calories"


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2011
When someone says the word bad for appearance, I can't tell if they mean bad as in they look hot or bad as in they don't look good.

Also TANK, hmmm I don't remember the controls being that bad, It was the censoring that mainly gave it off for me.


Jan 28, 2008
Northern VA, USA
This is why ballin' and A$ have no luck with the ladies. They treat them like men. The sooner you realize that a little chivalry goes a long way, the better.
I've had a girlfriend for nearly two years. And you know what? She pays her half when we go out.
Hey boys like girls, girls like cars and money. If the middle man (money) can be skipped it makes for a more efficient society.

Not sexist either, I would expect a gay man to wager sexual favors on smash with an attractive male.

Fair enough.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
@Sangoku: I'd have used a different word to describe somebody's appearance. Like, "unattractive" or "grody" or "unsightly". I suppose bad works, but it's a bit blunt and vague. IDK, can't explain it well.
Hey don't forget I'm not english-speaking lol. I don't even know two of the three words you used.

Even if I play one-handed I'd crush her so hard it would be even more humiliating than hustling... Also I loled at battlecow's last sentence. Anyway, I don't know her and she hasn't challenged me, so I don't see why I should intervene. I was going to say my brother would be in charge of ****** her, but taken out of the context it sounded weird.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
The controls are very unresponsive and just the physics don't feel right. It's a bit of an organic thing, so kind of hard to define :/ . But I'm sure y'all can understand like with smash. Even if you weren't playing on the horibad original x-box controller and mapped to your liking on emulator (with a 64 controller or whatever you like), it still wouldn't play right :( . Maybe I'm way to used to the 64 version, since I go hard on that... If that's the fist/only one you played then idk then. I just can't bring myself to ever recommend Reloaded to anyone. I can't think of any reason why. Even the camera is the same- not that bad (for 64), and I don't consider graphics as a reason.

Oh and I think the jokes work better with 64 looking Conker/Teddiz too lol.

@Semp, ;)


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
I've had a girlfriend for nearly two years. And you know what? She pays her half when we go out.
See, this here is your problem. Only one girlfriend, after two whole years? If you start paying for everything and carrying around your N64 and using it to impress them in slightly sexist ways, you should be able to impregnate AT LEAST 3 women in any given month.

Also, GET LAID sk. Be more like me, the incredible battlecow, he to whom all legs are unlocked, he who understands the minds of women and can communicate this knowledge to you in incredibly general sentence-long chunks.


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
melbourne, australia
I completely agree with you TANK. Conkers on xbox is a train wreck of a game and a mockery to the original. The multiplayer is a joke. It's not similar to the original and not even close to fun. I can play endlessly on multiplayer on 64 but I can't go an hour without getting bored of the xbox version.



Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
I know. I will be willing to pay for everything if we're going out, but don't EXPECT it. I love it when a women offers to pay, because I payed last time. It's like, "oh yea, you're logical/considerate." ^_^So cute. It makes me want to impregnate them right there and then. So, of course, I'm like "naw I got this, don't worry."

I completely agree with you TANK. Conkers on xbox is a train wreck of a game and a mockery to the original. The multiplayer is a joke. It's not similar to the original and not even close to fun. I can play endlessly on multiplayer on 64 but I can't go an hour without getting bored of the xbox version.


That's the funny part. The multiplayer was supposed to be the improvement, and it's worse lol.

EDIT: @BattleCow, lmao. I don't mean to make this difficult for others lol.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
all you have to do to be good with the wimmenz is be nice :cool:

re: conker talk: i like conker's better on 64, but i only played like 20 min of the xbox version and im a sucker for RARE N64 games

Also there are no women decent at smash. Except for Skeletom.
lolwut where did this come from

ill tell tom he's famous next i see him


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2007
˙͜ >˙
Xbox Conker mulitplayer was cool. Sky Rangers(I think was the name) were broken as hell though werent they? Spawn camping was a big problem.
Didnt touch single player cause I knew there were changes to it.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
all you have to do to be good with the wimmenz is be nice :cool:

re: conker talk: i like conker's better on 64, but i only played like 20 min of the xbox version and im a sucker for RARE N64 games

lolwut where did this come from

ill tell tom he's famous next i see him
You don't remember Skeletom's brief but fiery romance with MATTS!?

Funniest thing ever to happen on the 64 boards

or at least like top 20.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Who the eff is Skeletom and why did I miss this

Also I love it when Battlecow starts trolling when he spots defeat (as obviously as he can). At least you recognize a future loss when you see it :troll::troll::troll:


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
This is why ballin' and A$ have no luck with the ladies. They treat them like men. The sooner you realize that a little chivalry goes a long way, the better.

You gotta find a way to make the match against the girl funny and entertaining and uncompetitive, like using only B-moves or playing one-handed. You come off as kind but also a bit dismissive, so they have something to prove, and they'll be a bit mad when they lose in a silly way, but once they see your ruthless side utterly crushing some dude/hustling him, everyone'll view you as a stand-up guy for being so nice to the girl.
was totally serious. Star King, you're soooooooooooo smart.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
your writing style and general posted content does not help anyone pick out your sarcasm from your actual posts

well, i searched for tom's posts, and all it was was matts being matts, not that funny tbh

also koro is dean's long-lost twin

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
I knew you would do that, but there's no reason why you couldn't be serious with the original post

And honestly it's hard to tell because you say really ridiculous things sometimes and I wouldn't be surprised if that was your actual opinion. Nothing in that post is out-of-this-world obvious jest

Also, I find that if people aren't making it ultra-obvious there's usually a grain of belief in their "jokes". But that's another thing altogether.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
I knew that your post would begin with "I knew you would do that," and I knew that you would follow with very slight backtracking and heavy self-justification. HAH. one step ahead of you.

Asians still suck at detecting sarcasm, they have since 2009. Must be a side-effect of all that oriental inscrutability.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
I knew that your post would begin with "I knew you would do that," and I knew that you would follow with very slight backtracking and heavy self-justification. HAH. one step ahead of you.
this is terribly unimpressive commentary due to...well, the fact that it's in hindsight

you two are both smug gits, and smug gits know how other smug gits think, so stop pretending you've accomplished something

source: i am a smug git

also, i can definitely picture serious mode battlecow being all self-handicapped and chivalric with women in a game of smash, and that's not due to any inability to detect sarcasm, but rather the picture you paint of yourself on here :drshrug:


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
I don't recall that episode

Also don't think I've ever played a female in smash, unless Fynal counts, so I don't know.

Prolly be chivalric as **** though. I'm just like that. Part of the MASK I wear in society.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
I think you'd look like a pompous prick if you went all B-moves against somebody of inferior skill, regardless of gender.
Nah. At that point, you're so much better than them that everyone just cracks up and has a good time.

Maybe if they were INCREDIBLY sensitive, or actually thought they were good.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 19, 2008
canBrah, Australia
Theres alot of things like that.

Using weak hitboxs is the biggest example I can think of. Its so strong in that game because having such little knockback means the di angle change becomes insignificant. But for some reason only the best melee players seem to use it much.
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