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Social Social Thread - Talk About Anything (You Are Allowed to Talk About)!


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Hustling girls is bad form.

Also, I'm in EUROPE from the 22nd to the 31st (london and then oslo) with my family, so if I can find a computer you European types should take the chance to utterly crap all over me and then judge North America as a whole by how poorly I did. Hopefully I'll also get some CONSOLE time with the mighty OLIKUS, and if anyone else is in london or oslo... I'll be doing stuff with my family for a lot of the time, but I can always make time for smash.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
^^+1 Clubba

@Ciaza, I finished Working! and it was hilarious, but I was disappointed with the end. At least give me some kind of end.

EDIT: That moment when you feel pressured for talking about anything but smash in the social thread. LAME.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Also realized earlier that playing on keyboard offline sucks, cuz you have to share a 1 keyboard with another person. **** that ****.
No you don't. They were plugging keyboards into USB ports of the same computer and it was fine.

Apparently they play it at SK's school. Here's one of the best smashers in NA and he's not even gonna talk to them? Issues, mang.
It's not that I'm ashamed of playing Smash or something, especially in a class as saturated with nerds as Comp Sci. If I gave a **** what people think of me I wouldn't be so obnoxious on the boards :troll:. It's just that I... didn't want to ruin their fun. They were having a blast with their mega FFAs, and if I was in that situation and some guy came over and was like "lol I am t3h r0x0rz u suck" and destroyed everyone and made them feel like trash I'd be like "r u serious bro". So I don't want to do that to them. SEE HOW SOFT I AM?
Hustling girls is bad form.
Haha, maybe it's just me but I found this really amusing.

You'll shamelessly squeeze as much cash as possible from clueless noobs, but you won't hustle girls. Clearly you are an honorable man with a great sense for morals! :rolleyes:

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Junior. And I don't see how whether I see them again or not is relevant lol. I just don't wanna be a FUN CRUSHER


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2007
˙͜ >˙
@Ciaza, I finished Working! and it was hilarious, but I was disappointed with the end. At least give me some kind of end.
I havent even started it yet lol. My bad habit of leaving things sitting around on my computer never being used still plagues me.


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2010
Junior. And I don't see how whether I see them again or not is relevant lol. I just don't wanna be a FUN CRUSHER
You should've played, but gone easy and still won. Who knows, the exposure might get you more competition or people to play with?

I dunno about you, but I'm always looking for people to play, and I'm always hoping whenever I play somebody, they know "this friend who's really good" and demands I play him.

But yeah, if you went over there and were all "i'm awesome herp derp get ***** i play online i play competitively i'm awesome" then yeah, you'd be a douche.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
I don't see why I shouldn't hustle a girl. And why when I mention a girl I see "sexual favors"? You don't even know what she looks like (she's pretty bad IMO). But I won't hustle, because I don't need money (at least not the amount I could be hustling) and because I don't want to make the very rare 64 players upset about the game.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
I don't see why I shouldn't hustle a girl. And why when I mention a girl I see "sexual favors"? You don't even know what she looks like (she's pretty bad IMO). But I won't hustle, because I don't need money (at least not the amount I could be hustling) and because I don't want to make the very rare 64 players upset about the game.
true dat also putting up money vs sexual favors is basically prostitution

I'd punch a guy but not a girl.

Does that make me sexist?

yes, you have to treat men and women EXACTLY the same. exactly.


Smash Prodigy
Aug 12, 2009
tank, did you watch the second season of working! too?

if you're done with it try baka test =)


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
@Ciaza, I finished Working! and it was hilarious, but I was disappointed with the end. At least give me some kind of end.
the manga continues and is scanlated infrequently, but it doesn't have the token anime original characters (manager's underlings)

baka test is good

im pissed that my good taste is being attributed to ciaza


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
baka test is one of those anime that works off bull**** in the first place, so that didn't phase me lol

and i think it's more that the LN author got ambitious and started writing longer, harder-to-compress stories


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
Yo TANK, I just finished playing through Conker. I loved it. Hilarious. I think my favorite line was "We showed that ***** who's boss!"

The platforming was pretty difficult in some parts. After getting competitive in smash a lot of games got WAY easier, but Conker was unforgiving. The camera was wonky too. The lo-brow humor done in clever ways was inspiring. Those RARE guys know how to entertain.

Pretty sad/bittersweet ending too. Who would've thought Conker's BFD would've had a moral at the end?


Smash Prodigy
Aug 12, 2009
agreed withg krynxe. baka test s1 was infinitely better than season 2, though season 2 wasn't exactly bad by any means

also, i decided to watch rozen maiden

horrible show



Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
tank, did you watch the second season of working! too?

if you're done with it try baka test =)
I haven't seen the second season D: . I'll get on that. And pretty sure I'm watching Angel Beats after that. So I'll watch Baka Test after that.

the manga continues and is scanlated infrequently, but it doesn't have the token anime original characters (manager's underlings)

baka test is good

im pissed that my good taste is being attributed to ciaza
lol Yea, I guess you are the one I should be thanking :reverse:

Can't you guys just start an anima social group instead of always talking about it in the 64 social thread >.>

I can't talk about drinking.

Not really the crowd to talk about dancing.

Talking about fashion is also useless.

Talking about women will get about one response, and then dies (Same with working out).

And then people whine and ***** if you talk about anime.

What a social thread >___>. What am I supposed to talk about. Sports? lol no thanks. I think I'll stick to the topic that at least gets half the people here talking. The rest of you don't have to respond lol. You could also bring up something else...

Yo TANK, I just finished playing through Conker. I loved it. Hilarious. I think my favorite line was "We showed that ***** who's boss!"

The platforming was pretty difficult in some parts. After getting competitive in smash a lot of games got WAY easier, but Conker was unforgiving. The camera was wonky too. The lo-brow humor done in clever ways was inspiring. Those RARE guys know how to entertain.

Pretty sad/bittersweet ending too. Who would've thought Conker's BFD would've had a moral at the end?
I was just thinking about if you stuck with it :awesome: . Glad to hear you did. I love that game so much. One of the best games of all time IMO. Especially for platformers/64. #Classic :colorful: . And yea, the ending is pretty sad :( The multiplayer is super fun too btw. War/Heist are the best. But yea, glad you got to experience Conker's xD .

Such a legit game *sigh*

PS.- Pro Tip: do yourself a favor, and NEVER play the X-Box remake.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 19, 2008
canBrah, Australia
I can't talk about drinking.

Not really the crowd to talk about dancing.

Talking about fashion is also useless.

Talking about women will get about one response, and then dies (Same with working out).
I am 100% fine with any of these over anime. Along with things like music (Is Kanye the GOAT?), Politics (Was it wrong for Thompson to spend all that money on prostitutes?/Is Obama gay?) or even just ragging on battlecow some more.


Smash Prodigy
Aug 12, 2009
angel beats is amazing, and i am completely fine with you watching it before viewing baka test

also i am relatively certain that dean is the australian version of tank


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
angel beats is amazing, and i am completely fine with you watching it before viewing baka test

also i am relatively certain that dean is the australian version of tank
Dean is 1der right? Or should I say cheeseball...

not a chance, tank is like eight trillion times cooler than dean

this is not actually a compliment to tank, though he can take it as one if he wishes
I'm takin' it.

EDIT: go with the first option definitely. Make sure to pick up coffee on the way there, and talk down to peeps. Also, the second pic is blurry- But tell me you have a belt to go with that tucked in shirt... dear god.


Smash Prodigy
Aug 12, 2009
8 trillion x 0 = 0

also dean, wear your power rangers shirt

if you do i'll wear my fluttershy shirt



Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2007
San Diego, CA
Isn't it lame that you can't just say yes? Like, you can still get infracted for saying 10char just to satisfy that rule.

You don't have to say "yes, I am dean" when a simple "yes" would suffice.



Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
I can't talk about drinking.
sadly. we need a special "adults only" thread or something

Not really the crowd to talk about dancing.
wait, there's more to dancing besides "lean back and forth slowly if you're alone and grind if you're with a girl"?

Talking about fashion is also useless.
no one has ever tried before heh. anyone got any sweet fashion tips?

Talking about women will get about one response, and then dies (Same with working out).
gym and nutrition are like my 2 favorite subjects. i've been (somewhat) following a Leangains style intermittent fasting diet along with my Starting Strength-inspired lifting program. i keep flaring up this back injury that has plagued me for like 6 months now though. i like intermittent fasting because i don't have to worry about food at all outside the set "eating period".

i also want to incorporate more carb-cycling into my diet to see if it makes any difference. i'm sure 95% of the complicated nutrition **** makes no real difference but it'll be fun to try. i've also been slowly learning how to cook which has been pretty cool. i'm pretty beginner - mostly i make omlettes or pan-fry chicken - but it usually turns out ok.

on women: has anyone figured out a comfortable way for two people to actually sleep in a twin-size bed? i've always wound up with an arm getting crushed somehow.

What a social thread >___>. What am I supposed to talk about. Sports? lol no thanks. I think I'll stick to the topic that at least gets half the people here talking. The rest of you don't have to respond lol. You could also bring up something else...
sports does seem to be a hopeless topic here. although i really don't think anime "gets half the people here talking". it's more like it gets 3 people to make more posts than the rest of us combined.

PS.- Pro Tip: do yourself a favor, and NEVER play the X-Box remake.
what's wrong with the xbox remake?

also i had the conker gameboy game which seemed to be aimed strictly at kids ... so yeah wtf happened with bad fur day? haha

I am 100% fine with any of these over anime. Along with things like music (Is Kanye the GOAT?), Politics (Was it wrong for Thompson to spend all that money on prostitutes?/Is Obama gay?) or even just ragging on battlecow some more.
please no politics lol

is kanye the GOAT of hip hop production? hmm that's a tough call. i'd say he's definitely up there. i LOVED MBDTF, primarily because of the production. i think dr dre is likely to be underrated in this though because his production style was ripped off by everyone. in 1992 his "g-funk" style was groundbreaking.

So I'm going to the movies tonight, what should I wear?
why dress up to go to the movies? you're just going to be sitting in a dark theater the whole time. of course this is coming from someone who wears primarily t-shirts and shorts all the time

Isn't it lame that you can't just say yes? Like, you can still get infracted for saying 10char just to satisfy that rule.

You don't have to say "yes, I am dean" when a simple "yes" would suffice.

the 10 character rule is the dumbest thing ever. are you trying to stop people from spamming? what do we have mods for then? i know i criticize mods a lot but i think they can spot the difference between a poster answering a yes-no question and a poster who is purposefully spamming.
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