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Social Social Thread - Talk About Anything (You Are Allowed to Talk About)!


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
Sooo, what's the latest news on KAILLERA my fellow smashers? I've been out the last two months due to school/work/broken controller, but I'm hoping to get back in the mix soon. Any newcomers that have impressed? Or is it still just YBOMBB, Boom, and Jaime calling for teams until 3 am?

@Tank: Any special reason for the Lent festivities?

College major successfully completed? Classical Languages. Currently nailing down a Master's in Journalism. Get at me.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
I aint a catholic or wuteva that lent **** is lol.
@Tank: Any special reason for the Lent festivities?
I think it's a good practice. I do it every year. An exercise in self discipline for me. This year I figured to make it extra difficult. Figured if it's not difficult than it's kind of useless lol. It also should be something positive (at least I think so).

A shame because I REALLY wanted to go out when I was in Atlanta, but I'm not sure if that's legal. I think I might burn in hell :( .

Oh, and I'm not catholic lol.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2009
Training Mode
In my defense, I per-agreed with the Atl clause :awesome:. Plus I found out some people actually break it up in weeks lol. So this is completely legal. /justification.

Plus there's always my romance...


and DON'T call me Franklin on the boards! You're ruining this image I got going! :mad:

lol j/k

but seriously...


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2011
That ****ing turtle is the only thing I think about when I hear the name Franklin.


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2009
World Traveler
I think it's a good practice. I do it every year. An exercise in self discipline for me. This year I figured to make it extra difficult. Figured if it's not difficult than it's kind of useless lol. It also should be something positive (at least I think so).

A shame because I REALLY wanted to go out when I was in Atlanta, but I'm not sure if that's legal. I think I might burn in hell :( .

Oh, and I'm not catholic lol.
Interesting. A ton of people do the Lent thing, religious or not. If anyone cares (and I doubt it), tradition-rich denominations (Catholics, to name one) tend to strictly adhere to Lent restrictions. Those who understand that it's more of a freedom realize they need do nothing...and usually don't. And then there are those who do it for reasons like yours. Anytime there is an intersection between religious and secular it interests me.

But yeah, you gotta drop that stuff if you're going to hotlanta. I've been there once and you can have a TON of fun. Just stay away from the shady places downtown where all the uh...well, shady peeps live. You'll know what I mean.

Every time I see TANK post I think of Frank the Tank from Old School.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
Lent is my least favorite thing ever. I'm not religious at all, and yet lent still managed to **** with me. Two years ago, before I started playing online, I would play smash with my catholic friend. Like, a lot of smash. Our default activity was us 2 playing smash, 4 of our other friends watching tv beside us (double tv system for the last 3 years, soooo clutch). Anyway around comes lent, and guess what my friend decides to give up? Yup, smash. One whole month of no one to play against at all, at least not on a level worth playing. I'm just training moding and btting, and by the time he starts playing again, I'm a lot better than him. Of course then he didn't find it as fun, and he won't play me much to this day, even though he's still my roommate. So not only did him giving up smash for lent take a month of smash away from me, its taken probably a year and a half away. It should be a rule for lent that whatever you give up doesn't affect other people.

I always picture Tank as his DBZ avatar, so I picture him enthusiatically yelling everything he says


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
i might go. my buddy goes to UofA (maybe I can get him to play also)

IIRC there are a bunch of people from Tuscon / Phoenix that play, but they only post intermittently. Maybe make a thread about this tourney so they might see it?

The most important thing though: do NOT, under any circumstances, go to the club "DV8" in Tuscon.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
if someone there has a cap card i'd be down. i still have my cap card but i switched computers and can't find the install CD to install the drivers on my new computer :(

maybe time to buy another?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2011
anyone going to be in LA round march 17-23? bringin my smash stuff and would like to play some crazy good ppl.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
holy **** yeah

some guys called east tacna smash subscribed to me yesterday and I thought it was the vids until I checked it out and realized it was just some ubb vs josias link dittos
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