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Social Social Thread - Talk About Anything (You Are Allowed to Talk About)!

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
Mafia games are a game where a set number of people (depends on the game) participate (say... 15 for example). Some people are good guys, and some people are bad guys. The good guys have no idea who is aligned with who (the only thing they know is that they are the good guys), while the bad guys know who the other bad guys are. The good guys's role is to eliminate all of the bad guys, while the bad guys's role is to eliminate all of the good guys.

The way the game works is like this: There's a day and night phase. During the day phase, everyone votes for someone to remove from the game. Whoever has the most votes is eliminated. This is the main way how the good guys eliminate bad guys. At night however, the bad guys get to choose one person to remove from the game. That is essencially the basics of the game.

It gets alot more complicated than that though. Some good and bad guys have special roles (for example, a good guy may have a role that lets him choose one person at night).

Overall, it's a really fun game, but it lasts a long time (about 10 real-life days per mafia day, depending on the game, and usually lasting 3-5 mafia days).

In the game I got the red dice, my role was aligned with the bad guys, however, they were not told I was aligned with them, nor were they aware someone else was aligned with them. I knew who they were though. I was also in a group of 3 people (other two were good guys) who collectively had the ability to kill one person every night (depending on who we decided together). Everyone, including the bad guys, thought I was a good guy, so nobody thought to kill me during the day, while at night, I moreorless controlled who we killed using our ability (therefore, we would constantly kill good guys), while the main bad guys would kill a good guy.

It's a somewhat complicated game, but if you have the time, it's really fun.

A hydra is when two (or more) people join as a single entry (they use the same account).


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Nova you're cool nowadays but I swear to god a few months/maybe a year or two ago you were on crack cocaine or something; you were literally the most disrespectful smasher I've ever met before or since.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
Overall, it's a really fun game, but it lasts a long time (about 10 real-life days per mafia day, depending on the game, and usually lasting 3-5 mafia days).
WTF? Are you serious at 10 real life days per Mafia day? That is just ridiculous. Just have a 1 day time limit.

Erm, but how do the good guys find out who the bad guys are?
Based on voting patterns and their posts.

You can get a "read" on people based on what they say, or you can look and see a voting pattern like "X seems to switch his votes awfully quickly, so he's probably a bad guy trying to do whatever".

Also sometimes there will be a "detective" role who can investigate one person at night and be told whether that person is good or bad. The detective can then use this info to vote differently or even come out and tell everyone his info (but then the bad guys will kill him ASAP at the next night once they know who he is).

edit: just looked at the actual forum and it needs a "HOW TO PLAY" sticky really badly


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
This is the one chance I'll ever have to ask someone this question in the spirit of genuine inquiry rather than an insult or slur directed at their intelligence, so I might as well take it:

Are you ********?

i am an ancient lich whose flesh has been ravaged by the eons of time, can you see my bones?


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
WTF? Are you serious at 10 real life days per Mafia day? That is just ridiculous. Just have a 1 day time limit.

Based on voting patterns and their posts.

You can get a "read" on people based on what they say, or you can look and see a voting pattern like "X seems to switch his votes awfully quickly, so he's probably a bad guy trying to do whatever".

Also sometimes there will be a "detective" role who can investigate one person at night and be told whether that person is good or bad. The detective can then use this info to vote differently or even come out and tell everyone his info (but then the bad guys will kill him ASAP at the next night once they know who he is).

edit: just looked at the actual forum and it needs a "HOW TO PLAY" sticky really badly
There are so many intricacies to the game, its actually really crazy how good some people get at reading others. Basiclally its informined minority vs uniformed majority and you can only verify someone's role when they die (are lynched or killed during the Night). Town (good ppl) try to lynch mafia during the Day (with a majority voting system) while mafia get to kill someone for free at Night.

Its not this simple as many town players have special power which help them at Night to find out who is mafia and mafia may have powers as well which help keep them hidden.

Yes, one mafia Day is 10 days in length. Its long, but most sites have it that one Day is 3 weeks, so im not complaining.

BY, I am srs ****ness about that hydra for future games. I know soup is interested and maybe we can get one of star king or ballin to give it a test run. 5 Person hydra would be cool.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 30, 2009
no im not i am beautiful

see this is me i am very handsome if i say so myself


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Battlecow, you're ******** for thinking HAMMERHEART is ********.
No, guys who refer to schoolteachers ****** students as "delicious" to the person who almost got ***** aren't in anyway pushing at the boundary between sanity and ***********. Even if he's joking (and I'm actually not sure that he is), it goes well beyond "rude" and "in poor taste" and far, far into "****ed up."

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
I agree that it's pretty ****ed up, but what can I say? We've been trolled.

Also, TBH I recalled HAMMERHEART replying with that to something else, and I didn't bother checking. My bad.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
I agree that it's pretty ****ed up, but what can I say? We've been trolled.
Trolling people about SSB: funny

Trolling people about attempted sexual assaults on them in their youth: categorically uncool.

Apology accepted and all that. You're my bestest bud again.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Hes sent me a few PMs that are quite interesting. Most of them pertain to my life.

but hes only straight trollin', right? o_o


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
There are so many intricacies to the game, its actually really crazy how good some people get at reading others. Basiclally its informined minority vs uniformed majority and you can only verify someone's role when they die (are lynched or killed during the Night). Town (good ppl) try to lynch mafia during the Day (with a majority voting system) while mafia get to kill someone for free at Night.

Its not this simple as many town players have special power which help them at Night to find out who is mafia and mafia may have powers as well which help keep them hidden.

Yes, one mafia Day is 10 days in length. Its long, but most sites have it that one Day is 3 weeks, so im not complaining.

BY, I am srs ****ness about that hydra for future games. I know soup is interested and maybe we can get one of star king or ballin to give it a test run. 5 Person hydra would be cool.
The other forum I post on has days that are 1 day in length.

I wouldn't want to commit to a game that's going to take 2 months to finish lol

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
I don't always find the time, so I go inactive for about 5-10 days. I then just hop in mid-way again, ask for a summary of the information, and keep going. Either that or I start fresh half-way.

The good thing about a hydra (several people in the same team) is that if one person is busy, the others can take over until the one comes back, then give them a short summary of what has happened so far.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
What is this other forum?

I know mafia is HELLA popular on Smogon, but I don't think you play Pokemon.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
With long amounts of Day time to share info, readings/descicions should hypothetically be more accurate.

30 minute days are just gut reactions. Not enough time to analyze the data.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Hes sent me a few PMs that are quite interesting. Most of them pertain to my life.

but hes only straight trollin', right? o_o
yeah, he kind of just PM'd me a picture of chopped off ****s in spaghetti and some vague threats. I opened it in the middle of the library where I play smash, and it caused quite the scene.

So I'm pretty sure he's genuinely loco rather than just trolling.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
the whereabouts of said clan page will forever be a mystery. Apparently it dwells in a sub-forum that does not actually exist as of now.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
Wait, what?

You saw a clan page that was later removed? Oh snap, Smashboards leak.

A clan page is pretty unnecessary though IMO. The only clan thread that I've seen actually stay active for over like a couple of weeks was the Cool_Blade1992 one, and that's because that thread was hilarious.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
If AoAAAAAAAW's thread hadn't been closed it would have probably lasted longer. And since there were some serious discussion going in there I don't understand why it got closed.
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