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Deleted member

Around half an hour ago or so I entered a GAME store and saw the whole section of second hand games completely out of order... So I basically added every single game into their right or functional place on the store.

It wasn't that hard, but I do feel a bit tired right now.

Gonna take a crepé (not sure how to say that in english) to relax a bit.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2018
Tallon IV
Switch FC
SW 1995 0060 1138
Around half an hour ago or so I entered a GAME store and saw the whole section of second hand games completely out of order... So I basically added every single game into their right or functional place on the store.

It wasn't that hard, but I do feel a bit tired right now.

Gonna take a crepé (not sure how to say that in english) to relax a bit.

It's called pannenkoek in Dutch

So I was hella confused last page


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Around half an hour ago or so I entered a GAME store and saw the whole section of second hand games completely out of order... So I basically added every single gameinto their right or functional place on the store.

It wasn't that hard, but I do feel a bit tired right now.

Gonna take a crepé (not sure how to say that in english) to relax a bit.
as a spokesperson for all retail employees worldwide, we thank you for your service



Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Hey look! Someone remembered Super Mario Land exists!

He put all the effort into tagging it in spoilers and you just go ahead and disrespect him like that?
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I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Here's the in-game announcement of the Final Splatfest in Splatoon 2. If you ever had any doubts about this effecting Splatoon 3's story...

Wow that got deep.

Pearl: They like you more than they like me. I've seen the internet.


Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Here's the in-game announcement of the Final Splatfest in Splatoon 2. If you ever had any doubts about this effecting Splatoon 3's story...

Hey look! Someone remembered Super Mario Land exists!
Marina’s words were making me consider Order at first, but

Then I found out Commander Tartar is on Team Order

I ain’t gonna be on the same side as a mass murderer

Plus, if Chaos wins, maybe somehow Tartar can return and end up controlling Marina and/or Marie, which would be an interesting reversal of Splatoon 2’s story situation

And Callie’s also on Team Chaos, she deserves this final win too. That and I was sold on Pearl after her badass Killer Wail at the end of Octo Expansion
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Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
Here's the in-game announcement of the Final Splatfest in Splatoon 2. If you ever had any doubts about this effecting Splatoon 3's story...
I’m still debating which side I’d support, given that it definitely does sound like it will affect the plot of Splatoon 3 (and, given the subject matter, probably the direction basically everything in the game goes, not just the plot. Like, it might factor into the visuals of every single stage in the game, a lot of the outfits, the weapon designs, ect...)
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Wow that got deep.

Pearl: They like you more than they like me. I've seen the internet.

It hurt reading that part.

Ever since her reveal, I've felt really bad for Pearl and the way she's been seen by the fans. Regardless of how lovable and quirky the developers made Pearl, Marina was the one who was destined to be more popular. She's got the looks, the laid-back personailty like Marie, and she's an Octoling on top of it all. Meanwhile, Pearl gets nothing but bad jokes about her forehead and how she resembles a gremlin.

I really hope Pearl and Team Chaos win this Splatfest. Pearl and Marina are tied at 13 wins in NA, and I think Pearl deserves to win the last Splatfest.

Plus, Chaos should offer a more interesting story than Order in Splatoon 3.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Haven’t played spatoon 2 in awhile but im playing for team chaos let’s see where this goes!

Deleted member

Woah, there are a lot of people before me for the AMA thing.

While I have the patience needed to wait for my turn on that, I do fear the idea of it happening when summer is over.

Hopefully not doh.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Question to the social thread, what are you brutally honest thoughts on Geno in Smash? I spend a lot of time around the Geno thread so I feel like I get that side of things a lot and as a fan of the character who doesn't always see eye to eye with other fans of the character, I'm always curious to see what others are really thinking on the character, especially in the wake of someone like Banjo Kazooie and Hero getting in (hopefully this doesn't strike too much of a cord with anyone or cause too much trouble haha).
I know this is an old post but I saw this and wanted to give my two cents... although you probably already know a lot of this.

So Geno. Well, I love SMRPG dearly, I've stated it many times, it was basically my first RPG and still one of my all time favorite games to this day, basically my favorite SNES game alongside DKC2. I liked Geno a lot as a kid, he has a standout design and cool moves, I even dressed up as him for Halloween once. But I think that's all it ever really was, just this neat character in one of my favorite games. I never had the ravenous appetite for him that a lot of fans do. If he got in, I'd be happy for his fans and feel nostalgic for one of my favorite games, but I think that would be about it.

The only reason I would see him ever belonging in Smash is because of fan demand. Which is fine, people can support characters for whatever they want, but it irritates me when people blow up Geno's importance to be more than it is. Some supporters say he's "basically the main character of SMRPG" or try to pawn him off as some sort of mascot for the Mario RPGs in general. It's okay to accept that you just want this character because he's cool; he isn't an important character in the grand scheme of things. Just embrace that and don't try to argue that he's "Smash worthy."

Side note, comparisons to K. Rool and Banjo-Kazooie also irritate me, given that those are significant recurring characters in their own franchises.

As for Geno's chances... well, Sakurai has been aware of the Geno demand since probably at least Brawl, as he said he wanted to put Geno in there. He seems to like Geno quite fine, even throwing in the costume in Smash 4 despite a dearth of Square content otherwise. He's said that he was aware of the rabid Banjo demand even after K. Rool and Ridley got in, so I'm almost certain he knows about the current Geno fervor, even if I suspect Geno didn't perform particularly well on the ballot based on the smaller Smash 4 fandom. Now we come to the core problem of Geno: Neither Nintendo or Square own him. They both own him jointly. What does this mean?

It means that Geno's ability to appear in other video games is extremely limited. He cannot exist in a video game without both companies approving it. This means the character, from a mascot/marketability perspective, is a dead end for both companies. Banjo in Smash means he promotes, even indirectly, Microsoft's hardware and software; MS still uses Banjo in advertisements even if Rare has no interest in future games. They clearly see the character as marketable. He's also basically an unknown outside of diehard Smash circles; my mother recognized Banjo-Kazooie because it was one of my favorite childhood games and knows it by name. She would have no idea who Geno is despite playing SMRPG a ton as a kid as well. Geno is a dead end. He would be put in purely to make a subset of Smash fans happy and that's it... and probably a great cost.

Tansut, a ResetERA insider with Square contacts, said he heard Cloud was a "pricey fellow" to get into Smash. I don't think this would bode well for a character that Square will see basically no marketing growth from. It's also Nintendo's money; are they going to want to pay out of the nose for this obscure character that neither company gets anything out of besides Smash DLC? Fan demand has its limits, and I think the money/legal situation of Geno is one of those limits.

I'm also about 90% certain Spirits deconfirm. The first three Fighters Pass characters have absolutely no content in Ultimate's base game and based on rumors, DLC characters were being decided for much of 2018. I think Spirits were decided in tandem with the Pass. A selling point for each of the characters so far is the franchise they are with as well as the character; with the stages, Spirits, and other nods. What is curious is that Geno and Mallow both got Spirits and Geno got a player icon, but I see this as just a nod to whatever ballot support Geno got. I think the Geno costume is nearly guaranteed to return with Hero... and if it doesn't, then it was probably cut for one reason or another.

There's just too much to overcome for Geno. If he was a first party character it would be different, but I just don't see his situation changing anytime soon. The character is obscure outside of internet forums and has no tangible future in video games. I also really don't see any doubling up of companies on the Fighters Pass and I think Banjo is going to be the only "fan favorite" character. Geno fans are free to think and hope for whatever they want, but I don't see how they aren't setting themselves up for inevitable disappointment. I've been there, waiting months and months and months for K. Rool in Smash 4, between base game and DLC speculation. I'd consider him pretty solidly deconfirmed, and I think for future games he still has to overcome the licensing/marketing issue, as well as his fans probably aging out and moving on. At the earliest, I can't imagine Smash 6 coming out before 2023. What will the Geno fanbase look like then? Still rallying for this then-nearly 30 year old character who has no future in the industry? I can only hope the Geno costume comes with Hero so Geno supporters can have a more realistic outlook on the character.

But... you never know.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
The memes that are going to come from Kamakazee are gonna be great
Here's the in-game announcement of the Final Splatfest in Splatoon 2. If you ever had any doubts about this effecting Splatoon 3's story...
Everyone go Marina, I dont wanna see that pink gremlin ever again
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Deleted member

I would love to share my thoughts on the new Splatfest.

But I sadly don't know anything about Splatoon 2 since I haven't played it.

Because of that, I'll just hope that the people who own the game enjoy this final Splatfest as much as possible.

Deleted member

Porting Mario is like giving birth. It’s extremely painful, but when you’re done you have something you love.


Smash Champion
Apr 8, 2019
regardless of who wins this splatfest, the next game will probably have a new music duo. The Squid Sisters were based off of J-Pop idols, while off the hook is more hip-hop influenced. What should the next group be based off of?

Deleted member

We are close to DQB2 and UA3 people!

And also even closer to my trip to Madrid!

Deleted member

regardless of who wins this splatfest, the next game will probably have a new music duo. The Squid Sisters were based off of J-Pop idols, while off the hook is more hip-hop influenced. What should the next group be based off of?
I must prevent myself from making the easy joke...

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
I'm dropping Smash Ultimate, I swear to ******* God.

As in I'm not sure what to do with myself right now. Don't take this literally.
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Deleted member

Look at this and tell me this doesn't look hard.
EDIT: I just realized how odd that sounded.
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