Smash Obsessed
I feel like they've loosened up their grip a slight bit with TOK, as there's more Toads and Enemies with more unique costumes then there has even been in SS and Color SplashI don't really mind the RPG battle system being gone (even if they insist on doing a variation of an RPG-style battle system despite not being an RPG anymore), though it does suck it'll probably never come back, especially if Nintendo just lets M&L stay dead in the water. I just wish they would stop with their big-time paranoia and hypocrisy telling the PM devs to not use age/gender (so no individuals among a character species anymore, just different outfits and dialogue, though at least Bobby was done well), and to not make any unique characters be able to appear in future games. It's ridiculous and doesn't even make sense with the "consistency/protect the brand" reason since they break it themselves.
Like compare these two Professor Toads for example
Completely seperate characters, but one stands out more. We still got ways to go however.
Now we want to talk missed opportunity, look at CS's concept art and what could have been
The one we got was the bottom left btw