Still curious about what you have on your collection doh!
xD If I drop by again with time in my hands, I will surely take a photo, or maybe after I re-arrange it with the new stuff I have gathered and get rid of some more I don't want anymore.
My collection mostly consist of AC stuff, from figures from McFarlane (XD He made the FIRST figure of Shay ever and I adore him for that), both used and new, some from other companies and the recently Ubicollectible statue of Shay I got for my birthday, and other stuff from AC like the physical copy of AC:Rogue for display. Other part has a LOT of Rabbid toys and plushies, and my most treasured ones are from McFarlane too. Quite a lot of MLP:FiM stuff too,, Mario stuff (from plushies to toys), pokemon stuff (my favorite among all of it being my Rayquaza and Primarina plushies) and my amiibos like my two Ridley, two Super Mario Rosalinas and Falco. Oh and my giant Super Metroid Cartridge and some Samus figures with metroids.
And then there would be the animal plushies and figures, mainly the ones I like the most like seals (yes, I love cute fluffy seals) and some other animals that I have encountered in Rogue, like my rare Great Auk plushie.
I don't know if you have ever taste some marshmallows called Peeps? I even got plushies of those, just as a reminder of my childhood. I got my old abandoned consoles put somewhere too. xD It will hopefully look better in a photograph as I might be forgetting a lot of stuff.