Chrom - 10th Place, 15595 votes
Merric - 212th Place, 702 votes
Edelgard - 1st Place, 74617 votes
Virion - 394th Place, 238 votes
Celica - N/A (CYL2 Winner)
Marth - 4th Place, 44107 Votes
Caeda - 76th Place, 2400 votes
Silque - 350th Place, 316 votes
Tiki (Awakening) - 54th Place, 3137 votes
Ferdinand - 41st Place, 4584 votes
Tobin - 376th Place, 269 votes
Dorothea - 12th Place, 15212 votes
Hardin - 262nd Place, 516 votes
Hanneman - 388th Place, 249 votes
Lena - 289th Place, 448 votes
Julian - 230th Place, 622 votes
Celica is of course ineligible since she won CYL2. Chrom, Edelgard, Marth, Caeda, Dorothea, Ferdinand, and Tiki all made the Top 100. Merric beat Brigand Boss and got a respectable 212th place. Julian, Hardin, and Lena all got in the Top 300. Silque sadly dropped quite a bit since she's in Heroes now, and Tobin's there too. Virion got the lowest of my favorite sixteen, but at least was in the Top 400...barely.
The real sad one is Hanneman. Second lowest scoring of my favorites (only ahead of Virion by six places, despite being a new character), second lowest scoring playable Three Houses character (only ahead of Gilbert), and somehow not only managed to lose to all but Gilbert among the playables, but also lost to Monica, Nader, Metodey, and Duke Aegir of all people. Sad times indeed. Really wish he did better.