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Smash Legend
Dec 5, 2018
Gamexplain came up with two amazing Mario game ideas.

The first was an rpg where Mario tracks bowser through different Nintendo worlds and teams up with characters from that world. In which Mario gets different weapons and abilities to fit in based on the word.

The second was a paper Mario game where Mario travels through time and ends up going through different animation styles over the years.

Holy **** would that be pretty damn good. So much amazing potential there and now it probably won’t happen.

So what they want is Mushroom Kingdom hearts?


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Well, today was a fairly interesting day. My mother and I went out to buy cigarettes, went to McDonalds to grab some grub, and my mother was pulled over and ticketed.

The sandwiches were good.

Deleted member

Holy **** would that be pretty damn good. So much amazing potential there and now it probably won’t happen.

Oh the sadness, oh the

I am having way too much fun with these lmao


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Alright, here goes nothing...

@Noipoi : Your posts are always a joy to read and your general friendliness is something that everyone on this site should aspire to replicate.

@JDCabrera : It always pains me to see you vent about personal problems with your family since you seem to be such an outgoing guy, and you're a big reason why I've taken an interest in the Dragon Quest series. Here's hoping that things look up for you and that you can gain some much needed independence this year.

@Smashing Ramen : I admire your dedication to Corrin and I'm thankful that you took up the mantle for AMA and made one for me. Oh, and hopefully I can take you up on that Discord invitation sometime soon.

@Guh-Huzzah! : You're a cool dude with some awesome taste in media (Persona 5 and Shantae immediately come to mind). Keep up the good work with your voice acting career and I'm sure you'll amount to even bigger things in the future.

@Taylor F : Just like your brother, you are also putting in great voice acting work and I hope that you continue to find even more projects to lend your voice to. The model work that you sometimes share on here is very impressive, too.

DerpingPikachu DerpingPikachu : While you may not be noticed as often as you should, you're still a very nice guy and I appreciate you trying your best to spark conversation.

@Bolderousness : I've never seen anyone come close to making as many insane forum bets as you have, so you earn my respect for that. Your posts often have a certain wit to them that I get a kick out of and I think you have some fantastic choices for Smash newcomers. Oh, and I'm glad that I've made you a fan of Hungry Clicker lol.

Wademan94 Wademan94 : While you may feel uncertain in how people view them, I really enjoy your game ideas and hope to read even more of them in the future. Hell, I wish that I had even an ounce of the creativity that you possess for this sort of thing.

@Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik : Besides being one of the best video game villains of all time, I like seeing the updates on your art and how you continue to improve.

@Gentlepanda : Thank you for the gift of Yodasumi and Baboom win. I expect even greater memes from you in the future.

@Zinith: You are easily the most passionate fan of the green dino that I've seen on the internet yet. Don't ever let anyone tell you that your boy is trash.

SnakeFighter64 SnakeFighter64 : While I don't agree with everything you say, I feel like you make a bunch of quality posts that are overlooked simply because you're sometimes controversial. You're still pretty cool in my book.

@TheCJBrine : I'm pulling for the ole blockhead to make it into Ultimate and shut the haters up. Steve fans really don't deserve to have their character made a laughing stock.

Professor Pumpkaboo Professor Pumpkaboo : Morbid comments from you aside, it's always nice to see a fellow Akechi fan and your praise for DQXI finally made me give in and give it a chance (Erik and Sylvando are awesome).

NonSpecificGuy NonSpecificGuy : Thanks for dealing with us numbskulls as long as you have. I hope that Hayabusa gets his shot at being a fighter in Smash if only for you.

staindgrey staindgrey : Much respect for doing a great job as part of the crew on this site and creating content for your YouTube channel. Your passion for Resident Evil (much like the next user on my list) was a big factor in getting me to play through the series and I'm really enjoying my experience with it so far.

@Scoliosis Jones : From what I've gathered through your comments, you sound like the coolest teacher ever, and I thank you for playing a big part in getting me to try out Resident Evil. While I may not be the biggest fan of your takes on newcomer speculation (mainly spirit upgrades), I can't deny that you always raise solid points.

@Dark Bagel : Your avatars are consistently amazing and your brand of humor doesn't receive nearly enough recognition around here. Solid choices for Smash newcomers, too.

@Edith Bunker : I think it's very cool that someone of your age is still passionate about Smash and finds time to hop on here every so often. Hopefully you can reach your forum goal of making a post that can accumulate 20+ likes sometime this year.

@Bakugan2556 : While I won't hesitate to call you out on controversial comments, I respect your mission in spreading awareness of Buddyfight and hope that you can get more people to take interest in it (I still think you would dial it down a notch, tho).

@Mamboo07 : I'm convinced that your computer is full of nothing but images of the "Poyo Boyo" (not that it's a bad thing, mind you). You keep that Kirby love going strong into this year.

@Freezerburn : Thank you for all the likes, man. You're ****ing awesome...and really mysterious lol. A part of me wishes you would post more often but the other part wants your "gimmick" to continue.

@Will : I admire how you're never afraid to speak what's on your mind and call out people on there bull****.

@Zachmac: I hope that you're successful in raising awareness for The Dragon Prince. Seems like a pretty interesting series so I may try it one of these days.

@Dyllybirdy : Any fan of Zelda and Shantae is cool in my book, and you seem to be a nice person from the few conversations we've exchanged. I just wish you would open up a little bit more. :-P

Aurane Aurane : ****poster or not, I still enjoy the updates you provide on games you're currently playing. I still don't know what happened to that Sans fellow who posted remarkably similar to you, though.

@ShotoStar: Endgame : Definitely one of the cooler and respectable Geno supporters that I've encountered on this site. While our conversations have been fairly brief, I enjoy reading what you have to say and look forward to talking to you more in the future.

@SonicSmasher1 : You're generally a friendly dude and I liked a bunch of the ideas that you shared with me through DMs. Please keep those creative juices flowing and never stop being an advocate for commas.

@Shroob: I love how simple, yet effective your username is and how you're an aficionado for the spooky season. That, and you definitely stick to your values regarding Swoshi (I think the game is fun but I definitely agree that some things are inexcusable).

@osby I love how knowledgeable you are about SMT and Persona, not to mention that you're an all around swell guy. I wasn't around when it happened but thanks for being a moderator at some point, too.

@Michael the Spikester : Despite thinking that you need to lighten up a little regarding Smash speculation, you're a cool dude and your love for cinema makes you stand out among other users.

@MainJPW : The updates on Sonic and Dragon Ball that you sometimes post are often interesting and much appreciated as a fan of both franchises.

@Wario Bros. : Fellow Shantae fan and, to my knowledge, are among the few people on this site who actually play Dr. Mario World.

@Schnee117 : I dig the snarky comments and think your taste in video games is top notch. The RWBY inspired username is a plus, too.

@Cutie Gwen : You're based as **** and SB choosing to have an award named after you is really cool. Don't stop being awesome.

@Rie Sonomura : From one Xenoblade fan to another, I wish you the best of luck in our favorite BLADE colonel to join Ultimate's roster before all is said and done.

@Calamitas : While I think your hatred of XC2 is a little overdone, I really hope that you end up getting Elma in Smash and a XCX port on Switch. Oh, and your Shrek meme is legit one of my favorite posts on this site.

@Gamma Ray : It's always nice to meet a fellow fan of best girl on this site and I enjoyed discussing some things about Xenoblade 2 with you. Here's hoping that Rex and Pyra/Mythra have a chance for post-pass, eh?

@tehponycorn : Your posts are often extremely well thought out and structured beautifully, so it's always a treat to see you contribute your stance on whatever debate is currently ongoing about Smash.

@Rangez : While you may not post very often, you're still a swell guy who cares about how others are doing. Hopefully we can find time to talk to each other more often.

@Hat N' Clogs : You have consistently great pfps of Tails and you're a great person who needs to stop letting trivial things drag your mood down.

...Alright, that's all I'm doing for now since I did all of this on mobile and my device is starting to lag. There are still quite a few people that I want to give shout outs to at some point, so don't despair if you don't see your name anywhere.

That being said, I wish every single one of you lovely people a happy New Year!
I'll do a user appreciation post now, but I didn't decide to do one until now because I wasn't sure how exactly to word it, or what the criteria would be... until now.

I would say that the following users have not only treated me very well, but have also had a significant impact in my life concerning encouraging me even in my darkest times and have been very supportive through everything I've gone through, especially with my journey through depression. I will also be personally thanking people that have changed my enjoyment of the site for the better in a big way, for me.

@censorship - You post far more on discord of course and that's where I met you back in 2017. But, thank you for always supporting me and being one of the kindest people I know.

@KingofPhantoms - One of my first Smashboards friends. Thank you for your down to earth personality; I need that considering my zaniness at times.

@Cyndane - Thank you for supporting me during the stresses of being a moderator while I was serving in the position.

@Taylor F - I haven't known you for long but you've been very kind towards me and I appreciate it greatly. You've become one of my friends on here very quickly and I'm thankful.

@The Stoopid Unikorn - Your quirkiness knows no bounds and I've enjoyed your presence for a long time. Much appreciation for you.

staindgrey staindgrey - For encouraging me back in May of 2019 when I lost my job, along with me dealing with other drama that I won't get into right now.

Aurane Aurane - For their unique personality and also hearing me out when I was complaining about my personal struggles back in November 2018.

@AndreaAC - For being one of the nicest people I've interacted with on here and always being pleasant and upbeat.

A big thank you to all of you. You all have been very helpful with helping me work through dark times in my life, along with lifting my spirits constantly, and I greatly appreciate it. I need all of you, and I'm thankful for all of you.
Thank you guys. I never know how best to respond to these, but know that I appreciate you in return. You've made an impact on me as well, so thank you. :)

I appreciate all of you here, really.

Well. Except you. You know who you are.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Thank you guys. I never know how best to respond to these, but know that I appreciate you in return. You've made an impact on me as well, so thank you. :)

I appreciate all of you here, really.

Well. Except you. You know who you are.
Listen here, now. It's not my fault you supported the inferior Resident Evil character.
giphy (4).gif


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2018
over dere
Switch FC
It's on their Roster portrait menus, though it doesn't always help as they sometimes share things, Lysithea is scared of ghosts yet she doesn't own a charm to keep haunted spirits away, that's Alois' ****
Ah thanks, must've just been me not seeing something in the menu

And yeah, there's a fair few shared interests so I'd wish my students would stop getting all offended if I try and give them the wrong lost property


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2019
Morioh City
Going by GameStop ****ing up again, seems likely one will happen this week. I was expecting one last week, but better late than never..
In their defense they didn't screw up like Best Buy did with Joker. SKUs are meant to be the guidelines for the employees when putting out product, so it was more than likely just an employee who leaked the SKUs. I'm expecting some time before the tenth based on absolutely nothing


Smash Journeyman
Dec 30, 2019
Switch FC
I'm curious how I would be measured as a player. Like what qualifies as "good" and where I am on newbie vs pro scale. I probably should just play with real people more...


sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around
A ton of people seem to think an entirely brand new Nintendo console is "guaranteed" and "needed" because of Sony and Microsoft's new consoles. The main argument is "They'll lose major 3rd party support!" and I'm like, okay, but they don't necessarily have a ton of AAA support outside of previous gen games ATM anyway. I'm curious what exactly people think they're gonna lose, 'cause they really only have Japanese devs and indies backing them ATM.
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I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
"Huh. I wonder who his hero is."

*opens spoiler*

"Who is thi... wait."

Edit: its 2020. I'm bringing Lana memes back.

I really need to compile a Gundam Wing reaction folder rather than googling all the time.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
No I'm serious. Is it too late for New Years resolutions?

Mine is bringing Lana memes back for 2020. I just decided on this.

Deleted member

Seems like we are all on a Capcom mood today between me playing Megaman 11 and the thread talking Resident Evil.



Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2019
Morioh City
(Grumble grumble grumble)
There’s a card game for everything these days, isn’t there..

legit thou you have my attention. How does it play?
with how much you talk about, reference, and I would assume play card games, I wonder if you've ever tried Magic the Gathering. Absolutely my jam, that game
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