It's been pretty boring for me today (both in my life and for this thread), so I'm gonna list my current progression in Pokemon Masters...
If anyone's interested or even played the game themselves.
To start out, I've made up about seven teams during my playtime, each of which have a theme of representing every region (minus Galar) in the series.
I got some King of Fighters vibes from all of this.
Team Hoenn:
Drake & Salamance (Center)
Flannery & Torkoal (Right)
Brawly & Makuhita (Left)
Team Unova:
Skyla & Swanna (Center)
Brycen & Cryogonal (Left)
Clay & Palpitoad (Right)
Team Kanto:
Lorelei & Lapras (Center)
Agatha & Gengar (Right)
Erika & Vileplume (Left)
Team Kalos:
Siebold & Clawitzer (Center)
Wikstrom & Aegislash (Left)
Grant & Amaura (Right)
Team Alola:
Olivia & Lycanroc (Center)
Sophocles & Togedemaru (Right)
Mina & Granbull (Left)
Team Johto:
Will & Xatu (Center)
Bugsy & Beedrill (Left)
Janine & Ariados (Right)
Team Sinnoh:
Noland & Pinsir (Center)
Cheryl & Blissey (Right)
Crasher Wake & Floatzel (Left)