I just wanna talk to the guy naming these things. Ask him why.
I think console naming has just become a lost art.
Sony never really tried, opting instead for a number (which is ok), except for the Vita (which was a stupid name).
Aside from the original Xbox name, the 360 is really the only one with a good recognizable name, Microsoft has been pretty bad about names otherwise.
I honestly think Nintendo was just lucky with the Switch, before that I would argue that they haven't come up with a good name since the DS. The Wii was cute, but kind of a stupid name, Wii U is a dumpster fire of a name, 3DS is essentially a bad pun (same with the 2DS), New Nintendo 2/3DS XL is pretty self-explanatory. Which is all really sad coming from the company who named the NES/Famicom-Gamecube and GB-DS.