The game is OK so far. I mean, it's Pokemon, it's hard to mess up the core gameplay. And to give it credit, it has some nice QoL changes, like the game telling you your next goal on the menu screen, something that was kind of attempted in FRLG an DPPt to a lesser degree, as well as a pop up whenever you get a new item, telling you what it does, so you don't have to manually check. It also not only lets you skip the catching tutorial, but also the Pokemon Center one, no clue why they felt the need to add one in later gens to begin with, but it's welcome.
The sad thing is, you can actually see where care was put into and the wasted potential. The little cutscene that plays before you choose your starter is pretty cute and kind of elaborate for what it is. The Towns themselves also look nice, but they don't live up to their potential either. They feel pretty lifeless, no thanks to the pretty short draw distance, which shouldn't even be a thing on the Switch, Basically, increase the draw distance, add a few more NPCs and maybe increase the texture resolution a bit and they would look really nice. Also fix the water, right now it looks more like tar or oil than water.
Also I can't stand Hop, who is pretty much Hop 2.0. I didn't like Hau either, so there's that. Can't say I like Leo either, he comes across as pretty haughty.