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Deleted member

I should have made it a bit clearer:

NO OTHER CHARACTER CAN KILL AT 0% WITH ONE MOVE. Hero 100% should be nerfed in some way.
Other characters can kill at 0%, but the difference is they are predicable. Hero's problem is it's random chance, meaning YOU WON'T KNOW IF YOU DIE OR NOT UNTIL YOU GET HIT. This means that playing keep away with Hero is literally the only way to have a chance at winning against Hero.
Problem with Hero is good luck getting hits in.

Deleted member

Just thinking about 2019 in general ignoring the February events fills my heart and mind with a lot of joy and motivation.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I should have made it a bit clearer:

NO OTHER CHARACTER CAN KILL AT 0% WITH ONE MOVE. Hero 100% should be nerfed in some way.
Other characters can kill at 0%, but the difference is they are predicable. Hero's problem is it's random chance, meaning YOU WON'T KNOW IF YOU DIE OR NOT UNTIL YOU GET HIT. This means that playing keep away with Hero is literally the only way to have a chance at winning against Hero.
Oh you play keepaway against Hero instead of rushing them down? No wonder you thinl they're broken, you have no idea how to fight them lmao

Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
2019's probably been the biggest year for me so far. I turned 18, learned I was autistic, graduated high school, started college (though I hate the college I go to), got a new phone, got a new laptop, got a Switch, got a new TV, got my learner's permit, and got my first job (though I only had it for the summer).

EDIT: Dangit missed the page.
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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
I should have made it a bit clearer:

NO OTHER CHARACTER CAN KILL AT 0% WITH ONE MOVE. Hero 100% should be nerfed in some way.
Other characters can kill at 0%, but the difference is they are predicable. Hero's problem is it's random chance, meaning YOU WON'T KNOW IF YOU DIE OR NOT UNTIL YOU GET HIT. This means that playing keep away with Hero is literally the only way to have a chance at winning against Hero.
Yes, there is a chance he might kill you while you're at 0%, but the thing is, Hero is quit slow, so if you're a zoning or speedy character, you can probably overwhelm him before he get the chance to pick that one move or do even anything.

That, and even Hero player can't tell when they get the lucky one hit kill move or not, so they have to guess as much as their opponent.
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Deleted member

I just hope that 2020 will also give me a lot of good moments.

Not sure if they’ll be as frequent as in this year, but I honestly feel completely positive about my future.

Deleted member

Oh you play keepaway against Hero instead of rushing them down? No wonder you thinl they're broken, you have no idea how to fight them lmao
I've fought Hero before, and I tend to get demolished unless I avoid him at all costs. This is especially true with my mains being lightweight characters.

Deleted member

Ah 2020 who know what it will bring also it’s the year challenger pack 5 arrives. It’s likley to be either Doomslayer or crash bandicoot.

or Shantae if milks female fighter rumors are to be taken to account
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Smash Champion
Apr 8, 2019
Also if polteageist does have a pre evolution that’s a teacup with the name entitea, then I’m betting that post in 2014 was real and it was a scrapped XY mon
IIRC that happened with zygarde


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
IIRC that happened with zygarde
I think I remember something about the forms being leftover from somewhere now that you mention.

But there’s been plenty of Pokémon I’m sure scrapped and used later. The biggest example we know for sure is Shellos and gastrodon in gen 3.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I've fought Hero before, and I tend to get demolished unless I avoid him at all costs. This is especially true with my mains being lightweight characters.
Don't you play Captain Falcon? Captain
Falcon is AMAZING against Hero as Hero struggles to get hits in against him. How about you develop counterplay instead of saying he's OP?

Deleted member

Don't you play Captain Falcon? Captain
Falcon is AMAZING against Hero as Hero struggles to get hits in against him. How about you develop counterplay instead of saying he's OP?
No, my current main shifts a lot, but right now my main is Wii Fit Trainer


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Don't you play Captain Falcon? Captain
Falcon is AMAZING against Hero as Hero struggles to get hits in against him. How about you develop counterplay instead of saying he's OP?
I mean, he is OP.

...if you don't know how to shield.

Deleted member

I could legit be having tears of joy right now just by remembering 2019 in general... If I wasn’t unable to cry.

Thinking about the progress I’ve made since the year started just motivates my soul.


Hipster Heavyweight Champ
Jul 3, 2014
That was somewhat sarcasm. My opinion is that Hero needs a nerf, but shouldn't be banned. Main thing is the ****ing Critical Hit killing at 0% easily.

Also, needs more lag on a lot of his moves. maybe even remove a few spells, because no character should have access to such a wide variety of overpowered moves(note that I would be fine with a character similar to Hero IF their moves are not broken)
Hero sucks ass tho. They rely on RNG and a resource meter, and otherwise are barely a character with how bad their normals are. Like, Hero's neutral relies on a resource meter due to his only good moves for said neutral being uncharged neutral B and level 2 side B. But if the opponent just plays patiently, Hero soon runs out of MP and they're a sitting duck then because they have no air or ground speed, almost every normal move is punishable on block. They have to get a lucky hit in to be back in the game, they're doomed otherwise. Don't get me started on how gimpable their recovery is unless they manage to get Zoom. Their only good OoS is up B so that also relies on MP. And really even a full MP Hero needs to find time to open up the menu in hopes of acceleratle, psych up, bounce or oomph, otherwise they're not a threat. Most of their spells can just be blocked as well, they're pretty telegraphed if you pay attention. The character just isn't good, they scrape wins with luck.

Deleted member

I think I need to lie down, my head's kinda killing me today. Stupid headache.

Deleted member

Every character is OP if you don't know what you're doing.
Honestly, aside from like 1 or 2 characters, pretty much every character in SSBU is competitivly playable. Course, some are better than others, but it is possible to win tourneys fairly easily with say Little Mac if you know what you're doing.
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Smash Champion
Apr 8, 2019
I think I remember something about the forms being leftover from somewhere now that you mention.

But there’s been plenty of Pokémon I’m sure scrapped and used later. The biggest example we know for sure is Shellos and gastrodon in gen 3.
There was a leak with a bunch of gen 5 pokemon that described a pokemon extremely similar to zygarde. Can't remember if it named it or not but it was definitely zygarde

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Hero sucks *** tho. They rely on RNG and a resource meter, and otherwise are barely a character with how bad their normals are. Like, Hero's neutral relies on a resource meter due to his only good moves for said neutral being uncharged neutral B and level 2 side B. But if the opponent just plays patiently, Hero soon runs out of MP and they're a sitting duck then because they have no air or ground speed, almost every normal move is punishable on block. They have to get a lucky hit in to be back in the game, they're doomed otherwise. Don't get me started on how gimpable their recovery is unless they manage to get Zoom. Their only good OoS is up B so that also relies on MP. And really even a full MP Hero needs to find time to open up the menu in hopes of acceleratle, psych up, bounce or oomph, otherwise they're not a threat. Most of their spells can just be blocked as well, they're pretty telegraphed if you pay attention. The character just isn't good, they scrape wins with luck.
Hey now it takes a LOT of skill to land Bair as Hero


Smash Legend
Dec 5, 2018
There was a leak with a bunch of gen 5 pokemon that described a pokemon extremely similar to zygarde. Can't remember if it named it or not but it was definitely zygarde
I vividly remember that leak way back when, describing every Pokemon from Gen 5 but listing one extra Pokemon that was described as a green and black snake, Considering how out of place Zygarde is in terms of design with other Kalos Pokemon I honestly believe he was in fact a scrapped Generation 5 Pokemon, his design aesthetic matches up with the other mons of that Gen perfectly.
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