So apparently you can get a free year of NSO if you have Amazon Prime. Is it worth it? Like, I can’t think of a single reason to do it. Retro games? Not interested, unless they add DKC. Online play? No thanks. I have better things to do with my life than get creamed in Smash. Like, maybe if they had free MODERN games. Or discounts or something. Idk. It just doesn’t seem worth it to me. And it’s FREE!
I hate modern online services. I’m just sick of subscriptions in general. I’d rather just buy the games I want on their own instead of getting a bunch of stuff I don’t (like seriously, why can’t Xbox Game Pass just be a $60 gift card every month that you can spend however you want. Plus, then you loose access to it if you can’t make the payment one year so even if you do find a good game, you gotta keep up with that bill or it’s gone forever. As opposed to just buying it once and no one can ever take it away. Or the game could just get taken out because of shifting corporate standings. I don’t get it and I don’t get why people like it. This feels like an idea that should have died.)