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Deleted member

Because it's been brought up:

That's probably what I'm gonna do too. I'm gonna replay KoF 94 and get my *** kicked by Rugal once again.
Rugal was one of my first experiences with KoF from the MUGEN days way back. Getting kinda nostalgic thinking about it.

Images are still borked, it seems.
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Smash Champion
Apr 8, 2019
She actually does have a Nintendo source; a brand ambassador at NoA. He’s the guy who shares the images, and the same guy she talked about as far back as last year when she went by PolarPanda, her source mentioning Geno water-cooler talk and Nintendo being surprised by backlash to Isaac’s assist trophy.

Fatmanonice and some others know his identity and stuff, even.

She does seem to love the attention of course, so my guess as to the whole C&D thing, if it’s fake, is part of her wanting attention. I don’t usually like to say stuff like this without even knowing the person, but she does seem to have somewhat of an ego and has been acting sketchy...I know, if it’s real, she has Nintendo on her back, but then she shouldn’t be lying about other leakers and commenting on this stuff in general...
Wait, so we know the specific role this dude has? There can't be that many brand ambassadors, how has Bill Trinen not swooped in and fired this guy?


Meme Maestro
Jul 5, 2014
Switch FC
what if u wanted to post AMA

but smashboards images said

"maybe tomorrow, bub"


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Wait, so we know the specific role this dude has? There can't be that many brand ambassadors, how has Bill Trinen not swooped in and fired this guy?

I guess he’s very good at covering his tracks.

I believe that’s what Fatmanonice said he was; either that or the guy got info from one, but that still involves one anyway. I feel like he said the source was an ambassador, though.
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Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
I wanted to post a gif of Rugal doing genocide cutter but couldn't because of broken images. But I guess a video will suffice instead

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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
What exactly was there to criticize last DLC?

Last game gave 3 veterans back that people wanted.

2 super iconic 3rd party characters, 1 being a 'never ever'

1 promotional pick, which is what you're allowed to complain about

and the ballot pick, which, love her or hate her, I'm on the hate side, she was the community's fault

Besides Corrin, there's nothing to criticize.
Bayo wasn't the community's fault. There were extra files for Ike and ZSS found one week after the ballot started, so that indicates she was likely planned from the very beginning.

Unless Sakurai only looked at the first week's results of the ballot, but even then I doubt Bayo ranked as high as they said she did.

I know it's kind of off-topic here, but I would like to make a short rant about the announcement for the announcement for 9.29, that happened in the Pokemon Anime latest episode (SM 137). Of course, I'm not saying what happened in the episode, it's merely about the announcement.

I keep reminding the peoples, but they don't listen at all. Pokemon Company wouldn't make such an outragerous choice at all. The japanese peoples are not even freaking out 'reboot', at least from what I saw. I don't think it's going to be a reboot.

There are now unironically peoples who hate Ash or want him to go away. He's already the face of the Pokemon anime community, he's not gonna go away, otherwise there will be less popularity.

Literally the same thing about yelling 'REBOOT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!' happened with the first DP and BW trailers because Satoshi was initially not present in the new covers. It's kind of irritating that peoples jump the gun on this.

At most it's going to be a spinoff to the new Sword and Shield anime, probably similar to Chronicles, or adapting Pokemon Masters, or a new movie, whose name was just a placeholder. At most it's just a misunderstanding.

I kind of don't wanna see the reboot, I want to see continuity; if a reboot happens, I might lose interest in the anime. I remember Bakugan anime having a reboot and it kind of wasn't the same afterward.

TL;DR: be patient, wait unill 9.29 instead of saying that it's going to be a proper reboot. It'll be just a spinoff or movie.
Replacing Ash isn't going to change much if the new character ends up being very similar to him already. I don't think they'll replace him though. After 23 years of having him as the protagonist, I can't see them throwing it all away just so they can make some weird Pokemon Master-esque series.

If I had to take a guess, this will probably be more traditional than people think. Ash will likely still travel through Galar, but there might be a twist, like seeing his previous companions going on their own adventures or a second protagonist going through regions we've already explored.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
In an effort to unlock that one spirit soon release, I am playing the DQ11 demo. At least for a bit. I have named my hero Kìlröy. I please request that you use this as his cannon name from hear on out.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I love the support threads but I absolutely see that in certain ones. It's why I like when people are more company fans - most Ace Attorney fans like other Capcom properties, SNK supporters generally enjoy multiple SNK series, etc.

Then you get the Joker thread where we all thought he was literally impossible and just used it as a fun hangout to chat Persona and then-
The Edelgard thread is pretty chill in general with new additions, I'm assuming partially because Fire Emblem's often been on the receiving end of newcomer backlash.
It only gets heated when there are debates about who was right and wrong in Three Houses itself lmao.

Deleted member

Wait, so we know the specific role this dude has? There can't be that many brand ambassadors, how has Bill Trinen not swooped in and fired this guy?
I think brand ambassador as the guys in the bottom pole of the company, people that go to stores to promote the games.
Bayo wasn't the community's fault. There were extra files for Ike and ZSS found one week after the ballot started, so that indicates she was likely planned from the very beginning.

Unless Sakurai only looked at the first week's results of the ballot, but even then I doubt Bayo ranked as high as they said she did.

Replacing Ash isn't going to change much if the new character ends up being very similar to him already. I don't think they'll replace him though. After 23 years of having him as the protagonist, I can't see them throwing it all away just so they can make some weird Pokemon Master-esque series.

If I had to take a guess, this will probably be more traditional than people think. Ash will likely still travel through Galar, but there might be a twist, like seeing his previous companions going on their own adventures or a second protagonist going through regions we've already explored.
Bayo was coming off a highly regarded exclusive that even got GOTY noms, plus a few sites posted her among their top choices for the ballot. I wouldn't say she was the most popular but I wouldn't think Nintendo would promote as the most popular realizable as if it was some kind of conspiracy. Her game was almost a year old by then and really had no reason to promote, so it makes more sense that was popular among a good jumber of people that didn't vote on fanpolls. Edit, plus being planned doesn't means she wasn't popular.
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 26, 2016
Anywhere but here
Wait a minute...


S - Area 51
N - Naruto run
K - Karens
- September 21
- We aliens waiting for you
- With many leaks for smash DLC

Boys, there are aliens in Area 51, and they’ve got all the leaks. It’s been confirmed. Let’s go see them aliens.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Bayo was coming off a highly regarded exclusive that even got GOTY noms, plus a few sites posted her among their top choices for the ballot. I wouldn't say she was the most popular but I wouldn't think Nintendo would promote as the most popular realizable as if it was some kind of conspiracy. Her game was almost a year old by then and really had no reason to promote, so it makes more sense that was popular among a good jumber of people that didn't vote on fanpolls.
I'm sure Bayo did decent on the ballot, but I don't think she was in the top 10 in any region of the world, let alone the top 5.

It's not really a conspiracy theory though. She and Cloud were added in Smash 4's files in April 2015. Corrin came shortly after.



Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2019
I’m perfectly chill with an SNK rep. I think I really underestimated a SamShou or KoF character’s chances. If we are getting either one, I’m interested to see what Sakurai will do for said character.

(It’s a hellva better pick than Overwatch, fight me)


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Wait a minute...


S - Area 51
N - Naruto run
K - Karens
- September 21
- We aliens waiting for you
- With many leaks for smash DLC

Boys, there are aliens in Area 51, and they’ve got all the leaks. It’s been confirmed. Let’s go see them aliens.
They’re holding Geno hostage, so I agree. Les see dem aliens.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
people would be more satisfied with the smash roster if they stopped hanging out in support thread echo chambers and stopped associating themselves so heavily with the characters they want like its some sort of nationality
Me after doing exactly this with K. Rool: Y-Yeah! It's just a game! Don't take character support so seriously!

I would be insufferable if K. Rool wasn't in the game, lord.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 26, 2016
Anywhere but here
Wait a minute...


S - Area 51
N - Naruto run
K - Karens
- September 21
- We aliens waiting for you
- With many leaks for smash DLC

Boys, there are aliens in Area 51, and they’ve got all the leaks. It’s been confirmed. Let’s go see them aliens.

A - Geno
I - Shrek
E - Gamer girls
N - The Meme of all MEMS
S - Solution to Nintendo Switch Online


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
I'm sure Bayo did decent on the ballot, but I don't think she was in the top 10 in any region of the world, let alone the top 5.

It's not really a conspiracy theory though. She and Cloud were added in Smash 4's files in April 2015. Corrin came shortly after.

Kinda sucks that the ballot amounted to nothing in terms of Smash 4 DLC.

Deleted member

I'm sure Bayo did decent on the ballot, but I don't think she was in the top 10 in any region of the world, let alone the top 5.

It's not really a conspiracy theory though. She and Cloud were added in Smash 4's files in April 2015. Corrin came shortly after.
Like I said on the edit, being planned does not exclude popularity. If Bayo wasn't that popular, Nintendo doesn't have any reason to lie about her popularity and I can guarantee you they would have omitted that part on the direct if it wasn't the results.

Deleted member

My guess is Lunatic will be a joke only if you play with NG+ content. Maybe I'll replay Black Eagles with Lunatic at some point without NG+...except that would be an extremely repetitive run considering I put like 75 hours into my first Black Eagles run.

Side note, but I'm getting annoyed at how much some of these units are like, "Ermagherd we have to save Rhea! You miss her too, don't you?" For plot purposes, yes. But the fact that she's allowed to experiment in a similar manner to the slitherers but Edelgard gets **** for taking advantage of them is absurd.

I want to play Blue Lions now because I want to learn more about Duscur (although I know enough I think), and the main characters of that route. But in my heart (yes, it's a game BUT) I don't think I could ever pick a route besides Black Eagles. I'm all about carving your own path, and not waiting for others to do it for you. However, I also find this faith in Rhea to be...unsettling. Like Claude knows it's bull****, but he wants answers for himself and Byleth. Dimitri though? Seems to me like Fhaergus is more like, "Ye, Church is sick bruh"

Granted, I'm also critical of some religious practice irl (not everyone or every sect, but I fundamentally find Rhea's Church to be corrupt). That may contribute to my disdain for it.
I'm playing BL part 2 right now and so far, they don't seem to question the Church at all. Really, I have the same problem with how Rhea and the Church are handled, in that they really aren't questioned outside of BE E and GD to an extent but only BE E actually punishes Rhea for all of her crimes and it's just :/
The Edelgard thread is pretty chill in general with new additions, I'm assuming partially because Fire Emblem's often been on the receiving end of newcomer backlash.
It only gets heated when there are debates about who was right and wrong in Three Houses itself lmao.
why does the suppprt thread get more heated about edelgard than literally every other place


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Kinda sucks that the ballot amounted to nothing in terms of Smash 4 DLC.
Yeah, but it seemed to help many of the characters we got in Ultimate. I doubt K. Rool, Simon, and many of the Echoes would've gotten in without the help of the ballot.

Smash 4 may have not ended on the high note we wanted, but at least the ballot wasn't all for naught.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
I think Bayo would have gone better if they just said something like "she was one of the most popular characters on the ballot." But they showed their hand too much trying to break down the details and then dataminers pulled that string something good.

At the end of the day, she's in, and Ultimate was shaped by the ballot. I'd much rather have characters like :ultkrool:in a game like Ultimate than Smash 4 DLC.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
It was Space War I.

I saw those dang aliens abducting Geno from Squaretendo HQ.

It was that moment, I vowed to save the wooden star boi, using the advanced gear I stole from those fricks. September 20th, he’ll be safe once again. Those aliens don’t stand a chance.


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
Yeah, but it seemed to help many of the characters we got in Ultimate. I doubt K. Rool, Simon, and many of the Echoes would've gotten in without the help of the ballot.

Smash 4 may have not ended on the high note we wanted, but at least the ballot wasn't all for naught.
Yeah, hence why I said “in Smash 4.”


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Lmao I JUST ****ing realized that Terry is the most deserving third party character for Smash as without Terry, we may never have gotten Smash
Can someone pull this interview where Sakurai states King Of Fighters was an inspiration for Smash? I keep hearing it but I haven't seen it myself.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2019
Smash 4 may have not ended on the high note we wanted, but at least the ballot wasn't all for naught.
Speak for yourself. I thought Ryu, Cloud, and Bayonetta, in spite of her brokenness back then, were awesome picks, and still are.
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