The Wild Area part looked very promising, hopefully it's something that spans the entire region and not just one enclosed area, if so then that's exactly the kind of stuff that I've always wanted to see from a console Pokémon game. The Co-op battle thing looked neat, but I'm unsure of the replayability of it, and Dynamax looked meh, it's visually striking but doesn't seem that exciting mechanically.
Pleasantly surprised by the designs, didn't really care for the flower thing, but the turtle and raven looked ace, and the sheep is so fluffy. I wish the wolves had different color palettes at least, but I did like the shield one, the sword one is a bit silly imo. Pretty cool to see James Turner make the jump to lead Pokémon designer or w/e his important title was, it's not often you see westerners succeed like that at a Japanese developer.
I'm cautiously optimistic for now, hopefully we get just a bit more information at E3, even if it's just a few designs.