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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
You know what they say about taking things out of context...



Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
smh at the people saying Monster Hunter would be boring. It's a character with 17 weapon types, barrel bombs, and capture traps. It's the opposite of boring to me.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
The "leak" was answering the OP's question and followed their rules, another post in the same thread listed off characters as well. They just wanted to say who their real most-wanted still were when ignoring the non-Nintendo idea the OP had.

I really think it's only being seen as a leak because it was taken without context and now "leak hype" is going around.
papagenos lookin like a clown right now


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
smh at the people saying Monster Hunter would be boring. It's a character with 17 weapon types, barrel bombs, and capture traps. It's the opposite of boring to me.
imagine saying you're never asking anything from sakurai again because :ultbanjokazooie: and then you ask for something instead of monster hunter because it isnt what you wanted even though you just said you got everything you wanted


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
I think, if this is a legit leak, it's a pretty simple and honestly somewhat clever idea to post a wishlist composing of the actual DLC. I don't think being presented as a wishlist precludes this from being a legitimate leak.
The wish list wasn't the OP, though, the wish list was answering the OP. Sure, it could've been a leak, but then another post in the same thread must be included as a potential leak as well, along with characters a lot of other people want in their wish lists.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
smh at the people saying Monster Hunter would be boring. It's a character with 17 weapon types, barrel bombs, and capture traps. It's the opposite of boring to me.
I don't know about boring, but my main experience with Monster Hunter is Tri on the Wii (where there are seven weapons, most of them are giant and slow versions of standard melee weapons, and three of them are swords), so I don't find them as interesting to play as (from what I've seen) compared to someone like Dante, Amaterasu, Leon Kennedy (or another Resident Evil protagonist; I'm mainly familiar with RE4), Viewtiful Joe, or Phoenix Wright (who's well behind those other Capcom characters in my perspective, but if Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is any indication, he'd be entertaining to watch, at least).

Then again, I never figured out how to properly use capture traps (or I didn't get far enough in the game to unlock them, I can't remember), so maybe that (or playing another game in the series) would make a difference.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 25, 2018
smh at the people saying Monster Hunter would be boring. It's a character with 17 weapon types, barrel bombs, and capture traps. It's the opposite of boring to me.
It's because, for some odd reason, moveset is the last thing people focus on when it comes to newcomers.


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
too late, for you have invoked Her name and she cares not which kasumi was invoked

View attachment 232866
I'll come around, give it 5 years.

Here's the thing, though...

3, 8, and 11 I completely get

But wouldn't they have mentioned 5 instead of 4 assuming that one's the more popular pick?

4 was just an overall weird choice compared to the other three, all things considered. Don't think he's as popular as them.

And if they were thinking that only one would be chosen, you're technically no longer limited by 5's weapon of choice getting in the way.
Well, his game still sold really well in Japan as usual, including the various remakes. Even spin-offs and future cameos from characters in other games came about later. It's mostly a lack of people knowing him overall.

smh at the people saying Monster Hunter would be boring. It's a character with 17 weapon types, barrel bombs, and capture traps. It's the opposite of boring to me.
That's what people say when they don't know a character.


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
I don't know about boring, but my main experience with Monster Hunter is Tri on the Wii (where there are seven weapons, most of them are giant and slow versions of standard melee weapons, and three of them are swords), so I don't find them as interesting to play as (from what I've seen) compared to someone like Dante, Amaterasu, Leon Kennedy (or another Resident Evil protagonist; I'm mainly familiar with RE4), Viewtiful Joe, or Phoenix Wright (who's well behind those other Capcom characters in my perspective, but if Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is any indication, he'd be entertaining to watch, at least).

Then again, I never figured out how to properly use capture traps (or I didn't get far enough in the game to unlock them, I can't remember), so maybe that (or playing another game in the series) would make a difference.
If you want fast weapons then there's the dual blades with their fast action slicing n dicing, or the insect glaive which makes you jump like a wild monkey and start slashing monsters. Fast or slow, close range or long range, Monster Hunter has a wide range of weaponry that makes the character fun to play. You have a lot of options to fight with and the character never feels limiting.
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Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
smh at the people saying Monster Hunter would be boring. It's a character with 17 weapon types, barrel bombs, and capture traps. It's the opposite of boring to me.
It might be exciting for fans of the series, but for some who are not fans, it's a character whose franchise is represented in the game with a boss and music tracks, and comes across as generic. Perhaps playing the game the Hunter has more character, but that's how it comes across to non-fans. I saw many reactions to Hero's announcement where they laughed and scoffed at the generic title of "Hero". That reaction would be increased tenfold with "Hunter", though in Monster Hunter's defense, I think more in the West recognize that as a series than Dragon Quest.

Again, big disclaimer, I'm apathetic one way or the other, personally. But it's a valid viewpoint and helps to know where it comes from.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I know people usually get caught up with the character itself, but the moveset is what I'm really interested in.

A unique moveset can make me fall in love with a character I didn't even know I wanted (:ultolimar::ultpokemontrainer::ultrosalina:).


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
I know people usually get caught up with the character itself, but the moveset is what I'm really interested in.

A unique moveset can make me fall in love with a character I didn't even know I wanted (:ultolimar::ultpokemontrainer::ultrosalina:).
When it comes to Smash picks, movesets have always been very underlooked.


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
It might be exciting for fans of the series, but for some who are not fans, it's a character whose franchise is represented in the game with a boss and music tracks, and comes across as generic. Perhaps playing the game the Hunter has more character, but that's how it comes across to non-fans. I saw many reactions to Hero's announcement where they laughed and scoffed at the generic title of "Hero". That reaction would be increased tenfold with "Hunter", though in Monster Hunter's defense, I think more in the West recognize that as a series than Dragon Quest.

Again, big disclaimer, I'm apathetic one way or the other, personally. But it's a valid viewpoint and helps to know where it comes from.
To be fair, a lot of these complaints usually go away once the character arrives and people find the moveset fun. And besides, Smash isn't new to introducing people to franchises they never played. If people started accepting Dragon Quest in Smash then why wouldn't the same happen to Monster Hunter? After World got released I'd say the franchise is even more popular than Dragon Quest in the West. It's a series with a long Nintendo history and Monster Hunter World is the highest selling Capcom game of all time. Even if the series already has content in Smash with Rathalos, a playable character is far more important than any other content in the game, and it's the thing that people focus on when it comes to Smash.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2019
I don't think Monster Hunter as a character would be boring lmao. Don't know where people got that notion.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
I know people usually get caught up with the character itself, but the moveset is what I'm really interested in.

A unique moveset can make me fall in love with a character I didn't even know I wanted (:ultolimar::ultpokemontrainer::ultrosalina:).
I think it's important to make a distinction between pre-hype and post-hype. Any character with little pre-hype can have a massive potential for post-hype if the moveset is good enough.

For me, I don't want to primarily focus on either character *or* moveset. I feel like the best characters are a good balance of both--and I can name a dozen characters, from Capcom even, that I think has better character and moveset potential, and isn't already represented in the game in some form. If it ends up being true, I can simultaneously be happy for the fans, while being personally underwhelmed. I had already checked by expectations.


To be fair, a lot of these complaints usually go away once the character arrives and people find the moveset fun. And besides, Smash isn't new to introducing people to franchises they never played. If people started accepting Dragon Quest in Smash then why wouldn't the same happen to Monster Hunter? After World got released I'd say the franchise is even more popular than Dragon Quest in the West. It's a series with a long Nintendo history and Monster Hunter World is the highest selling Capcom game of all time. Even if the series already has content in Smash with Rathalos, a playable character is far more important than any other content in the game, and it's the thing that people focus on when it comes to Smash.
Agreed, which is why I make a distinction between pre-hype and post-hype. But I feel it's perfectly okay for people to be honest about their pre-hype, so long as they give the character a chance.

As for playable character being far more important--I feel like that's how fans feel, but not how Sakurai looks at it. I think, given everything we've heard from him, he views playable characters, stages/bosses, assist trophies all as valid representations, and tries to represent each franchise and character appropriately. It's why I can see this going either way for Monster Hunter. I'd be skeptical since there's content already in the game and think expectations should be checked appropriately, but in terms of the *content* of the rumor, I don't see any red flags myself, and it's the most predictive 4chan rumor I have seen to date.
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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
“Too many swordfighters”, as I have said in the past, is a surface level critique.

:ultcloud::ultcorrin::ultcorrinf::ultike::ulthero::ultmarth::ultlucina::ultlink::ultjoker::ultrobin::ultmetaknight::ulttoonlink::ultyounglink::ultrobinf::ultswordfighter::ultchrom::ultroy:...all of them user swords or blades as a central part of their move set. However, you literally cannot play them the same way as one another. That’s the most important part in a fighting game.

The weapon a character uses hardly matters. It’s how they use it. Sure, you can only swing a sword so many ways, but there’s also only so many ways you can swing your arms and legs.
:ultfalcon::ultbanjokazooie::ultdiddy::ultdk::ultdoc::ultfalco::ultfox::ultganondorf::ultincineroar::ultkrool::ultkirby::ultlittlemac::ultlucario::ultmario::ultluigi::ultmiifighters::ultbrawler::ultryu::ultken::ultwario::ultsheik::ultyoshi::ultwolf::ultbayonetta:...all use their arms and legs for most attacks.

There’s so much more to Smash than the weapon the character uses. Robin might use a sword alongside his magic, but his sword usage even necessarily the most important part. He can apply pressure to his opponent with thunder, arcfire, and nosferatu through shields. He can even use his discarded sword as an additional projectile, and can use his several projectiles for stage control.

I could keep going, but I believe I’ve made my point.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
I think that leak was more of a wishlist or even a prediction than an actual leak that was a lucky guess so far. I mean, it wasn't even in the OP as someone else said, and was more of a response, if I am not mistaken.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2019
“Too many swordfighters”, as I have said in the past, is a surface level critique.

:ultcloud::ultcorrin::ultcorrinf::ultike::ulthero::ultmarth::ultlucina::ultlink::ultjoker::ultrobin::ultmetaknight::ulttoonlink::ultyounglink::ultrobinf::ultswordfighter::ultchrom::ultroy:...all of them user swords or blades as a central part of their move set. However, you literally cannot play them the same way as one another. That’s the most important part in a fighting game.

The weapon a character uses hardly matters. It’s how they use it. Sure, you can only swing a sword so many ways, but there’s also only so many ways you can swing your arms and legs.
:ultfalcon::ultbanjokazooie::ultdiddy::ultdk::ultdoc::ultfalco::ultfox::ultganondorf::ultincineroar::ultkrool::ultkirby::ultlittlemac::ultlucario::ultmario::ultluigi::ultmiifighters::ultbrawler::ultryu::ultken::ultwario::ultsheik::ultyoshi::ultwolf::ultbayonetta:...all use their arms and legs for most attacks.

There’s so much more to Smash than the weapon the character uses. Robin might use a sword alongside his magic, but his sword usage even necessarily the most important part. He can apply pressure to his opponent with thunder, arcfire, and nosferatu through shields. He can even use his discarded sword as an additional projectile, and can use his several projectiles for stage control.

I could keep going, but I believe I’ve made my point.
The whole "Anime Sword Man Bad" mentality has to be one of the dumbest "arguments" (Read: Straw Mentality) I've ever seen this community come up with.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
I think the fact that most of the swordfighters are humanoid with similar builds and swords (still no katanas in sight) is part of the pushback. Also the fact that they hold a sword in their idle pose can mean their animations and whatnot don’t stand out as much.

If you had characters like Dante or Hayabusa, who use swords but don’t default to them, I don’t think there would be much outcry.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
There’s so much more to Smash than the weapon the character uses. Robin might use a sword alongside his magic, but his sword usage even necessarily the most important part. He can apply pressure to his opponent with thunder, arcfire, and nosferatu through shields. He can even use his discarded sword as an additional projectile, and can use his several projectiles for stage control.

I could keep going, but I believe I’ve made my point.
You kind of explained why I'm not too fond of swords toward the end there a little bit.

Yes, most of the swordfighters play nothing like each other, but the specials are usually what really make them play different. Take those away and then you really do have a certain type of character who plays very similar to anyone else with the same weapon That problem exists with characters who fight with their hands and feet too, but it's not nearly as bad. Punches, chops, slaps, kicks, and leg sweeps offer more variety than swinging a sword a certain direction.

I just want more swordfighters handled like Corrin, where both the specials and the standard moves are really unique compared to the rest of the cast.
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Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
“Too many swordfighters”, as I have said in the past, is a surface level critique.

:ultcloud::ultcorrin::ultcorrinf::ultike::ulthero::ultmarth::ultlucina::ultlink::ultjoker::ultrobin::ultmetaknight::ulttoonlink::ultyounglink::ultrobinf::ultswordfighter::ultchrom::ultroy:...all of them user swords or blades as a central part of their move set. However, you literally cannot play them the same way as one another. That’s the most important part in a fighting game.

The weapon a character uses hardly matters. It’s how they use it. Sure, you can only swing a sword so many ways, but there’s also only so many ways you can swing your arms and legs.
:ultfalcon::ultbanjokazooie::ultdiddy::ultdk::ultdoc::ultfalco::ultfox::ultganondorf::ultincineroar::ultkrool::ultkirby::ultlittlemac::ultlucario::ultmario::ultluigi::ultmiifighters::ultbrawler::ultryu::ultken::ultwario::ultsheik::ultyoshi::ultwolf::ultbayonetta:...all use their arms and legs for most attacks.

There’s so much more to Smash than the weapon the character uses. Robin might use a sword alongside his magic, but his sword usage even necessarily the most important part. He can apply pressure to his opponent with thunder, arcfire, and nosferatu through shields. He can even use his discarded sword as an additional projectile, and can use his several projectiles for stage control.

I could keep going, but I believe I’ve made my point.
The whole "Anime Sword Man Bad" mentality has to be one of the dumbest "arguments" (Read: Straw Mentality) I've ever seen this community come up with.
Can we argue our points for our positions, while not dismissing someone else's? Yes, to a hardcore Smash player who can use terms like "forward smash" and "back aerial", you can notice the nuance in the sword characters. But to a casual player, who has no experience with the character previously, they become essentially interchangeable. I can't tell most FH characters apart, despite having as much exposure to them now as I have.

That being said, I would agree that people shouldn't be *surprised* at more sword characters. Swordfighter is one of three character classes represented by the Mii Fighters, and invariably future characters are going to fall into one of those categories. The onus is on the game devs to make them as unique as possible, and it's perfectly okay for people to say, for them personally, that hasn't been the case with many sword characters and have become ambivalent to them in the process.
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
About this supposed leak, I'd say it's gotten enough right that I can't outright dismiss it but that policy had me holding onto that Gardevoir leak for a while.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
It's not that uncommon for someone to use upcoming info to make their leak seem real. Remember that one leak that mentioned Joker and Mementos, only to end up being fake in the end?
Yeah and the guy we got would probably mess his pants if he ever saw Batman.


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2018
over dere
Switch FC
I think some of the pushback against swordfighters might stem in part from a frequently shared aesthetic - like it doesn't help that we've got three different incarnations of the same character or various characters who all have blue hair and a cape. It also probably doesn't help that the sword fighters (naturally I suppose, as you don't get many people waving them about today) tend towards a medieval or ye olde style - which is why I feel like a Dante or a Travis would be a welcome edition


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I think some of the pushback against swordfighters might stem in part from a frequently shared aesthetic - like it doesn't help that we've got three different incarnations of the same character or various characters who all have blue hair and a cape. It also probably doesn't help that the sword fighters (naturally I suppose, as you don't get many people waving them about today) tend towards a medieval or ye olde style - which is why I feel like a Dante or a Travis would be a welcome edition
I can agree with that to an extent. Meta Knight doesn't bother me as much, and that's because he's really different from the other swordfighters. Specials aside, him being super small and having the ability to fly with bat wings makes him stand out from the rest of the pack.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
like it doesn't help that we've got three different incarnations of the same character or various characters who all have blue hair and a cape
you just gonna diss marth's family for their genes like that?


Hipster Heavyweight Champ
Jul 3, 2014
This game has not disappointed me yet. Reminds me of GBA FE and I love it.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 25, 2018
So, on the topic of Capcom reps, can someone explain to me what the appeal of an RE character would be? I'm not familiar at all with the series, so all I see is "has gun". And say what you want about there being only so many ways to swing a sword, but there's really only one way to shoot a gun


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2019
I just don't take the shade toward characters with a sword seriously anymore. I think that almost all of the characters thar weild a sword or blade are uniqe and bring something special, and I think the same can be possible for almost any character regardless of how they fight. You don't like swords? Cool, whatever. But I'll say this; don't come crying to me about it, espically if it happens to be a character I like, because I'm not going to care.
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