I stayed away from this board for a day just to give me some time to cool off.
Honestly, I didn't know it was a joke, especially since Ryan posted it because he really hates me in real life. I took it as an attempt to be mean on a large scale rather than to be funny. I guess I just didn't understand. I don't understand Smash humor very well.
You probably caught me on one the worst days possible. I hope everyone understands why I reacted the way I did, and I hope they forgive me. I know my situation wasn't an excuse to act the way I did, so I'm sorry for what I said.
I understand why I brought all of this upon myself though:
After 0C2, my old car exploded on the freeway. Since then, I've had nothing better to do than to stay home and spam the boards with BS out of boredom. It's no wonder people started disliking me. I'm not saying having hard situations in life is an excuse for my actions, but what happened happened.
People have been telling me to stop posting my opinions on the PR and to stop taking everything so seriously. Since then, I have completely stopped with those posts and I've been nicer to people at tournaments and I've just been enjoying it more. Everyone who told me to "caallllmmm down" was right. So I thought everything was cool again, I thought I was doing a good job by staying out of the PR discussion and being nicer at tournaments but I guess it was too late.
I guess I owe everyone a big apology for overreacting AGAIN. Haha. The timing was just soooooo bad........... you couldn't have picked a worse time to post this........ but what happened happened already. It's not important. I forgive you.