Ryan's just mad because the last 2 tournaments he faced me, I beat him. Most noticable was when he went Jiggs in a 21 minute match and tried to run out the clock, but still lost (while he was ahead) Ever since then, he's been mad at me. He was soooo mad when I beat him that he deleted me from My Space. I didn't know that match was so important to him. Then he started talking sh** to Gimpy, realized that everyone likes him, and deleted all his trash talk, only to realize that I had quoted his trash talk so he couldn't destroy all the evidence of his misbehavior. So it makes sense that Ryan's mad.
I love when I beat him, how he was CRYING on the phone to Fabian saying "he pulled out 4 stitch faces and 2 bombs in one match." Grown men don't cry. So call me the worst smasher if you want. But I'll always be known as the guy who made Ryan cry during a tournament.
Today is October 3rd. It is exactly one year ago today that my best friend died. Nice timing Ryan. God has a special place in Hell for you.